Her Little Dimples

Chapter 66: last of the last


It rained again in the evening.

Xu You turned on the hot water faucet in the small and dark bathroom.

She hurt one hand and it was not convenient. Can only scribbled with a white towel to clean the body.

Because I lived in Jingshan temporarily, I didn't have a change of clothes, so I had to buy a random one on the road.

It was almost midnight, and he was wearing an ill-fitting white cotton T-shirt with the cuffs rolled up. Xu Youguang sat on the head of the bed with her legs naked, her phone was almost fully charged.

She had just pulled out the plug, the overhead light flickered twice, and the whole room suddenly fell into darkness.

A thunder flashed outside the window, followed by the sound of a burst of rain.

Xu You raised her arm to press the switch on the wall, and repeated it twice, but there was no response to the extinguished light.

After a while, Xu You looked around for a while, and couldn't see anything clearly in the pitch black. She groped to stand up. Before taking two steps, there was a knock on the door.

"—Xu You, are you there?" It was the voice of Xie Ci.

She slowly touched the wall and opened the door.

"What's wrong?"

"power cut."

Xu You turned sideways and let him in, "I know."

Xie Ci paused, and held up the things in his hands to show her, "I'll send you candles, are you afraid of being alone?"

"You come in first."

In the dead of night, in a dilapidated small hotel, it was raining heavily outside. The shaky candle flames in the room were on, and two distorted black shadows were projected on the bumpy walls.

There was nowhere to sit, so Xie Ci sat on the bed. The bed was a bit short, his legs were spread apart, his elbows rested on his knees, he looked serious, and he didn't even glance around.

Keeping your eyes from wandering doesn't mean your mind won't wander.

I thought about it for a while.

"That." As soon as he turned his head, he bumped into her eyes.

Too caught off guard.

Xu You asked, "What are you going to say?"

In the twilight, Xie Ci took a few glances at Xu You, "Is it true what you told me in the hospital just now?"

She is silent.

"You said you were so afraid that something would happen to me, and that you really didn't know what to do, and—" he repeated sternly.

"Wait for a while, don't talk about it." Xu You's eyelashes trembled, wishing to cover his nonsense mouth.

She bit her lip, her face was reddish, and her eyes seemed to be smiling. Xie Ci was heartbroken.

After sitting for a while, he suddenly thought of something, "Do you still remember when you were in high school, there was a time when you were doing self-study at night, and it rained and the power was cut off?"

"Then the teacher left, and the classroom was very chaotic. We were all playing like crazy, and you were the only one with a flashlight, studying silently in your seat. Then I went up to take a look, and I was still doing physics problems. I admire you very much, and I am still thinking, I am really a fighter among Xueba, this new classmate."

Amused by his strange adjective, Xu You burst out laughing, and said silently, "Of course I remember."

And remember very clearly.

Xie Ci was surprised, "Do you remember?"

"You and Song Yifan were arguing around me with umbrellas, stepped on my foot, knocked over my table, knocked my flashlight to the ground and broke it."

Xie Ci smiled and said, "Oh, what else?"

She began to look uncomfortable, "It seems to be gone, I don't remember anything else."

Xie Ci resolutely said: "You must remember."

Xu You: "... . . . "

Xie Ci said slowly, "After you pick up the flashlight, stand up."

"You're so annoying." She interrupted him.

Xie Ci suppressed a smile, "How long has it been? Didn't you just fall in front of me when you got up and kneel next to my legs?"


"I was still thinking about what's wrong, the new classmate gave me such a big gift."


"I helped you stand up, and I was kicked by you, it hurts even thinking about it now."


"Are you shy?" he asked tentatively.

Xu You turned her head away, her face was clearly red.

"Okay, I won't say anymore." Xie Ci tilted his head and smiled. His sharp Adam's apple rolled twice, touching her bare, white thigh, and moved away after a pause of two or three seconds.

After a while, Xie Ci returned to the original topic, "Actually, it doesn't matter too much, don't hold grudges, I suspect that you hated me so much later, is it because I accidentally—"

The words were blocked. Xie Ci's eyes widened, only two words remained in his mind.

fuck me? !

Xu You knelt on the bed, stood up, put her arms around his neck, and pressed her lips to his.

She opened her mouth slightly, and there seemed to be a fragrance of soap locust lingering on the tip of her nose.

Xie Ci's brain froze for a moment, and quickly kissed her back, pressing her on the bed.

Stretched on the bed, Xu You was kissed in a mess. Her fingers groped for his short black soft hair, and the other hand was pressed by Xie Ci, fingers intertwined.

Thin lips meet the slender neck. He gnawed from her hot ear, all the way to her chin, and the hem of the white T-shirt was lifted.

Slippery that can't be held by one hand...

He rubbed the tips of his thumb and index finger, and heard a muffled groan from her throat.


It's going to kill me.

In the silent room, there was only the sound of intertwined and chaotic breathing, the soft tongue intertwined, and the teeth knocked together lightly, which hurt a little. I don't know how long it took, Xie Ci exhausted the greatest restraint in his life, and forced himself to leave Xu You's body.

