Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 78: Mr. Huo's choice 3


Huo Shaoheng looked at Zhao Liangze, his expression had calmed down, and his voice was deep and deep, with a hint of hoarse magnetism that was not easy to detect: "...who is commanding this time?"

Zhao Liangze pointed to the night sky, "That's Deputy Bureau Liu from the city's police headquarters. He's considered a young talent. He's just forty and is at the deputy bureau level."

Fan Jian chuckled next to him, "You're already forty and you're still considered a young talent?"

Then our young master Huo, who was promoted to major general at the age of twenty-eight, is not a young hero? !

Of course, he only dared to complain secretly about the latter sentence, but he would never dare to say it in front of Huo Shaoheng.

But Zhao Liangze understood what he meant even if he didn't say it.

"That's the official recognition. The empire has selected the top ten outstanding young people. The oldest person elected is fifty-five years old." Zhao Liangze searched out the news from that year and showed it to Fan Jian. "Well, do you dare to say that the forty-year-old deputy Isn’t the director a young talent?”

Fan Jian touched his nose, laughed twice, and glanced at Huo Shaoheng secretly.

When the people around him made jokes and made sarcastic remarks, Huo Shaoheng never paid attention to them.

Without looking at Zhao Liangze, he tapped his finger on the car window twice and pointed upward: "What I want is his complete resume."

"Yes, Chief!" Zhao Liangze stopped joking and lowered his head to search for Deputy Director Liu's "glorious career" on the Internet.

If the Special Operations Department wants to investigate a person, it can definitely be traced to the eighteenth generation of ancestors without having to turn around.

After such an investigation, all the visible and shady experiences of Deputy Director Liu's forty years of life will be laid out in front of Huo Shaoheng.

It's a pity that Deputy Director Liu's words only "shocked" his own people and were completely unable to touch the big circle guys.

"Ha! Are you stupid to fool us with such cliche words?!" The grumpy King Kong II held a submachine gun and shot it into the sky!


The pilot of the helicopter hovering in the air hurriedly pulled the lever, almost breaking out in a cold sweat!

Deputy Director Liu was caught off guard and leaned back, almost falling off his seat.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" His head hit the fuselage, causing a big bulge in pain.

"Director Liu, the gangsters shot at us." The pilot was in shock and did not dare to approach Mingyue Pavilion again.

There was suddenly one less helicopter circling in the night sky, and the searchlights above Mingyue Pavilion were dimmed by half.

Yang Dawei was laughing loudly in Mingyue Pavilion and loudly praised King Kong's second son on the intercom: "Well done!"

"Listen! Give us a plane, 20 million in cash, send us out of the country, and we will let everyone go! If not, I will ask them to bury us with us!" Yang Dawei shouted loudly outside the Mingyue Pavilion, He also fired several shots, beating the general manager of the resort until he was crying and howling. It was too horrible to watch.

The police officers and soldiers outside heard the gangsters shouting and were so angry that if it weren't for discipline, they would have rushed forward.

In the helicopter, Deputy Director Liu listened to the people below talking about the gangster's demands through the intercom. He even punched the seat and roared: "How arrogant! You dare to make conditions with me! - Let me talk to the garrison The troops said, I want them to come to me! No matter what the cost, they must rescue the hostages alive!"

The garrison troops heard the gangsters' shouting and felt that they should give them some color.

"Sniper! Kill those two with submachine guns!"

The sniper team of the special forces is composed of two people, one sniper, who holds the gun, and the other observer, who holds the scope and helps the sniper aim.

In order to take down these tough bandits, the garrison also fought hard and sent out seven sniper teams, a total of fourteen people, to surround them from both sides to find the location of the bandits' submachine gunners.

But the two gangsters with submachine guns were very cunning and sophisticated.

They are in the dark, and the garrison's snipers are in the light.

No matter which direction the garrison's sniper detachment approached, the two submachine gunners struck at them suddenly, overwhelming the garrison's sniper detachment and unable to lift their heads.

Moreover, the two of them kept changing positions in the bamboo forest, running across each other, and sometimes hiding behind large rocks. There was no chance to snipe them.

