Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 33: Some people answer and some hang up


Hearing this, Zhan Chen felt extremely itchy. The pen in his hand whirred and he said, "Please wait a moment. I'll answer the phone first..." He turned around and used his landline phone to dial Huo Shaoheng's private military line number.

"What's the matter?" Huo Shaoheng's voice came from the other end of the phone, very deep.

Chen Zhen smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, "Master Huo, is it convenient to talk? It's about Nianzhi."

"Oh, wait." Huo Shaoheng looked at a room full of subordinates with the rank of lieutenant colonel and above, and said to them: "I have a call that I have to answer. You continue."

A room full of school-level officers sitting in an important military meeting almost stared out of the window.

Interrupting such a high-level meeting to answer a phone call must be extremely important, right

Is the Special Operations Division causing big trouble in another country, or have they caught the CIA's most deeply embedded spy in the Empire? !

Everyone is engaged in intelligence work, and their minds diverge very quickly.

Huo Shaoheng didn't know what they would think, but things had priorities. At this moment, any news about Gu Nianzhi was top priority.

He walked out of the conference room expressionlessly, went to the small office next door and sat down, opened the blinds and looked outside, "Let's talk."

Display was a little surprised, "What's wrong with you?"

If Huo Shaoheng had serious business, Chen Chen felt that he was a little reckless.

There must be a limit to joking, and he felt very uneasy.

"It's okay. Tell me, what's wrong with Nianzhi?" Huo Shaoheng said, calling Zhao Liangze over on the internal phone and asking him to send over his other private civilian mobile phone. It turned out that there were several caller IDs of Gu Nianzhi, and he all missed.

Chen Chen said hurriedly: "It's nothing serious. I just said that I couldn't find you when I called you. Let me ask you. Her squad leader wants to chase her. I want to ask your permission."

Hearing that this was the case, Huo Shaoheng slapped his personal phone on the table with his backhand and said displeasedly: "Didn't I tell you this before? You still want to ask me such nonsense?"

"Don't get angry!" Chen Zhe raised his voice, "Why don't you call Nian Zhi if it's convenient? Don't you know how much she listens to you? If you frown, she will immediately Turning people away.”

Huo Shaoheng refused mercilessly: "... I still have a meeting, I don't have time, let's talk about it later." After saying that, he hung up his private military line number, got up and went back to the conference room to continue the meeting.

Only then did the display switch the phone back to Gu Nianzhi, and found that she was still waiting for his call without hanging up. He felt very sorry for her, so he had to comfort her: "Nianzhi, Huo Shaozheng is in a meeting, and I can't even find him. Go to him. I asked the operator to leave a message for him and I will call you when he leaves the meeting."

Gu Nianzhi looked ahead and saw that Mei Xiawen had parked the car.

This is the expert building of University C, and He Zhichu lives here.

She hurriedly said: "Uncle Huo is so busy, so there is no need to disturb him. Let's talk when you have time. I'll hang up. Brother Chen, please take care of yourself." After that, she hung up the phone and faced Mei Xiawen, who turned to look at her silently. Yi Tan: "Squad leader, you have heard it. It's not me who is asking for Qiao, but the family is really too busy."

Gu Nianzhi made many calls and waited for a long time, but still couldn't speak to her guardian.

At this moment, Mei Xiawen thought of her parents.

They are also busy people with status and status, but no matter how busy they are, they will answer his call as soon as possible. They will never hesitate or make him wait for so long.

This is the difference between biological and non-biological…

Mei Xiawen looked at Gu Nianzhi with sympathy and pity, not wanting to embarrass her, and said in a gentler voice: "Okay, let's wait until your family agrees."

"Thank you, squad leader, for your consideration." Gu Nianzhi saw that Mei Xiawen was reasonable, and her impression of him became even better.

The two got out of the car, and Mei Xiawen took Gu Nianzhi to the expert building, while introducing He Zhichu to her: "... He is a partner of the largest law firm in the United States at a young age, and he is also from Yale Law School. He has a doctorate in law and is a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, so he is arrogant, but he also has a typical American characteristic, that is, he doesn't care about the situation but the person. As long as you make sense and convince him, he will still listen. ."

Gu Nianzhi silently wrote down what Mei Xiawen said, and hummed from time to time to show that he was listening attentively.

As Mei Xiawen spoke, he took Gu Nianzhi to the elevator of the Expert Building, took out a card and swiped the number for the eighteenth floor.

The elevator rose steadily. Gu Nianzhi looked at Mei Xiawen and said, "Monitor, you actually have a card here?"

The elevator in the Expert Building can only be used by those with a key card. If you swipe your key card, you can go to the floor where you live.

If you want to go to another floor, you need to get approval from the department and ask the service staff in the expert building to take you there. The security measures are strict.

Gu Nianzhi originally planned to find an opportunity on the first floor to call He Zhichu's place of residence, or wait and see if he could meet him coming downstairs, or coming back from outside.

Mei Xiawen put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked at the rising floors displayed in the elevator, and said with a smile: "... Since I said I would chase you, of course I have to show my sincerity. If you can't even get the key card here, what's the matter? Are you embarrassed to accept my sincerity?"

Gu Nianzhi blushed. Fortunately, the elevator had reached the eighteenth floor. The elevator door opened and she walked out, just in time to stop answering the phone.

Mei Xiawen followed and walked out, pointing to the innermost room on the left side of the corridor and said, "Professor He Zhichu lives there. You can call him here."

There are public telephones on each floor of the Expert Building, which can be dialed by inserting coins or inserting a card.

It was Mei Xiawen who stepped forward again and dialed the number for her personally.

Gu Nianzhi took it over anxiously, and someone actually picked up after two rings.

"Who is this?" The man who answered the phone had a clear and moving voice, but he seemed a little tired, with a hint of hoarseness in his voice.

Gu Nianzhi's heart was pounding and he asked hurriedly: "Is this Professor He Zhichu? I am Gu Nianzhi..."

There was suddenly no sound on the other end of the phone, and even the shallow breathing just now disappeared.

Gu Nianzhi waited for a while in surprise, but did not hear the other party hang up the phone, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "Is it Professor He Zhichu? I am Gu Nianzhi. I originally applied for your graduate program, but due to a sudden pregnancy I was seriously ill and missed the interview. I want to ask..."


The other party actually hung up the phone at this time.

Gu Nianzhi was dumbfounded, patted the phone, said hello twice, then looked up at Mei Xiawen and said: "... Is Professor He the only one who lives in that room?"

"Yes, he also has an assistant, a woman, who doesn't live in the same room with him." In order to take care of Nianzhi, Mei Xiawen did his best, and he inquired about He Zhichu in more detail than Yin Shixiong. .

"Professor He hung up on me." Gu Nianzhi pursed his lips and refused to give up: "I want to call again!"


Let me tell you, the word count of this book is relatively small. It was delayed for more than half a month due to contract issues. I will wait for notification of the release date in July.

Dear friends, please remember to keep your monthly tickets for me. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

I definitely need to add more for the monthly pass. O(∩_∩)O~.

Today I am looking for a Weibo fan, Sina Weibo: Writer Cambrian.
