Her Celestial Masters and Handsome Men League

Chapter 50: Investigating the case (Additional Update 8)


Lian Youyou looked at Sanniang with a cunning look in her eyes: "Sanniang, can you come with me? If you are here, others will have no time to investigate the case." Lian Youyou's eyes were full of meaning. Since it is a competition, collecting clues is particularly important. You divert the enemy's attention, and I will seize the initiative and compete for clues.

Sanniang held the cigarette holder in her mouth, narrowed her eyes charmingly, snorted lightly, took out the pipe and dusted it, then turned sideways lazily: "Okay~~ I'll go with you~~" Anyway, she had no interest in the Tianzi Divine Guards, but was very interested in Lian Youyou.

"Sanniang, you are going crazy too?" Yun Yao looked at Sanniang in disbelief.

Sanniang and Lian walked together leisurely, their figures graceful, twisting their bodies with every step, moving forward like snakes.

Lian Youyou walked to the door, turned around and shouted to Yao Guang: "Xiao Guangzi~~Please help me take care of Aqi~~~"

Ah Qi? Yao Guang looked at others in confusion. Fat Buddha pointed behind him. He then saw a handsome fool chewing their steamed buns. Oh my! That was breakfast for all of them, and he himself hadn't eaten yet!

Sanniang followed Lian Youyou to the carriage, and Lian Youyou patted the carriage: "Fortunately there is a carriage, otherwise it would be inconvenient for you to wear this skirt."

Sanniang glanced lazily and inadvertently saw the word "Yi" on the car light: "Northern Yi Family?"

"What's wrong?" Lian Youyou jumped onto the carriage and stretched out her hand to Sanniang, "Do you know her?"

Sanniang lifted her soft hair, got on the carriage, and leaned lazily beside Lian Youyou: "You used the Yi family's carriage without knowing who the Yi family is? Then how did you get this carriage?"

Lian Youyou smiled mischievously, raised an eyebrow at Sanniang, and said playfully, "It's a honey trap."

"Puff! Hahahaha—" Sanniang laughed loudly, and Lian drove forward leisurely.

Yun Xi hurriedly chased out, looked at the back of the carriage and shouted: "Sanniang, you must be careful-"

As the carriage drove away, Yun Xi felt uneasy. There was already a lot of noise in the courtyard. Today was really a turbulent day for the Nine Gates.

There were already eight gates of constables standing in front of the Minister of Revenue's door, which had been cordoned off. Everyone passing by was surprised and stopped to watch curiously.

"I heard that something happened to Master Ma Yun." The onlookers whispered.

"What happened?"

"I don't know the details, but since everyone from the Eight Gates has come, it must be a big deal."

Ma Guanqun had been wandering anxiously in front of the gate. It had been such a long time, and Fu Mingrui from the Eighth Gate hadn't come, and neither had the people from the Ninth Gate. He was getting anxious to death.

Just then, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, someone was coming!

Ma Guanqun stretched his neck and looked around anxiously, and saw Fu Mingrui riding on the horse with his hair flying.

Fu Mingrui is famous in Beijing not only because he is a detective, but also because of his handsomeness. He is as handsome as a scholar, but also has the heroic spirit of a young man. The combination of the two makes the girls in Beijing infatuated. Therefore, he is known as the most beautiful boy in Beijing.

The reason why the girls named him the most beautiful boy was because Fu Mingrui appeared on screen more often. He was much better than Lin Tingjun and Yun Xi who lived in the deep alleys of the Nine Gates, and he appeared more often than the prince who lived in the deep palace and whose face the girls could not even see.

If Lin Tingjun, Yun Xi, and the face-obsessed prince Duanmu Qingchen appeared in front of the public, Fu Mingrui might have to give up his position as the most beautiful boy.

Fu Mingrui had not yet approached when the sound had already arrived. It was the shouting of those girls.

