Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 203: Gu Nianzhi's intuition


The corners of Huo Shaoheng's lips stretched, but there was no obvious smile. Feeling that Mr. Huo and Huo Guanchen were looking at him, Huo Shaoheng raised his eyes to meet their gazes, "Is something wrong?"

Mr. Huo wanted to say something, but seeing Huo Shaoheng's protective expression, he had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his mouth, picked up his chopsticks, and said, "Let's eat."

"Eat, eat."

Huo Guanchen, Uncle Zhang, and Aunt Zhang quickly picked up the chopsticks.

Zhang Wenna and Zhang Wenjie smiled and whispered to Gu Nianzhi: "Miss Gu, it's time to eat."

When the Huo family eats, it is a standard "eating without talking and sleeping without talking."

Gu Nianzhi was like this when she was with Huo Shaoheng before, but this time she had a happy chat with Song Jinning and reluctantly picked up the chopsticks.

Song Jinning heard this and smiled and whispered to Gu Nianzhi: "... Let's talk after dinner."

"Okay." Gu Nianzhi nodded heavily.

There are dozens of dishes placed on the long rectangular walnut table, but each one has its own place.

Mr. Huo, Huo Guanchen and Huo Shaoheng were all faced with three dishes and one soup, and they could only eat by themselves.

Gu Nianzhi also had three dishes and one soup in front of him, which Huo Shaoheng specially asked his orderly to prepare.

Everyone else's meals are cooked by the Huo family's cook.

Song Jinning's food was always brought upstairs, but this time Gu Nianzhi left her behind and brought the food over.

Gu Nianzhi looked at Song Jinning carefully and saw that she was eating very elegantly and decently. She pursed her lips tightly when chewing, ate in small bites, and used chopsticks very skillfully.

The way she eats is similar to Huo Shaoheng.

Gu Nianzhi learned how to eat from Huo Shaoheng.

Now that she was sitting next to Song Jinning, she suddenly realized who Huo Shaoheng learned his eating habits from.

Thinking of Huo Shaoheng's mother becoming like this, Gu Nianzhi suddenly felt depressed and just kept eating.

Even after eating and drinking tea, I didn't want to talk.

Song Jinning finally found someone willing to talk to her and listen to her over the years, and she became very attached to Gu Nianzhi.

She looked at her eagerly, and even carried the small red clay teapot with her own hands to pour her tea.

Gu Nianzhi was frightened and hurriedly took the teapot, "Mrs. Huo, I'll do it. I'll do it."

Song Jinning looked at her with a smile, "What's your name?"

"My name is Gu Nianzhi." Gu Nianzhi lowered his head to pour tea for Song Jinning, and then poured a cup for himself. Just as he was about to drink, Huo Shaoheng took the teacup from her hand and said lightly: "I have to sleep at night, so it is not appropriate to drink tea."

Gu Nianzhi said "Oh", thinking that he had slept all day during the day, and if he still drank tea now, he would really not be able to sleep today.

She also gave up drinking.

Song Jinning looked at Huo Shaoheng shyly, then leaned into Gu Nianzhi's ear and whispered: "...Is he your boyfriend?"

Gu Nianzhi: "..." His face turned red uncontrollably, his big misty eyes looked like a dream, and he looked as if he was drunk.

But she could feel Huo Shaoheng's eyes piercing her back like needles.

Gu Nianzhi could only show a smile that was uglier than crying, and shook his head gently, "He is not my boyfriend."

"That's your husband?" Song Jinning asked curiously, staring at Huo Shaoheng from head to toe, "He looks really good, and he matches you very well."

"Ah... oh... uh..." Gu Nianzhi looked at Song Jinning blankly, and suddenly understood a cruel fact.

Since Song Jinning doesn't remember that she was married, she probably doesn't remember that she gave birth to a child, right? !

Then does she not remember that Huo Shaoheng is her biological son? !

This realization made Gu Nianzhi take a breath.

She turned back, her eyes full of sympathy and pity, and looked at Huo Shaoheng blankly.

Huo Shaoheng glanced at her and immediately understood what was going on in her little head, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

When he was a boy, he might have felt resentful because of this, but now he is so strong that he doesn't need to rely on anyone or any emotion to support him.

"It's getting late, go to bed early." Huo Shaoheng stood up and picked up Gu Nianzhi, "You haven't done your homework yet. School is about to start. Go back and do your homework."

Gu Nianzhi was speechless, wanting to know where I could find my homework? !

But when Huo Shaoheng glanced at her, she immediately lost her temper and said to Song Jinning with a spineless smile: "Mrs. Huo, I have to go back to do my homework. Can I play with you tomorrow?"

Song Jinning was a little afraid of Huo Shaoheng. As soon as his eyes came over, Song Jinning turned away uncomfortably.

