Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 5


"What delicious food are you making? It smells so good from afar!" While speaking, Wen Ting appeared at the door of the kitchen with a book between his hands, and was about to step in when he saw Wen Shouzheng, and couldn't help being startled. Turn around and run.

"Stop! You bastard, what are you running for!" Wen Shouzheng caught a glimpse of Wen Ting's sneaky look, instantly became angry, and stopped drinking immediately.

Wen Ting immediately stopped at the door, and he didn't dare to run anymore, but his eyes were timid, he turned around slowly, peeked at the braised pork on the table, and couldn't help swallowing.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Get your apron!" Wen Shou stood up and walked towards the stove with an unconcerned face.

"This is..." Ruan felt puzzled, she had never heard of wearing an apron when eating in her previous life.

Just when Wen Rou was thinking wildly, she saw that Wen Ting had already walked in the door, quickly put down the book, put on the apron, and went to the stove with an embarrassing expression.

"Brat, it's not my father talking about you! We are a small family, and you should be satisfied if you can study for you! If you really are that kind of material, your father and I have nothing to say! But you... have taken the exam three times in a row. Tongsheng, hey! Why don't you follow me early, learn a craft like you Shitou, and earn a living in the future!" Wen Shouzheng sighed, recalling the past, and then reached out to touch an egg from the food basket.

"Father, you believe me, give me another year, I will definitely..." Wen Ting wore a blue-gray clean cotton shirt, his fair face was stubbornly held up, his eyes were piercing and sharp.

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, Wen Shouzheng had already lit the fire and started the stove, "I taught you the scrambled eggs last time, before the meal is ready, let me see it first, and we will talk about the study later!"

"Father, Ting'er's Shuxiu is enough for my master to teach me for a few days. Why don't I learn how to cook with you at home while studying, okay?" Mrs. Zhou couldn't see it, and couldn't get along with her. , can only be negotiated reluctantly.

"Well, let's start!" Wen Shouzheng nodded, which was regarded as an agreement, and with a big finger, his mind had already reached the front of the stove.

Wen Ting took the egg clumsily, found another white porcelain bowl, knocked on the side of the bowl a few times in a daze, but failed to open it.

Wen Shouzheng frowned, and let out a "hmm".

Wen Ting panicked and knocked hard, only to hear a "pop", the egg broke apart. The egg liquid flows out along the broken eggshell, some stick to the hand, and some stick to the side of the bowl. What's even more outrageous is that in the egg liquid in the bowl, there are actually a few pieces of broken eggshells the size of a fingernail floating in the air!

Wen Ting hurriedly raised his eyes to look, and saw Wen Shouzheng's eyes were on fire.

Wen Ting dodged Wen Shouzheng's eyes in a panic, and reached out clumsily to take out the eggshells in the bowl.

But the egg liquid was too slippery, and after several times, it spilled a lot.

"Enough!" Wen Shouzheng yelled, grabbed the egg bowl from Wen Ting's hand, and put it heavily on the side of the stove!

The egg liquid in the bowl was shaken and splashed out again.

Wen Ting's heart immediately rose to his throat, his hands were at a loss and he didn't know where to put them, he hung his head, not daring to look at Wen Shouzheng again.

"Master, don't be angry, Ting'er is probably nervous, that's why..." Fang Dashi hurriedly smoothed things over.

"It's useless! You can't read well! Don't talk about scrambled eggs, you can't even beat an egg! Go away and watch!" Chef Wen's eyes were like marbles, and his fair and fat face looked old long.

"Look! Scrambled eggs are the most basic dish. How many times have I told you that the eggs should be washed with water first to prevent the marinade from contaminating the egg liquid. Then knock the bowl three times to gently separate the eggs along the cracks." shell, the egg liquid will naturally fall into the bowl!" Wen Shouzheng said, took out three more eggs from the food basket, washed them one by one, and with a few pops, the bright yellow raw eggs fell into the bowl like the setting sun. Up, down, left, and right, they actually form a character in the bowl, which is really beautiful.

Gentle thought it was interesting, got up and stood aside to watch.

"Listen well, the pot must be cleaned. Eggs are a food with extremely pure taste. Any smell in the pot can change the color and taste of the egg!" Wen Shouzheng said, swiping his big hand, and picked up the iron pot with one hand , the other hand began to carefully brush the pot and clean it.

