Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 83: Mr. Huo's choice 7


This gang of gangsters gave them one surprise after another tonight.

Yin Shixiong did not leave for a while, standing aside curiously and listening to Guan Hui discuss with his people what to do next.

"We can't attack by force. It is said that there are still explosives in the yard. To get in, we have to clear the mines first, but we don't have that much time."

"Yes, and even if they don't clear the mines and detonate it by force, I don't know how many explosives they have buried. Depending on their firepower, they might blow up the entire courtyard, and the hostages inside will also die."

"Then what should we do? Do we really just give him a plane and money and let him leave?!"

The soldiers didn't agree, and neither did the police officers.

So many of their brothers were injured, and there were even dead police officers and soldiers, could this be the case? !

"But we have no other way." Guan Hui spread out a map in front of him, which was the architectural drawing of Mingyue Pavilion.

"Look, Mingyue Pavilion is surrounded by Xiaojing Lake on three sides. Only the main entrance faces the narrow path in front of us. Our way to attack from the front has been blocked."

"How about entering from the water?" Someone suggested, pointing to the map and said: "Send soldiers or police officers with good water skills to swim over from the other side, and you can land at the back door of Mingyue Pavilion."

"It's a good idea, but there are only twenty minutes left. It's almost time to swim over. Do you want to go in and be buried together? You can take a speedboat, but as soon as the speedboat starts, the gangsters will know what we are going to do and kill the hostages immediately. What should we do? "

Yin Shixiong listened for a while and understood the difficulties of the garrison and police officers.

It's not that they have no way to catch the gangster, they are just trying to avoid it. They are worried that if they corner the gangster, he will be finished with more than 20 hostages.

Yin Shixiong shook his head, returned to the Humvee military vehicle, and told Huo Shaoheng about the situation here.

Huo Shaoheng also found it a bit tricky.

It's not difficult to kill this gangster. What's difficult is how to prevent him from having the opportunity to take a hostage to back him up before he dies.

"Ozawa, show me the three-dimensional architectural drawing again."

Zhao Liangze opened his laptop and pulled up the three-dimensional architectural drawing.

Huo Shaoheng frowned and looked for a while, "Where is the gangster in this house?"

Yin Shixiong pointed to the back wall of the main room of Mingyue Pavilion: "Here."

Yang Dawei is very cunning.

He was worried that an army sniper would shoot him in the head if he hid near the front door, so he stayed far away, huddled against the back wall.

Directly behind the back wall of Mingyue Pavilion is the vast Xiaojing Lake. The lake has a diameter of two kilometers, so you are not afraid of being shot in the face.

As long as no one swims from Xiaojing Lake, he is safe.

And even if someone goes into the water, they will never be able to swim in fifteen minutes.

Driving a speedboat has been ruled out, as is falling from the sky and breaking through the roof.

Because the gangsters are cruel and decisive, and have sufficient firepower, when the time comes, all their efforts will be in vain.

Is there really no other way

Yin Shixiong and Zhao Liangze looked at each other, only thankful that Gu Nianzhi was not a hostage in that room.

Otherwise, they will have to fight with that gangster in heaven and on earth...

"As expected, Nianzhi grew up with us and learned a lot." Yin Shixiong said proudly, as if Gu Nianzhi was his daughter.

Zhao Liangze smiled and asked Huo Shaoheng: "Master Huo, do you want to take Nianzhi over and take her out of here first?"

Huo Shaoheng refused without raising his head: "The matter here is not resolved, how can I leave."

Zhao Liangze was quiet and said in a low voice: "... But if we take charge of domestic affairs, we will go beyond the rules."

Previously, it could be said that they intervened out of concern for Nianzhi's safety, and no one from the military department would hold him accountable.

Now that Gu Nianzhi is safe, if he interferes again, Huo Shaoheng will be in trouble even if he is caught by those congressmen, even if he is in a high position.

Yin Shixiong also thought of this, but when he thought about the tragic situation of the troops and police officers just now, he couldn't bear it and couldn't say anything to stand by and watch.

Huo Shaoheng straightened up at this time and said calmly: "This matter cannot be just a domestic matter. We will take care of it."

