Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 30: Make your mind clear


"No, no, I came back yesterday. Nianzhi is going back to school today." Display hurriedly explained, "Do you want to see her?"

Huo Shaoheng shook his head calmly: "No, we'll talk about it when we get to the station."

Serviceman Fan Jian parked his car on the side of the road. Huo Shaoheng, Zhao Liangze and Yin Shixiong got in the car and quickly returned to the station.

Display was waiting for Huo Shaoheng in his office.

Huo Shaoheng was also very straightforward. He threw him a backpack as soon as he came in, "See if it can still be used."

Display opened the backpack, took out the lead box inside and opened it. It turned out to be a test tube box!

When he opened the box containing the test tubes and saw the test tubes containing ** inside, his heart nearly jumped out of his throat.

"Master Huo! What is this?!"

"Oda Masao's original strain of the virus, see if you can combine it with his data to find antibodies as soon as possible and create a vaccine." Huo Shaoheng's voice was deep and his face was very solemn.

"I know." Chen Chen nodded, thought for a moment, and comforted Huo Shaoheng: "Nianzhi, don't worry. I've been paying close attention to her condition, and there is no deterioration trend yet."

"Currently? It's only been a week." Huo Shaoheng was not fooled, "Can you guarantee the future?"

Zhan Chen secretly looked at Huo Shaoheng with squinting eyes, trying to see something different on his face, but Huo Shaoheng always looked indifferent, reserved and taciturn. It was really hard to tell what he was thinking.

"I will always pay attention to Nianzhi's physical examination. This time I told her that the antidote I made cured her of her charm. She did not... um do that with a man." Chen Chen said softly, bringing Huo Shaoheng back. The original strain of the virus was stored in the refrigerator. "Also, if you don't want me to tell you that she was taken by a love potion, remember not to tell the truth."

Huo Shaoheng didn't speak for a while. He lowered his head and turned on the lighter, lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. It took him a long time to hum.

Chen Chen walked back to his desk and sat down, turned on the computer, and showed Huo Shaoheng two comparison pictures, "Master Huo, don't worry, I found that Nian Zhi's situation is much better than others, maybe not that bad. ."

Huo Shaoheng came over and stood behind him, squinting at his computer screen, holding a cigarette in one hand and holding the other behind his back, listening to the display's explanation.

"The data graph on the left is from Oda Masao's information. You see, all data indicators are more than half lower than those of normal people. The data graph on the right is the result of my monitoring of thoughts this week. You see, health It’s incredible, normal people don’t have as good data as she does.”

Huo Shaoheng's dark eyes were fixed on the computer screen. After a while, he pulled away and sat on the sofa against the wall opposite the display desk. He put one arm on the back of the sofa, holding a cigarette in his hand, and pondered for a while. , then said: "Hurry up and develop a vaccine, and I'll come back to see you in three days." Then he got up and walked out.

"Three days?! Mr. Huo, there is no time limit for developing a vaccine! Do you think your soldiers are performing the mission? This is scientific research! Scientific research!" Display stared at Huo Shaoheng's back, almost yelled out.

Huo Shaoheng left the display's office building and returned to his place, where he saw Yin Shixiong had just put down the phone.

Huo Shaoheng glanced at him, and Yin Shixiong hurriedly reported: "Master Huo, it's Nianzhi. She is going back to school. She called to ask you when you will be back."

Huo Shaoheng raised his arm, and the cigarette butt in his hand drew a parabola in the air and fell into the trash can. "I have something to go back to the headquarters. Ozawa will go back with me. Nobita, you stay here. If you have something to do, you might as well be nearby." Take care of.”

Yin Shixiong said oh, walked back to his desk and sat down, turned on the computer and looked at his schedule, frowned and asked: "What about the re-examination interview for graduate school?"

"It's up to you." After Huo Shaoheng said that, he walked out without looking back.

Early on Monday morning, Gu Nianzhi was carrying his backpack and dragging a small suitcase with a pulley in his hand. As soon as he walked out of the Fengya community where he lived and wanted to take a taxi, he saw squad leader Mei Xiawen wearing a light smoke gray Burberry half-length. The windbreaker leaned against a Buick car parked on the roadside at the entrance of the community, looking at her with a smile.

"Squad leader?" Gu Nianzhi was surprised and looked around, "Are you...?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for you and want to give you a surprise." Mei Xiawen came over and took the small suitcase on the pulley from her hand naturally, "You still want to bring the suitcase back to the dormitory? There are so many things. , just call me earlier."

Gu Nianzhi raised his head and looked at Mei Xiawen.

Under the early morning sun, Mei Xiawen was fair and elegant, delicate and unrestrained. Her eyes were light and gentle behind her gold-rimmed glasses, and her voice was even gentler: "See what I'm doing? Don't you recognize me?"

"No..." Gu Nianzhi hurriedly shook his head, "The squad leader deserves to be the squad leader. If there is another chance to be in the same class with the squad leader in the future, I will choose you to be the squad leader."

Mei Xia Wenlang laughed out loud: "Nianzhi, I'm not here to pick you up for votes."

He stretched out his hand and opened the car door for Gu Nianzhi, "Get in the car."

Gu Nianzhi had no choice but to sit in and said with a smile: "Tell me, monitor, what's the other purpose? Let's see if I can afford it!"

Mei Xiawen smiled and sat down leisurely, saying: "Nianzhi, can't you see that I am chasing you?"

Gu Nianzhi's face finally turned red: "Squad leader... we can't joke about this kind of thing..."

"I'm not kidding. I've been chasing you for two years and you still don't know, so I have to make it clear." Mei Xiawen said with a smile while driving, and glanced at Gu Nianzhi.

Gu Nianzhi is not yet eighteen years old, four or five years younger than her classmates. Compared with them, she is indeed a much late bloomer, and her classmates know that she is young, so most of them treat her as their little sister. Although they take care of her Yes, but I really haven’t pursued her as a girlfriend...

This feeling was novel and exciting, and two streaks of blush flew up uncontrollably on her white and tender face, just like the light pink frost on the white peach, which looked very beautiful and delicious.

"Why don't you speak? Don't you believe me?" Mei Xiawen asked again with a smile, "I made it clear in front of your uncle yesterday, and you still don't believe me?"

Gu Nianzhi blinked his big misty eyes and said, "Squad leader, I really didn't know you... you were chasing me."

"I really don't know? Every time there is a good opportunity to go to a large institute for internship in my class, I will be the first to inform you that if you don't want it, I will give it to someone else in the class. If you don't want to do it in the morning, I will get it for you. Ticket for running. When you come back late from self-study in the evening, I always stay at the last one and wait for you to leave together. I will send you to the door of the dormitory before going back. In the morning, if you sleep in late and go to class without breakfast, I will buy it for you during class. Milk and honey cake... Gu Nianzhi, I'm not saying this to ask you to be grateful to me, but I'm about to graduate. If you don't know that I like you and I'm chasing you, I'm a failure as a man."



Monday, please vote for recommendations. O(∩_∩)O~.
