Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 31


"Sister Rou'er, why are you so happy?" Fang Dashi felt a little guilty when he saw Wen Rou smiling like that.

"Father is going to bed, I'll add some food for everyone!" Rourou got up with a smile.

"Sister Rou'er, don't be so busy. Even if you want to add food to everyone, you still have to have ingredients, right? Look, the kitchen is empty, there's nothing left!" Yuanzi squeezed a peanut with one hand, and took another sip Chaolu Wine Road.

"Sister Rou'er, we accept your wish, I will invite you next time!" Xiao Wu patted his chest.

Rourou looked around, and seeing that the kitchen ingredients were empty, she couldn't help but secretly said angrily: "Father, you are too stingy! Why don't you clean it up so cleanly!"

Suddenly, the gentle gaze stopped on the roof, and I saw a dried sausage protruding from an oval bamboo basket on the beam!

It was hung so high, presumably to avoid the concern of the mice, so Wen Shouzheng also forgot to put it away.

"Yes! Let's eat it!" Rourou pointed to the basket above and smiled.

In the previous life in the capital, it was also a winter day. Rourou once witnessed a scene of beggars sitting around the fire roasting sausages in a ruined temple on the side of the road, and she couldn't help thinking!

"Let me help!" Fang Dashi was the tallest, quickly set up two benches, one stood up, and took off the big basket with ease.

There are two large bundles of sausages tied with cotton thread inside!

Red and white, it looks fat and thin. If it is steamed and eaten, cut into thin slices, and then topped with some dipping sauce, it will be delicious with morning dew wine!

Everyone swallowed at the sausage.

"Alas..." Ergou sighed for a long time.

"There's meat to eat right away! Damn you!" Yuanzi patted Ergou on the back of the head, feeling that it was a disastrous sight.

"Fucking shit! There's no firewood at all! You can eat raw!" Er Gou didn't get angry easily, but now he was really anxious.

Hearing Er Gou's words, everyone looked around, but there was no firewood, no need to ask, it was put away by Wen Shouzheng.

"It seems that Chef Wen is really a careful person! How come he is so agile in Zuixianlou!" Xiao Wu scratched his head carelessly.

"Xiao Wu!" Fang Dashi probably felt that Wen Shou was his master. Although he was stingy, but being said behind his back like this, he couldn't hold back his face. Besides, gentleness is also here!

"Everyone, don't be discouraged, I have a solution!" With sharp eyes, Wen Rou saw a pair of flints on the stove, sparks sparked from that brilliant idea in her heart!

Everyone was unclear, and looked at Wen Rou blankly.

"Everyone come with me, this kitchen is not easy to show your skills. Brother Wu, take the candle, Brother Stone, take the sausage, Brother Ergou, take the Flint, Brother Yuanzi, just take the half jar of wine and let's go!" The gentle and swift After dividing the work, a group of five people sneaked to the woodshed under the moonlight.

The firewood house of the Wen family is said to be a firewood house, but it is actually a big warehouse!

Everything that is useless or temporarily unused on weekdays is piled inside.

Xiao Wu held half a candle and illuminated it for everyone. Everyone was in a hurry and found an iron trough, a bamboo stick, and a small amount of charcoal in the firewood room!

The red light of the candle made her gentle little face blush, and her big watery eyes were beating with joy and cunning.

"Brother Shitou, you split the charcoal and put them into the iron trough; Brother Wu, you are in charge of lighting the fire, first use the candle, and if it goes out, use the flint; Brother Yuanzi, come and put these sausages with bamboo sticks one by one. Wear it; Brother Ergou, come with me!" Wenrou said, and took Ergou out, and the others, although they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wenrou's gourd, they still finished it seriously.

"Sister Rou'er, this is..." Er Gou stood in the yard, dazed.

"Brother Ergou, help me dig a big hole here!" Rourou looked at the gate, then at the wall, and finally chose a spot in the middle of the yard, and drew a big circle with her hands.

