Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 123: How to repay kindness with kindness?


More than a dozen envious eyes looked at Lin Beichen.

No one expected that such a good thing would happen to this brainless prodigal.

The Beihai Empire is located in the northern border area of Dongdaozhenzhou and is connected to the ocean.

This ocean is called the North Sea.

This is how the empire got its name.

But what ordinary people don't know is that beyond the North Sea, there is still a boundless ocean.

It is called Beiyang.

It is said that the Northern Ocean is vast and boundless, connecting the starry sky and the Milky Way. Even the gods who are high above cannot escape once they fall into this vast ocean and are likely to fall into it. Therefore, the ocean is also called the Sea of the Fallen Gods.

In the offshore area of the Sea of Gods, there are many islands, on which sea dwellers thrive.

Three of the large islands are called Three God Islands.

It is said that he was transformed into the body of an ancient god after his death.

These islands do not belong to the North Sea Empire or any land country.

They are a force unto themselves.

Just as Baiyun City is the holy place in the hearts of the swordsmen of the Beihai Empire, Sanshen Island is the holy place in the hearts of the sea people.

At the beginning of the establishment of the North Sea Empire, there were some frictions with the sea people of the islands. Later, an alliance was concluded. There was trade and mutual benefit. The sea people were accustomed to living in the ocean, and the empire was also interested in conquering these scattered, small, hot and humid foreign tribes. The island gradually lost interest, and for a long time both sides were at peace.

Unexpectedly, this Old Man Hai came from Dongliu Island among the Three God Islands.

No wonder his appearance is a bit unusual, especially his long seaweed-like hair, which is different from ordinary people.

In any case, being able to join Dongliu Island is a great opportunity for a warrior, second only to joining Baiyun City.

After Cao Potian was slightly surprised and jealous, a sarcastic sneer appeared on his face.

Weren't you laughing at me before for betraying my master and forsaking my ancestors

Haha, now faced with such a temptation, Lin Beichen, you still can't resist it, right

The moment you kneel down to become a disciple, you will use your actual actions to prove that you are nothing more than a sanctimonious villain.

"Haha, Lin Beichen, you just heard what Ding Lei said. He doesn't recognize you as his disciple. In that case, why are you still hesitating?"

Bai Haiqin laughed.

On the main seat.

Ling Junxuan and Qin Lanshu looked at Lin Beichen with interest.

The two of them could almost foresee that what happened in this back garden three years ago would happen again.

There was also a strange sparkle in Ling Wu's starry eyes.

He wanted to know Lin Beichen's choice.

Although this choice had nothing to do with him, he felt it was important.

At this time, he felt a little pain in his arm. When he turned around, he saw Chenchen squeezing his arm tightly.

Chu Hen's eyes kept shifting back and forth between Lin Beichen and Ding Sanshi. Although deep down in his heart, he hoped that Lin Beichen would refuse Old Man Hai's solicitation, but he also knew that such an idea was too selfish. , You cannot ask a fourteen-year-old boy from the perspective of a saint.

Bai Jinyun nervously grabbed his chest with both hands.

She didn't know why she was nervous.

Anyway, I suddenly felt short of breath and my chest felt tight.

At this moment, Lin Beichen completely became the focus of the entire back garden.

He grinned.

"I didn't expect that something like this would happen to me."

He smiled happily: "You know, before today, I was one of the most unpopular people in Yunmeng City, and twenty days ago, there were countless people surrounding the gate of the Third Academy, claiming that they wanted to hack me to death... And now, haha, I really have a feeling of pie-in-the-sky happiness.”

Hearing what he said, the corners of Bai Haiqing and Cao Potian's mouths turned up slightly.

Chu Hen was about to speak but stopped.

Bai Jinyun breathed heavily, the mountains on his chest were too tall, and he complained in his heart: It's as if you are not the most unpopular person in Yunmeng City now. Those people don't block the door now, not because they don't want to hack you to death, but because they don't dare.

Ling Wu sighed, and then took a deep breath: "Hey, it hurts..." His arm was almost broken by the little girl.

Ding Sanshi's expression was extremely calm.

At this time, Lin Beichen's eyes happened to be looking towards him.

Just listen to this mentally retarded scum who is famous in Hecheng laugh and say in a sly manner: "Speaking of Old Ding, what you said just now are you trying to give me a step down and persuade me to join Senior Hai's disciples?"

Ding Sanshi said: "You have the right to choose the path that is most beneficial to you."

Lin Beichen shook his head and said: "Old Ding, do you know why you went from being one of the five famous swordsmen in Baiyun City to being a teacher in a small border town, and why you were easily pried away from the disciples you worked so hard to train?"

Ding Sanshi frowned slightly.

Lin Beichen didn't wait for him to return and gave the answer directly: "Because, Old Ding, you are such a holy mother."

Holy Mother

Ding Sanshi was startled.

What's the meaning

The expressions of other people are also different.

Bai Haiqin could hardly help laughing.

This little beast, in order to become the disciple of Old Man Hai, has actually started to break away from Ding Lei with such vicious words? He especially wanted to know what Ding Lei's mood would be like at this time.

Lin Beichen continued: "If I were you, like the white-eyed wolf among Cao Potian, would I let him find someone else casually? Let's break his five legs. Also, don't always consider others in everything. , at least see if that person is worthy of your consideration. Why should you let go of the behavior of betraying the master and breaking the rules so easily? "


Bai Haiqin's smile froze.

Lin Beichen said again: "Rules are rules, truth is truth. People who do not follow the rules and are unreasonable should be punished, instead of just forgiving them casually. Old Ding, you have lived for most of your life, and your biggest weakness is The kindness of a woman is greater than that of the Holy Mother. Today, I have a question to ask you: How can we repay kindness with kindness?"

Ding Sanshi was completely stunned.

There was also silence in the back garden.

Repay evil with kindness.

These four words have always been highly praised by the swordsmen of the Beihai Empire.

Considered a noble virtue.

But Lin Beichen's words made many people, especially the young male and female swordsmen present, tremble in their hearts.


How to repay kindness with kindness

Ding Sanshi's heart was shocked.

This question was like a sword that suddenly pierced the deepest part of his heart, the deepest lock of concealment and concealment.

A magnitude 12 earthquake roared in his mind, his heart, and his body.

Suddenly, changes appear.

There were cracks in what he had always regarded as his standard.

Something that he had always suppressed flourished.

Lin Beichen said loudly: "The answer is very simple, there is only one: repay grievance with straightness, repay kindness with kindness."


In Ding Sanshi's mind, a ray of light surged out.

Like the rising sun rising in the east.

The sword of virtue in his hand clanked as if sensing the master's state of mind.

Over the past sixteen years, my inner struggles and thoughts, countless days and nights knocking on the door of my heart, all the gains and losses, advances and retreats, suddenly became clearer than ever before at this moment.

The spirit is clearer than ever.

Even the profound energy in his body suddenly became powerful and surging.


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