Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 2288: Leave it to me and I will break it!


This is how to do

If its source code has a self-loop function, how can it be reversely deconstructed? !

Obviously the person who wrote this program had anticipated this...

While Gu Nianzhi was nervous, he admired Song Haichuan, the owner of the source code, even more.

Being able to think of this has surpassed ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the "code workers" in the world.

It's a pity that admiration is useless. Gu Nianzhi is still worried that those who "hunt" the Queen of Hearts will find this place.

Because the shackles program she constructed was a bit rough, the system AI was trapped by her and could not get out temporarily. However, this program could not withstand the attacks of players from the outside in.

What Gu Nianzhi didn't know was that because of the "Live Hunting AI" launched by Huo Shaoheng, almost no one watched or played the activity of hunting the Queen of Hearts in the game.

At this time, Huo Shaoheng, Yin Shixiong, and Peter entered the dark lobby on the first floor of the building.

Yin Shixiong received instructions from Huo Shaoheng and publicized to those watching the live broadcast: "Why should everyone listen to the command of the system AI and hunt the Queen of Hearts to make money?"

"The Queen of Hearts is just a virtual boss in the game. Even if I kill her, how much money will I get?"

"It's better to do what we do and hunt the AI directly!"

"It's not protected by law anyway. When it's gone, its belongings will all be ours!"

"When the time comes, how much money it has, we will have as much money as we have!"

This kind of thing is exactly what a desperado who has got money in his eyes can say.

The "Five Eyes Alliance" intelligence agency, which originally had doubts about the identities of these three people, shook their heads speechlessly when they heard these words.

Yes, they think too highly of these "bounty hunters" who "kill people for money and birds for food."

Let’s all have fun watching the live video!

The light on the live video has obviously faded. Only the faint starlight coming from the glass window half a person high can be seen that the three people have entered the lobby on the first floor of the building.

The hall was quiet, as if the bright lights and melodious music just now were everyone's illusion.

Huo Shaoheng glanced around and made an "up" gesture.

He didn't want to waste more time on the first floor.

Gu Nianzhi didn't know what was going on in the game. Huo Shaoheng could hardly suppress the rage in his heart when he thought of the vicious gameplay that the system's AI had come up with to hunt down the Queen of Hearts.

But the three of them are unable to move now.

The people watching the live video were temporarily invisible, but Huo Shaoheng and the three of them could see clearly through their infrared night vision glasses.

As soon as they stood still, several invisible lines emitted from the four walls of the hall on this floor, forming a "well", and the three of them were trapped in the square position in the middle of the "well".

When Peter saw it, he threw a dagger to explore the truth.

There was only a squeaking sound as the dagger was cut in half in the air and fell down with a plop.

People who watched the live video were instantly shocked.

"What did I see?!"

"Am I not dazzled?! Why did that dagger suddenly break in half?!"

"Is there something in this hall?!"

"... Just like those heavenly silkworms in martial arts TV that are as sharp as clay!"

"Yes, yes! It's Tiansi silk! It's so thin that you can't even see it!"

The imagination of netizens is really endless.

Zhao Liangze was dumbfounded when he saw this. He picked some representative speeches and read them to Huo Shaoheng, Yin Shixiong and Peter.

These speeches really reminded Huo Shaoheng.

Tiansi silk, right

Isn't the "Celestial Silk" that the system AI can call just a laser

The laser can be adjusted to a color segment invisible to the naked eye, and the energy of the laser can indeed "cut through iron like mud."

Moreover, lasers have almost become a regular configuration as weapons, and Huo Shaoheng and the other three are no strangers to them.

If there is a laser, there should be a laser emitting device.

It can form a "well" shape, indicating that this device will not be too far away.

With a thought in his mind, Huo Shaoheng suddenly raised his hand, pulled the trigger of the semi-automatic sniper rifle, and fired a hail of bullets at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling of the first floor hall.

The semi-automatic sniper rifle with a silencer made a popping sound, and the crystal lamp on the ceiling burst out with a burst of red light, and then fell to the ground, like a gorgeous crystal rain.

Those shattered crystal beads were not "cut" like the dagger just now, but fell to the ground smoothly, rolling around.

The few laser lines that formed a "well" shape just now disappeared silently.

Huo Shaoheng held the gun in his right hand, pointed at the crystal lamp, and said calmly: "...laser emitting device."

Yin Shixiong: "..."

Peter: “…”

Audiences watching the live broadcast: "..."

After a moment of silence, when the three of them walked up the stairs to the second floor, Yin Shixiong couldn't help but ask: "... How can you tell if the crystal lamp is a laser emitting device?"

"Intuition." Huo Shaoheng said lightly, already climbing the stairs to the second floor.

Peter whispered from behind: "Want to go upstairs? Its machine room should be underground."

The last time he had a close encounter with those robot warriors here was on the underground floor.

Huo Shaoheng said "Yeah", "Go upstairs first, clear all obstacles in five minutes, and then go downstairs."

He was worried that there was a laser-emitting device upstairs like the one on the first floor, or some kind of self-destruction device.

He is now no longer afraid to speculate on this system AI with the worst possible malice.

Being able to live-stream the hunt for Gu Nianzhi in front of players all over the world, in Huo Shaoheng's heart, the system's AI was hopelessly broken.

No matter how great technological progress is, it cannot be based on the life and death of human beings.

What's more, it was his idea...

Fortunately, Huo Shaoheng wore a black hood on his face, otherwise his barely suppressed murderous aura would have frightened many children watching the live video.

After his order, Yin Shixiong and Peter immediately acted quickly.

Netizens who watched the live video felt that the video seemed to have entered a fast-forward rhythm, and the movements of the three people were dazzling.

They almost "flyed" up to the second floor by climbing on the handrail of the stairs.

After landing, they formed a team, raised their guns, aimed, and then fired. The four cameras in the four corners of the ceiling on the second floor were blown up one by one.

The blue fire suddenly ignited, then quickly extinguished.

It was not a normal flame, but a bit cold. The temperature on the second floor dropped instantly, as if entering the ice crystal world of the Arctic. White crystals appeared on the black hoods of Huo Shaoheng and the three of them.

"AI controls the temperature control system to reduce the temperature here to below zero." Huo Shaoheng said quietly, "Within one minute, it will be thirty degrees below zero."

He stretched out his black leather-gloved hand and showed everyone a small digital thermometer on it.

At this time, Lu Jian, who was also watching the live video, couldn't help it and spoke directly to Huo Shaoheng through Zhao Liangze.

"Shao Heng, let me connect to the internal network system of this building. It is now trapped by Nian Zhi and should not be able to deal with you."

"These laser and temperature adjustment programs should have been set long ago, and they will be the same no matter who comes in. - Leave it to me, I will break it!"