Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

Chapter 109: Bathroom accident


Gently pouring a glass of wine, the aroma of the wine along with the cold taste filled Jiang Xiyun's lips and teeth. Unknowingly, he had drank a lot, and even looking at the two figures on Sheng Yeting's side felt a little agitated. Vague.

Thinking of the intimate scene between the two just now, Jiang Xiyun couldn't help but chuckle.

Liang Fengyue is not suitable, but Xia Xingcheng is suitable

In the second half, the banquet was coming to an end little by little, and some guests had begun to leave in twos and threes. Seeing that Xia Xingcheng was also a little tired, Sheng Yeting took her back early.

After arriving home, Xia Xingcheng was already exhausted from all the hard work and wished she could just lie down in the car and fall asleep.

After the car arrived, Sheng Yeting saw that Xia Xingcheng still didn't get out of the car. He couldn't help but look at her in amusement, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, why don't you get out of the car and wait for me to carry you out."

After hearing this, Xia Xingcheng opened her eyes directly, glared at him with slightly confused eyes, and then got out of the car in a hurry.

Sheng Yeting followed behind and couldn't help laughing, which frightened the men on the side. When did the young master laugh as much as he did today in so many years

It was an accident like discovering a new continent.

After Xia Xingcheng returned home, she first took a look at Xiaobao. Seeing that Xiaobao was already asleep, she went upstairs to take a shower.

She had been tired for a long day, but she wanted to take a good bath and then sleep.

Sheng Yeting went to the study to deal with some matters. Xia Xingcheng was already accustomed to Sheng Yeting's professionalism, and it was not easy to be the president.

The bathroom was on the second floor. Xia Xingcheng knew that Sheng Yeting was working in the study downstairs and couldn't get out for a while, so she simply didn't lock the door.

He just took off his clothes and let the hot water wash over his body. Only now did Xia Xingcheng feel better. Wearing high heels all night was almost making him uncomfortable to death.

Halfway through washing, Xia Xingcheng was about to get the shower gel, but her bare feet slipped and she fell directly to the ground.

Xia Xingcheng suddenly cried out in pain as her naked body fell to the marble floor.

Sheng Yeting happened to come out of the study to go back to his room. Hearing the screams in Xia Xingcheng's room, he couldn't help but run over to check.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the room, the sight in front of him made him stunned for a second.

I saw Xia Xingcheng struggling on the ground naked, her skin like gelatin almost transparent under the light. Sensing Sheng Yeting's sight, Xia Xingcheng was about to scream, but Sheng Yeting quickly stopped her. Covered his mouth.

"Are you trying to wake up your son, huh?" Sheng Yeting asked her funny, not paying attention to how ambiguous their posture was at the moment.

Xia Xingcheng couldn't speak and could only point to her naked body at the moment. Her face was red and she didn't know whether it was from suppressing it or from embarrassment, and she glared at Sheng Yeting angrily.

Sheng Yeting took a chance to glance at that perfect body, and Xia Xingcheng immediately whispered, "How dare you look at it."

Sheng Yeting chuckled softly. At this time, he felt that Xia Xingcheng was quite cute like this. There was another impulse in his lower abdomen, but he suppressed it forcefully.

Reaching out to grab the bath towel, Sheng Yeting directly wrapped Xia Xing's naked body, deliberately not looking at the woman's delicate body, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Can I still leave?"

The sudden fall just now caused Xia Xingcheng's foot to accidentally twist, and it had already started to become red and swollen after a while.

She tried to move a bit, but the heartbreaking pain suddenly hit her. She frowned and groaned: "I can't leave."

Sheng Yeting couldn't help but squat down and pick her up, then went downstairs.

Putting Xia Xingcheng on the sofa, he turned and left without saying anything.

Xia Xingcheng was about to complain about this man's coldness, but before she could say anything, she saw Sheng Yeting walking over carrying a medical kit.

Knowing that she had misunderstood, before Xia Xingcheng could feel embarrassed, she saw Sheng Yeting squatting beside her and directly reaching out to grab her ankle.

"Uh, it's itchy..."

Xia Xingcheng was caught off guard and immediately hummed.

The two of them were slightly startled when they heard this unbearable voice. Xia Xingcheng also noticed something unusual, and her face suddenly turned red.

He explained in a low voice: "Well, it's really itchy."

"Okay, don't move, I'll give you medicine." Sheng Yeting whispered, with a hint of hoarseness in his voice, as if he was deliberately suppressing something.

Only he himself knew how embarrassed he felt now, thinking that he had just felt... again because of this woman's scream!

Xia Xingcheng really wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. She was only wearing a bath towel. Looking at it from Sheng Yeting's point of view, her entire leg must have been exposed!

It was already late at night. Sheng Yeting held Xia Xingcheng's ankle and slowly changed the dressing on her injured area. Her feet, which were already a little bruised from wearing high heels all night, now had a sprain. , it was even more red and swollen.

Sheng Yeting's movements were very gentle, but even with such gentleness, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but let out a soft gasp, because it was too painful, and coupled with the itching feeling when Sheng Yeting touched her ankle, It all made her very uncomfortable.

"Yeah, it hurts, be gentle." Xia Xingcheng breathed out softly again, lamenting in her heart why it hurt so much.

"Shut up." Sheng Yeting frowned and looked at her, with a complicated look in his eyes.

After all, Xia Xingcheng had too little experience. When she saw Sheng Yeting acting like this, she didn't understand what was going on. Instead, she couldn't help but complain: "It really hurts."

Sheng Yeting sighed and decided to ignore this stupid woman. He quickly gave her the medicine and left.

Downstairs, Mrs. Chen heard the noise and hurried out. What she saw was exactly this scene. She saw the young master squatting half-crouching to apply medicine to the young lady, while the young lady was naked and only wore a bath towel. Sitting there, Chen Ma couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Because from her perspective, the postures of the two of them were as ambiguous as possible, especially the tenderness in Young Master Sheng's eyes and the shyness on Young Madam's face, which made people daydream.

Chen Ma was also here, so it was not difficult to guess what the two of them had just done to be like this.

Thinking of this, Mother Chen couldn't help but sympathize with the young madam. She must have hurt the young madam because she was young and energetic. One day she would really tell the young couple in a subtle way.

(End of chapter)