Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 53


"Creak", accompanied by a distant door shaft sound.

The vegetation in the courtyard came into view.

An ordinary square courtyard, an old stone mill, and a few bamboo fences around the wall, surrounded a small nursery, in which some green onion seedlings were planted here and there.

"Teacher, are you satisfied?" Ren Yue asked, while tying his beloved Yingxue in the yard, adding a handful of fodder.

"It's still you who understand me. Hehe, let's go, go into the house. Longevity boils water, and ink to put away luggage and books!" Mr. Songtao nodded in satisfaction, and then ordered the old servant and the book boy.

Fire cannons, open doors, ventilate, and boil water. After the ink and wash had laid Mr. Songtao's pillow, the wind and water were blowing, and he could sit back and relax. Mr. Songtao's home in Xianyang settled down!

"Ren Yue, how are you preparing for the test next year?" Mr. Song Tao took a sip of tea leisurely.

"Teacher, don't worry." Ren Yue smiled confidently.

"If you're not in a hurry to go back to Beijing, just stay here with me for a while. It's quiet, and you can read some books at ease. His Highness the Ninth Prince will come over in a few days!" Mr. Song Tao lowered his head and took another sip of tea, his expression calm , the incomparably noble "Prince", in his mouth, is as ordinary as this tea.

"Yes, teacher!" Ren Yue cupped his hands.

"Squeak." The door was pushed open again.

"Is anyone there?" A woman's bold and hearty voice.

"Sir, I'll go and have a look." Shui Mo walked out of the room quickly.

"Ma'am, who are you looking for?" Shui Mo stood in the courtyard, facing a woman in her thirties.

The woman wore a smooth and simple woman's hair bun, a purple round-neck cotton shirt, a black beige, and a linen apron tied to the water-green cotton skirt. The face is round and fair, with long thin eyebrows and a touch of powder.

As she approached Shui Mo slowly, she raised her hand to caress her temples, revealing a slightly blackened carved bracelet on her hand.

"Hey! Whose child is this? He is so handsome! Tsk tsk, are you new here?" The woman asked with a smile.

"You are?" Shui Mo didn't know how to respond for a moment.

"Hi! Your child looks like a scholar, gentle and gentle. I live not far in front of you, and you are considered neighbors. The neighbors call me Zhenniang, and you can call me Aunt Cao! By the way, your adult ?” Cao Zhenniang couldn’t help looking inside as she spoke.

"Shui Mo, who are you talking to?" Ren Yue walked out of the house with Mr. Song Tao on his arm.

"Tsk tsk tsk! There are such beautiful men in the world. I've opened my eyes today! Hey, this small courtyard has been empty for a long time, and unexpectedly there are two handsome young men!" Cao Zhenniang smiled when she saw Ren Yue.

"Young Master Ren, this is Aunt Cao, she said she is our neighbor." Shui Mo hurriedly said.

"This girl..." Mr. Song Tao was about to speak.

"Hahahaha, what a girl! When I was a girl, it was three years ago! After my unlucky man passed away a few years ago, I was the only one left in the family. The old man called me Zhenniang. Yes, they are all neighbors, if you need anything in the future, just go and get it from me!" Cao Zhenniang spoke briskly.

"Hehe, my surname is Yue. I used to be a small official in the capital, but now I'm old and I'm going back to my hometown to take care of me." Mr. Song Tao said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, I'm new here, if I need help, I will definitely ask for help, Zhenniang If you need help, feel free to ask, we are neighbors, we should help each other!"

When Cao Zhenniang saw that the old man in front of her was dressed very plainly and had no airs, he must have been a low-level official before, so she believed it.

"That's true! Mr. Yue is from the capital, but have you ever heard that a big man has come to the capital recently? I heard that it is the emperor's teacher! He is so arrogant! I heard that Mr. Get a place to live, give up the newly built Bieyuan, and even drove out the villagers near Bieyuan a while ago. Sigh! You said, he is also an official in the capital, and Mr. Yue is an approachable person at first glance. That's right Old man, do you recognize the big man in the capital?" Cao Zhenniang suddenly looked at Mr. Songtao with her big round eyes.

Ren Yue was taken aback.

Ink simply turned its gaze to the ground.

"Hehe, I don't know such a big shot." Mr. Song Tao laughed.

"I almost forgot, I just bought some vegetables, and I have to go back to make them! Please be busy, sir, come and sit with me when you have time!" Cao Zhenniang said, and quickly turned around and left the yard.

After a busy afternoon, it was finally time for dinner.

Changsheng bought some rice noodles, used local materials, and after a long time of tinkering, he finally made some side dishes.

"Sir, Mr. Ren, ink painting is eating!"

Mr. Songtao rubbed his stomach, the cold winter was exhausted quickly, and he was really hungry right now.

He raised his chopsticks and was about to pick up some food when his hands stopped in mid-air.

On the square wooden table, there is a plate of scrambled eggs, a plate of fried three delicacies in a mess, a bowl of dark and oily winter melon soup, and even the rice in the bowl seems to be hard. .

"Sir, I really shouldn't let the uncle cook!" Shui Mo muttered to himself while holding the raw rice sandwiched between his hands.

"Teacher, didn't you bring a cook with you when you returned home this time?" Ren Yue stared at the table full of hard-to-eat food, and was also taken aback.

"Hey, I thought cooking is such a simple chore, and Changsheng has followed me for so many years, that's enough!" Mr. Songtao shook his head.

"Sir, it's all the fault of Changsheng. Changsheng should study hard and learn cooking skills so as not to disappoint sir!" Changsheng suddenly felt ashamed.

"Teacher, don't blame Uncle Sheng. When you lived in the palace for a long time, you had someone to take care of you in daily life. It is understandable that Uncle Sheng didn't know it. Let me go to the market to buy some for you for today's dinner! "Ren Yue said and got up.

"Forget it, it's cold, so don't go out, let's try my craft!" Mr. Songtao sighed.

"Sir, you can also cook?" Shui Mo exclaimed.

"What's so difficult?" Mr. Songtao said, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Ren Yue and others followed curiously.

I saw Mr. Songtao deftly burning firewood to set up a pot, and first boiled a large pot of water.

"Teacher, what are you going to cook?" Ren Yue asked.

"You will know later. Come, follow me to pull the onions!" Mr. Songtao said, gathered Ren Yue and others in the courtyard, and pulled out a small bundle of shallots.

Simply processed, washed, and chopped.

At this moment, the water also boiled. Mr. Songtao grabbed a handful of ready-made noodles and threw them into the pot.

Stir it with the chopsticks a few times, it turns yellow when you see it, you can tell it is cooked, sprinkle a handful of salt, take it out with a strainer, and divide it into four bowls. I put some noodle soup in it, sprinkled chopped green onion, and poured some sesame oil on it.

A bowl of green onion white water noodles is ready to serve!

"Okay, let's eat!" Mr. Songtao held the bowl of noodles in front of him, frowned, and with a heartless heart, Siri snorted and started eating.

055 eat breakfast