"After the pot is hot, boil the pot with half a spoonful of oil first! Get up!" While speaking, I saw the fire bursting up. Wen Shouzheng supported the pot with one hand, skimmed half a spoonful of oil with the other hand, and turned the pot with one hand very familiarly. . In an instant, the bright vegetable oil evenly adhered to the wall of the pot, and as the temperature increased, it penetrated the inner wall bit by bit.

"Beating eggs is a basic test of wrist strength and balance." Wen Shouzheng didn't say much, he just held the chopsticks firmly, opened them slightly at an angle, inserted them into the egg liquid, followed one direction, and used a uniform The speed of stirring the egg liquid in the bowl, no, to be precise, the bowl of egg liquid was pulled by the chopsticks, rotating vigorously.

Rourou looked at Wen Shouzheng's egg-beating technique, nodded with a smile, and unconsciously took another step forward.

"Papa papa!" The chopsticks pulled the egg liquid and hit the bowl, making rhythmic and rhythmic sounds.

Rourou obviously felt that this bowl of egg liquid had life, it was no longer the loose liquid just now, but it seemed to have the consistency of gelatin.

"Stone, pour the oil!" Wen Shouzheng kept beating the eggs in his hands, urging his apprentice Fang Dashi to pour the oil quickly.

"Stop! Increase the fire!" Straws of bright vegetable oil were slowly poured into the wok. Wen Shouzheng called to stop suddenly when he saw the oil for half an hour.

"The temperature of the oil is very important. If it's too early, the eggs will be fishy; if it's too late, the eggs will be old and mushy!" Wen Shouzheng was speaking, and he glanced at the pot from the corner of his eye, and the oil was beginning to bubble, "Get up! "

Wen Shouzheng let out a loud cry, while continuing to stir the egg liquid in the bowl with his chopsticks, while turning and pouring the egg liquid in the bowl like a circle.

This bowl of golden-yellow egg liquid instantly swam from the bowl into the pot, like a golden plump dragon, tumbling and swimming happily.

The eyeballs of Fang Dashi next to him were about to fall into the pot. Every time Master scrambled eggs, he was so shocked!

At the same time, Wen Shouzheng took a handful of chopped scallions, and shook his hands gracefully: the green scallions, like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, evenly and finely adhered to the golden egg dragon.

At the same time, Wen Shouzheng pinched another pinch of fine salt, sprinkled it like snow, shook it into the pot, and disappeared in an instant.

"Plate!" Wen Shouzheng shouted loudly!

Fang Dashi was fascinated by watching from the sidelines, but before he could react, a clean white porcelain plate had already been handed to Wen Shouzheng before he recovered his senses.

When I looked up again, I saw Wen Rou's small hands holding the side of the plate.

what! The daughter is the second cook for her father!

In the previous life, the father and daughter cooperated a lot, and the tacit understanding was self-evident.

Smiling softly, watching the scrambled eggs come out of the pan with relish!

Wen Shouzheng's scrambled eggs, even though they are called "scrambled eggs", were useless from the beginning to the end.

Until the scrambled eggs are out of the pan, they are poured into the plate like a dragon, and relying on the heat of the oil, they magically condense into an egg cake!

For a moment, the fragrance overflowed, and on the golden scrambled eggs, there were still tiny oil bubbles bouncing and trembling slightly.

She clapped her hands gently and praised, "Father! You are amazing!"

"Hahahaha! Taste it while it's hot!" Wen Shouzheng felt relieved by being flattered by Gentle.

The words that reprimanded Wen Ting just now have long since been forgotten!

Rourou couldn't wait to pinch a piece of scrambled egg with her small hands and put it in her mouth.

It melted, completely melted, without passing through the teeth, it completely flowed into the throat, leaving only the hot fresh eggs.

"To taste Dad's craftsmanship, a scrambled egg is enough!" Gentle was intoxicated.

"Father." Wen Ting called timidly from the side, wanting to eat but not daring to do it.

"Get off the table and wait for dinner!" Wen Shouzheng was still in a good mood just now, but now seeing the wimpy Wen Ting, he roared again.

"Father, my brother and I went to call uncle and uncle." Seeing that the situation was not going well, Rou Rou pulled Wen Ting who was at a loss, and ran away.

006 dining table