Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 112


"Don't look at it, Chef Zhang's vote was not voted by the old man!" Mr. Song Tao said slowly.

"It's you, sir?" Chef Zhang was stunned, then cupped his hands and said, "Xiao Min dares to ask Mr. Song Tao for advice.

"Chef Zhang's culinary skills are superb, and a small piece of frog is even more superb. The skill and taste are impeccable." Mr. Song Tao said.

"Then why..." Chef Zhang was puzzled.

"Food, in addition to being well-cooked and delicious, it is also important to pay attention to the season of eating. The so-called winter tonic, frogs are cold in nature. Chef Zhang, although it is delicious and spicy, it is not easy to eat in winter. The way of eating, Pay attention to the right time, place and people, even if the place is right, if the time is not right, this dish will fail!" Mr. Songtao shook his head.

"Sir, what's the girl's food?" Wen Shouzheng asked timidly while standing in the crowd.

"Girl's five-flavored chicken, regardless of the technique, taste, dishes, and knife skills, are all excellent, and the season of food is especially suitable. I naturally voted for it." Mr. Song Tao stroked his beard and looked at the crowd.

"I voted too." Shopkeeper Li said hastily.

"Of course I vote for Sister Wen!" Liu Xian said naively.

"Mr. Song Tao's words are very true, and the lower officials also voted." Zhao Jing said.

"Xiaomin and Gouzi must have voted." Master Qiao followed Qiao Zizhang.

All eyes were on Boss Lu.

Of the seven people, the other six voted for Wen Rou. It goes without saying that Boss Lu did not vote correctly for the last vote.

"Tell me, why doesn't Sister Wen's food suit your appetite?" Liu Xian said bluntly.

"This..." Boss Lu was speechless for a moment.

How can there be such a thing... I dare to feel that I was sold by a group of people like this!

Boss Lu's brow was sweating from anxiety, his heart was pounding, and his mind was starting to get muddled.

"Hehe, the tastes of the judges are different, let alone the mouths of the people? The so-called difficult to adjust, is the reason. Your Highness doesn't need to delve into the reason. The girl's dish can be affirmed by the six of us. It can be regarded as the first choice. " Mr. Songtao said.

"Hmph! How dare you say that my sister Wen's food is not delicious! Later, I will ask Brother Yaoshan to take me to your Yipinxiang to have a look. If it is not as good as my sister Wen's, don't open your Yipinxiang either." Liu Xian glared. With round eyeballs, he stared straight at Boss Lu.

Originally, Boss Lu wanted to say something else, but looking at this posture, the other six out of the seven judges all voted for this little girl. In fact, this girl's five-flavored chicken is beyond reproach, and it has achieved the ultimate bastard , but Boss Lu refused to believe that this dish was made by this thirteen-year-old girl. No vote was cast. In fact, it is a bone in the egg. But more importantly, Boss Lu himself knows better than anyone else that his wishful thinking is not to be a judge for Zuixianlou at all, but...

The first two rounds of the game. Ruan was a tie with Chef Zhang.

Above the front hall of Zuixianlou, the atmosphere was tense for a moment, like gunpowder that exploded at the touch of a touch, and the thread was burning between Wen Rou and Chef Zhang.

On the second day, it was not time for lunch. The inside and outside of the Zuixian Tower has long been surrounded by neighbors from far and near.

The people in the restaurant were watching the excitement, and the people outside the restaurant naturally couldn't see the excitement, but getting together to gossip is a pleasure for the people in Xianyang City after dinner, not to mention the two competitions yesterday. A teenage girl came out of Zuixianlou, this topic is interesting and exciting!

"I said, what is the origin of that girl? I heard that she defeated two chefs yesterday and tied with Chef Zhang!"

"I heard it's Chef Wen's daughter!"

"No wonder! Chef Wen is really calm! How come there was no movement before?"

"Hush, don't make noise, listen to the people inside, let's try the staple food today!"

A moment ago, in the Drunken Immortal Tower, Mr. Songtao took the envelope handed over by shopkeeper Li, and loudly announced the topic of today's competition.

"After the first two rounds of competitions, Chef Ruan and Chef Zhang have been tied for the lead. I hope other chefs will not be discouraged, don't be humble, and show their housekeeping skills. The topic of today's competition is 'staple food'!"

"What? There's something better than staple food! I've never heard of it!"

"That's right, isn't this staple food just rice and noodles? Can you make flowers?"

"Who came up with this question? It's too tricky!"

The crowd watching in the restaurant started to commotion again.

"Everyone be quiet, because the staple food is relatively simple, the competition time is set for half an hour! Chefs can now choose ingredients in the ingredients area!" Shopkeeper Li said to reassure everyone.

After the first two rounds of competition, Chef Tang and Chef Zheng lost with doubts.

What has this soft girl learned all day, but just by Wen Shouzheng's side, how could she make such rapid progress? Could it be that Wen Shouzheng went back and started a little treat for her daughter? That's not enough! Just relying on those two dishes, it doesn't take a few years of hard work, and it will definitely not be able to do it! Chef Tang muttered to himself.

How does Wen Shouzheng lead his disciples on weekdays? My second dog's aptitude is not bad, how can it be so much worse than Rou Yatou? Chef Zheng was full of depression.

