Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 192: Photos of coding


Gu Nianzhi waited for a long time, but when Mei Xiawen still didn't speak, he planned to hang up the phone, "That's it. Monitor, I will send the necklace you gave me back to you. Thank you for taking care of me in the past two years. With great love, I wish you a bright future."

Mei Xiawen came back to her senses and said quietly: "Nianzhi, because we have known each other for two years, and because I am sincere to you, do you want to say goodbye to me on the phone?"

Gu Nianzhi: "..."

"Nianzhi, you and I have been classmates for two years. Don't you know what kind of person I am?" Mei Xiawen's voice deepened, with a sober and rational smile on his face.

Gu Nianzhi thought to himself, I really don't know what kind of person you are, otherwise why would you say you want to wait for me while getting entangled with Jiang Hongcha

She believed what Jiang Hongcha said 80%, and 20% doubted its validity because she had not seen any substantial evidence.

"Okay, Nianzhi, since you don't want to be with me, I won't force you. I, Mei Xiawen, am not sorry for you, but I am not a stalker either." Mei Xiawen lay on her back on the sofa and put the Putting his legs on the coffee table, he lit a cigarette and exhaled, "However, because you are coming back soon, and it is Christmas Eve, I have already contacted my college classmates and planned to hold a grand party for you. Take the wind and wash away the dust.”

"No need." Gu Nianzhi declined hastily, "You can play by yourself, I have something else to do."

"Think of it, we can't be lovers, but we can always be friends, right?" Mei Xiawen looked at the relief of the little angel on the ceiling intently, "I sent an invitation, saying that I was here to pick you up and wash away the dust, and didn't say anything else at all. Don’t you want to deny me the favor?”

Gu Nianzhi frowned and said nothing, not knowing how to refuse him.

But Mei Xiawen gave her no room to refuse, "Nianzhi, to be honest, I want to come to the Imperial Capital to study for graduate school because of you, and I have convinced my family to open a new company in the Imperial Capital just to accompany you to school. You don't want to be with me now?" Together, I understand. But don’t be so heartless, okay? Just think of it as a reunion of old classmates. Your dormitory classmates will all come. If you don’t believe me, just ask them. Green Tea Fang, Enchantress, and Empress Cao all bought their tickets. Come to the Imperial Capital from City C."

"Oh? Are they going too?" Gu Nianzhi was a little tempted, but she was also cautious and did not want to be made a fait accompli by Mei Xiawen, so she reminded him: "It's okay if you want me to come, but you can't act like a monster at the party. "

"What kind of tricks would I do?" Mei Xiawen smiled and shook his head, "Do you think I'm so shameless? I know you will refuse, but I'm asking for trouble?"

He knew that Gu Nianzhi's temperament was not the kind of person who would compromise just for the sake of face.

Maybe it's because she is still young, but maybe it's because she has never been wronged since she was a child

Mei Xiawen felt vaguely that something was wrong, but he didn't think deeply about it.

At this moment, all he had to do was take care of Nianzhi and come to the party.

The invitations have been sent out, the special party hosting center has been contacted, and the deposit has been paid, but he doesn't want to cancel.

He cannot lose face in front of his classmates.

What's more, the classmates he invited this time were all upper-class people whose families were either rich or noble. They were not classmates from common people in the class, except for Gu Nianzhi.

"Okay, monitor, I will trust you just once." Gu Nianzhi nodded, "Give me your address and I will go there then."

Her flight was from Washington, D.C., to City C, and Gu Nianzhi planned to transfer directly to the capital at C City International Airport.

Mei Xiawen snapped her fingers and a satisfied smile appeared on her face, "What a good classmate. I'll send you the address. See you on Christmas Eve! You don't need to bring any gifts, just return the necklace to me."

Gu Nianzhi didn't want what he wanted, so he agreed repeatedly before hanging up the phone.

She stretched contentedly and continued her work.

After a busy day, she returned to her apartment and contacted her former dormitory classmates Green Tea Fang, Enchantress and Cao Niangniang.

"Hello, three sisters!" Gu Nianzhi waved hello to them in the video, smiling and blowing kisses to everyone, "Do you miss me?!"

"Of course!" Green Tea Fang, Enchantress and Empress Cao were extremely happy. "Are you coming back soon? Let's meet in the capital? The squad leader held a grand party in the capital and said he would help you clean up your dust!"

Gu Nianzhi saw that what they said was right with what Mei Xiawen said, and the other half felt relieved.

As long as her three roommates are here, she can't suffer.

During dinner in the evening, Gu Nianzhi also told Zhao Liangze that he was going to the capital to reunite with his classmates after returning to China.

When Zhao Liangze heard that it was Mei Xiawen who was responsible for this, he thought to himself, "Isn't he still determined to give up?"

