Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

Chapter 221: Don't be too scary


Sheng Yeting had never been to an amusement park and didn't know much about it, so after Xia Xingcheng settled the father and son aside, he went over to queue up to buy tickets.

Sheng Yeting originally asked the driver to buy it, but was stopped by Xia Xingcheng. She felt that the most important thing when going out to play was the experience.

Being able to calm down and queue up to buy tickets is naturally an experience.

After a while, Xia Xingcheng bought three passes and came over. Considering that Xiaobao was still young, he couldn't help but squat down and said to Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, you are still young. You can't play things that are too dangerous and exciting, you know?" Mommy will let you play something simple."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Xingcheng thought that Xiaobao would be obedient, but Xiaobao pouted in displeasure: "No, Xiaobao really wants to play with those things. Do you want to play with daddy?" After that, He pointed at the roller coasters and fast roller coasters in the distance.

Xia Xingcheng looked embarrassed for a while. She naturally knew that Sheng Yeting would not play with these things.

So she could only helplessly look up at Sheng Yeting, looking at him for help.

Sheng Yeting frowned when he heard Xiaobao's request, looking at Xiaobao's expression with some embarrassment.

Xiaobao continued to use his trump card, looked at Sheng Yeting pitifully, pulled Sheng Yeting's sleeves and hummed timidly, "Dad, are you okay? Xiaobao really wants to play, but Xiaobao doesn't dare to play." , woo woo.”

Seeing Xiaobao's longing eyes, Sheng Yeting suddenly felt powerless in his heart, and felt that there was no way he could say the words he wanted to refuse.

He was increasingly unable to do anything with this little guy. He was obviously such a cold person, but somehow he just couldn't bear to see this little guy unhappy.

So he knelt down and held Xiaobao in his arms, and said in a rather helpless tone: "Then you can only play with a few, don't play too much, you know."

Xiaobao lay in Sheng Yeting's arms and nodded quickly: "Good daddy, Xiaobao will be good."

Xia Xingcheng stared at him dumbfounded, secretly wondering when Sheng Yeting would compromise so easily. This is simply not like him.

Sheng Yeting carried Xiaobao over to the "Roller Coaster" and queued up. Xia Xingcheng had no choice but to follow.

Xiaobao was extremely excited the whole time, feeling the whistling wind and the screams of the people around him, but he didn't feel too scared.

As for Sheng Yeting, although he also felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't show much expression throughout the whole process, not even screaming.

The one who felt the most uncomfortable was probably Xia Xingcheng. In fact, she was very afraid of these projects, so she kept screaming throughout the whole process.

After several exciting events, Xia Xingcheng ran to the side and vomited as soon as she landed. Her legs were so weak that she felt like she had no strength at all.

Sheng Yeting took a bottle of water from the side and handed it to Xia Xingcheng. He couldn't help but asked with some worry: "How are you?"

Xia Xingcheng felt much better after drinking the water. Just as she was about to struggle to get up, her legs suddenly became weak and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Sheng Yeting held her with quick eyes and hands.

"I'm fine, just take a rest." Xia Xingcheng said angrily.

Feeling that she was leaning in Sheng Yeting's arms, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed, but she no longer had the strength to struggle.

Sheng Yeting looked at the woman leaning in his arms. Her pale face and bloodless lips made him feel a little distressed.

So he turned to discuss with Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, your mommy is feeling uncomfortable. Let's play some gentle games."

Xiaobao naturally felt sorry for Mommy. Seeing Mommy's appearance, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He quickly nodded and said, "Okay, Xiaobao is obedient."

Sheng Yeting nodded with satisfaction and sat aside while supporting Xia Xingcheng's weak body.

After a while, Xia Xingcheng had almost rested, and then she felt that her body felt much better.

Next, the activities that Sheng Yeting took Xiaobao to play were relatively mild, such as bumper cars, pirate ships, etc., which were all parent-child activities.

Xia Xingcheng sat outside and watched Sheng Yeting, a grown man, sitting on a bumper car and interacting with Xiaobao from a distance, and felt it was extraordinarily unreal.

Sheng Yeting was obviously the kind of person who would be knocked out of the limelight, but at this moment, he took the initiative to play with Xiaobao with childish things.

At this time, Sheng Yeting didn't have any of his usual anger, but he was as gentle as an ordinary father. Although it was unreal, it was not abrupt.

Xiaobao was smiling happily the whole time. Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but secretly thought that Xiaobao had never been so happy before.

Time came to the afternoon in a blink of an eye. In the afternoon, when the sun was the strongest, Xiaobao couldn't help but suggest: "Mom, Dad, let's go to the haunted house together."

With that said, Xiaobao stretched out his little finger and pointed to a haunted house not far away.

The decoration of the haunted house is eerie throughout, and even at noon when the sun is blazing, there seems to be a hint of coldness oozing out.

When Xia Xingcheng saw that look, she shivered for no reason. She covered up her trembling legs and said casually: "It's better not to go in. Children will be frightened when they play with things that are too exciting. Yes. Right, Xiaobao?"

Xiaobao didn't understand what Mommy meant at all. He patted his chest and promised, "Mommy, I'm not afraid. I'm not a child anymore. What should I be afraid of when people pretend to be ghosts?"

Xia Xingcheng sighed in his heart and was speechless for a moment.

Sheng Yeting took in all her expressions, couldn't help but chuckle, and looked at her funny: "What? Are you scared like this

How could Xia Xingcheng admit it obediently, so he said directly: "What am I afraid of? He is such a big man."

There was still a smile in Sheng Yeting's eyes, but he didn't say anything else.

Xiaobao on the side heard Mommy say she wasn't afraid, and immediately became happy, and quickly grabbed Mommy's hand: "It's okay if Mommy isn't afraid. If she's not afraid, let's go in and have a look."

Before Xia Xing could answer, Sheng Yeting had already taken Xiaobao's hand and said softly: "Then let's go in."

Seeing that Sheng Yeting seemed interested, Xia Xingcheng was embarrassed to spoil his interest. Besides, it would be embarrassing if Xiaobao knew that he was afraid.

So Xia Xingcheng could only follow the two of them into the haunted house.

While walking, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but pray secretly in her heart, it must not be too scary, it must not be too scary!

She was really scared, even though she knew it was fake.

Unlike the hot weather outside, the air conditioner inside the haunted house is turned on very much, so it seems to be getting colder and colder, making people's hair stand on end.

(End of chapter)