Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 1: file


View case files.

[Serial disappearances], interrogation transcripts, law enforcement recorders.

Missing: 15.

Date of first incident: March 5.

Case overview: There have been serial disappearances in Zhou City recently, and each missing person has 4 things in common.

1. He was alone before his disappearance, including at work place, community, residence, etc.;

2. No evidence clues such as footprints, fingerprints, hair, and dander were found near the missing place.

3. The missing person has mentioned the mysterious footsteps to friends or relatives on the phone;

4. No loss of property.

"Hello, Ms. Li, we are the Fuyang Street Police Station. Regarding the disappearance of your friend, Ms. Ye Xiaoli, as the first person who discovered Ye Xiaoli's disappearance and reported the case, we need to ask for some details so as to help us solve the case as soon as possible. , find Ye Xiaoli as soon as possible."

"Ah, oh, oh, ok...this is?"

"This is our law enforcement recorder. Both the recorder and the recorder are necessary procedures. Ms. Li does not need to worry."

"Well, good. I'm sorry, because, because this is the first time I have encountered such a thing, the first time I have faced the police, yes, I was a little nervous, and I made you laugh."

"Understandable, let's continue."

"Okay...Okay, please ask."

"We were at Ye Xiaoli's home and found Ye Xiaoli's personal mobile phone that fell on the ground. By checking the call records, we found that Ye Xiaoli's last contact number was your mobile phone number, Ms. Li. Ye Xiaoli took the initiative to contact you in less than 2 hours. 4 times. The first time is 19:07, the second time is 19:15, the third time is 19:59, the fourth time is 20:39. The longest call is 37 minutes of the third time, and the last call The shortest time, the call record is only... 5 seconds, and the interval between the third call record and the third call record is less than 3 minutes, which means that Ye Xiaoli just hung up the third call and immediately called you in a hurry. We can ask, Ye Xiaoli Why did I call you so many times in a row before disappearing?"

"I don't know if you believe it or not, but in this world... really... there is such an unclean... thing...? Woohoo, she said that day that she was afraid, she was very scared, and her voice on the phone was trembling all the time... "

"Dirty things? Ms. Li, take it easy, speak slowly, here, wipe it off first."

"Thank you, thank you..."

"I think Ms. Li's current unstable mood is not conducive to our police's continued inquiry. We can wait for Ms. Li to prepare before continuing to make notes."

"I...I'm much better now, you keep asking, please find Xiao Li! You must rescue her!"

"Ms. Li, don't worry, this is our job and responsibility. Ms. Li said that Ye Xiaoli was scared on the phone?"

"That day, I... I could tell that Xiaoli was very scared... Her voice on the phone was really, really scared! She was not very timid in our financial office, but that day, on the phone I can really tell that Xiaoli is very scared, she is very disturbed! Because the annual leave has just ended, there are many financial tasks, and Xiaoli is the niece of a relative of the boss, there are some financial matters that outsiders like us cannot touch , you should be able to understand what I mean, right? On that day...Xiaoli stayed alone to work overtime, and the girls in our financial office, who didn't work overtime often, but that day was different, Xiaoli was at 7 o'clock in the evening , suddenly called me in a panic, her voice was trembling with fright, I could feel that she was very frightened, even her whole body was trembling, she said that there was a man's footsteps in the corridor outside the office all the time Wandering back and forth, walking slowly from the stairs to the office... Huh, Huh, Huh... "

"Ms. Li, do you need to take a break first?"

"Huh, huh, no, no... well, I'm much better now."


"Later Xiaoli said on the phone that she thought at first that someone was playing a prank on purpose, but every time she shouted who it was, and several times rushed out of the office to find someone, the footsteps suddenly disappeared again at this time. But within a few minutes, the sound of footsteps reappeared again, and continued to walk slowly from the direction of the stairs, just like this, going back and forth, and disappearing as soon as they reached the office door every time. It's like... like a tape It's rewinding and replaying... just like an old cassette tape, two black tapes, the kind that you can rewind back and forth."

"Well, we know that."

"Not long after, Xiaoli called me again. She was very scared and restless. The footsteps were always there, and they never left. They kept playing backwards between the stairs and the office door. , Loop, replaying continuously like a tape, Xiaoli was so scared that she cried out, and finally she didn’t even turn off the computer, and she ran out of the company in a panic before finishing her work.”

"And then, did Ye Xiaoli make it home safely?"