"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Song Jinning stood up.

Huo Jialan hurriedly walked over and held her arm, but smiled without saying a word and sent her upstairs.

Gu Nianzhi said goodbye politely to Mr. Huo and Huo Guanchen, then said goodbye to Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, Zhang Wenna and Zhang Wenjie before following Huo Shaoheng back to his suite.

As soon as the two of them entered, Huo Shaoheng closed the door.

The soundproofing equipment in this suite is so good that you may not be able to hear gunshots and cannons being fired outside.

After entering the room, Gu Nianzhi stopped pretending, looked up at Huo Shaoheng and said dissatisfiedly: "Master Huo, when did I have homework? Why didn't I know?"

"Call me uncle." Huo Shaoheng reminded her subconsciously that he would not argue with her about "homework". It was just an excuse and he did not need to explain.

Huo Shaoheng walked to the study alone and told her: "Go to rest early, your fever has just gone away."

Gu Nianzhi stared at Huo Shaoheng's back, unable to believe that he just walked away like this.

But she didn't dare to chase Huo Shaoheng into his study.

When she lived with Huo Shaoheng before, his study was a forbidden area for her. She could only go there unless he let her go.

Gu Nianzhi stamped his feet and went to the master bedroom to wash up alone.

While changing into pajamas, I remembered something and hurriedly ran to the door of Huo Shaoheng's study and knocked on the door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Huo Shaoheng's voice came from the study.

Gu Nianzhi pushed the door gently, and it opened. It turned out that it was not locked.

Huo Shaoheng raised his head from behind the desk. His white shirt had its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing his strong arms. The round collar of his black T-shirt revealed his delicate collarbones. His dark jade-like eyes looked at her quietly, " What's up?"

Gu Nianzhi pointed to the black T-shirt at the collar of Huo Shaoheng, "Uncle Huo, you promised to give me a few more of those T-shirts to use as pajamas when I return to China..."

Huo Shaoheng thought for a while, "I brought a few pieces over, but they are not new."

"Not new?" Gu Nianzhi's eyes lit up, "The old one is good! The old one is comfortable to wear, I like the old one best!"

Huo Shaoheng: "..." He glanced at her disbelievingly, lowered his head, and while typing on the computer keyboard, he said, "It's in the cabinet in the master bedroom. You can find it yourself."

Gu Nianzhi agreed happily, turned around and left.

Huo Shaoheng suddenly remembered something and hurriedly stood up from behind the desk, taking three steps at a time to catch up with Gu Nianzhi, "I'll get it for you."

Gu Nianzhi had no choice but to follow him into the master bedroom.

Huo Shaoheng personally opened the closet in the master bedroom and found three black T-shirts for her. They were all worn, but they were all washed clean and still smelled clean after drying.

"You can use the closet here." Huo Shaoheng took out his belongings from the right closet and stuffed them to the left.

His clothes are very simple, all issued by the army, including winter combat uniforms, general uniforms and regular uniforms.

The coats hang separately in another closet so they are easy to put away.

Gu Nianzhi brought his suitcase over and said hesitantly: "...but I'm going to stay for a few days and then leave. Uncle Huo doesn't need to free up a wardrobe for me, right?"

Huo Shaoheng paused his hand, pursed his lips, turned around, and said calmly: "In the future, you will study as a graduate student in Imperial City for three years, and you will have a lot of time when you come back to live there."

"But..." Gu Nianzhi gritted his teeth and fought hard, "I am over eighteen years old, Uncle Huo, you are no longer my guardian."

"I'm not your guardian, but I'm still your uncle." Huo Shaoheng put his hands in his trouser pockets and leaned against the wardrobe. The white light fell from the top of his head, making his resolute face look beautiful.

Gu Nianzhi looked at him almost greedily, reluctantly, not daring to refute, reluctant to refute.

The courage she mustered up disappeared under Huo Shaoheng's deep gaze. She lowered her head and clasped her hands in front of her chest, "Okay... I'll let go."

Huo Shaoheng couldn't just leave when he saw her looking so pitiful.

After thinking about it, he sat on the sofa and waved to Gu Nianzhi, "Come here."

Gu Nianzhi turned around and looked, not wanting to go over, "Uncle Huo, what's the matter? Just tell me, I can hear you."

Huo Shaoheng didn't force it. He rubbed his forehead with his hand and finally talked about today's events, "Nianzhi, about my mother..."

Gu Nianzhi perked up and walked over involuntarily, sat next to Huo Shaoheng, took his arm and said hurriedly: "Song Jinning is really your mother? Your biological mother, right?"

"Well." Huo Shaoheng leaned forward, clasped his hands, rested his elbows on his knees, and looked straight ahead, "Thank you for talking to her today. But don't do this again in the future."

