Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 77: Please be a human being


They must continue to participate in the bidding.

Because if they don't strengthen and consolidate their advantage in the number of badges, they are likely to be surpassed by others, and all their previous investment will be in vain.

By the time the auction of the fourth batch of badges ended, Lin Beichen was almost laughing like crazy.

This batch of badges cost a total of 1,100 gold coins.

Including the gains from the previous three rounds, the forty badges netted him a total of 2,660 gold coins.

Converted to RMB, it is 26,600,000.

This was definitely a number that made Lin Beichen feel dizzy.

And in his hand, he still has a stockpile of forty badges.

After thinking about it, Lin Beichen did not stop his frantic auction.

He took out twenty of the remaining forty coins at once...

The other students had completely collapsed when they saw this scene.

Their brains are no longer sufficient.

They no longer have the brains to think about why this situation occurs.

They just instinctively participate in the auction and keep bidding higher.

The scene was almost out of control.

"Wait a minute, 2000. I'll give you 2000 gold coins to buy the eight badges in your hand." Li Tao, who had been silent all this time, could no longer calm down. He made a desperate move and said loudly: "I have never offended you, and I have invited you again and again. Let’s form a team together, classmate Lin, there is no need to argue with the gold coins. If you think the price is not enough, you can open it as you like, I will never bargain."

It can be said to be very sincere.

Lin Beichen laughed.

"Yes, you have not offended me."

he said.

Li Tao was overjoyed.

But Lin Beichen changed the subject, his face became solemn, and he said firmly and decisively in a serious tone that he had never seen before: "But, you offended the little fairy in the morning, which is much more serious than offending me, if nothing else. , just because of the sword you stabbed Ling Chen in a sneak attack, in this life, we can only be enemies, not friends. Therefore, let alone gold coins, even if you give me the entire Yunmeng City and the entire Beihai Empire, I won’t even give you a star badge!”

Li Tao was stunned.

The hustle and bustle around him suddenly became quiet.

Shen Fei's figure was shaken, and he stared at Lin Beichen with a strange light flashing in his eyes, as if he was trying to kill this prodigal son.

His face and demeanor were completely remembered, as if they were deeply imprinted in his mind.

In Mu Xinyue's heart, a chord that she thought didn't exist was violently shaken at this moment.

She looked back in a daze, and the flattering and enviable faces flashed through her mind, and the words of countless men who had expressed their willingness to sacrifice everything for her more than once also flowed through her mind... But when she thought about it carefully, these Among people, there seems to be only one person who has ever been kind to me regardless of anything and without asking for anything in return, and who truly matches his words with his deeds.

That was the Lin Beichen of old.

But now, this same person is treating another girl with the same determination as he used to treat her.

There was something she once had that was lost forever at this moment.

She thought she would never care.

But now, there was a dull, heart-wrenching feeling that seemed to tear her whole body apart.

Many female students also looked at Ling Chen with undisguised envy at this moment.

In the early morning, the youngest daughter whom the Lord of Yunmeng City loved most, who was a peerless genius second only to Lin Tingchan in history, and the most beautiful girl in Yunmeng City, already had too many things in her body that were envied by her peers.

But at this moment, she had one more thing that was enviable.

In the early morning, he just remained silent and didn't say a word.

An unnatural feeling flashed through her heart.

She just stood quietly next to Lin Beichen. On her beautiful face as white and delicate as mutton-fat white jade, the calm young man who spoke astonishingly seemed to be extremely far away, but also seemed to be tightly attached to her. together.

In the end, Lin Beichen completely auctioned off 20 of the remaining 40 badges, and obtained a contract IOU worth 1,800 gold coins—because for the later badges, students who had hopes of promotion participated in the bidding, and some even Students who failed to advance to the main competition even after taking one or two badges gave up on their own initiative, so the gold coins they received were not as much as expected.

But Lin Beichen was already very satisfied.

The sale of sixty star badges gave him a total of 4,460 gold coins.

There is no doubt that this is the largest fortune Lin Beichen has seen since he came to this world.

Even some large mercenary groups and some large chambers of commerce in Yunmeng City may not be able to reach this figure in net profit for a year.

And right

For Lin Beichen, this wealth means that he can fully charge his mobile phone 446 times.

Even if the power consumption of his mobile phone is 100% once a day, this wealth is enough for him to last for 446 days.

Since time travel, the Sword of Damocles that has been hanging over Lin Beichen's head, the battery consumption of his mobile phone, has finally temporarily disappeared.

"Classmate Lin, do you still have it? You must still have it, right?"

"I want it, I want it more!"

"Give it to me quickly!"

Some students stared at Lin Beichen with red eyes, breathing heavily, and shouted loudly as if they were still unfinished.

"The auction ends here."

Lin Beichen's cold and ruthless words shattered the illusions of these poor students.

The next second, he took out four more badges and turned around and handed them to Yue Hongxiang under the gaze of countless staring eyes.

The latter was stunned.

" for me?"

The bookish classical girl had a blank look on her face.

Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Of course, take it quickly. If you hadn't picked wild fruits and vegetables for me to eat every day, I would have starved to death. The so-called kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a spring of spring." , the four star badges should be considered as meal expenses."

Yue Hongxiang was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that she could get four star badges in exchange for just picking more wild fruits and vegetables every day

It's like exchanging a few weeds for an equal amount of gold bars.

"But... it's too... too much, I... I can't..."

The girl stammered, but she still expressed what she meant.

Lin Beichen directly forced the four badges into her hands and said: "Why are you so polite among classmates? Do you know what the three pillars of life are? Just together..." With one mouth and one sentence, we went to whoring together. He almost blurted out, but fortunately he reacted suddenly. Lin Beichen shut up immediately and said: "Anyway, in my heart, the value of those wild fruits and vegetables is much more important than gold coins. Only idiots use gold coins to buy badges."

Everyone: "..."

Please be a human being.

We just bought the badge with gold coins.

Even if you really think so in your heart, don't say it so blatantly.

Yue Hongxiang held the four star badges helplessly.