Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 3: guardian


Huo Shaoheng is a soldier and is not in City C at this time.

He accepted a secret mission a month ago and left the military headquarters in City C. It is still unknown where he went.

Before leaving, he entrusted Gu Nianzhi to Chen Chen's care.

Unexpectedly, something would happen to her as soon as Huo Shaoheng left.

When Chen Zhen thought of Huo Shaoheng's calm eyes and his methods of rectifying people, he felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

Touching his cell phone, Chen Zhen glanced sideways at Gu Nianzhi, who was tossing and turning on the sofa and moaning, and secretly thought that this was the last resort, right

Because Huo Shaoheng, who always left as soon as he could, when leaving this time, privately gave Chen a number where he could be found at any time.

Of course, when I gave him this number, I also told him not to make this call unless it was absolutely necessary.

At this time, he really had no choice.

Display dialed the four-digit number that looked very special at first sight, then stared at the call interface on his mobile phone, and kept mumbling: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

When Chen Zhen called, Huo Shaoheng had completed his task and was waiting outside the upper house of the Imperial Capital Parliament to go in for a meeting.

His mission this time was to persuade members of the Upper House of Parliament to agree to allocate funds for the newly built Sixth Military Region.

It wasn't time for him to go in yet.

Huo Shaoheng stood alone at the end of the aisle outside the conference hall, holding a cigarette in his white-gloved right hand and his left hand in his trouser pocket, silently looking at the night view outside the large glass window in trance.

Several female parliamentary interns with outstanding family backgrounds and charming looks were looking at him not far away, but no one dared to come over and strike up a conversation with him.

Huo Shaoheng was wearing a full general officer's uniform today, a navy blue fine wool military jacket, with bright copper buttons buttoned all the way to the bottom of his neck, revealing his slender neck. The golden pine branches and a gold star on the epaulettes shone brightly under the light.

His waist was tied with a wide rhinoceros leather military belt, and straight fine wool military trousers of the same color. The seam of the trousers was as straight as if measured with a measuring tape, and on his feet was a pair of knee-high riding boots.

He is 1.88 meters tall without shoes. With boots, he is 1.9 meters tall. In addition, he has been in the military since he was fifteen years old. He is from a training family, with broad shoulders and a broad back. He stands tall It's like a mountain, giving people huge pressure.

The waistline of the military uniform is extremely steep, and all the legs below the waistline are long.

Such a man with a straight and heroic posture would already make people's hearts beat faster even if he didn't look at his face, but he also had a face that was so handsome that it made people despair.

Fortunately, this handsome and flawless face is always solemn and solemn. When looking at people, it always gives people indescribable pressure, and there is also the indifference and indifference of "you are all trash (Gu Nianzhi's words)", so I dare to get close to him. There are almost zero people.

He is well-known in the Special Operations Department directly under the military headquarters as a flower on the high mountain. He can be seen from a distance but cannot be approached closely.

Huo Shaoheng looked at the dark blue night outside the glass window, blew out a light ring of smoke, and silently recited in his mind the speech he was going to deliver in the large conference hall of the Upper House of Parliament.

At this time, a ringing sound suddenly came from his Bluetooth headset.

This number was his private military secret number. So far, he had only told Chen Zhen that he could only call this number when something unavoidable happened to Gu Nianzhi.

Could it be that something happened to Gu Nianzhi

Huo Shaocheng calmed down, threw the cigarette in his hand into the trash can, and said calmly: "Say."

The earphones immediately turned on the military line, and Huo Shaoheng's deep and mellow voice reached Chen Zhen's ears on the other side of the line.

Zhan Chen let out a long sigh of relief and rambled about Gu Nianzhi's story.

Huo Shaoheng's thick eyebrows slanted into his temples and he frowned, "Love potion? Why don't you call me this line for such a stupid thing? Can't you just give her the antidote?" His voice was low and indifferent, but Chen Zhen could still hear him. Displeased.

"Listen to me, this is not an ordinary love medicine, but H3aB7! Do you know?! I want an antidote, why should I ask you? Listen to Nian Zhi's voice..." Chen Zhi said angrily, and Putting the phone to Gu Nianzhi's mouth, he said to her, "This is Mr. Huo, your guardian."

Gu Nianzhi's groggy mind was like a burst of sunshine. She used all her strength to call "Mr. Huo..." into the phone and then completely lost consciousness.

When Gu Nianzhi called out "Master Huo", his voice was extremely soft and soft, like a newborn kitten stretching out its thick fleshy pads and stroking its palms.

Huo Shaoheng was such a solemn and restrained person, and he always took care of Gu Nianzhi as a junior. Hearing this in such a solemn and solemn occasion, he still couldn't help but feel numb.

Something is wrong.

Huo Shaoheng immediately asked: "How long can she last?"

Zhan Zhi looked at Gu Nianzhi, who was already twisting around on the sofa and starting to take off his clothes, and said with a headache: "One night at most. She will be in trouble tomorrow... You see she is already taking off her clothes."

Huo Shaoheng frowned again and said calmly: "Then tie her up and gag her, and treat her like training from the Special Operations Department."

"No! This time is not training! I'm telling you, come back quickly! Otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

"Then send it to your infirmary first." After Huo Shaoheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and slowly blew out a smoke ring, which gradually dissipated in the dusk.

Display glared at the phone, threw it away, and quickly tied Gu Nianzhi into a rice dumpling with a rope.

Gu Nianzhi couldn't move, and she moaned like weeping in her throat. The doctor Chen Zhen couldn't stand it anymore, so he blocked her mouth with gauze, helped her out of the house, and walked to the underground garage of the villa. Go, tie her into the car, drive out of the Dexin Villa area, and go to the military area station in City C.

Although Huo Shaoheng looked normal, he was already a little anxious. He raised his wrist to look at his watch, called his orderly Fan Jian and ordered: "Go and prepare a military aircraft for me. After the meeting, return to the station immediately. - Remember, If you want the fastest gray shadow, just say, I will help them test fly."

Gray Shadow is the latest supersonic bat fighter developed by the military. It can only seat two people at a time and is still in the test flight stage.

But Huo Shaoheng was a fighter pilot. In the entire imperial military, his flying skills were ranked second, but no one was ranked first.

Serviceman Fan Jian immediately stood at attention: "Yes! Chief!" Then he hurriedly left to contact the plane for him.

Just after giving the instructions, a slim and pretty woman came out of the conference hall, bowed to Huo Shaoheng and said: "Major General Huo, it's your turn.

Huo Shaoheng's expression remained as usual, and he strode solemnly into the conference hall.

The large conference hall of the Upper House of the Imperial Parliament is like a huge fan-shaped shell. The seats of the members are in the unfolded fan. They are low in front and high in back, with clear levels.

The speaker stands on a podium with a fan handle.

On the back is a huge electronic screen, covering the entire wall.

Huo Shaoheng stepped onto the podium, put his feet together first, gave a military salute to the congressmen in the audience, and then introduced himself: "Huo Shaoheng, a major general of the Imperial Military Department, is also the director of the Special Operations Department directly under the military department. This time, I am here for The Sixth Military District is asking Congress for ten years of funding.”

There was silence.

After a while, a white-haired congressman sitting in the front row asked with a skeptical tone: "...Major General Huo, our empire only has five military regions: southeast, northwest, and middle. Where does the sixth military region come from?"


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