Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 84


Ever since Ren Hongting was conferred the title of Marquis of Zhenbei by the emperor, and was given a new mansion, the joy in his heart is self-evident. The family has a beautiful wife, Yan, who is able to take care of the whole family. His son Ren Yi is now sixteen years old, he has inherited his military skills, and has become his right-hand man in the court. Just a few years ago, the emperor sent Ren Chong to guard the capital and Ren Yi to guard the Shanhai Pass. He also allocated money and house land to serve immediately after the Chinese New Year. Father and son mirroring each other, this has to make Ren Hongting excited!

Only the youngest son Ren Yue, although talented and intelligent, has a shocking appearance. He speaks Mongolian at the age of one, and at the age of three, he is familiar with a subset of classics and history, and is praised by the government and the public.

But who is Ren Hongting? Grand Marshal of the Great Zhou Dynasty, commanding the military cabinet! The tiger father has no dogs, how can the Ren family follow the path of civil servants!

Originally, Ren Hongting also wanted to send Ren Yue to Ren Chong and Ren Yi's master to learn martial arts, but Yan Shi was reluctant.

"Master, you see that Yue'er is fair and weak, not as strong as Chong'er and Yi'er, why are you willing to let Yue'er dance swords and guns with Master Tie Gang? Master, why don't you take it easy and wait until Yue'er grows up and becomes stronger?" Learn some more!" Yan Shi was pitiful, holding the four-year-old Ren Yue in her arms without letting go.

"Look at the hammer!" Outside the door, the six-year-old Ren Chongzheng was playing and fighting with Ren Yi, holding a special small pair of hammers.

"Don't talk too much, give me a whip!" Compatriot Ren Yi, although he is also six years old, but his subordinates have never given in, holding up a nine-foot-long whip, crackling at Ren Chong. drawn over.

The nurse was so frightened that she covered her face and whipped her down. Master Ren Chong's flesh is about to bloom!

Unexpectedly, after the whip was sounded, there was only a burst of childish laughter from Haha, and I looked around, only to see that Ren Chong had already used a hammer to wrap around the attacking whip, and the other hammer was rudely pushing it away. To the righteousness of the whip.

"Ouch!" Ren Yi fell down, but the long whip in his hand did not relax at all!

"Get up, come again!" Ren Chong pulled Ren Yi who was on the ground with one hand. lol.

Seeing Ren Hongting and Yan's inside the room were terrified.

Such a real knife and gun, if the thin, white and tender Ren Yue was among them...

Ren Hongting sighed softly, "Oh! Forget it, let's stay with Yueer for a few more years, let's talk about it when we grow up!"

Who knows, that night...

The four-year-old Ren Yue was still the same as before, with a very stubborn temper, he would not allow the wet nurse to approach, and sat alone in front of the porch to recite books.

It was already early spring in February. The peach blossoms in the Ren Mansion seem to have bloomed earlier than in previous years, and they are pink and white, which is really beautiful.

suddenly. The peach blossoms in front of the porch are flying like snow. The four-year-old Ren Yue got up curiously and looked around, only to see an old man in white descending from the sky, with white hair and a childlike face, suspected to be a fairy, with a twisted beard and a faint smile.

"Who are you?" The four-year-old Ren Yue straightened his back without any fear. asked in a childish voice.

"This old man is a Taoist of Tianyuan. He has been traveling all his life. Today, he passed by here, and he heard the sound of my brother's writing, and the words are round and round. He is full of energy, and he is really a good seedling of my flower swordsmanship! Today, this old man and my little brother are destined. I don’t know my little brother Are you willing to worship me as your teacher?" Taoist Tianyuan put his hands behind his back, his robes fluttering.

"Is it fun?" Ren Yue raised his immature face, his dark eyes seemed like a bottomless pool.

"Fun, more useful!" Taoist Tianyuan laughed, with white sleeves covering the sky, and flowers flying around.

When the nanny came in again with warm milk, she saw colorful falling flowers all over the ground. On the wall of the winding corridor, someone left a line of words with peach petals: "Tianyuan brings Ling Gongzi to learn swords, three years Give it back!"

"Crack!" The stew pot shattered to the ground, and the nanny screamed and ran out.

Later, Ren Hongting searched for Ren Yue for a whole year, but failed. He probably had heard of the name of Daoist Yuan Yuan that day. true face. Why did you choose my son! It's still the youngest Ren Yue! This fragile Yue'er!

From then on, the Ren family seemed to have lost a son. Yan was seriously ill and was bedridden for three years!

Unexpectedly, three years later, it will be another early spring and February, and in the yard of Ren Yue's study, the peach blossoms bloomed on the branches again overnight.

"Hey, it's strange, yesterday the flower was still in bud, how could it be in full bloom tonight..." the guard of Ren's mansion, who was watching the night, muttered in a low voice.

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound in the air, a gust of wind blew by, and the guards covered their faces one after another.

Quietly, there was a faint sound of petals, and the guards looked up again, only to see the peach blossoms all over the tree like snow.

A child in white clothes, as delicate as snow, floats in. The clothes fluttered, and the child had a dusty smile on his mouth, and a silver light in his hand, reflecting the moonlight like water, was shining brightly.

