Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

Chapter 177: You can't sit still and wait for death


After a long time, Sheng Yeting disinfected the red and swollen area and applied a fine layer of medicinal powder before he lowered Xia Xingcheng's ankle properly.

While Sheng Yeting carefully wiped his fingers with alcohol, he did not forget to warn Xia Xingcheng: "Next time, will you dare to be so reckless?"

Xia Xingcheng's cheeks were still a little hot, and she couldn't help but blush when she heard this, so she could only nod her head.

After packing everything up, Xia Xingcheng originally thought that Sheng Yeting would turn around and leave, which would save her some embarrassment. However, she did not expect that after Sheng Yeting handed the medical box to the servant on the side, she would directly bend down and block him. Xia Xingcheng hugged her.

Xia Xingcheng was startled unprepared, and because of the inertia, he wrapped his arms around Sheng Yeting's neck, and the distance between the two suddenly became extremely close.

After entering, the unique and pleasant smell of Sheng Yeting reached the tip of Xia Xingcheng's nose, causing her to lose consciousness for a moment.

Sheng Yeting carried Xia Xingcheng directly upstairs. When he saw the woman in his arms looking at him, he couldn't help but chuckle, "What are you looking at me for? Did you fall silly?"

"No, it's okay." Xia Xingcheng quickly looked away unnaturally, for fear that Sheng Yeting would notice something strange about her.

After arriving in the room, Sheng Yeting gently placed Xia Xingcheng on the bed and couldn't help but look around the room.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on Xia Xingcheng's injured foot, and he asked expressionlessly: "Can you still walk?"

Xia Xingcheng tried to move the injured area. Although there was still a little pain, fortunately, no bones were hurt. She couldn't help but nodded, "You can walk, I guess it will be fine after a sleep."

"Then I'm leaving. If you need anything, just call me." After saying that, Sheng Yeting turned around and went out.

Xia Xingcheng was stunned for a moment, and she didn't react until the man disappeared from the room for a long time.

Suddenly, my heart felt warm, and I remembered what he had just said to me. Sheng Yeting must have been caring about me just now, right

Xia Xingcheng was tired today, and the things that happened during the day also made her mentally and physically exhausted. After a simple bath alone, she lay on the bed and fell asleep unconsciously.

She didn't sleep very well that night. The thrilling scenes during the day echoed over and over in her mind, giving her nightmares.

It wasn't until dawn that Xia Xingcheng finally slept for a while.

When she woke up in the morning, Xia Xingcheng was a little tired. Fortunately, today was the weekend and she didn't have to go to work, so she couldn't help but continue to sleep for a while.

When she woke up again, Xia Xingcheng took out her phone in confusion, wanting to see what news about Jiang Chengyao had developed.

Unexpectedly, this look didn't matter, it suddenly made Xia Xingcheng's sleepiness disappear.

Xia Xingcheng stood up quickly and looked at the latest news on her phone in surprise, with shock and anger in her eyes.

I saw that the news about Jiang Chengyao had reached a fever pitch. The mysterious man who had been quiet for two days released major news and continued to smear Jiang Chengyao.

As for the victim's father, Xu Wensheng, he immediately released the news that his daughter had autism.

After the photo of the girl receiving counseling from a psychiatrist was exposed, the Internet became even more uproar.

Weak people are weak, and now that they are fed the news that his condition is worsening, the few people who originally supported Jiang Chengyao are now even more supportive of the little girl.

Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but feel anxious while holding her phone. If this news was allowed to spread like this, Jiang Chengyao would probably never show up again.

Moreover, this can be said to be the last straw for Jiang Chengyao.

Really, we can't let this happen anymore!

Thinking of this, Xia Xingcheng quickly cleaned herself up and ran downstairs holding her cell phone.

At this time, Sheng Yeting was dining with Xiaobao downstairs. He was slightly startled when he saw Xia Xingcheng running down without applying makeup.

Xia Xingcheng rarely appeared without makeup. Sheng Yeting couldn't help but look at her without makeup for a moment.

I saw that Xia Xingcheng was wearing an off-white dress today, with her long hair hanging loosely on her shoulders. Her face, which was not wearing makeup, was unusually rosy, and she was looking at herself nervously.

Sheng Yeting calmly looked away. This woman looked pretty good without makeup.

As he was thinking this, Xia Xingcheng suddenly stood in front of him and handed the contents on his phone to Sheng Yeting to read.

"Ye Ting, look, this must be Zhang Ming's doing. Yesterday he was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he took action in advance now. It's absolutely abominable!"

Sheng Yeting glanced at the content on it coolly. There was no surprise in his eyes, as if he had expected it.

"Then what are you going to do?" Sheng Yeting asked casually while drinking milk.

Xia Xingcheng sighed: "I don't know what to do. The expectations of how things will develop are becoming less and less obvious. If Jiang Chengyao sees such news, I'm afraid people like him can't help but whisper."

"To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. The most important thing now is to find Jiang Chengyao, so that the matter can be slowly resolved."

But Jiang Chengyao must have already discovered this sensational news? Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but worry whether something had happened to him now.

It would be a pity if such a talented person was really killed by public opinion because of this incident.

Suddenly remembering something, she couldn't help but raise her head and ask him: "Have you found any news about Jiang Chengyao over there?"

She could only tell it was something Sheng Yeting asked his assistant to investigate yesterday. Hearing this, Sheng Yeting gave her a complicated look and finally shook his head, "There is no progress now."

Xia Xingcheng nodded, a look of disappointment flashed across his face, but was quickly caught by Sheng Yeting.

Sheng Yeting lowered his eyes, knowing that she was worried about Jiang Chengyao. In fact, he was also very anxious to find Jiang Chengyao again. After all, he couldn't sit still and wait for the death of Shengxing's stock.

At this time, Chen Ma handed over a fried bacon and egg and placed it in front of Xia Xingcheng. She had no intention of tasting it carefully. While eating, she was thinking about where Sheng Yeting might go.

These days, it's not like she hasn't thought about where Jiang Chengyao might go, but because she doesn't know Jiang Chengyao very well, she doesn't know much.

But for those places where Jiang Chengyao might have been, she could guess that they must not be there without looking for them. Otherwise, there would be so many people looking for Jiang Chengyao, and Jiang Chengyao would not be found all the time.

In the past few days, she had been investigating Jiang Chengyao's previous information, and she guessed that he would not return to where she lived at this time. Some friends also said that Jiang Chengyao could not be found.

(End of chapter)