Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 80


"Sister!" Just as Rou Rou rolled up his sleeves and was about to have a big fight, Wen Ting poked his head and walked in by the kitchen door.

"Brother, go and talk to your husband, I'm here, and dinner will be ready soon!" Rourou waved away Wen Ting.

"It's a good thing I caught up. You guys haven't started making it yet, have you? Mister asked me to come over and tell you that he wants to eat noodles!" Wen Ting finished the long sentence in one breath as if he was not panting.

"Xianzi noodles?!" Ruan Wen was stunned, didn't this old man just eat at Zuixianlou a few days ago? Why do you want to eat again today

As soon as she looked up and saw a figure passing by in front of the kitchen, Wen Rou couldn't help but say, "Ink!"

"Miss Wen, what's the matter?" Shui Mo came in, and stood side by side with Wen Ting at the door, both scholars were equally vulnerable.

"Sir, do you want to eat glutinous rice noodles?" Rou Rou asked Shui Mo again.

"Ah... yes!" Shui Mo stammered, "Well, I still have something to do, I have to go out!" After speaking, he lifted his foot and was about to leave.

"Shui Mo, where are you going?" Ruan felt strange.

"Go... to the market." Shui Mo continued to hesitate.

"What are you going to the market for?" Rourou continued to ask.

The last thing a scholar knows is to lie, and when he tells a lie, his face will blush. No, the ink and white face is already red to the neck.

"Go... buy some meat and vegetables." Shui Mo's voice was so low that even he could hardly hear him.

"Buy meat and vegetables?!" Ruan Rou and Wen Ting exclaimed together.

"Could it be possible, sir, that you want to cook yourself and show off your cooking skills?" Gentle and curious.

Seeing that the lie could not be undone, Shui Mo had no choice but to pull Wen Rou and Wen Ting to his side.

"Miss Wen, I can only tell you two brothers and sisters. If a third person finds out, the master will punish me for reading silently a hundred times." Shui Mo lowered his eyelids, "Mr. , but after all, it is an ordinary family. It is not easy to support the family members and to provide for Brother Wen to study. For no reason, there are a few more of us who come here to celebrate the New Year. , I think you will definitely not want it. Let me go to the market to help buy some meat and vegetable rations, so as to reduce your burden." Shui Mo said slowly.

"This old man, he's so affectionate! Let me prepare simple shaozi noodles, dare he make something to treat everyone to eat meat!" Gentlely touched his nose and said to himself.

"Sir, you are too polite! With my father here, when did my family spend money on eating meat?" Wen Ting also echoed.

Shui Mo stared, looking at Wen Rou and Wen Ting, he really didn't understand what the two brothers and sisters were talking about.

"Brother!" Rourou glared at Wen Ting, motioning him to shut up, although his family's convenience and benefits are generous. But it’s not something that can be said on the bright side. "Since Mr. has such good intentions, why don't we fulfill him? Didn't the book say that a gentleman has the beauty of an adult? Ink ink, go and buy some mutton, hen, and vegetables, and just teach me the rest! " Rourou blinked her eyelids a few times and thought for a while.

"So, that's the best! Miss Lao Wen ordered, and Shui Mo was just worried about what to buy!" Shui Mo said that he was about the same age as Wen Ting, that is, a half-old child. Although I have read more books. But his mind is very simple, and he smiles happily after a few words.

"Looks like I won't be able to eat today. Brother, go and do me a favor!" Rourou thought for a while, took Wen Ting's arm and ran out.

"What are these children doing so mysteriously?" Zhou looked up in surprise. He smiled and shook his head again. "By the way, just now what that kid from Shui Mo said, Mr. wants to eat Xunzi noodles, that's easy!" Mrs. Zhou took a step forward and opened the noodle pocket.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Wen Ting was pulled gently to his temporary hut.

"Brother, I'll borrow your pen and paper." While speaking softly, she picked up the brush and quickly drew something on the rice paper.

Wen Ting tilted his head, stood aside, looked left and right, really couldn't understand what was drawn on the gentle paper! A round, pot-shaped thing with a pointy...

"Brother, go run an errand, go to Blacksmith Liu on the East Street, and tell me to help you make a copper pot according to the picture I drew! I need it urgently!" Rourou folded the paper carefully and stuffed it into Wen Ting's cupboard. In his hand, he touched another bank note from his waist, and handed it to Wen Ting together. Of course, this bank note was given by Sheng Yaoshan before leaving.

Nothing is better than money, especially when you want to use it and you happen to have plenty of it in your pocket!

Gentle raised the corners of his mouth, and said in his heart: Sheng Yaoshan is straightforward after all. If he really gave that cloak back then, wouldn't it be possible for me to ask my brother to pawn it first and exchange it for money

"Sister, this is..." Wen Ting was still moaning.

"Brother, I'll wait for this pot to be used urgently, and I'll cook something delicious for you! You don't have to go!" Rourou pushed Wen Ting out with both hands.

"Understood, I'll just go!" Wen Ting pursed her lips, thinking in her heart, since Rou'er started to learn about cooking, her thinking has always been weird, maybe this time is no exception!

