Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 2295: What should be faced should always be faced


At this time, young Lu Jin put the little girl down outside the door, quickly took out a shaking pocket watch, and hypnotized her.

The little girl's memory seemed to be very stubborn. It took Lu Jin twice as long as usual to successfully erase the little girl's memory of today, and then turned around and went in.

In the bedroom, what he saw was the unconscious Qin Suwen lying next to the door.

The young Lu Jin stood there blankly, his expression gradually turning from shocked and unbelievable to blank.

It was an expression of extreme sadness, because it was so sad, and finally there was a kind of tranquility and calmness that "no sorrow is greater than death."

He half-knelt down, gently touched Qin Suwen's cheek with his hand, paused, and covered Qin Suwen's open eyes with his hand, trying to make her close her eyes.

But Qin Suwen couldn't close his eyes.

Young Lu Jin finally had no choice but to say: "Don't worry, I have forgotten about it, completely and forever..."

Then he asked Qin Suwen to close his eyes.

This time it finally worked.

Qin Suwen seemed to have fulfilled his wish, with a calm and satisfied smile on his lips.

Young Lu Jin took a deep look at her, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped it on Qin Suwen's face, then put it on the door handle, opened the door, and walked out quickly.

After he left, he quickly hacked into the He family's security surveillance system and modified the video.

The little girl came back to her senses at this time and began to bang on the door desperately: "Open the door Susu! Open the door Susu! Why don't you come out?"

She didn't seem to know why she did this, but she still patted Qin Suwen's bedroom door desperately.

Gu Nianzhi, who had been watching, looked at Qin Suwen's motionless body leaning behind the bedroom door, finally yelled and rushed over desperately.

She "swallowed" part of the source code of the system's AI, thus gaining some control over the system.

Behind the bedroom door, Gu Nianzhi half-knelt on the ground, holding Qin Suwen tightly in his arms, crying: "Mom! Mom! Wake up! Wake up! I am Nianzhi! I am your little darling Nian Yes!"

Qin Suwen did not open his eyes.

Her head hung limply in Gu Nianzhi's arms. After a while, her image gradually blurred.

Finally, like scattered fireflies, they disappeared in front of Gu Nianzhi.

Gu Nianzhi looked at the empty embrace and cried heartbrokenly.

She did not continue to cry, but knelt behind the bedroom door, covering her face with her hands, tears dripping from her fingers and soaking the floor in front of her.

Through the door, she could hear the little girl outside banging on the door, and she could also hear her young and thin voice, filled with anger and fear, "Susu! Susu! Susu!"

This scene was the same as what He Zhichu had told her. Through the surveillance video, they found Qin Suwen lying inside the door. Xiao Nianzhi was the first to find her...

But they don't know what happened here.

It was her, her childhood self, who gave Qin Suwen the final fatal blow!

Gu Nianzhi cannot remember anything before the age of twelve, but the name "Susu" is immersed in the depths of her memory and has never been forgotten.

Lu Jin, who was controlled by her, stared at this scene blankly, with his heart pounding.

In the first half of his life, he actually put very little energy into relationships. Even though he had a crush on Qin Suwen for many years, it did not prevent him from being obsessed with his scientific research and experiments.

The only thing he owed was to his daughter Gu Nianzhi.

Qin Suwen's death shocked Lu Jian greatly. From then on, all his energy shifted to the issue of how to let his daughter Gu Nianzhi live well.

But he never thought that the secret he kept deep in his heart would one day be known to others.

When he was in the opposite world, he would rather be chased by He Chengjian from heaven to earth than reveal anything.

And today, without noticing, he fell into AI's trap and exposed the secret that he most wanted to hide in front of the person he least wanted to expose.

This blow was no less than seeing Qin Suwen die in front of him for the second time.

Lu Jin clenched his fists tightly and tried his best to think in his mind, trying to repeat the initial value of the exact solution of Einstein's field equations in an attempt to restart the game again.

But this time, he was no longer facing the system AI, but Gu Nianzhi.

His thoughts caused countless chaos and loopholes in the game system.

Fortunately, he has released the control of the system AI on players, so it does not affect those players who have left the game. However, it is no longer possible for players to enter the game.

Logging in has become an endless loop, and people inside can only come out but cannot go in.

Not long after, there were only two players left in the entire online game, Gu Nianzhi and Lu Jin.

All game scenes have disappeared.

Just the father and daughter stayed in the game space like a black hole in the universe.

Gu Nianzhi lost her sense of time. She didn't know how long she had been in the game. She was extremely exhausted and finally relaxed her control on Lu Jin.

After Lu Jin found out that he could speak, his first words were: "Nianzhi, if you want to stay here for the rest of your life, your father will accompany you. I can get your mother out right away."

He looked at the pale Gu Nianzhi and said word by word: "We, a family of three, can live here forever."

Gu Nianzhi slowly raised his head, looked at his father who was also pale and thin, and finally said softly: "...A family of three? Living in an illusion forever? Dad, do you think Mom will be willing?"

Fortunately, she didn't lose her mind.

Lu Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "I don't care if it's an illusion or reality, I just want you to live and live happily."

"Do you think that by erasing my memory, everything that happened doesn't exist?" Gu Nianzhi finally stood up holding the door.

She knelt for too long, and when she stood up, her knees were shaking.

"...Read it, I'm sorry." Lu Jin had thousands of words in his heart, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything else except "I'm sorry."

Can he tell her that because of Qin Yaoguang's four-year "experiment", she actually had serious psychological problems when she was young

Can he tell her that Qin Suwen resigned from his job to take care of her full-time at home just because he discovered this serious problem

If he had said everything, it would be like another mental crisis for Gu Nianzhi.

Let her blame him. Lu Jian felt that he was not wrong, but he had a guilty conscience, so he had to remain silent.

Gu Nianzhi closed his eyes and did not continue to speak.

She raised her hand, drew it in front of her, and said softly: "Let's go, you have to face what you have to face."

When he opened his eyes again, the first thing Gu Nianzhi saw was Huo Shaoheng's almost haggard face.

She blinked, "... Mr. Huo? Are you in the game too?"

Huo Shaoheng grabbed her hand and smiled hard, with a trace of tears flashing in his deep black eyes, "No. I think you're awake, you're finally awake."

Gu Nianzhi's consciousness slowly returned.

She slowly looked around and realized that this was her bedroom, her suite in Huo Shaoheng's official residence.

This place, even in the game, she has never exposed.

Gu Nianzhi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened them again, and found that more people were surrounding him.

Mr. Lu, Ms. Song, Chen Chen, Brother Daxiong, Brother Ozawa, and Ma Qiqi who was desperately covering her mouth.

Gu Nianzhi's eyes slid over the faces of these people one by one, smiled slightly, and said, "You are here, I should be awake by now, right?"

"Wake up, read it, it's been almost ten days, from the time the game restarted to today, it's been almost ten days!" Ma Qiqi was the first to hold back and shouted with a choked voice.

Gu Nianzhi's smile was a bit labored, "Oh, it's been so long..."

Her eyes slid across these people's faces again, as if she was looking for someone.

Huo Shaoheng understood what she was thinking, sat sideways on the head of her bed, picked her up and said, "Your father is over there."

Gu Nianzhi sat up and saw the road approaching.

He stood alone in front of the window. The sunlight shone through the curtains. Gu Nianzhi saw that there were specks of white hair on his temples.

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