"Why? Since she is sick, wouldn't talking to her help her recover?" Gu Nianzhi was puzzled.

She knew that an important treatment method for psychiatrists was to allow patients to talk as much as possible in a relaxed environment.

Talking is talking, and it is also one of the ways to reduce stress.

"The problem is..." Huo Shaoheng looked at her, "If she goes to sleep, she will forget what she said to you today tomorrow. She won't even know you. You have to introduce yourself again and tell her again what you said today. If so. How many people do you think have the patience to repeat this process of re-cognition every day?"

"Ah?" Gu Nianzhi covered her chest and patted her chest, "Aunt Song turns out to have short-term memory loss?!"

"No." Huo Shaoheng raised his head and sighed, "Sixteen years ago, something happened in our family. My mother... suddenly fainted. When she woke up, she only remembered what happened before she was eighteen years old, thinking that she had always been... Eighteen years old. Every day after this, she will forget what happened the day before... "

Gradually, no one in the Huo family talked to her anymore, and no longer paid attention to her. They had to provide her with good food and drink, and doctors came to check her regularly. Other than that, she was like a non-existent person. Living in the big house of the Huo family.

Gu Nianzhi held Huo Shaoheng's arm sympathetically, "She doesn't remember you either, does she?"

"Yeah." Huo Shaoheng turned to look at her, "But it's nothing. It won't have any impact on me. Don't think too much about it."

Gu Nianzhi: "..."

Well, since the powerful Uncle Huo does not need sympathy from others, Gu Nianzhi could only rub his nose and said, "I know. But..." She thought for a while and said: "You said Aunt Song will forget her past the next day. It’s a matter of one day, but I don’t think so.”

Huo Shaoheng didn't speak or correct her title, he just looked at her inquiringly.

"She was the woman who broke into my bedroom last night." Gu Nianzhi's eyes were locked on Huo Shaoheng's eyes, "You knew it yesterday, didn't you?"

That’s why we stopped letting people continue to investigate.

Gu Nianzhi's bedroom was on the first floor, and the south wall was covered with long floor-to-ceiling windows.

I don't know what happened at that time, but the window was not locked and could be opened from the outside.

Song Jinning slipped in from outside at some point and sat in front of Gu Nianzhi's bed to look at her.

But it snowed almost all night yesterday. When Song Jinning came in from outside, he would definitely leave footprints in the snow, so the street lights outside were broken "appropriately", allowing people to temporarily not see the footprints in the snow outside.

By this morning, the heavy snowfall overnight had already wiped away Song Jinning's footprints last night, and the matter could be successfully covered up.

"...So the fact that Aunt Song went to my room yesterday was not her fault alone, but someone did it intentionally." Gu Nianzhi finally concluded, "I don't know why this person did this."

Huo Shaoheng didn't say anything for a long time, and after a long time he said: "Most of it is correct."

"But..." Gu Nianzhi did not finish, "When I went out to eat this evening, I met Aunt Song again in the corridor. I think she remembered me. Her eyes and interest in me showed that she was not interested in what happened yesterday. Nothing.”

Huo Shaoheng frowned, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I guarantee it with my personality." Gu Nianzhi nodded solemnly and added: "Uncle Huo, you know that my intuition is very good."

"Your intuition?" Huo Shaoheng glanced at her sideways, almost with contempt.

Gu Nianzhi said bravely: "...Isn't it right? Is my intuition very good?"

Huo Shaoheng pursed his lips and looked away, "Go to sleep, tomorrow..." He paused, "Tomorrow I will take you to see my mother."

Gu Nianzhi felt happy and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I also plan to buy a set of Chanel as a New Year's gift for Aunt Song."

"Well, use this card." Huo Shaoheng took out a card he had prepared for a long time from his trouser pocket, "I will also use this card to buy your things in the future."

"I don't need mine." Gu Nianzhi declined hastily, "I have a scholarship and a subsidy, which is enough for me to live on."

Huo Shaoheng played the black card, lowered his eyes and asked her: "How many scholarships do you have?"

"... It's tens of thousands a year." Gu Nianzhi murmured, "There is also a subsidy, about two thousand a month, which is enough to eat in the canteen. I will work part-time again... "

He Zhichu once said that if he wanted her to help with cases, there would be a commission.

"The Chanels you have cost more than tens of thousands." Huo Shaoheng glanced at her, took her hand, and placed the black card in her tender white palm, "Take it, and be obedient."


This is the second update and two updates in one, including the second update for Jiyu'er, the leader of the Alliance, to reward spiritual pets in July.

Today is Monday. Please vote for the Major General with your monthly votes and recommendation votes!

Especially the recommendation vote! Thank you dear!


(To be continued.)