"Third...Third young master!" The guards shouted in shock.

The third young master of the Ren family came back, left at the age of four, and returned at the age of seven. He has grown taller, still has a thin figure, a demeanor that is out of the world, a handsome appearance, and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth... Since then, I love wearing white clothes. A soft sword with a jade belt around his waist makes his hand flourish and good swordsmanship! It's just that he never mentioned the whereabouts of Master Tianyuan.

Perhaps, the secret must not be leaked!

Ren Hongting once patted Ren Yue's shoulder lightly, once again he saw in his eyes the hope that the Ren family would practice martial arts for generations, putting troops first.

However, this Ren Yue who has not returned for three years, although he is good at swordsmanship, is not interested in soldiers and horses. After returning, he is still the same as three years ago. A few peach blossoms in bloom... Over the years, Xu Xu's paintings first floated in front of the window; Among the peach blossoms, on a smooth stone bench, Ren Yue was alone in the face of the endgame.

As he grows older, the Third Young Master Ren often leaves a letter, and walking alone can be as short as a day and as long as a month.

Seeing that the heirs of all the ministers in the court have grown up, whether they are studying, practicing martial arts, or preparing for exams, they always have a head start, but the third son of his family, Ren Yue, still plays mysteriously in such an inconspicuous way, sometimes Ren Hongting really wanted to call Ren Yue over, and the father and son sat down face to face. I really want to ask him, what exactly do you want to do!

On the first day four years ago, ten-year-old Ren Yue was found and disappeared as usual.

When it reappeared, the person seemed to be even thinner, as if he hadn't had a good rest and diet for several days.

Ren Hongting didn't ask any further questions, he thought it was him who left without saying anything, where did he go to play.

Countable days later. The servant in the mansion ran over excitedly, "Master, master, no... no, no, no... that's great! There is a list posted outside, and our third young master is actually at the top of the list of high school students!"

"What did you say!" Ren Hongting was so startled that he dropped the glazed cup, "That Nizizi has never been to school since he made his family angry one after another. When will he take the exam? How could he be the top student in high school! Yes! Isn't it a duplicate name?!"

"My lord, can't be wrong. The official of the imperial court has sent a congratulatory post, and he will enter the mansion soon!" The servant looked terrified and excited.

"Such an important matter is being kept from me! Come on. Call that Nizi quickly! I want to ask him face to face!" Ren Hongting roared.


"You. Did you take the exam?"

"Yes, I have nothing to do, just take the exam and have fun."

"Test... just for fun..."

"If dad is okay, the boy will go out to play. It's really boring recently!"

" rebellious son! The imperial court is coming soon, hurry up and follow me to meet you!"

"Father, you are the Generalissimo of the Great Zhou Army and Horses. Do you still need me to accompany you on such a small matter? My son asked Brother Chang Yi to go to enjoy the flowers, so I won't accompany you, Daddy."

"Nizi... you come back to me!"

The sound of firecrackers outside the window once again broke Ren Hongting's memories of the past. On New Year's Eve, the family reunited and looked at the more handsome Ren Yue in front of him. Ren Hongting exhaled lightly and sighed in his heart. "Hey, if it wasn't for your playfulness and missed the time of the exam last year, you must be on the rise now, and you can sit firmly in the palace exam, even if you get the number one exam!"

"Third brother, is there any gain from following Mr. Songtao now?" Ren Chong asked casually after drinking a glass of wine.

"Of course the teacher is very good! I really benefit from it every day!" Ren Yue said with a shallow smile, and took a sip of his drink, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"After the new year, you need to make early preparations. The capital is far away from Xianyang. If it is convenient, you can take your husband to Xi'an to live. Didn't the Holy One give you a mansion? You have the right to see the house!" Ren Hongting Putting down the chopsticks, he looked at Ren Yue seriously.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but the teacher said that I don't need to go back." Ren Yue laughed.

"Wh... what! You pissed off the master again?" Ren Hongting couldn't help sweating on his back when he thought of all the gentlemen who had been pissed off by Ni Zi in the mansion before. You must know that Mr. Song Tao is the emperor's master! If Mr. Dian Shang hadn't appreciated Nizi very much that day, how could the Ren family have such great face and invited Mr. Song Tao to be Ren Yue's teacher! If this rebellious son pissed off his husband, no one would dare to accept this boy as a student in the whole Zhou Dynasty! I don't have to do anything in the court, just resign and go home to farm!

"Father, you don't need to worry. The master just said that I have already left the teacher, and I just need to experience everything with my heart. Besides, the master understands that the child has a long journey, and he cares about his parents. Let the child be more filial by his parents, not to drive the child back!" Ren Yue turned his face, his face was as calm as water, and he only nodded slightly.

"Oh! That's it!" Ren Hongting adjusted his breath again, "Yue'er, sir, you have to make progress! Although the husband is considerate of you, you should not relax your request, you should stay by the side of the husband , After the second day of the new year, you can leave! It’s fine to stay at home, so it’s better to study early, the time for the exam is approaching.”

"Well, what dad said is very true, my child will remember it!" Ren Yue saluted slightly again, since he followed Mr. Song Tao, Ren Yue has become more and more polite.