"Well, yes, yes, Xiaoli was very scared. She kept talking to me on the way home by taxi. She said that she was afraid that she would think about it again, and she didn't know if the footsteps in the company were a prank to scare her deliberately. , let me talk to her, this time Xiao Li was really frightened... No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, absolutely wrong! Xiaoli just hung up the phone when she got home, but she called again soon, and she was in Crying, screaming and crying repeatedly saying that he is coming, he is coming, and he is coming again... Woohoo, can you understand Xiaoli's despair alone at that time, her spirit has collapsed!"

"Ms. Li! What happened to Ye Xiaoli later?"


"Control your breathing, inhale deeply, and then exhale slowly. Ms. Li, you must find a way to calm yourself down and calm down your emotions. The environment you are in now is very safe, and no one can hurt you."

"Inhale, exhale...inhale, exhale..."

"Is that the sound of footsteps, this time following Ye Xiaoli's rented apartment?"


"Ms. Li, did the record of Ye Xiaoli's last call with you before she disappeared tell you that she heard that footstep again?"


"Ms. Li, please tell us immediately what happened to Ye Xiaoli in the shortest 5-second call record at the last moment? This is related to whether our police can solve the most precious case within 24 hours. , find your friend Ye Xiaoli as soon as possible."

"I beg you all to rescue Xiaoli! That footstep...that footstep is at Xiaoli's house, right at her house! Just walk out of the bedroom step by step! Why! Why! Xiaoli has been crying on the phone shout!"

"You mean, the sound of footsteps this time came directly from Ye Xiaoli's house?!"


"And then, what happened next, Ms. Li?"


"Ms. Li? Ms. Li!"


"Li Siya, please cooperate with our police investigation and tell us immediately what Ye Xiaoli saw in the bedroom last time? Is the suspect in the footsteps this time different from the previous one? This time he appeared directly in front of Ye Xiaoli. ? Did Ye Xiaoli finally see the suspect?"

View case files.

[Tongjiang Bridge Serial River Falling Incident]Interrogation records, law enforcement recorder, 212 video recordings provided by the Traffic Police Bureau to assist in solving the case, bridge technical appraisal report, motor vehicle technical appraisal report, driving recorder SD memory card, autopsy report.

Death toll: 53.

Date of first incident: March 2.

Case overview: A section of the Tongjiang Bridge in Zhou City that has just been put into trial operation for 2 days has seen a series of incidents of vehicles falling into the river. In two days, a total of 21 vehicles fell into the river, killing a total of 53 people. The bridge has been completely blocked and the trial operation has been suspended. There are three things in common in all previous river falls.

1. The crimes happened in the middle of the night and there were no witnesses;

2. None of the occupants in the vehicle survived;

3. By checking the supervision video of the Traffic Police Bureau, no other suspicious vehicles, suspicious persons or suspicious targets were photographed near the vehicle that fell into the river.

"Um...uh...comrade police officer, do you know that there is a jargon in our civil construction industry that is not disclosed to the public, called... driving piles?"

"Living Pile!?"

"Yes, yes, it means the same thing, but the name is a bit taboo after all. We usually use the official name to call it 'drilling piles'. It seems that comrade police officers also... believe this?"

"It's just a feudal superstition, the ignorance of the ancients, and a bad historical habit left over from Luban. Do you want to say that the accidents of the Tongjiang Bridge happened one after another because one living pile was missing?"

"No, no, it's not... one living stake is missing, it's a river cut in half, this place is too ruthless, one living stake...may not be enough, um... this... at least stakes In order to be able to suppress this river in the middle of the waist. Well, there is a jargon in our industry: if you can’t lay piles in a real estate in a community, you can succeed immediately if you lay down a living pile. A living pile can be completed immediately... There is another jargon: animal sacrifices are required to start civil engineering, and human sacrifices are required to build bridges. Building bridges is more taboo than building tall buildings on flat ground... "

"Crack! Zhang Chengde, people in ancient times were backward in superstition. How can you, who has received modern scientific education, follow feudal superstition? I see that you, an old fritter who has worked in the construction industry for dozens of years, still believe in these things so much. Superstitious superstitious force, say, in the residential quarters, schools, and bridges you built in the past, you Zhang Chengde also made a few murders, tricking innocent migrant workers, frogmen, or homeless people into the ground, and then you poured them into the ground. Cement suffocated alive to beat a living pile! Finally, there is a construction accident, to evade legal responsibility? I think your head wants to eat peanuts!"

View case files.

[Corpse Oil Covered Rice Event], also known as [Takeaway Corpse Oil Covered Rice Case].

Fatalities: Unable to confirm.

Suspected cases: Unable to confirm.

Date of first incident: Unable to confirm.

Case Overview: Archives Sealed! !

(end of this chapter)

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