Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 51


Mr. Songtao looked worried.

All the people were afraid to make a sound.

Wen Wen was not afraid at all, and continued: "The little girl learned cooking from her father, and she knows that there is no distinction between high and low diners. A cook must carefully cook the ingredients and serve exquisite food to the guests, and he is satisfied! And Mr. Songtao You, you are the leader of the literary circles of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but you use many excuses to criticize my brother who has never been masked, and you misunderstand that my brother is a stupid person! Just say this, and the little girl will not agree!" Every word, every word, argue hard !

"You... naughty girl! I don't have the same knowledge as you!" Mr. Song Tao was so angry that he didn't know what to say for a while!

Ren Yue squinted from the side, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: What a eloquent girl!

Sheng Yaoshan couldn't help giving Ren Yue winks, scratching his heart with all his claws. Ren San, Ren San, you still have the heart to read jokes, so don't rush to persuade, if the old and the young are really torn apart, our wine will be lost!

Qiao Zizhang's eyes lit up when he heard that, if Master Qiao hadn't pulled him, he would have rushed forward to speak for Wen Rou.

This little girl really should not be underestimated, although she is a young apprentice learning to cook, but what she said is really hard to find reason!

"Since Mr. Songtao doesn't want to accept my brother as an apprentice, the little girl will no longer be brazen enough to pester her. If the husband has finished eating and there is nothing to ask, the little girl will go back. The back cook is still waiting for me to go back and help. !" After Wen Rou said, she hastily bowed her body, which can be regarded as a salutary farewell, and turned around to leave the lotus hall!

"It's unreasonable!" Mr. Song Tao trembled with anger.

"Teacher, don't pay attention to that girl, you have worked hard all the way, Ren Yue will take you to your residence to rest!" Ren Yue stepped forward slowly.

"Mr. Songtao, this way please. A separate garden has been prepared for you. Please move, sir." Seeing that Ren Yue was going to take Mr. Songtao away, Zhao Jingyi immediately got up to invite.

"Master Zhao's kindness, I appreciate it. It's just that I have always loved cleanliness all my life, and I don't like luxury. Besides, Mr. Zhao's hosting today has already cost you money. I thank Mr. Zhao again for the poor people below. Hehe, Yaoshan, The old man has arrived in Xianyang safely, and you should return to Beijing soon. Ren Yue, let's go!" Mr. Songtao politely rejected Mr. Zhao, then retreated to the left and right, followed Ren Yue with his old servant and book boy, and a group of four This is how people left Zuixianlou.

"This... this..." Zhao Jingyi was stunned for a moment.

The banquet was carefully prepared, and the other garden was arranged not to be eaten. I also prepared a generous gift. It seems that...

Zhao Jingyi was left hanging in the Lotus Hall until Master Qiao reminded him again that he came back to his senses.

"Master Zhao, Master Zhao." Master Qiao called softly, "The banquet in the Peony Hall..."

"Hey! I've done everything, it's a pity not to eat it! Boss Qiao, why don't you have a feast with me!" Zhao Jing glanced at the pearls and turned around, grabbed Master Qiao's hand, and couldn't help saying that he was going to Mudan .

"Master Qiao, go down and have a look. The kitchen has prepared 200 servings of glutinous rice noodles and 200 big meat buns, but they didn't stop. The beggars below said they want more! It's almost a quarrel!" Zhuzi came again , sweat on the forehead!

"Lord Zhao, I'm sorry..." As a businessman, Master Qiao is the shrewdest. The big table of food and wine in the Peony Hall is a total of fifty taels of silver! Just now Mr. Songtao said the truth, Mr. Zhao is the host of today's meal, but Mr. Songtao didn't eat that luxurious banquet. If he eats with Mr. Zhao, this meal will not fall on his head , and have to be equal to Mr. Zhao!

Right now, Zhu Zi's words just let him escape!

"Shopkeeper Li, is the boss of your Zuixianlou usually taking care of the business himself? Why are you still here?" Zhao Jingyi, seeing that Master Qiao was about to slip away, didn't let go, and turned to Li. The shopkeeper said.

"Yes, young one, let's go now!" Shopkeeper Li couldn't care less about Mr. Qiao's face at the moment, Mr. Zhao clearly didn't want to let his master go, so he simply followed the order and put oil on the soles of his feet!

"If you can't control it below, you must come and call me!" Master Qiao still couldn't get away, so he could only order to Shopkeeper Li's back in disappointment.

"Zizhang, don't stand still, sit down and eat together!" At this moment, Zhao Jingyi changed his decadence just now, and warmly greeted Qiao Zizhang to sit with him.

Hehe, if both the father and son of the Qiao family ate it, how could it be his turn to pay for this meal!

Master Qiao sighed, every chopstick hurt him so much after the meal!

"Zizhang, come and try this first-class wing, it's a good thing!" Master Qiao sighed deeply, and ate it left and right, anyway, he couldn't run away with the meal money, so he simply ate to his heart's content, and then picked up his chopsticks , so hard that he picked up a bowl for Qiao Zizhang!

"Father, Mr. Zhao hasn't eaten yet!" Qiao Zizhang was a little embarrassed, and looked up at Zhao Jingyi.

But Zhao Jingyi stretched his neck, stared straight, swallowing saliva!

"Oh, Mr. Zhao, please!" Master Qiao also felt that he couldn't justify it, and stretched out his hand to push the purple sand container containing shark's fin in front of Mr. Zhao.

Zhao Jing paused with his chopsticks, and was about to make a move, but saw that there were only a few shark fins in the small purple sand bowl, but now there was only one mouthful left!

Can't help looking at Master Qiao resentfully, and said in his heart, good boss Qiao, you love your son so much, it's too cruel! Well! This meal must be yours!

"Father, this shark's fin needle is thick, the meat membrane is thin, the mouth is smooth, and the gelatin is thick. It is really the best!" Qiao Zizhang praised the shark's fin after taking a sip.

"Hehe, Zizhang, there is a unique way to taste shark's fin! Shark's fin is precious, and it is only for tasting, and it is usually enough to eat three times. Chefs show off their skills by making shark's fin, so the quantity is small. This purple sand vessel, bowl and furnace are completely All in one, a candle is burned inside to keep warm. The brightness of the candle is moderate, and it can shine on the shark's fin, making it bright and shiny. When tasting, the seat is also spacious and comfortable, soothing and soft. The first taste is: tasted After the shark's fin, prepare a pot of weak tea to rinse your mouth." Master Qiao spoke slowly.

It turns out that there are so many ways to eat shark fin!

Qiao Zizhang secretly sighed in his heart.

After Zhao Jing heard it, he followed suit.

Take a sip of clear tea, put down the cup, hold a white spoon in your right hand, hold a small bowl in your left hand, and scoop a spoonful of wing soup. When it is slightly cold, the soup is rich and fragrant, rippling around your mouth, and you sip your lips. The aroma will last for a long time. The aroma is chicken soup, generous, warm and long, and it bursts into the mouth and surrounds it leisurely in the mouth.

It's time for the world to disappear, only to be with the incense.

A trace of satisfaction flashed across the faces of Qiao Zizhang and Zhao Jingyi at the same time.

The richness of the chicken soup and the deliciousness of the shark's fin seem to be faintly visible between the sea and the sky. Like the sea tide in the sky, shining in the same color of the sea and sky. It is a hint of salty and fishy seafood, floating in the wind, refreshing the heart and lungs amidst the shadows of gulls and the sound of waves, making the wing soup naturally layered.

This fragrance is ten miles long.

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