Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 197: Come in


Celebrate New Year…

From Christmas to New Year, there is at least one week left.

So she will spend a whole week with Mr. Huo? !

Happiness came so quickly that she was a little uncomfortable with it.

Gu Nianzhi's palms gradually began to sweat, and when they fell into Huo Shaoheng's dry and warm hands, they quickly disappeared, as if they had seeped into his palms.

Gu Nianzhi was secretly happy for this discovery in his heart, it was like a ritual, declaring belonging.

She quietly turned her little hand in Huo Shaoheng's palm. When the palm of her hand became sweatier, she quietly turned it over and closed it tightly with Huo Shaoheng's palm, letting the sweat in her palm seep into his palm.

Huo Shaoheng calmly let her play with her. Sometimes when her palms were not close enough, he would deliberately cooperate with her and try to stretch his palms so that their palms could meet.

Gu Nianzhi played this little game over and over again, gradually getting involved in it and enjoying himself, almost forgetting his previous warning to stay away from Huo Shaoheng.

She almost lost track of time while playing. When she looked up again, the motorcade had stopped at the entrance of the community.

Turning his eyes subconsciously, he happened to see Huo Shaoheng looking at her quietly, half-smiling but not smiling, and then his eyes moved to the palms of their hands.

It was obviously Huo Shaoheng who took the initiative to hold Gu Nianzhi's hand to warm hers, but Gu Nianzhi had something in his heart and his heart beat like a drum immediately, fearing that Huo Shaoheng would see her hidden thoughts.

She suddenly felt that Huo Shaoheng's palm was as hot as a soldering iron. She quickly took her hand out of Huo Shaoheng's palm, moved far away, sat on the other side of the car, and turned to look out the window.

The crimson rouge color spread from her cheeks to her tender white earlobes.

The car they were in also stopped.

Of course there is a security check at the entrance to the community.

After checking the pass and officer ID, the soldiers standing guard in the community came out to salute Huo Shaoheng: "Hello, chief!"

The car window slowly lowered, Huo Shaoheng sat in the car and nodded lightly to them and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The soldier's face turned red with excitement, "Commander, please!"

He turned around and ran back to his post, pressing the button to raise the crossbar blocking the intersection.

Huo Shaoheng's motorcade slowly drove in.

He wanted to go home to visit relatives. After his guards, orderlies and life secretary sent him home, he would return to the headquarters of the Sixth Military Region Special Operations Division in the Imperial Capital.

The car was already warm. Gu Nianzhi was sitting on the other side of the car. The blush on her face had not faded. She did not dare to turn back to face Huo Shaoheng, so she could only turn her head to look out the window as much as possible, silently remembering the path they had taken.

Roads extend in all directions in the community, and sycamore trees that have lost all their leaves are planted beside the roads.

The snow was still falling, but there was no snow on the road.

Gu Nianzhi leaned his head against the car window with some confusion, looking at this seemingly inconspicuous road with great confusion.

Obviously the snow on the roadside has almost covered the insteps, but there is no snow on the road at all, and it is not because anyone is cleaning it.

Gu Nianzhi followed the car lights and saw clearly that the snow disappeared without a trace as soon as it fell on the road.

Huo Shaoheng sat at the other end of the back seat with his arms folded, not gnawing, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Zhao Liangze turned around and chatted to Gu Nianzhi: "Nianzhi, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at this road. It seems strange. The snow doesn't accumulate on it." Gu Nianzhi said curiously.

Zhao Liangze laughed loudly and pointed at the road outside the car window and shook his finger: "There is a self-heating device under the road. Of course the snow will melt when it falls on it. How nice. There is no need to clear the snow or worry about blocking the road. transportation."

But how much energy does this require? !

Gu Nianzhi suddenly had a new understanding of the grandeur of this community.

If there were self-heating devices buried under even the passing roads, she wouldn't need to think too much about how complete the facilities of the entire community were and what the quality of the people living there were.

Gu Nianzhi sat up straighter uncomfortably, feeling a little worried that she would embarrass Mr. Huo...

She glanced at Huo Shaoheng and saw that his eyes were half-closed, with thick black long eyelashes blocking his eyes, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

His always indifferent expression made even a professional psychologist unable to discern his hidden thoughts.

Shenma's micro-expression interpretation and subconscious judgment are not applicable to him.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the convoy to stop, and it should have arrived.

Gu Nianzhi was even more nervous, and she even stretched out her hands to smooth her long hair.

Everyone in the car glanced at her, but no one spoke.

Yin Shixiong opened the door first and got out of the car, then came out and opened the door for Huo Shaoheng.

Huo Shaoheng bent down and got out of the car, then turned slightly and stood next to the car door.

When Gu Nianzhi came out, Huo Shaoheng took her hand and asked her to stand beside him.

In front of them was an exquisite courtyard like a manor, with a towering iron gate guarding the entrance.

An exquisite wrought iron door lamp hangs on the iron door, illuminating the black wooden sign on the white wall, revealing the ancient words "Huo Zhai".

Zhao Liangze walked over and pressed the password at a place near the wall.

Soon, the iron gates slowly opened with a roar on both sides, and footsteps and shouts of surprise came from inside the iron gates.

"Master Huo is back?"

"Master Huo is back?!"

"My cousin is back!"


There are quite a few people coming.