Deputy Director Liu, who was watching the battle in the helicopter, was very anxious. He couldn't help but take the walkie-talkie and yelled at the garrison officer: "Why don't you charge?! There are only two gangsters! What do your soldiers do for food?" ! The gangsters have hostages! They are all college students in the law department! They are future elites!"

The garrison officer turned off the intercom with a gloomy face and looked up at the tall bamboo forests on both sides of the narrow path in front of Mingyue Pavilion.

If it hadn't been for the heavy rain, they would have set fire to the bamboo forest to see where the two submachine gunners would hide.

Not wanting a few gangsters to make the garrison lose face, the officer began to issue orders.

"Flare up!"

"Prepare your rifle, give me firepower to clear the ground, and shoot towards the bamboo forest!"

The snipers retreated, and the ordinary soldiers stepped on top, shooting suddenly into the bamboo forest with rifles, but the effect was not obvious.

Because the garrison did not expect that the kidnappers this time actually had submachine guns, they only brought one submachine gun when they came, and the others had ordinary rifles and sniper rifles.

Now I'm temporarily sending someone back to report and request heavy weapons, but I'm afraid they can't wait any longer.

The garrison officer took off his military cap in annoyance and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Huo Shaoheng sat in the Humvee military vehicle, folding his arms and quietly watching the actions of the garrison and police, with a worried look in his eyes.

He reached out and knocked on the driver's seat in the front row, and said to Fan Jian: "Go to Yin Shixiong and get that submachine gun. You can kill the two submachine gunners of the kidnappers."

"Yes, Chief!" Fan Jian was overjoyed.

Finally got a chance to join the battle with strength!

He is Huo Shaoheng's orderly, but he is also the leader of Huo Shaoheng's eight orderlies.

Huo Shaoheng is a major general, and his servicemen are all at the regiment level. Even though Fan Jian is just a driver who usually does miscellaneous tasks for Huo Shaoheng, when he goes down to the army, he is also the "chief" in the eyes of the soldiers...

Fan Jiancheng opened the car door and rushed out. He ran as fast as a hundred meters sprint to the other side of Xiaojing Lake. He found Yin Shixiong and briefly gave Huo Shaoheng's order.

Without saying a word, Yin Shixiong thrust the M16A American submachine gun into his hand, and a belt of bullets, all wrapped around his waist.

"Do a good job! Let the garrison and police see the strength of our Sixth Military Region!" Yin Shixiong smiled and patted Fan Jian on the shoulder, not doubting Fan Jian's strength at all.

What do the Major General's orderlies do? !

In fact, the most essential task is to be the leader's personal bodyguard...

Therefore, they also need to be extremely skilled in their own skills. Just making human body armor is not enough.

When Fan Jian rushed to the front of Mingyue Pavilion with a submachine gun in his arms, he saw that the two gangsters with submachine guns had injured many ordinary soldiers.

He pulled off the hooded hat on his face, covered his head and face, walked to the garrison officer on the ground who was directing the battle, showed his ID, and said solemnly: "Please allow me to participate in the battle!"

The garrison officer immediately agreed, "Time is running out, so I won't be polite to you. I'll remember this favor from the Sixth Military Region!"

He looked at the submachine gun in Fan Jian's hand and recognized it as the latest American-made submachine gun. He was even more convinced that this man must be from the Sixth Military Region, which was the Special Operations Department that used to be directly under the Imperial Military.

Because of the extremely special identity and nature of the Special Operations Division, most of their activities are abroad, and they rarely operate domestically.

Therefore, their department never uses domestic weapons, only foreign weapons that can be purchased in foreign markets.

This way, if something goes wrong, it will be easy to blame the country where the weapons manufacturer is located...


This is the first update.

There will be a second update at 1:00 noon. The monthly ticket is 800 extra.

Third update at 6pm.

The fourth update at 8pm is an additional monthly ticket of 900.

PS: Thank you Ji Yuer for the spiritual pet reward yesterday. Congratulations to Ji Yuer for becoming the new leader of "Hello, Major General"! Thank you, Lord Qingxiao Qingsha, for the Heshi Bi that was rewarded yesterday. A money jar to thank the God of Wealth for the puppet's dance. Thanks to Chongchongfei 999 for the peach blossom fan. mwah!


(To be continued.)