"Hmph!" Chef Zhang didn't bother to think about other things, he went straight to the ingredients area, grabbed a few eggs, took a scoop of pearl rice, and returned to his stove proudly.

Chef Zhang only took eggs and rice? Is it possible to make fried rice with eggs

Chef Tang and Chef Zheng murmured for a while.

In such an important competition occasion, it would be too easy to underestimate the enemy by choosing fried rice with eggs, right

However, in the first two competitions, Chef Zhang's strength was seen by everyone. Even if he chooses to cook simple fried rice with eggs, there may be other tricks!

"Dear judges, Xiaomin is not talented and unable to deal with the subject of this staple dish, so I give up the application." At this moment, Chef Zheng took a step forward and shouted at the seven judges.

"Xiaomin also asked to give up." Chef Tang immediately followed.

The staple food is nothing more than a confrontation between rice and noodles. The two chefs Tang and Zheng really can't think of other ideas. If they insist on making it, they will probably only steam and cook rice, and make some noodles, steamed buns, steamed buns and so on.

The first two games were lost, and thinking about going on, even if it was a tie, it would not make much sense, so he just showed weakness directly, so it is better to wait and see what happens below and learn with an open mind.

"Chef Tang, Chef Zheng, you..." Rourou felt sorry and hurried to persuade.

"Girl Rou, young people are formidable, you have to compete! Don't lose your father's face!" Chef Tang said earnestly.

"Girl Rou, let's fight boldly, we will cheer you up below!" Chef Zheng brought Yuanzi and Ergou to encourage him.

"Well, don't worry, everyone, Rou'er will live up to everyone's high expectations!" Ruan Rou didn't say much at this moment, straightened her thin body, went straight to the ingredients area, and gently took a small pot of flour and some seasonal vegetables.

"Is this girl confused? At least Chef Zhang took some eggs. How come this girl only took vegetables besides flour? Could it be that you want to make green vegetable noodles? Or dumplings?" Sheng Yaoshan clenched his fists anxiously below. .

"Sheng Yaoshan, what's wrong with the green vegetable noodles? What's wrong with the gnocchi? It's a miracle in the ordinary, let Chef Zhang make fried rice with eggs, but Miss Wen is not allowed to serve noodles?" Ren Yue said lightly.

"Ren San, you really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. You know that this green vegetable suits your taste. I'll ask Mr. Song Tao to make green onion noodles for you!" Sheng Yaoshan said with a glare.

"Boring." Ren Yue didn't bother to pay attention to Sheng Yaoshan, and turned to watch the gentle cooking of staple food.

Behind him, Xiao Anzi was still staring, looking at his young master and General Sheng inexplicably.

On the stage, I saw Chef Zhang deftly soaking rice, washing rice, steaming rice on a bamboo drawer.

Gentle and familiar kneading, stretching and rolling of noodles on the other side.

While the rice was steaming, Chef Zhang threw all five eggs into the air and greeted them with a large bowl with a wide mouth.

The five eggs are like five oval beads, forming a circle in the air, falling naturally one by one, in order, without deviation or slant, and the eggshells just land on the edge of the wide-mouthed bowl.

There were five crisp sounds, and the eggshells of the five eggs, like flower petals blooming, split into two; and like fireworks in the night sky, they separated at the edge of the wide-mouthed bowl with a swipe. Only the golden egg yolk was wrapped in light yellow transparent egg liquid and fell into the bowl.

The movement is done in one go, beautiful and coherent, although it is a kitchen job, it is really eye-catching.

"Okay!" There was a burst of applause from the crowd.

Chef Zhang remained calm, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, he just casually took a pair of chopsticks, added cooking wine into the eggs, opened the chopsticks at an angle, and opened his hands, pulling a bowl of egg liquid rhythmically.

"It's really egg fried rice!" Sitting on the judging table, Mr. Zhao was a little curious.

In this kind of high-level competition, the chef of Zuixianlou actually used a bowl of egg fried rice to compete.

Look at Wenrou's side again, her face has reconciled, she is lying awake in the basin.

Taking advantage of this time, gently wash the seasonal vegetables one by one and cut them into thin shreds.

Green spinach shreds, white cabbage shreds, purple cabbage shreds, yellow pumpkin shreds, orange carrot shreds, red water radish shreds... the colors are like a gorgeous rainbow, neatly stacked on the plate to be fried.

"Ganqing is Chisi again!"

"Didn't Chef Zheng in the first round also shred it?"

"Hey, could it be that shredding is the tradition of Zuixianlou?"

Someone in the crowd started to stir.

"Don't make noise!" Liu Xian's crisp childish voice overwhelmed everyone.

After all the shreds are cut and the tender noodles are almost awake, press down lightly with your index finger, and the dough will spring up immediately and become smooth.

"Okay!" The gentle eyes bloomed with brilliance!

"This side is harmonious!" Standing in the crowd, Fang Dashi praised, and Wen Shouzheng beside him kept nodding.

"It smells so good!" Suddenly, a strong rice fragrance wafted over the front hall of Zuixianlou.

Everyone followed their noses and saw that Chef Zhang was uncovering the bamboo drawer for steaming and cooking rice.

The fragrance came from the bamboo drawer.