Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

Chapter 189: You can no longer harm others


Three days later, Jiang Chengyao's press conference was held as scheduled.

At that time, countless journalists and media people came to the scene, all of whom were very concerned about this incident.

After all, Jiang Chengyao is a public figure, and the impact of this incident is very large. The outside world is waiting for Jiang Chengyao to give an explanation to the public.

The scene at the press conference was extremely spectacular, and the crowd was filled with people.

Xia Xingcheng, Gu Xingxi and Ruan Meng were also sitting in front of the TV watching the live broadcast nervously.

It is reported that the press conference was held in a large living room of a hotel owned by Shengshi. Almost all reporters who came were well-known figures. After all, everyone would like to have something to do with Shengshi.

At this time, Jiang Chengyao was standing on the stage with a haggard look, followed by his manager. There were bodyguards around the scene to maintain order. If it weren't for them, Jiang Chengyao would have been affected.

Jiang Chengyao was wearing a black suit today, which made his temperament even more gloomy. The haggardness he had experienced over the past few days was clearly visible on his face.

Anyone who has experienced such a thing will probably experience such vicissitudes of life.

The agent's desk announced the start of the press conference. As soon as Jiang Chengyao sat down, countless reporters rushed up with microphones.

"Jiang Chengyao, you haven't shown up since the incident was exposed. Are you trying to escape and acquiescing to this matter?"

"It is rumored that you have never had a girlfriend because you have always been a pedophile. Is this true?"

"I heard that the little girl has been hospitalized now. Do you think 20 million is really enough for their losses?"

"Jiang Chengyao, you actually did such a thing, doesn't your conscience really hurt?"


The reporters were bombarded with countless sharp and malicious questions. If the bodyguards hadn't been on stage to protect Jiang Chengyao, they would have been eager to rush to the stage to question him.

Such questions were unintentionally another blow to Jiang Chengyao. He stood there quietly and did not answer these questions, as if he was isolating himself in his own inch of pure land.

For a long time, the surrounding reporters saw that Jiang Chengyao was silent, but still showed no intention of quieting down. The questions became more and more pointed, and the scene became very chaotic at one point.

So Jiang Chengyao stood up, picked up the microphone and coughed lightly. Following his actions, the surrounding voices suddenly became quiet, and then Jiang Chengyao was heard to say in a hoarse voice: "First of all, I'd like to apologize for some of the questions you asked before. There is no way to answer. The purpose of my press conference today is to clarify this matter."

"But before that, please ask Mr. Xu to come out. I have decided to confront you."

As soon as these words came out, the audience immediately started whispering. Everyone didn't know what Jiang Chengyao was going to do, and they all speculated.

And Xu Wensheng naturally came to the scene today. After all, he hadn't gotten the money from Jiang Chengyao yet, so he wouldn't give up so easily.

So after hearing Jiang Chengyao's words, he stood up directly, walked to the stage, and gave Jiang Chengyao a mocking look: "Why, you beast, do you still want to clear yourself? My daughter is still lying in the hospital. What did you say today? You have to give me an explanation for everything.”

Xu Wensheng struck preemptively and directly told his misery.

For a moment, the reporters in the audience were a little commotion, struggling to get on stage to question Jiang Chengyao.

Cruel, beast, shameless villain, these words are unheard of.

Jiang Chengyao turned a deaf ear, but looked directly at Xu Wensheng and asked coldly: "Mr. Xu, you have to take responsibility for what you said. I helped your family when it was most difficult. Why do you still slander me like this?"

Xu Wensheng's fierce gaze froze slightly, but he quickly covered it up, put on a painful expression, and pointed at Jiang Chengyao's nose: "Jiang Chengyao, now you still want to quibble with my slander, of course I have evidence !”

As soon as these words came out, the reporters in the audience couldn't help but turn their microphones to Xu Wensheng: "Mr. Xu, do you have the latest evidence to expose Jiang Chengyao?"

"Mr. Xu, how is your daughter's current situation? Isn't she not optimistic?"

Facing the reporter's question, Xu Wensheng immediately felt proud. The more this situation happened, the more optimistic he became.

Now he seems to see 20 million waving at him, and he can get it at his fingertips.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but pretend to be very sad, and complained to Jiang Chengyao very heartbrokenly: "My evidence is my daughter's injured body. As a father, I will not make fun of my daughter's reputation. She is still so..." Xiao, she was treated like this, and I must seek justice for her today."

When the reporters heard this, they began to sympathize with Xu Wensheng. After all, no father would make fun of his daughter's reputation.

Jiang Chengyao frowned almost inaudibly after hearing this, even though he knew how heartless Xu Wensheng was.

But he actually ignored his daughter's reputation in front of so many people

Thinking of this, Jiang Chengyao's voice couldn't help but become colder, and he retorted: "Then, Mr. Xu, you keep saying that I cheated on my children, what year and month is the evidence, and how did you discover it?"

Xu Wensheng was well prepared. Hearing this, he said directly: "I discovered it a week ago. The child was young and ignorant. I never told him. It was the child's mother who noticed something was wrong and told me. That's when I became alert, you beast. How dare you kill such a young child!"

Before Jiang Chengyao held this press conference again, he was already prepared to be scolded. At this time, he was not surprised, but responded calmly, "Then why didn't you call the police at the first time? Is this matter going to be announced? Isn’t there a lot of doubt in this?”

The reporters also began to have some doubts. They all looked at Xu Wensheng for a while, waiting for his explanation.

"The first thing I thought about was to tell the world about your hypocritical face. You must never let you harm others again. What I did became an excuse for you, Jiang Chengyao, and now you still want to shirk it?"

Xu Wensheng refuted all the questions raised by Jiang Chengyao one by one. He was actually very scared and secretly thanked Zhang Ming for the draft he had given him last night.

This Jiang Chengyao is so powerful. If Zhang Ming hadn't told him this in advance, he would have been really afraid that he would reveal his secret.

If that time comes, it will be over!

(End of chapter)