Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 68: Alarm sounds


The kitten must have been hungry all night. When she saw the food, she immediately started eating.

Mei Xiawen also opened a bottle of mineral water and gave it a drink.

Within five minutes, the kitten suddenly jumped forward and fell limply to the ground, motionless and fainted.

"Hey! It's really the reason for the free food! But why do the people in the resort do this?!" The strong man shouted, "The people in the second class fainted like this in Mingyue Pavilion!"

Fortunately they didn't eat the free food!

A cold sweat broke out on Mei Xiawen's back.

The wind and rain outside are getting stronger and stronger, shrouding the entire Dufeng Mountain in the wind and rain.

In a small, secret computer room at the Special Operations Department station in City C, fifty miles away, a huge computer receives an electronic signal from somewhere every five minutes.

This signal is transmitted by mobile phone signal stations in various places.

As long as the mobile phone is not broken, the signal can be transmitted back to the secret computer room at the Special Operations Division without interruption.

It happened to be Saturday, and the staff on duty outside the computer room were more relaxed than usual.

He sat on the computer chair with a cup of tea, playing games one after another.

The computers in the station cannot access the external network, so everyone can only form a team to brush monsters on the internal network.

About an hour ago, the computer that specializes in receiving electronic signals was unable to receive the signals sent back regularly.

Computer programs run automatically, faithfully executing programs written by humans.

The signal is received every five minutes.

When no signal was received for more than half an hour, the computer faithfully executed the program and sounded the alarm.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A sharp and long scream sounded in the computer room, and at the same time, it started to start, and there were flashing red lights like police lights.

Zhao Liangze, who was taking a shower in the bathroom, heard an alarm sound in the room. He didn't even have time to wipe off the foam on his body. He grabbed a large bath towel and wrapped it around his lower body and rushed out of the bathroom.

He quickly turned on the computer and looked at the program he had specially written for Gu Nianzhi, and his eyes suddenly changed.

No messages have been received for half an hour.

What happened

Gu Nianzhi carries a transmitting device specially prepared by them, which uses mobile phone signal stations everywhere in the empire to transmit electronic signals.

If no signal is transmitted back for more than half an hour, the program will automatically determine that it is in the critical stage of an accident.

Zhao Liangze immediately dialed Yin Shixiong's phone: "Nobita! Nobita! What's going on?! What happened to Nianzhi?! Where is Xiao Li? Didn't he follow Nianzhi to Dufeng Mountain?! Why did Nianzhi and Xiao Li’s signal has disappeared?!”

Xiao Li is from their station. He usually goes on missions and carries such a signal transmitter on his body, which allows the Special Operations Department to determine their location and allows them to contact the station at all times.

Once contact is lost, most of the time something is wrong.

Yin Shixiong had just finished dinner and was lying on the sofa to eat.

After answering Zhao Liangze's call, he was shocked, "What's going on? Something happened to Nianzhi and Xiao Li? Nianzhi sent me a 'good night' message yesterday!"

"Last night? I mean just now! Their signal has disappeared for half an hour." Zhao Liangze said anxiously, "I'll check the mobile phone signal station."

Yin Shixiong also got up and said, "I'm going to the office and make a call to Dufeng Mountain Resort Center."

Zhao Liangze opened his high-privilege account and entered the infrastructure network of City C government.

From this network, he can check the status of mobile phone signal stations five hundred miles away from City C.

Zhao Liangze immediately checked the mobile phone signal stations near Dufeng Mountain.

He could tell at a glance that the only mobile phone signal station near Dufeng Mountain showed a big red "×" sign, which meant that the mobile phone signal station here was out of order and could not operate.

Zhao Liangze breathed a sigh of relief, put on his earphones and called Yin Shixiong again: "... The mobile phone signal station near Dufeng Mountain is out of order. I checked the weather forecast. It's stormy there, probably for this reason."

Yin Shixiong responded in the office, dialing numbers in his hand and looking more and more nervous.

"...Ozawa, can you check the status of Dufengshan Resort Center? I just found out that their landline phone doesn't work either..."

Zhao Liangze was stunned.

The mobile phone signal station was damaged, which can also be said to be due to the weather.

But the landline phone couldn't be called either, but something was wrong.

Zhao Liangze opened the online instant messaging program he had programmed himself and sent two messages to Gu Nianzhi and Xiao Li respectively.

The difference between this program and the general instant messaging programs on the market is that Zhao Liangze's program can feed back the other party's network status, similar to a "PIN" function.

You can check whether the other party's network is open.

The result shocked Zhao Liangze even more.

The Internet at Dufeng Mountain Resort Center is down!

There is no cell phone signal, no landline phone, and now even the internet is down.

What kind of natural disaster can cause such huge consequences

Zhao Liangze frowned and said to Yin Shixiong: "I think you need to call the local police station. There is a major problem at Dufeng Mountain Resort!"

"What level of problem?" Yin Shixiong's hands were also shaking as he looked up the number of the police station near Dufeng Mountain.

"Either there is a huge natural disaster over there, or there is a bad man-made disaster over there. No matter which one, we don't want to see it." Zhao Liangze said in a calm voice, his fingers flying, typing on the computer keyboard, He typed out a series of instructions in an attempt to establish a connection with Dufeng Mountain Resort, but his repeated failures made him realize that the damage there was physical damage, not a simple procedural problem.

On a night of heavy rain, the duty room of the police station near Dufeng Mountain received an inquiry from the parent of a student in the Law Department of University C.

"What happened to your Dufeng Mountain Resort Center? Why can't the phone call be connected? The mobile phone signal station is also broken? Our children are on vacation at the Dufeng Mountain Resort Center. Can you afford it if something goes wrong?"

After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone. The young police officer on duty was confused and didn't even have time to ask his name.

Judging from the phone number on the caller ID, it was a very common area code in City C.

The young police officer looked at the rain curtain outside the window, and then thought about the Dufeng Mountain Resort Center not far from here. He still dutifully put on his raincoat, put on the big flashlight on duty, carried his baton, and also brought a small pistol. .

Police officers on duty at night are equipped with guns and bullets.

This young police officer in his twenties is a local and is very familiar with Dufeng Mountain.

Although it was raining heavily, he successfully reached the road to the Dufeng Mountain Resort.

He didn't go far when he suddenly tripped and almost fell to the ground.

He quickly stabilized his body and took a powerful flashlight to shine.

"Ah!" He was so frightened that he almost threw the flashlight to the ground.

The thing that tripped him just now turned out to be a person!

It's just that the man's head was wrapped with a black plastic bag, and he was lying on the ground in a very large figure, with a rifle at hand!



First update delivered. The second update at noon is 600 for a monthly ticket and an additional update. Updated as usual at 6pm. The fourth update is at 8 p.m., monthly ticket is 700 for additional updates.

Thanks to the Puppet’s Ball for the God of Wealth money pot that was given yesterday.

The next time there is four updates, it will be when the monthly ticket is 900.

PS: A piece of arbitration can divide the borders of different countries. With such ability, why don’t you go to heaven? ! I bought a watch last year!

. (To be continued.)