Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 116


"Oh?" Wen Shouzheng leaned his head in surprise.

I saw the gentle gaze resting on a page of densely packed handwriting.

Wen Shou couldn't read a few words. Although he was curious, he couldn't read it. He could only smile from the corners of his eyes and said, "Rou'er, read it quickly, what is written on it?"

"Father, this is exactly what I want to do!" Rourou ignored Wen Shouzheng's request at all, and jumped up excitedly from the ground.

The kitchen is full of ingredients: chicken racks, lamb bones, beef bones, pork bones, bacon, eel shreds, various mushrooms, bean sprouts, bean curd, day lily...

After a while, almost all the ingredients that Wen Shouzheng brought in from Wen's kitchen appeared on the small stove, piled up like a hill, rich and attractive.

"Father, is there spring water at home?" Rourou turned and asked Wen Shouzheng.

"Yes! I brought some back from the Zuixianlou banquet last time!" Wen Shouzheng chuckled.

Sure enough, the chef in the back kitchen is poor in oil and fat. There are some in Zuixianlou, but the Wen family has them all; I think that when Ren Yuechu came to Zuixianlou that day, he wanted to use spring water for cooking and tea, but he never got his wish. Now in the small kitchen of the Wen family, there is actually spring water from the mountain!

Wen Rou covered her mouth with a smile, and shook her head. Although her father's behavior was somewhat criticized, but at the critical moment, it came in handy!

Wash all the ingredients one by one, put them into an oversized pot and blanch them to remove blood, blood foam, sputum, and fishy smell.

Wen Shouzheng, who was watching, was dumbfounded: "Rou'er, can these be cooked together?"

"Father, don't worry, the ancient score given by Chef Gao is very reliable! It can always produce unexpected results at critical moments!" Rourou comforted Wen Shouzheng's restless heart while skimming off the foam in the pot. Heart.

However, with so many ingredients put into the pot, one can imagine the excitement and richness of the pot.

Wen Shouzheng was secretly worried: If this big pot of ingredients is boiled into soup, how muddy and thick the soup will be! Can the flavors be reconciled

Wen Rou completely ignored Wen Shouzheng's thoughts. Just stand over the pot and stir occasionally, and close the lid occasionally. It's like entering the land of no one, and it's extremely busy.

That night, the Wen family's kitchen was brightly lit until dawn.

Wen Shouzheng watched from the sidelines at first, but then he couldn't hold on any longer, so he pulled a chair and sat on it. He just leaned on the back of the chair and watched Wen Rou standing there busy.

Eyelids are getting heavy. The head is also getting heavier. don't know when. Wen Shouzheng fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he was awakened by a faint fragrance.

Under the dim kerosene lamp, a gentle, slender and earnest figure gently lifted the huge pot cover, and was entangled in the mist. Wen Shouzheng rubbed his eyes vigorously. This familiar movement is like flowing water. Although he is thirteen years old, his dedication and love for food cannot be compared with the self who was called a "cooking idiot" back then.

The sound outside the window is approaching, the night is already deep, is this girl really just standing by the stove and pot all the time

Isn't it just a selection contest? Just because of my own reasons, but let my daughter suffer. actually. This girl Rou'er doesn't need to spend so much trouble. With her age and qualifications, even if she can't do well, no one will say anything. But this girl is so serious, so serious that she is stubborn. Even obsessed!

Wen Shouzheng's eyes blurred for a while, and there seemed to be a flame burning in his chest, and a sense of power rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head in an instant.

"Rou'er, dad is here to help you prepare!" Wen Shouzheng strode forward.

"Father, are you awake?" Gentle turned her cheeks and smiled sweetly.

"This is..." Just as Wen Shouzheng leaned over to the side of the pot, wanting to find out, the scene inside the pot really surprised him!

I saw that the chaotic soup, which was still a pot of mishmash, chaotic and unrecognizable before, is now crystal clear, with all kinds of soup bones, broken parts, white and soft bone marrow, ready to come out; all kinds of Titian The ingredients, slightly rippling between the bones, seem to be boiled by themselves, and blended with the soup; the delicious soup base, from a thin body, becomes bigger and thinner, as if it is stewed again After cooking for a while, you can't find it anymore.

"Rou'er! This soup..." Wen Shou was surprised, pointing at the pot with one hand, speechless for a moment.

"Father, it's thanks to your spring water and Chef Gao's ancient score!" He smiled softly, turned around and took a piece of wet gauze from the basin next to him, and gently spread it on the cutting board. Immediately, he grabbed another piece of square-shaped chicken breast from the plate in front of him, laid it flat, and randomly pulled two chopping knives from the knife holder with both hands, showing a soft arc on the blade.

"Duo duo duo duo." The continuous sound of chopping and chopping sounded again, and a piece of chicken breast that was originally intact and flat turned into a puddle of minced chicken under gentle hands in a blink of an eye. After cutting, turning, turning the knife and cutting... A few times, Wen Shouzheng couldn't believe how fine the minced chicken was, how did Rou'er master such a brisk knife technique? On weekdays, I have never taught her this kind of kung fu!

When Wen Shouzheng was in a daze, Rourou had already wrapped the minced chicken in gauze, and with a light twist, a small package was ready.

