Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 65: Lin Beichen took action


Judging from the shape and thickness of the hilt and scabbard, Lin Beichen could tell from Lin Beichen's shallow sword knowledge that it was a rare sword.

"This sword is made of cold iron from the outside. The sword peak is three feet three feet and the net weight is ten kilograms and four taels. It is called [Tai'a]."

With a sword in hand, Shen Fei's temperament changed drastically. The young man who was originally just a handsome but not very eye-catching young man suddenly burst out with a strong light, a dazzling light that seemed to be like a rough stone that has been transformed into a brilliant diamond after thousands of hammerings. In this young man's eyes, It burst out from his body, as if he was a different person.

Damn it!

Lin Beichen, who was floating on the water, sighed again.

Why do you feel like this guy is the real protagonist

A top genius with a rebellious spirit, who endures humiliation and speaks out for the group

This is a perfect protagonist template in any story.

In the early hours of the morning, she casually pulled out the long sword from her waist, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens, with flowing clothes and shining leather armor, and said casually: "Yunmengwei standard long sword, produced by Master Fan's weapon shop, ten silver coins each... Come on, let me Let’s see what’s so good about your gang’s swordsmanship.”


Shen Fei nodded, exerted force under his feet, and his whole body was suddenly ejected, like a cannonball, towards the early morning, spanning twenty meters in an instant, and with a clang in the air, the long sword in his hand pierced with a dazzling sword light.

Good swordsmanship!

Classmate Lin Beichen, who was floating on the water, couldn't help but praise secretly in his heart.

Anyway, she's better than him... huh

Such bouncing, such sword light... He... uh, he seems to be able to do it too

Lin Beichen thought about it for a while, if all the mysterious energy exploded, plus the power of the [Phaseless Sword Bone], together, he should be able to do it

Go back and test it out.

He also realized that his biggest problem now is that he has no cultivation base, but without matching combat skills and techniques, and without enough combat experience, it is difficult to fully utilize it.

"Maybe I need to study and practice hard later... Huh? That's not right. I can just crush them with my cultivation. Why should I accumulate experience? Cultivation is very tiring. I'm really out of my mind."

Lin Beichen's thoughts suddenly turned around and drifted back again.

Ding ding ding ding!

Continuous metallic sounds continued to explode in the air.

Just look at Shen Fei's figure, like a butterfly walking through flowers, constantly changing positions in the air. The [Tai'a] sword in his hand seems to be a shadow, blooming with cold light, and piercing the early morning like a strong wind and rain.

And in the early morning, he stood on the rock, stabbing and blocking freely with the standard long sword in his hand.

Clusters of sparks burst out where the swords struck each other.

The fight between the two was swift and magnificent.

This is obviously a battle far beyond the level of a sophomore.

Moreover, both of them performed star-level sword skills.

The talented students from the surrounding major colleges were all attracted by such a wonderful duel. They watched intently and devoted themselves to it, hoping to get some enlightenment and enlightenment.

good chance.

Lin Beichen thought to himself, lying on the water, swinging his hips and exerting force, slowly drifting towards the woods guarding Yue Hongxiang.

Anyway, at this moment, everyone's attention is on the two geniuses confronting each other in the morning and Shen Fei, and will not pay attention to Lin Beichen.

He floated to the shore, and his body suddenly exerted force.

The soft rope of the beef tendon suddenly and silently broke inch by inch.


He jumped out of the water.

The posture is like a bullfrog taking off.

It's ugly, but it works well.

Before the four female students could react, their eyes were blurred. Yue Hongxiang had been dragged out by Lin Beichen and rescued from the encirclement.

At the same time, Lin Beichen slapped Wu Xiaofang, knocking him unconscious, and snatched his 'Sword of Virtue' away.

With a sword in my hand, I have the world.

The self-confidence returned to Lin Beichen's body.

"Classmate Yue, are you okay?"

Lin Beichen said.

Yue Hongxiang was quite embarrassed, her hair was disheveled, but her expression was relatively calm. She shook the sand off her body and said, "Thank you, I'm fine."

"Catch them."

Tao Wancheng shouted.

The surrounding students immediately rushed towards Lin Beichen.

"Step aside."

Lin Beichen said to Yue Hongxiang: "Keep your distance to avoid being accidentally hurt by me. I'm going to pretend... No, I'm going to convince others with my virtue."

call out!

The sword of virtue is unsheathed.

The sword light is like lightning.


Click to pour one.


Click down two.

Puff puff puff puff!

Click down seven or eight...

At this moment, Lin Beichen seemed to be transformed into a swordsman. He struck one sword at a time. The students who rushed towards him felt their eyes blurred. He was struck by a sword in the thigh and fell down with soreness.

The scene was horrifying.

When the other students saw that their posture was not right, they immediately backed down.


There was a sound of rolling thunder and explosion.

On the other side of the battlefield, two top geniuses faced each other head-on.

Shen Fei's figure stepped back, turned 360 degrees in the air and backflips, landing on the beach quite gracefully, staggering back three steps before he stabilized his figure.

Tian Qingchen, the proud daughter of heaven who had been standing on the rock, swayed like a tumbler, but she always stood firmly in place and stabilized her figure in an instant.

"Take it."

Shen Fei glanced at Lin Beichen and the two and said, "Don't let them run away."

Tao Wancheng took action personally.

His injury has improved a lot after just a short period of treatment.


The long sword is unsheathed.

"Lin Beichen, I will let you know now what true sword skills are."

The sword light flashed.

Coming straight.

Lin Beichen calmed down and used [Basic Swordsmanship Close Three Combinations].

Although these three sword styles belong to the category of basic swordsmanship, they are the peak-level sword-breaking skills. Lin Beichen has practiced to the peak and perfect level. As soon as he made a move, he easily cut into Tao Wancheng's sword light and directly broke this attack. .

Ding ding ding!

Sparks flew everywhere.


Tao Wancheng was greatly surprised, and immediately sneered: "Let's see how many moves you can catch."

The one-star sword skill [Meteor Chasing Lightning Sword] was displayed.

The sword lights flickered like meteors in the sky, trailing behind and sweeping towards Lin Beichen with a dazzling brilliance.

"This guy's swordsmanship is far superior to Mu Xinyue's."

Lin Beichen felt tremendous pressure.

He responded with three swords, and gradually became unstoppable.

If it were Lin Beichen who was in the finals of the mid-year competition that day, he would have been completely defeated by now.

But for more than ten days, his [Phaseless Sword Body] APP has been running all the time, giving him a huge increase in physical strength, greatly increasing his physical strength and reaction speed, pushing the Three Sword Style to a new level. Levels, coupled with the operation of the [Introduction to Mental Power] APP, Lin Beichen has achieved a small amount of mental power. Although he still does not understand the method of controlling mental power, in battle, it has enhanced his eyesight and perception. Sharper.

Although these improvements to Lin Beichen's combat power were silent, they were huge.

Ding ding ding!

The sword light collided and burst into clusters of sparks.

Tao Wancheng's thirty-sixth-level one-star combat skill [Meteor Chasing Lightning Sword] was half used, but he still couldn't knock down Lin Beichen. He was shocked and angry in his heart, and his sword power became more urgent. His seven-level strength of profound energy cultivation completely exploded. , said fiercely: "Mantis also wants to block the car? I will definitely defeat you today."