"No, I made it clear to him. Although he is unhappy, he is not unreasonable after all." Gu Nianzhi carefully asked Zhao Liangze for his opinion, "Brother Ozawa, actually speaking, I have something wrong with me. I really shouldn’t have been impulsive and agreed to his six-month appointment. Now, although they broke up, but... "

"Nianzhi, don't blame yourself. You are not wrong at all in this matter." Zhao Liangze hurriedly comforted her, "Don't say you can get divorced after getting married, real boyfriends and girlfriends can also break up. You and him have nothing in common. Hey, what's the point of saying who's sorry for who?! Why should he? Just because he has a longer face than others?"

Gu Nianzhi couldn't help but laugh, "Brother Ozawa, I didn't expect you to have a sharp tongue."

"I have a venomous tongue? Then you didn't hear Mr. Huo speak with a venomous tongue." Zhao Liangze clicked his tongue twice and said, "Okay, if you want to have a party with your classmates, you can go. We can sit up straight and sit upright. Don't be afraid."

Although Zhao Liangze said there was no need to be afraid, he still made complete preparations for Gu Nianzhi.

The night before returning to China, Zhao Liangze called Gu Nianzhi to his room and said to her mysteriously: "Nianzhi, I will show you some photos, but you have to swear that you will not let Mr. Huo know that I showed them to you. ."

"What kind of photo?" Gu Nianzhi was very curious, but still said honestly, "If Mr. Huo asks, I will not lie to him."

Zhao Liangze rolled his eyes, "Are you going to be so obedient? I'm risking my life for your sake, and I won't give you any face at all?"

"Brother Ozawa!" Gu Nianzhi hugged Zhao Liangze's arm and swung it hard, and said in a long and coquettish voice: "You know that I listen to Mr. Huo most. I promise that as long as Mr. Huo doesn't ask, I won't say anything!"

Zhao Liangze looked at her sideways and said, "Swear."

"I swear, if I take the initiative, I..."

Before Gu Nianzhi finished speaking, Zhao Liangze couldn't bear it anymore, "Okay, okay, I believe you. Because this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Huo, I'm telling you this."

Zhao Liangze said, opening the folder where he kept the bed photos of Mei Xiawen and Jiang Hongcha.

These photos are not the ones they sent someone to take, but the photos in Jiang Hongcha’s own mobile phone cloud account, all taken by Jiang Hongcha himself.

Each photo has been photoshopped to make herself look beautiful.

However, these beautiful pictures have been restored to their original appearance by Zhao Liangze, a computer expert.

In order not to "poison" Gu Nianzhi's eyes, Zhao Liangze coded all the key parts.

Gu Nianzhi stared at the photos dumbfounded, then quickly covered his eyes and stamped his feet: "Brother Ozawa! Why are you showing me such photos?! Are you deliberately trying to make me grow a needle eye?!"

"I've already coded it, why did it get needle holes?" Zhao Liangze hurriedly closed the folder, "But it really doesn't look good. After the beautiful pictures, it was okay, but after I restored it, it looked disgusting."

"You actually looked carefully?!" Gu Nianzhi covered his eyes with one hand, stretched out his other hand, grabbed Zhao Liangze's arm, and twisted it hard.

Zhao Liangze looks tall and handsome, but in fact his body is full of lean and hard muscles.

Gu Nianzhi twisted his fingers until he had a headache, so he quickly let go and pushed Zhao Liangze, "Brother Xiaoze, you are so mean."

Zhao Liangze chuckled and handed an envelope to her: "Take it, if something goes wrong with Mei Xiawen, you should treat these photos in front of your classmates and throw these photos in his and his mistress's faces!"

Gu Nianzhi glanced at it and saw that there were no pictures on Zhao Liangze's computer screen. Then he opened his eyes, took the envelope from Zhao Liangze's hand, and said with a flattering look: "Brother Xiaoze is so thoughtful!"

With these amulets, she really didn't have to worry about anything going wrong at the party.

I packed everything up at night, and before going to bed, He Zhichu called me.

In the past two months, He Zhichu had very little contact with her. Most of the time he contacted her through email and rarely made phone calls.

When Gu Nianzhi picked up the phone, he felt that He Zhichu's voice was a little strange.

However, He Zhichu said a few words and soon became familiar with each other.

"Nianzhi, have everything been packed?" He Zhichu was sitting in the professor's dormitory of University B in the capital of the Chinese Empire, talking to Gu Nianzhi with headphones on while working.

"It's packed. Thank you Professor He for your hospitality. I will return to China tomorrow." Gu Nianzhi said politely.

This is how it is between people. The more polite they are, the stranger the relationship between two people will be.

He Zhichu felt panicked, but he didn't show it. Instead, he nodded lightly and said, "Have a good trip."

"Well, thank you Professor He." Gu Nianzhi said goodbye politely and hung up the phone.

