Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 45: What is it like to be handsome?


On the right side of the camp's gate, there is a large irregular stone tablet with several large characters engraved on it -

Yunmeng City student trial camp.

To the left and right of the entrance to the camp, stood four strong warriors, wearing mysterious armor, with solemn and resolute expressions, and extremely powerful. They should be soldiers sent by the army to protect the student camp. They must be very strong, at least. He must be an elite martial artist.

The camp is built with walls made of wood and rocks, about ten meters high, which is quite majestic.

Only a world with such a prosperous martial arts civilization could build such a seemingly simple but tall and magnificent city wall.

Lin Beichen and four others followed Ding Sanshi and after passing identity verification, they were able to enter the camp.

The entire camp covers an area of about twenty acres and is circular in shape.

There are not many houses, a total of ten, all built with black rocks. They are square and square. They are more like small fortresses than houses. The rock walls are extremely thick and can withstand high-intensity attacks. They are strategically located in Around the inner walls of the camp.

In the center of the camp is a small square.

In the center of the square, there is a cube stone tablet.

The brilliance of the four monuments is similar to the stone monument of the Third College.

The feeling of the entire camp for Lin Beichen can be described in four words -

Simple and sturdy.

"Haha, isn't this Professor Ding from the Third College? Haha, the last one among the six junior colleges in Yunmeng Middle School, the representative of the Provincial Third Junior College, is finally here."

A rather harsh sound penetrated into the ears of Lin Beichen and others.

The speaker was a strange-looking middle-aged man.

The reason why he has a strange appearance is because he...

too fat.

If normal people grow vertically, then Lin Beichen doubts that this middle-aged man grows horizontally. His standard swordsman robe can accommodate four Lin Beichen, but this middle-aged fat man completely grew up. When stretched up, the piles of fat are about to burst the robe completely.

Lin Beichen had never seen anyone so fat.

If it were on Earth, a fat man of this level would probably have to crush himself to death.

But fortunately, in this world, you can cultivate Xuan Qi, so this middle-aged teacher is not only very healthy, but also very agile. When he walks, he is like a light and bouncing large basketball, and the landing is almost silent.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Professor Qiu Tian, the sixth provincial student, haha

Hehe, I haven’t seen you for half a year, and you’ve gained weight again. "

Ding Sanshi replied with a smile.

Damn, heartless.

It was the first time that Lin Beichen saw such a venomous and sinister side of his old teacher.

The atmosphere among the colleges is not friendly.

Is the competition so fierce

The preliminaries have not officially started yet, but as soon as the leaders and teachers of the two colleges met each other, they immediately saw the opportunity, and their words were filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"Fuck your mother." Qiu Tian said angrily like a fat snake that had been stabbed seven inches: "I have lost three taels of weight this month, who said I have gained weight again? You, a skinny monkey, still want to Think about it, how to keep your ranking in the third academy, don't let it be surpassed by private schools and gangs."

This fat man is very concerned about his weight.

Ding Sanshi laughed and said: "The six major colleges are ranked fifth, and your sixth college is not much better than us... Fifty steps lead to a hundred steps."

"Hey, our Sixth Academy, although our ranking is only one place higher than yours, we have seven places to participate. Haha, you only have four. This time, I'm afraid we will fail again."

Qiu Tian retorted.

Ding Sanshi snorted and said: "Skilled soldiers are not enough. Seven of you may not be worth one of our Third Academy."

"Haha, I know that your Third College claimed to have produced a genius in this joint entrance examination competition, named Lin Beichen, haha, but what kind of geniuses were selected by the previous generations of your Third College? Don’t you know it yourself? This time it’s even more exaggerated. Even Lin Beichen, the most civilized prodigal in the city, has become a genius in the Third College. Hahaha, rotten shrimps really come out of the stinky mud pond... "

Qiu Tian laughed exaggeratedly, the fat on his face trembling up and down.

Lin Beichen was speechless on the side.

Why are you two older generation lip-smackers cueing me

"Hmph, let's ride on the donkey and read the songbook, we'll see."

There was no point in pouting, and Ding Sanshi didn't want to have any more unnecessary arguments. He ended the topic with a classic conclusion, and left directly with the four students to report in the center of the square.

Qiu Tian and the seven students from the Sixth Academy behind him all laughed sarcastically.

In Yunmeng City, in addition to the superior National Royal Junior College, among the other six provincial junior colleges, the Third College once had a glorious history, but now it has completely declined, ranking sixth. For more than ten years, it has not had any success. No chance to turn around.

This time, it's impossible.

As long as the Third Academy is there, their Sixth Academy will always worry that no one can step on them.

In the center of the square.

Under the stone tablet, behind a stone table, an old acquaintance was sitting.

Li Qingxuan.

It seems that this special observer from the past few days is one of the main leaders of this training camp.

"Third Academy? Name, age, height and weight."

Li Qingxuan asked calmly with a straight face, as if he didn't know Lin Beichen.

Ding Sanshi reported the information of the four students.

"Check and change."

Li Qingxuan waved his hand.

The soldiers standing next to the desk divided the four Lin Beichen into male and female groups and led them to two different rooms respectively for some very detailed and personal body searches.

Not only the clothes, but also the hair, boots and some hidden parts of the body were checked.

After the inspection, rinse in the hot spring in the room.

Then he put on the uniform half-leather armor uniform prepared by the training camp.

The original clothing, as well as various items that were carried with them, were all temporarily taken away and kept by the training camp. After the qualifying competition is over, the items will be returned to their original owners.

Only their respective weapons were left behind.

"It's very strict."

Lin Beichen held his sword of virtue and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Walking out of the 'men's locker room', Lin Beichen suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

"Who is this? So handsome."

"Which college is he from? Why haven't I noticed such a handsome and miserable little brother before?"

"Wow, it's the same leather uniform from the training camp. Why does it look so good on this pretty boy?"

There were exclamations and comments all around.

Lin Beichen laughed.

What is it like to be handsome

He felt that now he was fully qualified to answer this question directly.

My appearance is finally my biggest advantage, hahaha.

Lin Beichen, who had put on his training camp uniform, was so handsome that he couldn't be more handsome.

Wu Xiaofang, who was walking behind him, was considered one of the fair and handsome boys when he was in the Third Academy, but now compared with Lin Beichen, he looked as ordinary as a beggar on the roadside.