Seeing Wen Ting running out as if chased by a dog, he leaned gently on the doorpost with a smug smile on his face.

In her previous life, when she went out with Sheng Yaoshan's army, every cold night, when the soldiers lined up to cook, the steaming food was still hot in the hands of the soldiers. Wen Rou once witnessed a The little soldier, in response to the north wind, after eating the cold meal, had unbearable abdominal pain and squatted on the ground. He even remembered that for this little soldier, Sheng Yaoshan personally hugged him into his tent and boiled ginger tea for him. Warming scene.

At that moment, she once thought, if there is a kind of pot that allows people to eat hot meals at any time even in the cold winter, how great would that be

After a few sleepless nights, a sketch of a copper pot with a round belly and a hollow belly was born under the gentle pen.

Back in Beijing, under the construction of skilled craftsmen, the strange copper pot on the sketch jumped out alive. Holding her tenderly in her arms, touching her up and down, she couldn't put it down.

"Rou'er, why are you smirking? What is this?" Sheng Yaoshan asked curiously when he looked at Wenrou leaning against the door.

"General Sheng, this is the hot pot that the little girl just invented! With it, you don't have to worry about the soldiers eating cold food anymore!" Rourou said happily like a child.

"Oh? Isn't this a copper pot? Why is it a hot pot?" Sheng Yaoshan was puzzled, took the pot and turned it over to study.

"You'll know when we eat later!" Rourou smiled, and ran away like a rabbit holding her precious hot pot.

Thus, Sheng Yaoshan's dining table has since added a wonderful food utensil - put burning charcoal in the hollow of the copper pot, put broth in the pot, and the temperature of the charcoal keeps the broth boiling all the time.

On the circle of the copper pot, there are prepared ingredients, such as thin slices of mutton, prawns with long beards, square melon slices, potato slices, yam slices, ham slices, and of course sometimes Made fresh vegetable leaves…

After rinsing the same thing into the boiling broth, and dipping it in the gentle and carefully prepared seasonings with different flavors, Sheng Yaoshan's eyes lit up.

"Rou'er, wouldn't it be more wonderful if you add a partition to divide the pot into two parts, add the original soup on one side and add spicy food on the other side, and cook according to your own taste?" Sheng Yaoshan ate the fresh and tender Steamed mutton slices, covered in water vapor and heat, Wen Rou felt that this handsome face was so warm.

"Okay! It's up to you! Add a partition in the middle, which looks like a Taiji hexagram, and call it a Taiji stove!" Rourou sat aside, added some broth, and said with a smile.

"You girl, don't you think it's foolish to go out with us men to learn, what Tai Chi gossip, it's obviously a mandarin duck and a duck, swaying side by side!" Sheng Yaoshan smiled and pointed at the reformed hot pot.

Yuanyang... her gentle face blushed, maybe it was caused by the heat of the hot pot.

"I think it's called Yuanyang hot pot! It's suitable for the occasion! Hahahaha!" Sheng Yaoshan laughed heartily after eating.

"General Sheng had a great time. The husband's family of the little girl sent some fresh wine. I wonder if the general has the pleasure to taste it?" Rou Rou got up and saluted.

Every time this happened, Mingming Sheng Yaoshan made it clear, but Rourou always moved out of the prospective in-law's house, that paper marriage contract seemed to be a lifeline that was strangling her throat at any time, making her almost out of breath.

"That's all, you go down!" Sheng Yaoshan waved his hands with a look of futility.

Isn't this not married yet? That liquor boy is that good? I didn't see him caring about you... Sheng Yaoshan sneered and shook his head self-deprecatingly.

"Why do you come here to doze off, you girl!" Zhou said in a hurry, so surprised that Rou Rou couldn't help shivering.

It turned out that I was leaning on the doorpost just now and my mind wandered again.

The hot pot was made by myself in the previous life, but now it is reborn in the old place, so let's make an early appearance! It's all my own, and it's not plagiarism. Besides, Mr. Songtao was originally a guest. Although he didn't have any impression in his previous life, he seemed to be a good person. My brother studied under him again. Fortunately, this old man is delicious, and he serves hot pot in winter It must be done by going out!

Thinking softly, a smug smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Mom, how can I be lazy and sleepy, I'm thinking about something! By the way, sir, don't you want to eat noodles? I'll do it!" Rourou shook her head vigorously, trying to get rid of all the messy imprints in her mind just now.

However, the more I wanted to throw it away, the more it seemed to have taken root and sprouted, especially Sheng Yaoshan's misty eyes, saying the word "Mandarin Duck", his gentle heart seemed to miss a beat, and then he pinched his arm violently For a moment, what are you thinking! From the moment he was reborn, he had already made up his mind not to disturb the two of them again in this life!

"I've already rolled out the noodles, and I'll make toppings when everyone is ready!" Zhou responded casually.

"Oh, then I'll come! Mother, you go and ask everyone to come for dinner! Dad is busy at Zuixianlou, so he said you don't need to wait for him!" Rourou said, bouncing towards the kitchen.