Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 2284: All the secrets are right here


Gu Nianzhi stared at Jie Jie's strangely smiling system AI and said lightly: "You will kill people if you ask me to. It's so shameless."

"Face? Are you talking about face at this time?" The system AI, which was bearing the image of Song Haichuan, laughed even harder. His shoulders were trembling and even his waist seemed to be twisting. "Where is your IQ? Where is your logic? ? Where is your judgment? - You have nothing to lose and you still talk about face with me! It seems that I really think highly of you!"

"You don't even know how to save face, why are you pretending to be artificial intelligence?" Gu Nianzhi shook his head, crossed his arms, and even beat rhythmically with one foot, his contemptuous expression undisguised, "It seems that your creator is nothing more than In this way, you don't even have the emotions that humans should have, and you still claim that you are an AI... It seems that I was right. You are just a processor with stronger computing power. Don't imitate others and pretend to be human. Be honest. Isn’t your calculation work good? You have to come out and embarrass yourself. Alas, this year’s AI is not good... "

"You are the processor with stronger computing power! Your whole family is a processor!" The system AI was furious and almost rushed over to tear Gu Nianzhi to pieces with his own hands.

Gu Nianzhi was not afraid, and switched his foot to beat time, with a relaxed smile on his face. He was still playing with his sniper pistol in his hand, but he was thinking rapidly in his mind.

If she hits the other person in the head, or the other person hits her in the head, the real person dies.

How does this AI do it

Then think of her experience of understanding this game...

Gu Nianzhi slowly raised his hand, pointed the gun at his head, and rubbed it gently.

All the secrets are right here...

When the system AI saw Gu Nianzhi suddenly pointing a gun at her own head, she was startled and subconsciously said, "You want to commit suicide?"

Then he laughed, "Can't stand it any longer? Tsk, don't surrender so quickly! I haven't had enough of this game yet!"

Gu Nianzhi raised his eyebrows, "Who said I'm going to surrender? Playing games has always been my strength. However, it has to be a game that I dominate!"

With that said, Gu Nianzhi walked up to him, held the arm of the system AI, smiled and winked: "Do you know what Ghidra is? Oh, you must not know, right? You are an AI born decades ago. Don’t you know much about the latest technology?”

"How is that possible?! I am an AI, and I know everything on the Internet!" The system AI dismissed Gu Nianzhi.

This is its system. As long as it moves its hands and feet casually, Gu Nianzhi will die without a burial place. What on earth is she thinking

For a moment, the system AI really wanted to let Gu Nian die right now.

But it hates her so much and doesn't want her to die a horrible death, so how can he get over that hurdle!

Isn't it easy to kill her

What was difficult was how to let her die in front of the whole world.

Gu Nianzhi couldn't figure out why the system AI was so malicious towards her.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she knows that the other party has extremely vicious malice towards her.

The reason is not important, what is important is the method the other party chose to deal with her for this reason.

As soon as she thought about it, her room quickly changed.

It was no longer a house inhabited by humans. It looked like a cage made of countless iron bars, trapping her and the AI in it.

The system AI rolled its eyes: "Do you think you can trap me with this cage? You are too naive..."

"You'll know if you can trap it or not." Gu Nianzhi concentrated his attention.

Gradually, the system AI found that it seemed that it really couldn't get out.

It glared at Gu Nianzhi, and its voice trembled and became sharp: "What are you doing?!"

"Debug, or troubleshooting. You can also call it software reverse engineering, which is software reverse engineering." Gu Nianzhi waved his fingers as if operating on the keyboard.

In fact, a keyboard did appear in front of her.

It looks plain and simple, the kind of keyboard you can buy for twenty yuan, but it’s just a virtual keyboard.

"What?! You call me a bug?! You want to reverse engineer me?!" The system AI was really angry and a little panicked.

For a software program, the most fearful thing, apart from being unplugged, is probably the reverse deconstruction of the software.

In software engineering, bugs refer to errors and omissions in the program, which can cause serious consequences of the program getting out of control.

Debugging is the process of finding errors, correcting them and deleting them.

Software reverse engineering is even more powerful. To put it simply, genuine software is afraid of this, because high-level reverse software engineers can crack genuine software, making many people's hard work go to waste.

Legally speaking, software reverse engineering is a gray area.

As long as it is not used for commercial profit and software practitioners study it privately, there is no problem at all.

The Ghidra that Gu Nianzhi just mentioned is the latest reverse software deconstruction platform released by the US National Security Agency, and it is also a software.

But for Gu Nianzhi, it is just a tool for her to scare the system's AI. She will not use other people's platforms to reverse software deconstruction.

It's so unsafe.

With a smile on her face, Gu Nianzhi waved her fingers, and a long red dragon rose from her virtual keyboard and rushed toward the system AI bearing the image of Song Haichuan.

The system AI is shackled by a dragnet-like program and cannot escape yet.

Caught off guard, the red dragon wrapped around it.

Wrap it around, almost from head to toe.

"The first step in debugging is to determine the location of the bug."

Gu Nianzhi's fingers were tapping rapidly on the virtual keyboard, typing out a series of instructions, and then inputting his own reverse deconstruction program.

And the system AI, wrapped around the translucent red dragon, gradually began to decompose.

Its human image could no longer be maintained, and it slowly recovered its identity—a source code program composed of letters.

But the red dragon opened its mouth and began to swallow the source code.

The red dragon is entangled and changing, and it looks like the double helix structure of DNA repeating itself in a cycle, with no one able to tell where the head is and where the tail is.

For the first time, the system AI developed a fearful mentality.

It held its head and screamed at an extremely high frequency. The frequency was so high that ordinary human ears could not hear it.

But Gu Nianzhi is different. The organ she uses to "listen" now is not her ears, but her brain waves.

This kind of high-frequency screaming directly stimulated her brain waves, and Gu Nianzhi couldn't bear it anymore. Even in the real world, the same high-frequency screaming came from a high-profile building in the Cayman Islands. Voice.

It was midnight at this time, and everything in the Cayman Islands was silent, leaving only the sound of the roaring sea wind and the sound of sea water lapping against the rocks on the shore.

Huo Shaoheng is taking Yin Shixiong and Peter together, preparing to sneak into the former headquarters building of Your Life Company.

This place has been taken over by AI, and all human staff and executives have been evacuated.

He received a message from the quantum communicator nearby and was so anxious that he quickly formulated an action plan to prepare for a raid on the building that was taken over by AI.

At this moment, his frequency scanning instrument received an ultra-high frequency screaming sound.