Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 27: The pharmacy owner's daughter


Fangzheng felt that he had to find a way to find a fake manual of swordsmanship.

Then strengthen the real cheats of the knife book.

There are knives but no knives cheats!

It's too violent to waste the ghost knife in Tianwu's hand, and it makes the pearl dust.

The light of the night was tinged with coldness, and Fang Zheng, who had ruined a cafeteria, was immediately troubled by another more worrying thing.

Before he can solve the fake cheats of finding the knife book, he must first solve the biggest problem in front of him.

He encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation!

Recently, no matter whether it is practicing "Arhat of the Immortal Vajra" or "The Seal of Subduing Demon King Kong", I obviously feel that the progress has slowed down.

It has been too late to enter the country until the later stage, and has been stuck in the mid-term bottleneck.

Practicing martial arts is like practicing life.

Poor in literature, rich in martial arts.


Thousands of years of ancient wisdom has long summed up the importance of qi and blood to martial arts practitioners.

Among the three secret books that Fangzheng learned, more than once, the importance of qi and blood to martial arts practitioners has been emphatically mentioned.

People who practice martial arts have strong qi and blood, so they can restrain their divine light and act aggressively; if their qi and blood are not strong, their whole body will stagnate.

Fangzheng's qi and blood are not strong enough now, his body is covered with dust, and his vital energy is not enough to support his martial arts training needs. It is no longer enough to rely on ordinary blood food to meet the increasingly large needs of martial arts training and nourish his deficient body. Reality.

It can already be seen that there is a bottleneck in martial arts training.

"I'm afraid that in a few days, even "Great Sun Golden Bell Cover" will start to slow down."

Fangzheng was worried.

Ever since he took the Liuwei Dihuang Pills that made a lot of noise, a few hours of practice is equivalent to years for others. Although the fruits of ten years of hard work have increased, the burden on the body has also doubled.

Since ancient times, you can't have both fish and bear's paw.

"It seems that these three runes may not be able to survive." Fangzheng was a little depressed.

"I was just thinking about getting rich once in a while, and the remaining three runes were reserved for other more important purposes, but the emergence of a bottleneck in cultivation disrupted my plan again."

To put it bluntly, it's not because of poverty! Because of poverty! Because of poverty!

That's why Fangzheng has been digging and searching all the time, saving money and using it carefully, fearing that every precious opportunity will be wasted. But now it seems that I am afraid that I will not be able to keep the "deposit".

Unless he wants to be stingy for the rest of his life, and then rely on ordinary blood food forever to maintain the lowest level of cultivation consumption.

Fangzheng looked up at the sky at a hesitant 45° angle, which really hurt his heart.

Four Seasons Hall Pharmacy.

When Fangzheng came to the pharmacy outside the community, it was not yet 23 o'clock when it closed.

"Lao Yang, Lao Yang, do you have any blood-enriching medicine here?"

When Fangzheng rushed into the Four Seasons Hall pharmacy in a hurry, his face was stunned, and he saw that the person sitting behind the transparent glass counter was not the owner of the pharmacy, but a twelfth or thirteen-year-old girl in a middle school uniform.

With a delicate and delicate face, wearing a pair of conservative and rustic thick black-rimmed glasses, with two ponytails tied behind her head, at first glance she looks like a good girl, a good baby.

At this time, I was looking at the store while doing my homework.


Fangzheng was so frightened that his liver trembled, and he suddenly felt a headache. At this point in time, he would still meet this girl.

Take a breath, the back teeth are really cold.

"Hehe." The pharmacy owner's daughter.

The muscles at the corners of Fangzheng's eyes twitched a few times: "Xiaoxue, where's your dad?"

The drugstore owner's daughter looked at Fangzheng, and said nothing coldly, but her eyes under the thick rustic mirror frame were clearly sneering.

See, this is why Fangzheng has a headache. Seeing the pharmacy owner's daughter, she can tell you that she is mocking you even with a look.

The daughter of the pharmacy owner looked at you coldly.

And sneer at you.

You were mocked by the eyes of a junior high school student.

So you vomit blood,


Fangzheng was cheeky, directly ignoring the mocking eyes of the drugstore owner's daughter, and said, "Xiaoxue, is there any medicine that nourishes blood and has a good blood-enriching effect?"

"Ejiao, Lvjiao Buxue Granules, Wuji Baifeng Pills, Taitaile Yangxue Oral Liquid, Qixuekang Oral Liquid, Meiyuan Heme, Motherwort..." The daughter of the pharmacy owner reported a list of names.

Fangzheng was stunned.

As a big man, he really has no experience in buying these. The key is that he doesn't usually use special blood supplements. He didn't expect to ask casually, there are so many blood supplements and nourishing blood.

The pharmacy owner's daughter didn't even need to think about it. She reported more than a dozen drug names at once, and seven or eight drug names were even professional chemical names with unpronounceable words, which he had never heard before.

Looking at the pharmacy owner's daughter under the school uniform of a junior high school student, she immediately rose to admiration.

But why do I feel so ashamed all of a sudden

A big man went to the pharmacy in the middle of the night to buy donkey-hide gelatin, donkey glue, motherwort...

Then I asked a junior high school girl, which medicine is more effective...


The style of painting is wrong.

Fangzheng braced himself, and now he just wanted to buy it quickly and leave as soon as possible, and said, "Xiaoxue, except for that Taitai Le Yangxue Oral Liquid, pack a copy of all other blood-enriching medicines for me."

Taitaile, it sounds like it doesn't match his masculine temperament.

Since I don't know which medicine works best, I simply buy the whole set.

Try it out one by one when you get home.


Why do you always feel that the style of painting is wrong

The pharmacy owner's daughter looked at Fangzheng, with a cute and fair face like porcelain, and said, "Motherwort, also known as 蓷 (tuī), 茺 (chōng) Wei (wèi), is a plant of the Lamiaceae and the genus Motherwort. It has the medicinal effect of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation." , to treat women's irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, diuretic swelling, uterine contraction, the exclusive main drug for treating gynecological diseases, also known as women's friendship."

The pharmacy owner's daughter knew everything by heart, and said in one breath, Xueba! !

Fangzheng's face darkened.

What men don't have, is all in this medicine. Motherwort, I didn't expect you to be such a dishonest medicine.

"Who said I bought it for myself."

"When did I say that?"

"How could it be bought for my own use?"

Fangzheng justified with an embarrassed smile: "Can't I buy it for my girlfriend?"

Haha sneered, the pharmacy owner's daughter said calmly, "So that's why you bought Liuwei Dihuang Pills last time?"


The single dog suffers 100,000 points of critical damage.

Fangzheng's face turned dark at the time: "This is Yemeng Night Sweat, it's physical weakness, not kidney deficiency! Also, last time it was obviously the Liuwei Dihuang Wan that you handed me!"

Fangzheng tried hard to restore his image.

Therefore, he has always been very reluctant to deal with the daughter of the pharmacy owner.

With that cold expression, hehe sneering eyes, coupled with this poisonous mouth, no grass will grow within a radius of three miles where he passes.

Then, under the sneering eyes of the pharmacy owner's daughter, Fang picked up donkey-hide gelatin, donkey-hide gelatin, black-bone chicken baifeng pills, motherwort... and ran out of the pharmacy in embarrassment.

Hurry home and try the effect of the medicine, whether it can strengthen the blood-tonifying medicine.

Whether they can break through the bottleneck of cultivation depends entirely on them.

(end of this chapter)