"Dig a hole?" Ergou was even more at a loss.

"Hey, let's cook delicious food in the firewood room tonight. Those used things should be buried and hidden. If there is a chance in the future, they can be dug up and used again. So, hey, you have worked hard, Brother Two Dog, We must dig a big hole!" Rourou said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll dig it!" Er Gou thought for a while, and found a shovel left and right. He reckoned that the iron trough was quite big, and the hole must be bigger.

"Brother Ergou, come on, I'll save some delicious food for you later, and I'll call you when it's ready!" He smiled softly and sweetly at Ergou, and ran away.

Leaving Ergou standing alone in the yard, swallowing, digging a big hole furtively.

In the firewood room, everyone has completed the tasks in hand according to gentle instructions.

"Okay, then leave it to me!" Rourou saw that the charcoal in the iron trough had been ignited, and each piece of sausage was threaded on a bamboo stick. She was overjoyed, took the sausage from Yuanzi, and stacked it beside the iron trough.

Everyone was curious and sat around to see what happened.

Rourou first used a bamboo stick to move all the burning charcoal to one side of the iron trough, leaving a few pieces of old charcoal with residual temperature. The off-white charcoal glowed orange-red, and the temperature was very stable.

At this moment, Wenrou used the two fingers of her left hand to twist the bamboo sticks, quickly rolling the sausage over the charcoal fire. The sausages are well-made, fat and thin, and the red meat and white fat can be seen through the thin casing.

The plump sausages stood on the wall of the iron tank, reflecting the orange charcoal fire, constantly expanding and making a sizzling sound.

Rourou took a bamboo stick in her right hand, and at the moment when the fat was about to come out, she used the bamboo stick to poke a few holes in the lean meat next to her. As soon as there is a vent channel, the fat seeps into the perforated meat without overflowing.

The casing was bubbling slightly, and oil was leaking from some places that were not taken care of. Gently and swiftly turn the bamboo stick, and roll onto the sausage with the leaking oil.

The charcoal fire is stable, and the roasting is gentle and calm, the action is subtle, there is no rich fat aroma, some are just a faint salty aroma, concentrated and unassuming.

Everyone sat around, their eyes focused on the tender grilled sausage, their Adam's apple rolled up and down, swallowing their saliva, reflecting the twilight of the charcoal fire, everyone had a big "hungry" written on their faces.

This cooking method is the first time that everyone has seen it. If it is not for the gentle cooking, everyone can't wait and rushed to carve it up.

Yuanzi's saliva was flooding, his eyes kept staring at the sausage in Wenrou's hand, and he carefully calculated: if five people eat, if each person eats three skewers, it will not be enough, if each person eats two skewers, there will be more , how will we divide it later! Be sure to grab more!

"Brother Yuanzi, go and call Brother Ergou! It will be ready soon!" Gentle commanded.

At this moment, Ergou's big pit has also been dug. He packed up the shovel, and found some straw to cover it, thinking about burying it in a while, and then laying soil.

When Ergou came in, the gentle sausage was just finished, and the charcoal fire had been extinguished. Under the clear moonlight, Fang Dashi distributed the remaining half jar of wine to everyone, and everyone held the wine in one hand while staring at the sausage!

Seeing everyone's appearance like this, Rourou secretly said in her heart: "A group of greedy cats!" Then she divided each of them into three sticks, and kept only one for herself.

Everyone couldn't wait to blow and bite carefully.

At the first entrance, it is delicious, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a lingering fragrance. Bite down the mouth again, and the fat penetrates completely between the sausages, as if you are on the top of an open mountain, with the refreshing breeze blowing on your face, everyone is so beautiful that they almost bit their tongues.

"Delicious, hiss, delicious!" A burst of praises.

Just as everyone was eating their mouths full of oil, there was a rustling sound from the low wall in the courtyard.

033 Midnight Shadow