Her Celestial Masters and Handsome Men League

Chapter 494: The last thing is to step on the tumor


Horafa turned around, looking ashamed: "I'm not worried that the goddess won't keep her promise, but... I feel guilty towards my people. I should have died on that day! Now, I really..."

"Father, don't say that..." Sanniang stretched out her arms and hugged her old father, "After the apocalypse, what makes me happiest is that we finally reconciled..."

Holafa's eyes were also filled with tears. He held Sanniang's hand tightly with his wrinkled hands and said, "Son, don't go to Jiumen. Stay here. You will be the queen and lead our Star Clan back to glory."

"I..." Sanniang's expression showed hesitation, because she remembered the agreement she made with Lian Youyou.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the door of the temple was pushed open. Immediately, a white light that did not belong here, let alone to the secret realm, instantly shone in, filling the entire temple. It was so dazzling that people could not see the figure in the holy light.

"I'm sorry, Sanniang is mine now. I have the final say on where she wants to go." When Lian Youyou's clear voice sounded, Sanniang's eyes immediately showed excitement.

She hurried forward, knelt on one knee, and greeted respectfully: "Welcome, Goddess!"

When Holafa heard that it was the goddess who came, he hurried forward and was about to kneel, but was supported by Lian Youyou who suddenly appeared in front of him: "We don't like this. Others call us gods, but in fact we all know that we are just aliens. Sanniang, you get up too."

Sanniang stood up happily. She didn't expect Lian Youyou to come so soon!

Lian Youyou handed a star disk to Holafa, who was surprised when he saw it. Because it was an interstellar compass, a coordinate! With it, their spaceship could be reopened!

"I think you should know what this is. There is a coordinate inside. There is a planet suitable for your survival." Lian Youyou smiled at Holafa.

Holafa looked at Lian Youyou in surprise and excitement, his eyes were wet with tears, and he was choking with sobs. He looked at Sanniang, and Lian Youyou smiled, but this smile became cold again: "Sanniang will not leave. She used her freedom to exchange for the habitat of your people. This is the exchange she made with me. Now, she wants to stay with me, work for me for the rest of her life, and take care of the Nine Gates."

Holafa was stunned with astonishment. Sanniang lowered her head silently and said softly, "Father, take care of yourself."

When Sanniang finished speaking, Lian Youyou turned around and pulled Sanniang away. She was quick, decisive, and ruthless, just like a devil taking away a soul that had made a deal with her. This was a deal, and you would not have the slightest regret.

Sanniang stood beside Lian Youyou, wrapped in a bubble, watching a huge spaceship with white flashing lights break through the blue sea and fly high into the sky. It turned out that the palace was just a bridge of this starship.

The spaceship quickly took off, turned into a meteor and flew high into the sky, disappearing in front of Sanniang in the blink of an eye. From then on, she was the only member of the Green Star tribe left on this planet.

Lian Youyou smiled at her: "Do you regret it?"

Sanniang smiled, looked at her, and shook her head with tears in her eyes: "Yunxi, Yunyao, Fat Buddha, Guan Ye, Little Lettuce and Fatty Yao are also my family members. They need my care more than my own people."

Lian Youyou grinned mischievously and raised an eyebrow at her: "Follow me, you can live forever, and you can go to that planet to visit relatives during the holidays. You just work a little farther away, nothing else has changed."

Sanniang's beautiful eyes widened at Lian Youyou's words. After hearing this, she really didn't lose anything! She only gained a lot! These days, there are so many people working away from home. It's really like what Lian Youyou said, she just works far away. But Lian Youyou's words also mean that she allowed her to go home to visit her family! So what is there for her to be sad about!

She smiled charmingly and leaned softly on Lian Youyou's shoulder: "My Lady Goddess~~~ Would you like to consider it~~~"

"Tsk." Lian glanced at her leisurely, "I'm not trying to steal Yun Xi's woman. When you have your wedding, remember to treat me to the wedding wine. I don't give red envelopes~~"

“Ahahahahaha——” The two women laughed so hard in the sky.

The door to the secret realm opened, and everyone was surprised to welcome Lian Youyou. The people from the Nine Gates knelt under the jade bridge, and no one dared to look up.

"Get up, get up, everyone." Lian Youyou and Sanniang came back together, "I'm not really back, I'm leaving after I finish one thing."

Everyone stood up in surprise, showing an uneasy look. At first, they looked at Lian Youyou with suspicion, and now they were worried that Lian Youyou would leave.

"Youyou, are you really leaving?" Lord Yao Guang looked at Lian Youyou nervously.

Lian Youyou smiled: "Xiao Yao, Jiumen was doing pretty well before I came along. You should have confidence in yourself." Lian Youyou patted Yao Guang's chubby shoulders.

Having said that, Lian Youyou's departure was like the departure of a leader, which made everyone feel lost and confused.

"By the way, I will give this Tian Zi Token to Sanniang today." Lian Youyou took out the Tian Zi Token and handed it to Sanniang.

Sanniang was flattered! She suddenly understood why Lian Youyou asked her to look after the Nine Gates.

Lian Youyou looked at Zi Gu: "Zi Gu, come here."

Zi Gu came forward obediently, and Lian Youyou took out the little clay rabbit she had pinched before, but now the little clay rabbit was all black, faintly emitting a dark aura. Lian Youyou put it in front of Zi Gu: "Take it."

Zi Gu took a look and ate it without hesitation. He did whatever the goddess told him to do.

After he ate the mud rabbit, he suddenly felt as if his whole body was burning. Immediately, his whole body was burning with black flames!

"Zi Gu!" Guan Ye and Yun Yao exclaimed in unison, and everyone was also frightened and nervous.

Lian Youyou looked at everyone with a smile: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. Zi Gu has dark power in his body. It's his father's fault that he was so eager to save his son that he made a contract with the Zombie God that he shouldn't have made." Lian Youyou looked at Guan Ye speechlessly. Guan Ye was stunned and lowered his face in regret and grief.

Lian Youyou continued, "So if I use my magic, I guess Zi Gu will be destroyed by me, because light and darkness counteract each other, you know this, right?"

Everyone nodded, and Guan Ye quickly raised his head and listened carefully, afraid to miss every word Lian Youyou said.

Lian Youyou grinned: "But the power of the Eternal Night Clan is darkness, so, when they come I can deal with Zi Gu, haha, do you think the Eternal Night Clan is stupid? They actually come to fight me? Hahaha—" Lian Youyou put her hands on her waist and laughed loudly, her pride and arrogance were evident in her words.

Everyone who was originally worried and nervous for Zi Gu froze again when they saw Lian Youyou's familiar expression, laughing until her neck was almost broken.

Lian Youyou wiped her mouth, stopped laughing, put one hand on her waist, and finally looked like a serious goddess. She winked at everyone and said, "Look, Zi Gu is back." Lian Youyou looked behind everyone, at the clean-cut boy. (To be continued)