Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 119: floating dead


Listening to the two childish voices coming from the sports equipment room,

Fangzheng's heart skipped a beat,

He quietly approached the door of the sports equipment room, and then looked into the sports equipment room through the narrow gap in the door.


boom! boom!

Just at this time, there was a strange noise from the sports equipment room. It seemed that something was being smashed, and the sound was muffled. It didn't sound like it was smashing something hard.

The indoor lighting of the sports equipment is not sufficient, and it is even a little dim. Fangzheng got used to it for a while before he gradually saw the indoor environment clearly.

Rows of basketball hoops, messy tug-of-war ropes and batons on the ground, army green gymnastics mats stacked high... From his perspective, he could only see a corner of the sports equipment room.

And Shen Wenle, the little fat man, happened to appear in Fangzheng's field of vision.

In front of Shen Wenle, there was another junior high school student, and this junior high school student should be Han Peng.

However, Han Peng turned his back to Fang Zheng, and Fang Zheng could only see Han Peng's back, but not his front.

At this time, the two junior high school students were squatting head to head, as if they were buried in something, because Fang Zheng couldn't see clearly because Han Peng blocked his view.

Fang Zheng frowned quietly.

There seemed to be something weird in front of him, seeing Shen Wenle and Han Peng at the same time. This scene was completely different from the first time he was in the dark.

The first time I went to Yin, although I was also looking for the fourth missing girl, but that time I only saw the fourth girl and did not meet the other three murdered girls.

But this time...he not only saw Han Peng, but also Shen Wenle who was already dead!

Fangzheng didn't show up rashly.

Mr. Fu once told him that there are several major taboos in walking yin, one of which is that the living and the dead are separated by yin and yang, and the living should not disturb the dead.

As long as the living do not disturb the dead, the world of the dead will not find the existence of the living, and will not repel them.

Otherwise, there will be great horrors.

Even when a psychologist enters the patient's spiritual world, the psychologist may be affected over time, and needs to find other psychologists to help him with psychological problems on a regular basis. What's more, this is the spiritual world of the dead, and the world of the dead is more weird and evil than the world of the living.

boom! boom!

The sound of smashing things still came out. Shen Wenle and Han Peng met each other and squatted halfway. From the narrow crack of the door, one could see that Shen Wenle was holding something in his hand, and seemed to be smashing something.

"This much blood should be enough." It was Han Peng's voice.

Then Fangzheng saw Shen Wenle throwing away the things in his hand, gurgling, gurgling, and the sound of heavy objects rolling came from the sports equipment room.

Boom, finally rolled to the shelf foot and was blocked, it turned out to be a dumbbell.

At this time, Fangzheng heard the movement, Shen Wenle and Han Peng seemed to be leaving the sports equipment room, Fangzheng quickly hid behind the building.

Although he doesn't take the initiative to disturb this world of the dead, the people in these memories won't see him, but it's better to be cautious.

He has always kept his goal in mind to find out Han Peng's whereabouts.

This time it's the mysterious side, the weird side, and the psychic divination on the special side, which is very likely to be as dangerous as Bloody Mary and Pen Fairy. Fangzheng doesn't want any accidents or complications.

Don't be curious.

Don't do unnecessary things.

Do not disturb the spiritual world of the deceased.

This is what Mr. Fu told Fang Zheng repeatedly!

Afterwards, Fang Zheng watched quietly in the dark while Shen Wenle and Han Peng left the sports equipment room. At the same time, Shen Wenle had an extra black plastic bag in his hand, which seemed to contain something heavy and soft, because it was a bit difficult for Shen Wenle to carry it.

From the beginning to the end, he could only see Han Peng's back.

When watching the two junior high school students leave the playground, it was only then that Fang Zheng came out from the shadows.

Standing at the door of the sports equipment room, he first glanced at the direction where Shen Wenle and Han Peng left, and then looked at the direction of the sports equipment room.

Creak... The palm of my hand gently pushed open the door of the sports equipment room.

Fangzheng didn't know if there was a sense of smell in the spiritual world of the dead. When he lightly touched the door of the sports equipment room with his palm and opened it gently, he smelled a somewhat strong smell of blood.


Fangzheng looked around the indoor environment, and then fixed his eyes on the position where Shen Wenle and Han Peng were squatting before. There was no wild cat corpse with its head smashed as Fangzheng imagined, nothing at all.

Fangzheng raised his brows, he never entered the sports equipment room.

Just like this, he kept gently pushing the door open with his palm, as if his eyes were thinking about something.

"Memory playback?"

Afterwards, Fangzheng turned around and left the sports equipment room, holding the soul-attracting lamp emitting a faint blue light, and continued to chase in the direction where Shen Wenle and Han Peng disappeared.

Pat, clack.

There were regular and gentle footsteps on the empty stairs. Fang Zheng walked up from downstairs. This is a residential building in a residential area. Fang Zheng finally stood in front of a household.

"Room 607..."

This is Shen Wenle's home.

Since leaving the sports equipment room, the soul-inducing lamp has been guiding Fang Zheng outside the school.

It turns out that Shen Wenle has already returned home...

In the black and white world, Fang Zheng tried to gently pull the handle of the anti-theft door, but the anti-theft door opened easily, and the so-called anti-theft door was useless.

Shen Wenle was the only one in Shen Wenle's family, and his parents didn't show up. This place was originally a ghost town.

The inside of Shen Wenle's house was pitch black, as if he had entered an abyss. It was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers. There was only a bedroom with a half-closed door, emitting a faint light.

It wasn't the master bedroom, it should be Shen Wenle's bedroom, and Fangzheng approached it in thought.

Through the gap in the door, Fangzheng saw Shen Wenle sitting on the bed, but this time he did not see Han Peng.

At this time, Fangzheng noticed a small detail. The time displayed on the wall clock was 20:31 in the evening.

"Is it at night..." While pondering, Fangzheng saw Shen Wenle sitting on the bed, already about to play psychic divination.

Because Shen Wenle has seen a set of cards, which are being spread out on the bed one by one.

"Han Peng, the psychic divination says that the best time is from 8:00 to 10:00 in the evening. I'm going to start playing around."

Shen Wenle's voice came from the bedroom, but Han Peng's voice was not there. Fang Zheng understood that the two were communicating by phone.

Next, Fangzheng only heard the sound of cutting cards, but he couldn't see all the scenes in the bedroom clearly.


"Like a man instead of a man, not a man but like a man... A floating dead man hanging on a reed?"

"What a mess, I don't understand, how could such an ugly card be drawn."

Not long after, the lights in Shen Wenle's bedroom went out, and the whole room fell into a darkness that seemed to have been frozen for a thousand years, and Shen Wenle had already fallen asleep.

For some reason, Fangzheng suddenly felt drowsy at this moment. Although he was always vigilant, he couldn't suppress the drowsiness, and his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't open them.

Fangzheng gradually fell asleep.

The moment Fangzheng closed his eyes, the whole world was plunged into complete darkness.

There will be an update later~

(end of this chapter)