"It can't be just a domestic matter? You mean...those foreign-made heavy-fire guns and ammunition?" Zhao Liangze suddenly realized, "Yes! These are smuggled in by smugglers! They are related to foreign hostile elements!"

In this way, their Sixth Military Region would have a legitimate reason to intervene.

Huo Shaoheng usually didn't say a word twice. He pointed to Gu Nianzhi's position on the other side of Xiaojing Lake, "Look for a shooting point here and use a heavy sniper. You can kill him across the lake shore or the back wall."

"Sniper again?!" Yin Shixiong suddenly became excited, "Master Huo! Let me go!"

Heavy sniper, also called anti-material sniper rifle, can blast targets through walls.

The best heavy snipers have a range of two to three kilometers.

The current world record for heavy snipers is an Australian sniper who aimed and shot from a distance of 2.8 kilometers and blew the gunman's head off with one shot.

"It's only two kilometers from the shore of Xiaojing Lake on the other side to the back wall of Mingyue Pavilion. As long as he keeps leaning against the back wall, there will be no problem." Huo Shaoheng put on a hood that covered his face, "Go to the garrison and ask them if they have any I didn’t bring a heavy sniper, so I went to the other side of Xiaojing Lake, and Ozawa was my observer. Nobita was at the front door, and Guan Hui was your observer. That way, no matter which way the gangster leaned, he would be shot in the head."

This is a headshot through a wall, which is not an ordinary difficulty.

It was easier for Yin Shixiong, after all, the distance from the front door to the main room was short.

The real difficulty was on Huo Shaoheng's side. Not only was it far away, two kilometers across the lake, but the weather was also bad. The visibility was too low. Wind and rain would also affect the ballistic curve of the bullet, which would directly determine whether the shooting was effective.

But seeing the calm look on Huo Shaoheng's face, Yin Shixiong chose to believe him.

"Yes, chief!" Yin Shixiong and Zhao Liangze responded at the same time.

The two of them acted separately and went to find Guan Hui for another attack.

After hearing Yin Shixiong's words, Guan Hui was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "The heavy sniper has just been transferred here, but I am worried that if the shot is not accurate, it will hurt the hostages in the room."

The bullets of the heavy sniper are so powerful that they can even blow up armored vehicles. This is why the heavy sniper is also called an anti-material sniper rifle.

If it hits a person, it can directly break the human body into pieces. It is absolutely fatal with one shot.

But if the shot is not accurate and it hits the hostage, it will be fatal with one shot...

"It doesn't matter, leave it to us. You are not responsible for any problems." Yin Shixiong picked two extremely heavy snipers, one for himself and one for Huo Shaoheng.

Huo Shaoheng did not reveal his identity and would only appear in front of everyone as a sniper of the Sixth Military Region.

Guan Hui became angry when he heard this: "What are you talking about? Am I the one who is afraid of taking responsibility?! No matter what, if something goes wrong, I will take care of it!"

Yin Shixiong was amused by him and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, brother, I am determined to be your friend!"

"... Well, I thought we were already friends..." Guan Hui was a little confused, could we be considered friends now

Yin Shixiong chuckled and did not continue. He threw a heavy sniper into the Humvee military vehicle and watched them take a detour to the other side of Xiaojing Lake.

Gu Nianzhi was panicked by the violent gunfire and explosions on the other side of the lake. She sat up from the long stone bench, dazed for a while, and walked to the door of the hut to see what was going on there.

A man who looked like an army officer stopped her: "Classmate, we have a mission right away. We need to clear the place. Please cooperate and don't come out."

"What mission?" Mei Xiawen stood next to Gu Nianzhi nervously, "How is the kidnapper doing now? Have he been caught?"

"Snipers have been sent over there. We will set up a sniper point here later. You guys stay back."

While he was talking, a Humvee military vehicle drove over quickly.


This is the first update. At one o'clock at noon, there will be a second update of the spiritual pet that is rewarded by the leader of the circle fish 0o. Third update at 6pm.

A reminder about monthly tickets and recommended tickets.


(To be continued.)