Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

Chapter 131: Severe concussion


"Sister Xing, how are you? Why are you still injured?"

Ruan Meng ran over in a hurry, hugged Xia Xingcheng and watched for a while, saying nonstop, "Let me see where the injury is!"

Seeing the eager look on her face, Xia Xingcheng endured the dizzy feeling of being shaken by her and suppressed his anger. He patiently explained, "It's okay, just a little skin injury and a slight concussion. Don't worry." Worry."

Ruan Meng didn't believe it at all, "The head is covered with such a thick bandage, how could it be minor! How did it happen?"

She was almost anxious to death, but Sister Xing still looked calm and didn't care at all. How could she not be worried.

Seeing that she couldn't explain anything, Xia Xingcheng could only sigh helplessly, "What I said is true. I was just shaken by you a few times, so I probably have a severe concussion!"

When Xia Xingcheng said this, Ruan Meng quickly retracted her hand in embarrassment and laughed a few times.

"I'm sorry, Sister Xing, I'm too anxious." Ruan Meng said with apology on her face.

Xia Xingcheng waved her hand, "Okay, I'm really fine. How did you know I was hospitalized here?"

She didn't go to work yesterday, and she had been in a coma, so she didn't remember telling them about her hospitalization.

Especially Gu Xingxi, if he knew about it, it would definitely affect his practice.

Seeing Xia Xingcheng's question, Gu Xingxi quickly explained: "Sister Xing, I saw you didn't come yesterday, so I called you, and a man answered the phone. He told me you were here, and we wanted to come over and see you. But it was too late yesterday so I didn’t want to disturb you, so I came early in the morning.”

Xia Xingcheng nodded clearly, feeling slightly surprised.

A man said it, could it be Sheng Yeting

When did he become so kind? Isn't the sound of his own phone always annoying? Will you take the initiative

But Xia Xingcheng didn't think much about it and soon put the matter behind her.

At this time, Ruan Meng had already peeled an apple and handed it to Xia Xingcheng. He couldn't help but asked her with concern: "Sister Xing, what's going on with you? Was it a car accident?"

Xia Xingcheng took a bite of the apple and nodded: "Well, I accidentally bumped into it when I got off work. It's a small car accident. It's okay."

Ruan Meng glanced at her, her young face full of agility and complaint, "It's not even a small car accident. Why do you say you don't care so much? You must be more careful in the future."

"Gu Xingxi and I will still rely on you to lead the way to glory and wealth in the future. You can't leave us alone, Sister Xing." The assistant teased half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Xia Xingcheng was so amused by her that she couldn't help laughing on the spot. This metaphor was really...

But having said that, her heart was still warm.

Gu Xingxi still had a quiet temperament, but was less gloomy than before. He stood quietly on the other side of the hospital bed and looked at Xia Xingcheng worriedly.

What she wanted to say in her heart had already been preempted by Ruan Meng. Xia Xingcheng knew that Gu Xingxi was not good at words, so seeing his slightly anxious look, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but feel warm in her heart.

This kid is so cute.

In order for Gu Xingxi not to be frustrated, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but start looking for topics and asked him: "Xingxi, how is your work progress in the company now?"

Gu Xingxi quickly said seriously: "We are still training as usual every day, but we got news yesterday that the cosmetics endorsement is about to start, and it will be on the weekend."

Xia Xingcheng nodded slightly. Fortunately, nothing happened to the people in the company during the past few days when she was hospitalized. Otherwise, she would have had a headache for a while.

Seeing that Gu Xingxi's figure was getting stronger through training, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but feel very happy.

She no longer worried about Gu Xingxi, this good young man would definitely become famous as long as he was carefully cultivated.

"Xingxi, now is the critical moment. You still can't take it lightly, you know. Keep training as usual. Be prepared to start shooting in the next few days. You must be in your best condition to shoot the commercial."

Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but tell him that the advertisement was the fastest leap forward for Gu Xingxi's transformation and popularity.

Although Gu Xingxi has now accepted the role in "Time Travel 2", he cannot just limit himself to the costume route. If he wants more people to know him and get to know him, he must try different styles.

Gu Xingxi naturally knew this truth, and believed in Xia Xingcheng's words even more. He carried out everything unconditionally and nodded in agreement: "I understand, Sister Xing, I will definitely work hard."

"Well, Sister Xing, I will work hard with Brother Xingxi. You are sick and hospitalized and have to worry about our affairs. It's too tiring." Ruan Meng echoed on the side, and the same goes for Xia Xingcheng, the manager in charge. Secretly admire.

It's not that she has never worked as an assistant, but she has never met an artist as gentle as Gu Xingxi. Sometimes she will be bullied by her without caring about him. Needless to say, Sister Xing, although she looks cold and stern on the surface Very, actually I am enthusiastic in my heart.

Xia Xingcheng waved her hands and smiled noncommittally. As long as she could train Gu Xingxi, she would have fulfilled her dream and become a qualified agent. This is what she should do.

Still couldn't help but warn: "Ruan Meng, you can't be careless during this period, you know, otherwise I will deduct your salary."

She said a few words that were half-truthful and half-false, which made several people look much relieved. Ruan Meng even stuck out her tongue at Xia Xingcheng mischievously, looking extremely docile.

With these two living treasures staying with her all morning, Xia Xingcheng felt that the time passed was very interesting. They discussed the next itinerary plan and unanimously decided to concentrate on filming the advertisement first, and then work on it. other things.

At noon, Xia Xingcheng originally wanted to keep Gu Xingxi and Ruan Meng to eat together before leaving, but Chen's mother didn't come back, and Xia Xingcheng was too embarrassed to bother the two of them, so the matter was finally dropped.

The two left the hospital after chattering for a while, and happened to meet Chen's mother at the entrance of the hospital.

Seeing Chen Ma go directly to Xia Xingcheng's ward, Ruan Meng originally thought she was Xia Xingcheng's mother, but she saw that Chen Ma seemed to call Xia Xingcheng "Young Madam."

She didn't hear the rest of the words clearly, but it still made Ruan Meng slightly surprised. Could it be that Sister Xing was already married and married into a wealthy family

After all, only wealthy families in the upper class would call them young ladies now, right

Without thinking much, the elevator happened to have arrived, and Gu Xingxi signaled that she could leave, so she put the matter behind her...

(End of chapter)