He couldn't bear the sweat on his forehead, and his waist, back and neck were also covered with thin sweat. Xie Ci hoarse voice, low and low, "I..."

Under the light, his sweaty appearance was intoxicated in lust.

There is really an indescribable, inextricable sex appeal.

Say a word and stop. Xie Ci had to get up and leave the bed.

He clenched his hands so tightly that even his knuckles turned white.

Deliberately procrastinating, he endured to the limit, but he felt that he needed to leave and could not stay any longer.

stay any longer...

Xu You's body was limp, and she stood up in a daze, her heart beating fast, "Thank you, don't go."

He paused, panting uncontrollably, his chest heaving.

"you sure?"

Behind him, the last light in the room was blown out.

In the dark, she slowly got out of bed, barefoot, groping over to hold his hand.

Xie Ci took a deep breath for two or three seconds, turned around and pushed Xu You to the wall, put his hands on her ears, and lowered his head to find her lips.


Returning to Shencheng at 5:00 p.m. the next day, Xie resigned from driving, and Xu You was drowsy in the co-pilot.

The car circled and drove down the mountain road.

She was tossed several times last night, waking up and falling asleep, falling asleep and being woken up again and again. Now I'm tired and weary, sleepy.

The road was bumpy, and Xu You was bumped once and hit his head, which woke him up. She was tired and fragile, she slowly recovered, looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, her voice was completely hoarse, "How long is it?"

"you're awake?"

Xie Ci looked at her carefully while driving, "There is still an hour, do you want to sleep longer?"

His voice was so gentle that it almost spit out water. Pang Fengli, who was sitting behind, stared at Xu You for a while, and suddenly slapped his forehead, "So it's you!"

He said, "I just said thank you for sending candles to a girl yesterday, why didn't I go back."

Xie Ci glanced at him from the rearview mirror and made a 'shut up' mouth.

The rain outside had almost stopped. Xie Ci was afraid that Xu You would be bored, so he turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows on both sides.

There was a rush of fresh air, and a damp wind.

"Thank you." Xu You rubbed her forehead, raised her face to drink water, and called him.

Xie Ci tightened the line from his mouth to his chin, and hummed.

She said, "Don't look at me, drive well."

Thank you: "..."

Back in Shencheng, Xie Ci sent Xu You home directly. She took a quick shower and fell asleep on the bed. When he came out after dinner at night, You Lele sat cross-legged on the sofa with a glass of fruit juice and watched TV.

She stared at Xu You, glanced back and forth, and said quietly, "Xu You, which man did you fool around with last night?"

Xu You flicked her hair for a moment, but she didn't speak, just pulled out a chair and sat down.

The mobile phone on the table buzzed and vibrated twice, Xu You picked it up to look at it, and was about to answer it.

You Lele put the juice on the side of the glass, and ran over in two or three steps, "Look at you!"

On the neck, as well as the collarbone, even the arms and calves, there were ambiguous bruises. You Lele knows it without even thinking about it... .

She carelessly tore open the neckline of Xu You's pajamas, and glanced inside.

Tut tut tut.

Xu You protected her chest and didn't make trouble with her. She took the time to answer the phone, "Hello?"

"Why did it take you so long to answer the phone?" Xie Ci asked.

Pushing away You Lele's clutches, Xu You said, "I was sleeping just now."

"You... don't run around these few days." His voice was unnatural, "Still...does it hurt?"

Hearing what he said, Xu You blushed, feeling a little embarrassed, and said falteringly, "It's okay."

Before hanging up the phone, Xie Ci suddenly asked, "By the way, do you have time for Qixi Festival the day after tomorrow?"

Xu You hummed.

As soon as the phone was cut off, You Lele rushed over impatiently, muttering, "Damn, with your body, the battle is fierce."


You Lele looked anxious, "How many times did you do last night?"

"...." Xu You would not answer her question, and fled back to the room.


On Qixi Festival, Xie Ci made an appointment with her.

Xu You didn't have the habit of putting on makeup when she went out, so she just tidied up and went out.

He sat on a railing in the park and waited for her. Seeing Xu You approaching, Xie Ci jumped down as if nothing had happened.

The park is very lively, the road is full of couples in pairs, the neon lights are shining, Xu You's footsteps are stagnant.

In a trance, seeing the person in front of me, I thought I went back many years ago.

Xie Ci was wearing the black skull short sleeves from his student days, and his silhouette was more handsome. He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and smiled lazily at her.

Only then did Xu You know why Xie Ci asked her to remember to bring her ID card and wear a white dress before going out.

The plane from Shencheng to Linshi is at six o'clock in the evening.

All the way, her heart was pounding, and it felt like she was in a dream.

"Why did you suddenly think of buying a plane ticket back to Linshi?"

"What happened suddenly, I thought about it a long time ago." Xie Ci sat on the plane, laughing all the time, "Are you happy?"

Return to Lin City again.

This city, after so many years, is still the same as before, and it is very lively at night.

In the lively and crowded crowd, Xie Ci took Xu You's shoulders and walked around the streets and alleys with her.

There are still many people in front of the night market next to the park, as well as the small river, barbecues, and small stalls.

