Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 11: Man has three fires


It is not an urgent matter to solve the hunger every time I practice and improve the efficiency of practice.

You can let it go for now.

The human skin scripture is the primary focus at the moment. He kills the ghost rider, and the human skin scripture lights up a rune again.

Another chance to strengthen.

When he was in the hotel before, Fangzheng did not take out the human skin scriptures to study out of caution.

We often see similar reports in the news. There are often gendered women named "Mosaic" who ran to the police station with a pale complexion to report, saying that they saw videos of their house opening leaked out in the secret camera area, selfie area, and Moments. Then I found that the small corners of the hotel room, such as power switches, light bulbs, table legs, and vents, were filled with pinhole cameras.

So he didn't take out the human skin scriptures when he was out.

Later, I practiced "Arhat King Kong Is Not Bad", and then I have been eating like crazy for six or seven hours, so the matter of the human skin scriptures has been delayed until now.

"Diamond Seal"!

strengthen! !

The Vajra Seal is in the "Diamond Sutra" of Sakyamuni Buddhism, and the status of "Diamond Sutra" in Sakyamuni Buddhism is similar to the status of "Tao Te Ching" in Taoism.

It is a fetish to subdue demons and ward off evil spirits.

The Vajra Seal is also one of the Buddhist tantric handprints.

If you are careful, you will find that the statues of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas you encounter in your life, mudra is a very important existence, and each Buddha and Bodhisattva will have different mudras. Different Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have their own mudras, which symbolize different vows and practices. For example, the meditation seal comes from a gesture of Sakyamuni Buddha meditating under the Bodhi tree, and the mudra of King Ming and Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Mudra, Dragon King Mudra, etc.

In the battle with the evil spirit driver, Fang Zheng has already realized his own shortcoming, which is the lack of fighting skills.

He has brute strength, but he only knows how to fight on the street.

It does not know the skills of mastering muscles and strength of martial arts experts such as "Tongbeiquan", "Xingyiquan", "Wingchunquan", "Baguazhang", "Bajiquan".

These people can achieve five points of strength and twelve points of lethality, which not only saves energy but also causes maximum lethality.

Therefore, after much deliberation, Fangzheng directly chose "Diamond Seal" as the strengthening target this time.

As for the "Golden Bell Shade" as a body protection method, you can practice it next time you collect gray and white air.

At that time, all the cultivation methods, combat methods, and body protection methods will be developed.

As for strengthening "The Arhat of the Indestructible Golden Body" again, from strengthening ★→strengthening ★★? Fangzheng didn't want to try the consequences in case of failure before he knew whether it was possible to increase the reinforcement twice; and if it was not possible to strengthen it again, what would be the consequences of the failure of the forced enhancement. At present, the gray air is extremely precious to him.

Can't afford to waste it once!

The brilliance is dazzling and dazzling, as if the golden flames of Shenxi are beating, and the pages of the cheat book are flipping quickly, like a movie fast forward x50.

The words, paragraphs, and diagrams on it, as if dead things came to life, began to be overturned section by section, rearranged section by section, and quickly deduced section by section with the rapid flipping of the pages, evolving into a truly practiceable cheat book.

The brilliance faded.

The fake cheat "King Kong Seal" has been strengthened successfully! "The Seal of the Subduing Demon King Kong"! !


Fangzheng's eyes lit up.

It was exactly as he expected.

"King Kong Seal" is originally intended to subdue demons and ward off evil spirits, so the strengthening direction is also biased towards the purpose of subduing demons and subduing demons.

This is also the reason why Fangzheng chose to strengthen the "Diamond Seal".

Now that it has been confirmed, Fang Zheng is very happy.

If you encounter similar evil spirit riders again in the future, "The Seal of Demon King Kong" will be the nemesis specially designed to suppress and kill these evil spirits.

But soon, Fangzheng discovered that "The Seal of the Demon King Kong" was not just an attack method, it was as simple as that.

According to the introduction in the opening chapter of "The Seal of Subduing Demons", it is not only the hand seal of subduing demons, but also the practice method of Buddhist Tantra.

It is said that there are three lamps on a person's body, one on the top of the head, and the other two on the left and right shoulders, which refer to the three yang fires on the person's body.

There is another saying, when walking at night, if you hear someone calling you behind you, don't turn your head or look to both sides. Turning your head is to blow out one fire above your head, and looking to both sides is to blow out two fires on your shoulders. Even if one of the lamps is blown out, the yang fire will be weakened, the three souls and seven souls will be incomplete, and it is easy to attract filthy things to haunt.

Normal people have three strong fires, and filthy things can't get close.

In medicine, it is explained through science. The three fires may refer to the human spirit, also known as the state of life. If the vitality is strong, people will be energetic and free from all diseases; if the vitality is weak, people will be prone to trance, confusion, and illness.

The esoteric practice method contained in "The Seal of Fumo King Kong" is the three fires of the cultivator. The yang fire is blazing like a divine furnace, and the blood is strong, so the masculinity will naturally be compelling, and the filthy things cannot get close. Even Tantric Mahayana practitioners, whose yang energy is so strong, that as long as the filth and evil spirits get close to a certain distance, even a hundred meters or a thousand meters away, it will be like being illuminated by a divine furnace, and their souls will be scattered on the spot.

To take the simplest example, the more popular and lively a place is, the more positive it is. For example, schools and communities are built on mass graves in many places.

Anyway, the introduction of "The Seal of Fumo Vajra" is quite mysterious.

It is exactly the same as the mystery of "Arhat King Kong Is Not Bad".

"A man has three lamps?"

"Two shoulders, top of the head, three Yanghuo?"

"How do I feel, these words are so familiar, isn't this clearly "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", "Notes from Yuewei Thatched Cottage", and "Sou Shen Ji"?"

Fangzheng was stunned suddenly.

Then some thought about it and became extremely frightened, and the creepy hairs stood on end!

Why do the contents of the cheat books strengthened by the human skin scriptures overlap with the recent supernatural event posts...more and more like fox ghosts and immortals, ghosts and ghosts revived

The more he thought about it, the more Fangzheng felt a chill down his back.

Even the source of the grayish-white gas devoured by the human skin scriptures is equally terrifying. Fangzheng thought of the ghost rider...


He thought about it for two days. Is this cousin of Nicolas Cage Soul Chariot a supernatural being

Or a ghost

Fangzheng has been complaining for two days.

But there is one thing that Fang Zheng firmly believes in.

This beginning to change towards eccentricity, the world, or it will be peaceful! !

half an hour later...

Fangzheng blinked twice. With his current body, no matter what he was practicing, he could get started very quickly.

For example..."King Kong is not bad Arhat" was practiced by him in half an hour.

Another example..."The Seal of the Demon King" was also practiced by him in half an hour.

Fangzheng has already confirmed that his body must have undergone indescribable changes! So, what the hell happened to the Liuwei Dihuang Wan that he ate that day after it was strengthened

So that he can quickly master everything he learns now.

The body seems to be able to get started quickly no matter what it is practicing! !

(end of this chapter)