Gu Nianzhi couldn't sleep at this time, remembering that Huo Shao's mission should have ended long ago, right

She remembered that the last time Zhao Liangze said it was around December 17th or 18th, today was already the 22nd.

She hesitated for a while and fiddled with her phone for a long time. Finally, she mustered up the courage to call Huo Shaoheng.

The bell over there rang for a long time, but still no one answered.

Gu Nianzhi breathed a sigh of relief and quickly hung up the phone.

It was fine if no one answered, but even if someone answered, she would hang up the phone immediately.

For her, now that she understands her feelings, she is becoming less and less courageous. She doesn't dare to play with all kinds of tricks like before, and just wants to get closer to him.

Gu Nianzhi had something on her mind at night and tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

I got up at five o'clock the next morning and went to the airport with Zhao Liangze.

The two people packed large and small bags and checked four large boxes before transporting all the luggage.

Seeing that Gu Nianzhi's eyes were turning black again, Zhao Liangze smiled and asked her, "Too happy that you can't sleep?"

Gu Nianzhi nodded, "Well, I am indeed very excited, but I can sleep on the plane."

It takes twelve to fourteen hours to fly back to the Chinese Empire from the United States. It's really boring. You can sleep all the way back.

He Zhichu bought Gu Nianzhi a first-class ticket, and Zhao Liangze reimbursed the travel expenses. It was originally business class, but after he said a few words to the flight attendant with a handsome face, the flight attendant took the initiative to upgrade him for free. He was transferred to first class.

Gu Nianzhi watched Zhao Liangze walk to the seat opposite her triumphantly and sat down, and asked in surprise: "... Did you make up the air ticket yourself?"

"...I'll brush my face." Zhao Liangze touched his face and gave Gu Nianzhi a wink.

Gu Nianzhi made a disgusting look, and then fell asleep happily.

With Zhao Liangze beside her, she slept very peacefully.

There was no talking all the way, and she really slept for ten hours before waking up.

Zhao Liangze was also sleeping. Under the dim light, his face was clear and handsome. Gu Nianzhi saw several flight attendants coming over from time to time to cover Zhao Liangze with blankets...

Gu Nianzhi smiled secretly, took out the facial mask from his backpack and applied it.

She will get off the plane in two hours, and she wants to pack up beautifully and go back to her country to meet her friends.

Zhao Liangze woke up and opened his eyes to see a pale woman sitting opposite him. He was startled, but soon realized that it was Gu Nianzhi making a facial mask.

"You, do you make a facial mask on the plane?" Zhao Liangze sneered, "Having been in the United States for half a year, the poor are much more sophisticated."

"I used to be less than 18 years old, and I was still a tender and tender minor. Now that I am older and an adult, of course I need to take more care of myself!" Gu Nianzhi said confidently, letting Zhao Liangze, who will turn 26 after the New Year, I was almost so depressed that I vomited blood.

"Be careful. Don't mention your age in front of men, especially old men." Zhao Liangze wanted to glare at Gu Nianzhi, "My current one is the most popular! I am a combination of an old man and a young man!"

Gu Nianzhi laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up, "Hey! My mask! Brother Ozawa, please stop talking, my mask is about to fall off!"

Seeing her smiling happily, Zhao Liangze couldn't help but laugh. He stretched out his long legs and kicked her, "Is it okay for you to go to the capital alone? I just received news from Nobita that he has a mission back."

He has been miserable in the United States for the past few months, and he can't wait to return to the station to show off his talents.

Gu Nianzhi nodded hurriedly, "No problem. I will stay in the capital for one night and I will fly back the next day."

Finally returning to his own territory, Zhao Liangze contacted people in the capital and asked them to help keep an eye on Gu Nianzhi, and then he returned to his base with peace of mind.

After the two of them got off the plane, Gu Nianzhi would transfer directly to the airport and go to the capital.

Zhao Liangze returned to the station with his luggage.

The two separated at the airport. Gu Nianzhi glanced at Zhao Liangze again, "Brother Ozawa, do you have any news about Mr. Huo?"

"Not yet." Zhao Liangze touched her head, "She should be out soon. We will pick you up when you come back tomorrow."

Gu Nianzhi nodded and dragged his cherry blossom pink suitcase onto the plane to the capital.

The plane back to City C from the United States arrived at around 11 a.m., and it took her an hour to clear customs and collect her luggage before boarding the plane to the capital.

Three hours later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Nianzhi came out of the Capital Airport, took a taxi, and headed to the address Mei Xiawen gave her.

Mei Xiawen's address is within the third ring road of the capital, which is also a good location.


This is the second update with two updates combined into one with 4,000 words, including monthly pass of 5,300 for additional updates.

It's the end of the month. Please vote for the Major General with your monthly votes and recommendation votes!

O(∩_∩)O~. (To be continued.)