In a square in the center of the city, the bustling advertising lights began to shine. Pedestrians coming and going are reflected in the shop windows, and there is a constant flow of people through the glass doors of buildings. Life is still good, and not much has changed.

He took her hand and walked all the way, and there was a wooden bench for resting every few steps.

"Do you still remember that you and I watched the sunrise here?" Xie Ci lowered his face and looked at her very closely.

His pupils were black and bright, reflected in her eyes.

Xu You's heart was gentle, yet a little sour, "Remember."

They watched the sunrise together, it was winter, and it was cold and freezing all night.

"I also remember that after I kissed you that time, you ignored me for a long time."

She bit her lip lightly, "Who told you to be a hooligan?"

Xie Ci ignored her, kissed her on the street, and laughed silently.

It's a sweet taste.

The two walked for a long time on the street, and then boarded a bus.

It was almost nine o'clock, and there were only a few scattered people sitting in the car. The car started slowly, and they found a seat by the window and sat down.

Sit at the entrance of No. 1 Middle School and get off.

There is no evening self-study in the first and second grades of high school, and the evening self-study in the third year of high school has not been released yet. The main entrance and the side entrance of the campus are closed, only the security room and the senior high school teaching building are lit.

"Are we... going to school?" she asked hesitantly.

"Otherwise what are you doing here?"

"But what if the security won't let us in?"

"If you don't enter through the main entrance, how about I take you over the wall?"

Xu You was shocked, "Over the wall?!" She turned her head and looked at him in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

Xie Ci said solemnly, "Otherwise, do you think I was a lieutenant colonel back then and became a bully for nothing?"

Xu You: "..."

In the end, they still didn't climb over the wall, and the two went to the security room, saying they were here to visit the teacher, and they were let in after registration.

The school has been renovated several times over the years, but the general appearance remains unchanged. The colorful fountain at the school gate, the plane trees planted on both sides of the road, and the roses blooming just right on the black iron railings.

From the plastic track on the playground, we walked all the way to the basketball court, flag raising platform, and campus supermarket.

They walk hand in hand.

The previous teaching building for the second year of high school has been converted into the teaching building for the first year of high school. He took her to the west building in the dark, and found the classroom of Class 2 and 9 from his memory.

The classroom door was closed, Xie Ci rested his hand on the window sill, and looked in with his forehead against the glass.

Fortunately, one of the glass sliding doors happened to be unlocked. Xie Ci's movement of turning over the window to enter is natural and smooth, without losing the charm of the past.

After turning inside, he opened the door to let Xu You in.

The moonlight was very bright at night, without turning on the lights, it was just enough for them to see each other clearly.

Xu You was at a loss as to what to do. She stepped onto the podium, her heart slowly surging like a tide, silently moved.

The empty classroom seems to have really returned to the past. After so many years, there is a blur like a dream, and nothing seems to have changed.

Xie Ci sat on the desk and looked at her.

The way she looks around is adorable.

"Xu Yo."


Xu You walked down the podium slowly and sat down next to him. After a while, she rested her head on his shoulder.

Xie Ci held her face up, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Are you happy?"

She didn't speak, and closed her eyes gently.

Xie Ci said: "I had a dream the day before yesterday, and I dreamed that we were still in high school."

Xu You suppressed the wet eyes, and heard him casually say: "Then you stretch out your hand to me, and I will leave with you."

In the quiet and dark classroom, his voice was gentle and vague, as if returning to the beginning.

"I used to peek at you all the time in class."

"Deliberately tighten your water glass, and learn how to speak when you read the text."

"Running in physical education class, deliberately rubbing against you."

"Pass by you and knock your book and pen away."

"Sneakily follow you home after school."

"After I separated from you, I thought you were destined not to belong to me."


"Thank you." Xu You's voice was very soft and light.

"I'll give you a home."

He was stunned, and after a long time, he smiled, "Okay."

I will give you a home and take good care of you.

Anyway, after so many years, I have never been able to forget you.

I can no longer love someone seriously and sustainably.

In the future, no matter day or night, or a hundred years, it will never be like many years ago.

Seventeen-year-old Xie Ci, fights, smokes, drinks, and clubbing, and likes to hang out with senior boys.

One day in midsummer, Xu You held a book and pushed open the door of the classroom to come in under the eyes of everyone.

There are boys sitting on the table whistling.

The classroom was noisy and noisy, Xie Ci propped his head on one hand, crossed his legs on the chair, and was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt.

She stopped in front of him in a white cotton dress.

The sky outside the window is blue, the woods are green, and the sun is shining brightly.

The author has something to say:

During this period of time, my state was very bad, and I felt guilty for failing to give you a good reading experience, and for failing to live up to the expectations and love of many readers.

I don't want to finish this article in the worst mood, but this is my personal problem, so I know I have no right to make you wait for me to recover and adjust. This article is here, let them be together well, it is a wish fulfilled.

In addition to these, I also want to formally apologize to the readers of this article. I stopped updating for no reason before, and I didn’t do my duty as an author. This is my fault, bow.

I don't want to scribble every article I write myself, and the readers who are still looking forward to it.

Finally, thank you for accompanying me through these two months, and see you in the future.

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