Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 5: Teach, I want to practice


The most direct example is right before our eyes.

Half of the reason for this soul piercing was Miss Lin's masterpiece.

Three days ago, Miss Lin, who heard about her prodigal brother's misdeeds, rushed back from the Royal War College in the imperial capital. She hung her 'predecessor' on the beam and beat her. She was accidentally beaten and seriously injured, causing pain and shock. After dying, even if the flesh and blood injuries were cured by the priests of the temple, his soul could not be saved, so his body was taken over by Lin Beichen on earth.

With this ruthless man around, no one in Yunmeng City dared to provoke him, Lin Beichen.

Butler Wang seemed to have just remembered something, and said hesitantly: "Well... I forgot to tell the young master. At midnight, I received news that the eldest lady was attacked by a large group of ferocious beasts on her way back to the Royal War College. Her whereabouts are unknown. The ferocious beasts A lot of luck…”


Lin Beichen's expression was dull for a moment.

"Also, young master, the news has spread throughout the city. When I came to inform you just now, I vaguely saw many of your enemies, carrying swords and knives, coming towards the Third College and blocking the school gate. , saying that as long as you dare to walk out from the entrance of the college, you will be hacked to death... "

Butler Wang added another sentence.

The corner of Lin Beichen's mouth twitched.

Next, a scene happened that made the whole class stunned—

Also in the bright early summer sunshine, Lin Beichen kicked away Butler Wang who was holding his thigh, carefully arranged his school uniform, smoothed his hair and rubbed himself With a stiff face, he squeezed out a smile, walked out of his seat, came to the old teacher Xi Ding Sanshi, and bowed respectfully.

"Teach me, I want to practice."

Those eyes full of innocence and innocence!

That look of longing!

At this time, Lin Beichen was as pious as a top student who was obsessed with cultivation.

Instructor Ding Sanshi was stunned.

Are there any such shameless people in the world

Who just said so impassionedly that even if you starve to death or die outside, you still won't be able to practice cultivation

Could you be more shameless

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the teaching building.

Faintly, it seemed that some students could be heard shouting loudly: "The Zhan Tianhou Mansion has been sealed off, and the little bastard Lin Beichen has no backer. Everyone has grievances and revenge. If you don't take revenge at this time, it will be even worse." When..."

Then a burst of footsteps, like a tide, rushed towards the teaching building of Grade 9 Banpo.

Lin Beichen was shocked.

What the fuck...

…No way

Did adding insult to injury come so quickly

Instructor Ding Sanshi also changed his expression and rushed out, preparing to block the gathering of students.

After all, Lin Beichen caused too much hatred on weekdays. If no one stopped him, he would definitely be blocked in the classroom and beaten to death by the excited students.

Soon, Ding Sanshi's loud shout came from outside.

But it doesn't seem to be of any use.

The students' angry roars came and went, like flames that were burning higher and higher.

"Lin Beichen, get out."

"Come in and beat him to death."

"Lin Beichen, you have to pay the price for your past evil deeds..."

"Your father, Lin Jinnan, committed a heinous crime and still dared to abscond in fear of the crime. You, the Lin family, are the sinners of the empire..."

"Ding Jiaoxi, don't stop us, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you."

"Drag that dandy out and burn him to death."

The crowd was so excited that it seemed like water bursting from a dam. The situation gradually got out of control. Looking at the old teacher Ding Sanshi outside the classroom, he could hardly stand the angry students.

In the classroom, Butler Wang was trembling.

He stared at Lin Beichen, his eyes rolling around, and he was weighing in his mind whether to push the culprit out first to calm down everyone's anger if the situation really got out of hand.

As a result, it was Lin Beichen who took the initiative to walk outside the teaching building first.

When he reached the door, he looked back at Butler Wang.

Four eyes looked at each other.

The two people unanimously called each other "idiot" in their hearts.

"This idiot is going out to die on his own initiative, and is he sick again?"

Butler Wang thinks so.

"This Guapi, if you don't go outside, if you are blocked in the teaching building, the door is closed and the dog is beaten, you won't be able to escape..."

Lin Beichen thought so.

He came outside the classroom.

A group of people were blocked in darkness.

Everyone looked at Lin Beichen with eyes that seemed to be breathing fire.

The surging and angry crowd, after a brief moment of silence, was about to explode. Every student had red eyes, as if they had seen the enemy who killed their father, gritting their teeth and rushing towards Lin Beichen crazily.

The old teacher Ding Sanshi's obstruction was like a giant statue facing army ants, pale and powerless, without any effect.

Lin Beichen's head was about to bloom.

At this time, an ethereal voice sounded among the crowd.

"Wait a minute."

In an instant, as if by magic, the crowd suddenly stopped and fell silent.

The casserole-sized fists that were about to hit Lin Beichen's face also stopped.

"Everyone, listen to what I have to say."

A girl wearing a blue academy swordsman uniform came out.

Her words were like an imperial edict. All the students, no matter how angry they were, all retreated obediently and made way for an open space.

Lin Beichen's eyes naturally fell on this girl.

One word popped up in his mind -

So damn beautiful.

A girl whose beauty is a bit unreal.

The ordinary cyan standard swordsman's robe, on her body, has the effect of wearing the most fashionable clothing of the season in Yunmeng City. She is like a princess walking in the world, her whole body seems to be radiating brilliance, making people standing in the sunset Lin Beichen couldn't help but have the urge to raise his hands in front of his eyebrows to protect his eyes!

Her dark eyebrows are like a painting, and her skin is like gelatin.

The sassy ponytail adds a bit of heroic spirit that is rare for ordinary women.

"It's a crime of beauty."

Lin Beichen couldn't help but praise.

Then, he felt heartache.

My heart hurts so much.

Because a memory suddenly erupted like a flood, surging in his mind.

This stunningly beautiful girl is named Mu Xinyue. She ranks first in the 'Beauty List' and second in the 'Talent List' of the Third Provincial College. She has huge popularity in the entire college and is called ' Commoner Princess', the dream lover of countless young students.

Its influence even reaches Breakthrough Academy and radiates throughout Yunmeng City.

Of course, she has another identity.

Former ex-girlfriend.

If the predecessor who was called the scourge of Yunmeng City had ever truly cared for one person, then that person must be the 'common princess' Mu Xinyue.

In one year, in order to please this girl, my predecessor did countless wrong things, offended countless people, and spent countless money. Ninety-nine percent of the ridiculous, bizarre and stupid idiotic acts of a prodigal in the eyes of others were all caused by him. I did it silently for this girl.


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