Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 31: Playground haunted house


When Fangzheng rushed to the Bund playground, it was already after 21:00.

On the way, Fangzheng found a men's clothing store and specially changed into a new coat. The previous coat and inner shirt were all torn during the battle.

The Bund of Zhou City was built along the river.

Fangzheng is naturally very aware of this place.

This is an urban landmark area that the Zhou Municipal Government has been emphasizing on building. It gathers various entertainments such as wetland scenic spots, restaurants and delicacies, shopping and consumption, and bars.

And from time to time, barbecue parties, large-scale fireworks parties, beer parties and other themed entertainment projects for young people are held, which has gathered a lot of popularity.

The Bund of Zhou City is only two kilometers away from Tongjiang Bridge, and you can even clearly see the newly completed Tongjiang Bridge.

Under the dark and dark night, the Tongjiang Bridge is like a dragon with a towering head and horns, looming.

When Fangzheng rushed to the Bund playground, he saw a large number of tourists gathered outside the playground, the inner three floors and the outer three floors were full of people. There are police officers maintaining order among tourists to prevent a stampede.

In addition, Fangzheng also saw several 120 ambulances.

Under the noisy phone call environment, when Fangzheng finally found the second daughter, he saw Chen Tongtong and Lin Jiabao trembling in the crowd, their faces slightly pale.

"Fangzheng! Fangzheng! We are here!"

Chen Tongtong and Lin Jiabao looked at Fangzheng in surprise, and hurriedly ran towards Fangzheng in small steps.

At this time, the two female college students were shivering in the cold river wind, their lips were blue and purple, and their faces were somewhat weak and pale. They looked pitiful, like weak willows supporting the wind.

"Are you all right?"

"What happened here? I saw a lot of police cars and ambulances parked in the playground? I heard from the tourists gathered at the gate that someone died in the playground?"

Fangzheng asked the two of them concerned, and saw that Chen Tongtong and Lin Jiabao were not injured, but that they were overly frightened for a while, so he let go of his original worry. While comforting the second daughter, Fangzheng also learned about the specific situation.

There are dead people in the playground today!

Three tourists actually died in the haunted house adventure.

Lin Jiabao and Chen Tongtong originally took advantage of the weekend, this pair of good girlfriends came to the amusement park to play together, but when they played Haunted House Adventure, they and other tourists found that three people were like pigs being butchered, and their throats were pierced by sharp iron hooks. in mid-air. The eyes of the three of them were bulging, as if they were dying, staring straight at the tourists who entered the haunted house. The scarlet blood dripped down the ground like a small waterfall along the floating body, and the people seemed to be slaughtered. Hanging like an animal.

At first, the tourists thought it was a prop, but they were still frightened by the realistic effect and their scalps were numb, and they dared not move forward with trepidation.

Later, a daring tourist approached, and when they touched the bodies of the three people, people realized it in horror! This is not a prop man! These are three real people!

Dead man!

The tourists stampeded in horror, screamed and ran wildly out of the haunted house, and soon alarmed the security and the person in charge of the amusement park.

Then, the police and ambulance arrived, blocked and shut down the entire amusement park in an emergency, and asked the tourists for transcripts from around 2 pm until the evening.

When the second daughter contacted Fang Zheng on the phone, it happened to be the time when she finished asking about the transcript.

Because Chen Tongtong and Lin Jiabao saw that it was getting dark, and it was the first time they saw a dead person, especially at such a horrific and bloody murder scene, the two girls were really frightened, so they asked Fang Zheng for help, hoping that Fang Zheng could come to pick them up.

After such a toss, it is estimated that this playground may not be able to open in the next month or two.

Fangzheng looked puzzled, staring at the playground shrouded in darkness, for some reason, there was a ghostly and eerie feeling.

Is it really as simple as a murder case

Fangzheng was deep in thought.

At this point, the last bus is naturally long gone, and it is difficult to find a taxi near the Tongjiang Bridge at night, but fortunately, the Zhou City Government dispatched several buses and tourist buses urgently, free of charge. Pick up and drop off stranded tourists.

While the three of them were waiting for the next bus, a group of people walked out from the playground.

It was a few criminal police officers and forensic doctors, but what really caught Fang Zheng's attention was a man and a woman walking together in the group.

There was a terrifying scar on the man's face. It didn't look like a knife scar, but more like a sharp claw similar to a wild animal had ripped apart the flesh and blood, scratching from the corner of his eyebrows to his chin.

The woman looks mediocre, about thirty or so in age, revealing a mature charm.

But that's not the point.

A wisp of gray-white air rose from the ordinary-looking woman, and was then swallowed by the human skin scripture that Fang Zheng carried with him.

Fangzheng's face beamed with joy.

The answer is already there.

This is another supernatural event!

The scar-faced man and the plain-looking woman are both from the special department of the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau"!

Adding the grim sunglasses man and the head in the former's mouth, Fangzheng has met a total of four people from this special department so far.

A hundred meters away, the crowd seemed to sense Fang Zheng's gaze. The plain-looking woman actually turned her head to look in the direction. Her gaze paused for a second before turning back again.

Fangzheng hurriedly pretended to be chatting with the two girls beside him.

His face was slightly solemn, and he had a hunch that this woman was definitely stronger than him. When the other party looked at him, the hairs all over his body stood up, and he felt a sense of danger.

Perhaps even the strength of that scar-faced man is also very strong!

"Fangzheng, what's wrong with you?"

The attentive Chen Tongtong noticed that Fangzheng's expression suddenly turned a little off, and asked with concern.

Fangzheng shook his head and said it was all right.

Next, Fangzheng quietly noticed that the scar-faced man and the plain-looking woman both boarded a black off-road vehicle and left.

Ten minutes later, the buses and tourist buses that came to pick up the stranded tourists pierced through the hazy darkness and drove into the playground.

On the way back.

Fangzheng finally saw the River Cutting Project that he had seen on the news.

I saw the lights on the river, and large construction equipment rising from the ground. The roar of the machines was like the roar of giant beasts. Even at night, they were working overtime to catch up with the construction and stayed up all night. Sitting on the second floor of the bus, Fangzheng could just see that the project of breaking the river was almost complete.

Unexpectedly, the project progressed so quickly.

It can also be seen from this that the relevant departments are resolute and decisive in resolving the Tongjiang Bridge incident.

This is to uproot the tree.

Completely avoid future troubles.

Fangzheng felt that the "forced cleanup" plan that Sun Yushu mentioned on the phone might only have a few days left.

Looking at the progress of this project, it is almost possible to start blocking the flow at any time.

In the silence of the night, the vehicle was driving slowly on the road.

When the three returned to the residence, it was almost 23:00 after 22:00 in the middle of the night. At this time, the three of them were a little hungry. To express their gratitude, Chen Tongtong and Lin Jiabao invited Fangzheng to have a spicy Sichuan hot pot to drive away the coldness of the night .

However, Fangzheng took advantage of the time when he went to the bathroom to pay the bill secretly.

(end of this chapter)