It was midnight, but the courtyard was brightly lit. They must have known in advance that Huo Shaoheng was going home, so they were all waiting for him here, right

Gu Nianzhi felt that his legs were weak and he was about to lose his balance.

Just when the big iron gate opened and the Huo family inside came out to greet them, Huo Shaoheng, who was standing in front of the gate, turned around leisurely, stood in front of Gu Nianzhi, and stretched out his hand to straighten the Hermès scarf around her neck.

His slender, clean and warm fingers were in contact with the cold skin of her neck. The warm fingertips caused tremors on her skin. Gu Nianzhi felt that her legs were getting softer, and she couldn't help but reach out to grab them. his arm.

Huo Shaoheng looked down at her, smiled gently, patted her shoulder, "It's okay, come home with me."

The Huo family who came out to greet Huo Shaoheng did not expect this scene.

Under the bright light, Huo Shaoheng was tall and handsome, but he was tying a scarf on a girl!

More than one member of the Huo family rubbed their eyes in disbelief, fearing that they had stayed up so late that they were hallucinating.

Huo Shaoheng turned around, looked at the faces of the Huo family one by one, nodded, took Gu Nianzhi's hand, and walked in through the door.

Zhao Liangze carried Gu Nianzhi's small suitcase and followed them in.

Gu Nianzhi's eyes quickly swept over the faces of the Huo family members who came out to greet them, and for a moment he couldn't tell what their relationship was with Huo Shaoheng.

She saw a middle-aged couple and two young people, a man and a woman, coming out to greet them.

Judging from their age, the middle-aged couple should be from Huo Shaoheng's parents' generation, and the two young people should be of the same generation as Huo Shaoheng, right

She remembered that she heard someone call "big cousin" just now, so they were Huo Shaoheng's uncles, brothers and sisters

Gu Nianzhi was thinking wildly and followed Huo Shaoheng into the Huo family's three-story building.

This small building is about half larger than the three-story small building where Huo Shaoheng is stationed in the Special Operations Department of City C. There are more rooms inside, and of course there are more people living there.

Only he and Gu Nianzhi live in Huo Shaoheng's small building. There's no telling how many people will live here.

Gu Nianzhi put on the most appropriate smile and followed Huo Shaoheng into the living room.

There was also someone waiting for them in the living room.

Sitting on the main sofa is an old man with white beard and hair, but his majesty is still there. He is leaning on a faucet-head crutch. Although he is old, his face that is not angry or intimidating is still very intimidating.

Huo Shaoheng gave the old man a military salute, then pulled him over to Gu Nianzhi: "This is great-grandfather."

Gu Nianzhi looked at Huo Shaoheng and asked hesitantly: "...is he your great-grandfather?"

"No, it's my grandfather." Huo Shaoheng said calmly, looking away, "It's your great-grandfather."

Gu Nianzhi pursed her lips and refused to accept Huo Shaoheng's call. She smiled sweetly at the old man and said, "... Merry Christmas, grandpa." She bit the word "Zeng" in front of her mouth very vaguely, and it sounded like it was right there. Call me grandpa.

Huo Shaoheng: "..." He glanced at her slowly.

The old man looked at Gu Nianzhi carefully, then turned to ask Huo Shaoheng, "... is she?"

Huo Shaoheng nodded, nodded and said, "That's her, I'm her guardian."

Sitting next to the old man was a middle-aged man with a handsome but weathered face, somewhat similar to Huo Shaoheng. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked at Gu Nianzhi. Before Gu Nianzhi could call him, he had already nodded. Said: "Are you Gu Nianzhi?"

Gu Nianzhi responded crisply and looked at Huo Shaoheng obediently: "Master Huo, this is..."

Huo Shaoheng glanced at her again, aware of her resistance to the title and identity, but he did not condone her. He said solemnly: "This is my father and your grandfather." As he said that, he introduced Gu Nianzhi to the people in the room: "She is Gu Nianzhi, I am her guardian and her uncle."

Gu Nianzhi's heart sank and she did not dare to confront Huo Shaoheng anymore. She nodded obediently to the people in the room and asked intentionally: "Uncle Huo, what do they call them?" She pointed to the four people who went out to greet them and asked.

Huo Shaoheng glanced at them and raised his chin towards the two middle-aged couples, "They are Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang." Then he looked at the two young men and women: "These are their daughter Zhang Wenna and son Zhang Wenjie."

Gu Nianzhi felt strange, why were the members of this family not organized according to their seniority

If Zhang Wenna and Zhang Wenjie call Huo Shaoheng their first cousin, then their parents are also uncles and aunts to Gu Nianzhi. Shouldn't they be called Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang? Besides, why are their surnames Zhang and not Huo...

But she was very smart and did not ask this question. She followed Huo Shaoheng and shouted: "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, Merry Christmas." Then she looked at the two young men and women and said in English: "Merry-Christmas!"

Zhang Wenjie looked at Gu Nianzhi's big foggy eyes. His mouth went dry and he was almost speechless.

Zhang Wenna was still clever. She came over with a smile and took Gu Nianzhi's hand: "My cousin is your guardian? How old are you? I think you are younger than me, so you can just call me Sister Na."


This is the second update today, including the first update for the Bookish Obsession 168 July reward of spiritual pets.

It's the end of the month. Please vote for the Major General with your monthly votes and recommendation votes!


(To be continued.)