Her Celestial Masters and Handsome Men League

Chapter 18: Case analysis


Lin Tingjun was about to leave, but suddenly, the sword at his waist stopped moving!

Yes, his sword was suspended in the air, but others only thought that his sword was worn on his waist and could not see any clues. But Lin Tingjun had a feeling. He looked at his waist and gently patted the scabbard. The sword relaxed and continued to hang on Lin Tingjun's waist. Lin Tingjun followed Lian Youyou's footsteps and entered the door.

At this time, General Yuchi Feng had already examined Liu Qiang's body and was getting angry.

"Who the hell said that this villager's intestines were eaten by a monster? Aren't the intestines still there?!" Yuchi Feng was a straight-forward person. He had fought in the battlefield and had seen all kinds of corpses, so he was not afraid of them.

Moreover, he hated superstition the most. He, Yuchi Feng, never believed in ghosts and gods, and his entire family didn't believe in them. It was useless to pray to gods and Buddhas in battle. He still relied on the machete on his waist and the fearless spirit of thousands of soldiers.

Ordinary people are afraid of ghosts and gods in their hearts, and afraid of officials in their faces.

After Yuchi Feng's outburst, the villagers were all frightened and they all shrank their necks and dared not speak nonsense.

"Fools! Fools! Spreading false information! Creating troubles! And doing all this weird shit! I hate it most when fortune tellers like you lie to people!" Yuchi Feng kicked over the altar, and the incense burner, bowls and plates fell to the ground with bangs. The Liu family members were so frightened that they dared not say a word and secretly looked at Li Xiangu.

Don't blame Yuchi Feng for being so angry. He was a great general defending Qinzhou! But just because of a small rumor, he dispatched his elite soldiers and guards. All this fanfare was just for such a small matter? In the future, if the family reunion is spread into the family and other brothers in the family know about it, wouldn't they laugh at him and make him lose face

Fairy Li blinked her snow-white eyes: "General... Liu Qiang was harmed by a demon, and there is still demonic energy on his body. If you don't cast a spell, the demon will surely harm the Liu family! Can you shoulder this responsibility?!" Fairy Li was a somewhat famous fairy in Qinzhou Prefecture. Many town officials and wealthy businessmen in the prefecture had asked her to exorcise evil spirits. She was very arrogant and didn't take Yuchi Feng seriously at all. She was a fairy who was superior to ordinary people.

Seeing that Li Xiangu was not afraid of the official, Liu Qiang's family members also grew a little bolder and knelt down to beg: "Official, please let Li Xiangu perform the ritual. Official, please let Li Xiangu perform the ritual."

"Please let Fairy Li exorcise the evil spirit for my son—"

"Yes, sir, let Li Xiangu perform a ritual to exorcise the evil spirit, otherwise the evil spirit will come out and harm our entire village." The people from Beicun who were watching the fun around the wall couldn't help but speak up.

"Sir, let the fairy perform a ritual~~~~~"

If Fairy Li hadn't retorted, Yuchi Feng would have just withdrawn and stopped wasting time here.

But Li Xiangu not only retorted, but also led the villagers' rhythm, making him look like he was here to cause trouble. Looking at Li Xiangu again, the noble lady had a smug smile on her face.

I am a disciple of a god, and you, a small official, are just a mere mortal.

This Li Xiangu also didn't know the true face of Mount Lu, and didn't know Yuchi Feng's official position. It's not her fault. The person who came to the small mountain village to investigate the case was at most a town official, not a provincial governor. If she knew, how could she dare to say so much

Seeing that the villagers followed Li Xiangu's advice, Yuchi Feng, with his upright character, could not stand it? He was the general defending the city, and he was the guardian of Qinzhou. It would be fine if the people did not listen to him, but they actually listened to those charlatans? Once he got angry, he was going to use force.

"Catch them all, damn—"

"Witch!" Suddenly, a figure flew past him at a rapid speed. The figure was so fast that Yuchi Feng could not see clearly. Even Lin Tingjun, who had been following Lian Youyou, was stunned. He felt as if a braid had hit him in the face.

Huh? What's going on? What happened just now? Where's Lian Youyou? What the hell was that thing that hit me in the face

The next moment, there were two "pa pa" sounds and the whole place fell silent.

Everyone looked closely and saw that it was Lian Youyou who grabbed Li Xiangu's collar and slapped her twice, leaving two red palm prints on Li Xiangu's plump face. Two slaps gave her a plateau red.

Li Xiangu was stunned for a moment, and stood there stupidly, as if her brain had been taken away all at once, leaving only an empty skull.

Lin Tingjun was secretly shocked and stared at Lian Youyou even more closely. Since he received the token to slay evil spirits, no one has been faster than him, even the various evil spirits. If Lian Youyou's speed was like just now, wouldn't he have lost her? What is the origin of this Lian Youyou? But he was sure that she was not a mortal.

Yuchi Feng was also a little confused when he saw Lian Youyou. How could a village girl suddenly appear? But he appreciated the two slaps she gave Li Xiangu, which made him feel quite comfortable. If it weren't for the fact that he never hit women, he would have wanted to beat her a long time ago. He liked the village girl's style of doing things, and let's see what she was going to do.

Seeing that their general did not move, Guo De, Guo Gang and others continued to stand and watch the fun.

Seeing that Li Xiangu was stunned, Lian Youyou stretched out her hand and inserted it into Li Xiangu's eyes without hesitation. When everyone exclaimed, her fingertips scraped Li Xiangu's eyes.

"Ah!" Although Li Xiangu was knocked unconscious, she also felt the pain. After a scream, she covered her eyes in pain.

Lian Youyou spread out her palms in front of everyone who were stunned. In her palms were two layers of eggshell white clothes!

Everyone was stunned. What on earth was that

Lian Youyou pushed Li Xiangu aside and looked at everyone: "Look, this is how your Xiangu pretends to have the Yin-Yang eyes. She is just trying to cheat people out of money, she doesn't know any magic to exorcise evil spirits! This is the white clothes on the eggshell!"

Everyone was stunned with shock and looked at Li Xiangu who was covering her eyes.

Upon seeing this, Yuchi Feng gave Guo De and Guo Gang a look, and the two of them immediately stepped forward, first captured Li Xiangu, pulled off her hands that were covering her eyes, and held her chin, forcing her to raise her face and open her eyes. Sure enough, Li Xiangu had a pair of normal black eyes.

Li Xiangu also had a strong desire to survive, so she immediately pretended not to see anything and looked around blankly: "I, I really can't see anything, I can't see anything."

But how could ordinary people be fooled now? What makes people angry the most is being treated as a fool. Isn't this a cause of public outrage


"The old witch who cheated people out of money—"

"Kill her—"

"Yes! Kill her—"

The people are very angry, and the consequences will be either death or injury!

Guo De and Guo Gang, who were originally responsible for capturing Li Xiangu, now have to protect her. However, if the villagers really lose control of their emotions, they may also be injured by mistake.

"Liu Qiang was really not killed by a monster—" A loud shout made the excited villagers stop their actions again. They all looked and saw Lian Youyou standing on the altar that was kicked over by Yuchi Feng.

Lian Youyou saw that everyone had stopped, and waved to everyone with a smile, then spread her hands and said, "Do you really not want to know how Liu Qiang died?"

Everyone started looking at each other in bewilderment. How could this silly girl say that Liu Qiang was not killed by a demon? How did she know? (To be continued)