"Ah——It's Master Fu, so handsome——"

"Go and inform everyone quickly that Lord Fu is handling a case here with the Minister of Revenue today~~~~"

Fortunately, this is the eastern part of the city, where only officials from the capital live, and the people who come are all young ladies. Otherwise, it would be like Pan An crossing the street, with too many people.

Fu Mingrui rode his horse hurriedly over. Before he reached the Shangshu Mansion, he heard a voice behind him calling out, "Mingrui—Mingrui—"

Fu Mingrui pulled the reins and looked back, and was surprised to find that it was Duanmu Qingchen who followed him.

When Duanmu Qingchen appeared, the people watching on both sides were shocked. Which noble family was this young man from? Why was he so handsome

Fu Mingrui's eyes widened, he hurried forward and lowered his voice: "What are you doing here?!"

"Look at the monster!" Duanmu Qingchen stretched his neck, "Take me there quickly, I promise not to cause any trouble for you."

Fu Mingrui sighed helplessly: "Okay, then you should keep a low profile, you are the prince!" After Fu Mingrui gave the warning, he and Duanmu Qingchen went to the residence of the Minister of Revenue.

On the other side, Lian Youyou's carriage also came running. Along the way, there were also bursts of exclamations, all because of the beauty in the carriage: Sanniang.

"Who is Fu Mingrui?" Lian Youyou asked Sanniang beside her.

Sanniang took a puff of her cigarette and said, "The old man, the leader of the Eight Gates next door, made a bet with Fu Kun, the left prime minister, that the person who investigated the case would naturally be his son, Fu Mingrui."

After hearing this, Lian Youyou understood. She looked forward and saw two people riding horses towards her: "Is it one of them?" Lian Youyou raised the whip.

Sanniang glanced lazily and was stunned: "Why is the prince here too?"

"Prince?" Lian glanced at Sanniang.

Sanniang raised her pipe and pointed at the man in gorgeous clothes: "Well, the current crown prince, Duanmu Qingchen, has been friends with Fu Mingrui since childhood, and their relationship has always been ambiguous. But the crown prince never leaves the palace, and it seems that this matter is of great importance, and the crown prince has come to Fu Mingrui to cheer him up."

"Oh? An ambiguous relationship..." Lian Youyou smiled mischievously, savoring the taste of it carefully.

Here, Fu Mingrui and Duanmu Qingchen had already arrived in their carriages and dismounted. Ma Guanqun was so surprised to see the prince coming that he immediately knelt to greet him.

Duanmu Qingchen rushed forward to stop him and gave Ma Guanqun a look: "Your Highness must keep a low profile today."

Ma Guanqun already understood and stood up quickly: "Yes, yes."

"Master Ma, take us to Young Master's room." Fu Mingrui looked at Ma Guanqun.

Ma Guanqun immediately made way: "Master Fu, please."

At this moment, the sound of a horse-drawn carriage was heard. Immediately, the eight-door constables surrounding the entrance of Ma Guanqun stepped forward quickly and lined up in a row to block the way.

The horse was stopped, stopped suddenly, and neighed: "One~~~~~"

"The Eight Gates are handling a case today, please take a detour!" the detectives shouted.

Lian Youyou snorted coldly, stood up and stood on the carriage, took out his badge, held it high under the bright sun, and shouted: "Nine gates are investigating the case! Get out of the way, everyone!"

The clear sound was like a sharp arrow, piercing the air and reaching everyone's ears.

Fu Mingrui, who was about to enter the gate, turned around immediately and saw the heroic girl in blue standing on the carriage.

Puzzles appeared in Fu Mingrui's deep eyes. Who is this woman? He has never seen her in Jiumen.

Ma Guanqun was secretly delighted that the people from Jiumen had finally arrived, but how come... it was a woman

Duanmu Qingchen also looked around curiously, standing beside Fu Mingrui and whispering quietly: "I heard that there are two women in Jiumen, one is particularly... pretty..." His voice gradually paused, and when the constable who stopped the carriage stepped aside, a woman in a peony skirt gradually emerged under Lian Youyou. (To be continued)