"Rou'er, is this also going to be cooked in soup?" Wen Shouzheng was puzzled.

"Father, this is not the material for cooking the soup, it is the magic weapon to make the soup reborn!" With a gentle and mysterious smile, his white and slender fingers gently grasped one end of the gauze, and let the end wrapped with minced chicken be immersed in the soup pot. Then, with a slight turn and a walk, the soup in the pot became clearer in an instant.

Looking at the end of the gauze, some small particles in the soup are adsorbed.

"Rou'er, this pot of clear soup was made using this method?!" Wen Shouzheng's eyes shone with excitement.

"Father, this is all mentioned in Chef Gao's ancient manual, but it also needs father's spring water to cook the soup!" Gentlely smiled.

"Rou'er, does this big pot of soup use spring water..." Wen Shouzheng reacted violently, and looked at the pot containing spring water, it was really empty, Wen Shouzheng turned the pot upside down, and poured it over vigorously , Can't pour out a drop of spring water anymore!

"It's really used up..." Wen Shouzheng pursed his lips, feeling a little empty in his heart, just like this jar. Moreover, there is also a kind of sadness overflowing faintly, slowly enveloping his whole heart.

"Father, of course good steel must be used wisely! If this soup does not have father's spring water, it must not be able to reach such a state of sanqing!" Rourou continued to make chicken mince, slowly comforting the distressed Wen Shouzheng.

"Hey! This spring water from the mountain. It's not so easy to get. If I want to use it again, I don't know how long it will take!" Wen Shouzheng sighed softly, hugged the jar in his arms, and looked at it casually. Flowing in gentle hands.

It was an ordinary basin, filled with an unknown amount of gauze and used minced chicken, yellow, discolored, dirty... Is this all consumed by this girl tonight? Her young age and weak strength, not to mention chopping the minced chicken non-stop, but being able to stand by the pot all the time, is already commendable. and. During the day, this girl even competed for a whole noon!

Wen Shouzheng's heart suddenly ached again. My daughter doesn't care about her exhaustion, just to make her dream come true, but she loves a pot of spring water here!

"Rou'er, take a break. Dad, come!" Wen Shouzheng said.

"Father, I'm not tired. You've been with me for a whole day. Go and have a rest. Besides, you still have injuries on your hands. If you don't rest well and get wet again, it will be even more difficult! What's more, this Rou'er wants to complete the competition independently, so as to really test Rou'er's level. Father must support Rou'er!" Wen Rou gently helped Wen Shouzheng to the side, and persuaded him nicely, it took Wen Shouzheng to sit aside for a long time for a while.

This night was spent in the mutual support of the father and daughter, one was so busy that he forgot to sleep and eat, and the other was hurt by seeing it in his eyes.

at the same time. In Mr. Songtao's residence far away in the outskirts, there were also two sleepless nights.

Sheng Yaoshan was probably too excited during the day. Mr. Songtao concluded the question with soup, which not only brought expectations for tomorrow's game, but also made Sheng Yaoshan sweat for tenderness.

I don't know Miss Wen is going to fight with He Tang! There are hundreds of soups in the world, and it is difficult for everyone to harmonize their tastes. This problem is really easy and difficult.

Sheng Yaoshan tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, instead of being tormented by thoughts, he simply got up and left the house, fearing to disturb Mr. Song Tao's sweet dreams, he walked out of the small courtyard lightly, and came to the pond where the withered lotus was pulled out before. side.

The moonlight in winter was cold, and the bright silver spear behind Sheng Yaoshan shone brightly under the moonlight.

Feeling bored to the point of anxiety, the seventeen-year-old Sheng Yaoshan pulled out his spear and danced wildly under the moonlight, expressing the inner depression of the heroic youth.

The moonlight is thick, the hero is waving his gun by the pond, and the desolate withered lotus is against the stretched figure of the hero. With the spear in hand, he is full of power.

"Shua!" A silver lightning flashed down from the sky under the moon, and a faint cloud floated down to Sheng Yaoshan's side following the lightning.

The electric light seems to rest lightly on Sheng Yaoshan's bright silver spear, but there is a sound of violent metal impact, "Crack!"

Sheng Yaoshan was not surprised at all, a trace of excitement flashed across his heroic face.

"Could it be that you can't sleep either?"

"Oh, dancing under the moon is really exciting, how could Ren Yue miss it!" Ren Yue gently put away the silver soft sword at his waist, his deep eyes did not look at Sheng Yaoshan at all, but just looked up at the night sky The crescent moon seems to be looking at the moon and meditating, but it seems to be looking at nothing. The night sky was dark, and Ren Yue's eyes were darker than the night, so deep that he could not see the bottom.

Under the moon, the gentle soup finally became as clear as water after the last adsorption. The girl's eyes were brighter, brighter and more charming than the moonlight tonight.

"Father, it's almost there. This soup can be used in the competition tomorrow!" Rourou carefully filled out a bowl and handed it to Wen Shouzheng.

"Rou'er! This soup!" Wen Shouzheng turned pale with shock, holding a white porcelain bowl in his hand, and the white porcelain bowl contained...