Her Celestial Masters and Handsome Men League

Chapter 36: Destroy the corpse and eliminate the traces (plus update)


"Bang!" With a sudden explosion, Liu Qiang's grave was blown open immediately, the soil splashed, and a piece of coffin board flew out. Immediately afterwards, a black figure rushed out from it like a cheetah!

"Here I come—" Lian shouted leisurely, then turned and ran.

"Ah—a dead body—" He Shiqi followed Lian Youyou and ran away.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one around Lin Tingjun. Lin Tingjun raised his sword and looked at them. They hid behind a tree far away and clenched their fists at him, shouting: "Come on—"

Lin Tingjun frowned and turned back, only to see Liu Qiang's body in front of the tomb, his eyes were as white as moonlight, just like Yuchi Shaolang before. But Yuchi Shaolang's eyes had pupils, and they were full of spirit.

But at this moment, Liu Qiang's eyes were completely white, like the eyes of an owl, which made people tremble. His pale eyes looked around blankly, and he let out a deep roar of "Uh... Uh..." that was scary.

It was not known whether it was blood or saliva, but it kept flowing out of his open mouth, emitting a disgusting stench. Lin Tingjun could not help but raise his hand and cover his nose with his arm.

Unexpectedly, when he moved, Liu Qiang reacted. His pale eyes immediately looked at him, and the next moment, his body flew into the air and pounced directly towards him.

"Cut off his head--" Lian Youyou shouted from a distance.

Lin Tingjun took a deep breath, held his breath, raised the sword in front of him, gripped the hilt, his eyes sharp, and when the sword is unsheathed, he will kill the evil!

Liu Qiang's body flew in the air, Lin Tingjun drew his sword, blood cut through the moonlight, and when Liu Qiang fell, he swung the sword down.


The head was cut off and the sword was put away.

"Gurgle." Liu Qiang's head fell to the ground and rolled.

"Plop." Liu Qiang's body fell in front of Lin Tingjun and stopped moving.

Liu Qiang's head was tilted upside down, his mouth was wide open, and his eyes were pale, which made people feel even more disgusted.

Lin Tingjun swung his sword to shake off the foul-smelling water on the sword, then took a slight step away from Liu Qiang's body. What on earth was this object

Since Lin Tingjun and the old man started to kill evil spirits, it is true that it is not uncommon for corpses to resurrect. However, this is definitely not an ordinary resurrection, because in an ordinary resurrection, the eyes of the corpse are definitely not this moon-white color, and the corpse's movements are also extremely slow.

He remembered the old man saying that the transition from day to night was the moment when yin and yang met. At this time, a yin-yang boundary would be formed, which was neither the yang world nor the yin world, and was a place where the yin and yang gods did not care.

New demons and monsters are most likely to appear at this time, and then they will disappear from the human world.

Lin Tingjun swung his sword and turned to look at Lian Youyou, but Lian Youyou waved at him: "It's not over yet - I have to chop more -"

Lin Tingjun was slightly stunned? Why is it not over yet? His head had clearly been chopped off by him. Most of the evil spirits could be beheaded.

"Gurgle." A strange rolling sound suddenly came from behind him. He was slightly startled, deliberately slowed down his body, and slowly turned around. He saw that Liu Qiang's head was standing up!

Lin Tingjun was shocked! He's still alive! This Lian the liar was simply cheating him!

The moonlight shone on Liu Qiang's head, his white pupils glowed with green light, and a thin black snake slowly emerged from under his neck! The tentacles that looked like thin snakes became more and more, densely emerging from under Liu Qiang's neck, slowly propping up Liu Qiang's head.

"Ah—" He suddenly opened his mouth wide, and all his tentacles began to wriggle, rapidly approaching Lin Tingjun!

"Don't let him bite you—you will end up like this—" Lian Youyou shouted behind Lin Tingjun.

Lin Tingjun retreated quickly. Lian Youyou's shout made him even more frightened. He didn't want to become a head covered with tentacles. It seemed that he could only sacrifice blood to the sword.

Lin Tingjun flew up, holding the sword in his right hand across his body, and his left hand sword finger slashed across the blade again. The blood instantly dyed the sword red, and the blood sword immediately glowed red in the moonlight!

Lian Youyou blinked her eyes, walked out from behind the tree, looked up at Lin Tingjun holding a blood-red sword in the air, and suddenly realized something. She had always wondered how a mortal like Lin Tingjun could enter the Ninth Gate to kill evil spirits. Even if he was a master in the mortal world, he could never be a match for the evil spirits.

Now, she saw the sword clearly. This was a young man who had made a blood pact with the evil sword!

"Oh—" He Shiqi poked his head out and looked at Lin Tingjun's sword and exclaimed, "Brother's sword can glow... so fun... where did you buy it..."

Lian Youyou shook her head and chuckled, but when she looked at the evil sword again, her eyes were cold: "This was not bought with money, but... exchanged for life." How many dead souls are there in the sword in Lin Tingjun's hand

When Liu Qiang saw Lin Tingjun flying up, his head also suddenly jumped up, and the black tentacles under his neck danced wildly in the air, which made people's legs weak and tremble with fear. If Liu Dong stood here today, he would not be as scared as peeing, but would be scared to death.

In the blue clouds and the blue moon, there was a man and a head, with red light burning in the moon, like real fire. The evil sword fell, and the head split in two in the air, falling straight down, with black tentacles entwined with red blood, igniting wisps of fluorescent green ghost fire in the moonlight, floating down vividly.

"Ah~~~I'm so scared. So scared." He Shiqi covered his eyes.

Lian breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward cautiously.

Lin Tingjun floated down, sheathed his bloody sword, and quickly walked to Lian Youyou, shouting, "What the hell?!"

Lian Youyou blinked her eyes, her face full of innocence: "A demon."

Lian Youyou couldn't look directly at the head that was split into two halves: "This Liu Qiang was bitten by the white wolf. The white wolf has a low level of cultivation and a strong demonic poison. The demonic poison entered the corpse and absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon. At the moment of the intersection of yin and yang, this demon ghost was born. Simply put, it is a stronger form of rabies and it is contagious. So it must be eliminated." Lian Youyou frowned and shook her head, stroking her arm.

Lin Tingjun was furious: "Why didn't you say it earlier?!" If he hadn't been quick, what would have happened if he had been bitten by the monster

Lian Youyou looked at Lin Tingjun with big eyes, and suddenly grinned: "Spoiler so early? How-not fun!"

Lin Tingjun's handsome face immediately sank.

Lian Youyou smiled at Lin Tingjun: "This is not over yet."

Lin Tingjun's eyes widened again. It's not over yet? !

"It has to be burned. The evil poison is still in there. Come, throw the body back into the coffin." Lian Youyou said softly.

Lin Tingjun really refused to do it this time. Killing demons is fine, but moving corpses is also necessary? He refused to do it. He looked at He Shiqi hiding behind a big tree and said, "You come."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" He Shiqi yelled at him, instantly making Lin Tingjun stunned! He Shiqi looked at Lin Tingjun as if he were a fool, and just clung to the tree tightly and refused to come over.

Lin Tingjun rolled his eyes in anger, clenched his teeth, and wanted to beat this idiot. What should he do

"Hurry up, otherwise the evil spirit will absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and revive again!" Lian Youyou urged, "Then it will destroy all lives and the entire village. You, the Ninth Sect, will have to use the plague to cover it up."

Lin Tingjun closed his eyes and held back the anger in his chest. Lian Youyou was very clear about the ways of the Ninth Sect. (To be continued)