Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 42: Get rich


On the SUV before, Fangzheng had already seen that the entire Tongjiang Bridge was shrouded in clouds and fog.

At first, Fangzheng thought it was just ordinary smog.

But when the group followed the ruthless man in the leather jacket to the vicinity of the Tongjiang Bridge and observed it closely, Fang Zheng realized this.

That was no ordinary smog.

Instead, the entire bridge, including the bottom of the river, was covered in a thick layer of gray mist.

The gray mist seemed to form a barrier, isolating this place into two worlds. There was no light or sound on the bridge or under the river.

Only the quiet, weird,


At this moment, between the embankment of the river and the bottom of the river, several bridge erection vehicles were parked. Several armored bridges had already been erected, and they went straight into the bottom of the river, like a straight epee, extending into the dense fog.

And as the Qingshi Road corridor gradually deepened from the shore to the center of the river bottom, the fog along the way became thicker and thicker.

Has begun to seriously affect the line of sight.

When they walked to the junction of the Qingshi Road corridor and the stone house complex, the visibility of the dense fog here was less than five or six meters away. If a person stood at the junction and tried to see the historic stone houses clearly, he could only faintly see some blurred and distorted black shadows in the turbulent mist.

At this time, in the mysterious and quiet thick fog, there were some slight sounds that could not be heard.

"I thought this mission would be very dangerous and exciting, but I didn't know that we were actually left here to pick up the rescued wounded and send them to the shore. Such an easy and simple mission can get ten The bonus of 10,000 yuan and the 12-hour training time in the blessed land, when those guys outside know about it, they will definitely regret it, haha."

"You come to this dark and humid place, and you seem to be very happy to be a male nurse only for others? Isn't it more sad for us geniuses? These people's cultivation qualifications are not even as good as ours. Their capital is nothing more than us. I have practiced for ten years, more than ten years. After the blue blood moon came a few days ago, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to recover gradually, and the concentration of spiritual energy in heaven and earth continued to increase every day. According to the instructor, ordinary awakened people only need seven or eight In a few months, you can catch up with the instructors; and like us, a gifted awakener who awakened to the second floor of Shenzang at the beginning, can catch up with the instructors in two or three months."

"Liu Qing, what is your future goal?"

"Before the second blue blood moon comes, practice and complete the nine realms of Shenzang, and then when the second blue blood moon comes, spy on the dust of the sky and break through to the night traveler. If you can't do it in the second blue blood moon Before the red blood moon comes, if you have completed the nine realms of Shenzang, you can only wait until the third blue blood moon comes to have a chance to break through the night traveler."

"Nice... oh, sister Liu Qing, don't do it, I'm not scolding you, I'm expressing my admiration for your profound ambition... oh, sister Liu Qing, I was wrong, I take back my first sentence and second sentence .”

Under the dense fog with visibility less than five or six meters, at the junction of the Qingshi Road corridor and the stone house complex, there are several distorted and deformed figures standing in the corridor, exchanging a few words softly from time to time.

It was Fang Zheng, Xue Xiucheng, Zhao Boyuan, and Liu Qing.

Before the ruthless man in the leather jacket left, he assigned four people to stay in the corridor and wait for the wounded they rescued. Then responsible for sending the wounded to shore.

However, the ruthless man in the leather jacket specifically told them not to go out of the range of the Qingshi Road corridor. The area at the bottom of the river is too large and the visibility is very low. If you lose your way or encounter danger by yourself, you will be responsible for all consequences.

At the same time, they are seriously warned not to approach those stone houses.

At this time, they were here, just waiting for a few minutes.

However, the four of them stood in the strange, low-visibility thick fog, and there were some strange noises around them from time to time, and the atmosphere was a bit gloomy and weird, so they used the topic to drive away the shabby hearts.

In fact, it was the whole conversation between Xue Xiucheng and the three of them.

Fangzheng already planned to go all the way to the dark on the road of Gu Leng, a master. Anyone who talks to him will be cold and repulsed thousands of miles away.

If I say too much, I will cry, and I am afraid that if I say too much, I will make more mistakes.

Although he really wanted to learn more inside information from the three people in front of him, it was obvious that Xue Xiucheng and the three knew a lot of inside information, and what was especially shocking was that the blue blood moon would come for a second time? the third time!

It seems that it is far more than three times so simple!

Even Xue Xiucheng and Zhao Boyuan did not refute Liu Qing's words, so it is estimated that they are almost as reliable.

What about spiritual recovery

Could it be that the beginning of all this, the supernatural events, and the awakening of the supernatural power, were all because of the recovery of this aura? It seems that what the awakened person cultivates is relying on spiritual energy.

It is completely different from his practice method.

Listening to the conversations of Xue Xiucheng and the others, ordinary people who are not awakened can't absorb the spiritual energy in the air, can't rely on spiritual energy to cultivate, and can only be ordinary people for the rest of their lives.

"I'm not an awakened person, and I haven't awakened the so-called blood power. The exercises I'm practicing now don't rely on spiritual energy... This human skin scripture is getting weirder..." Fangzheng was a little confused.

Moreover, the government seems to have a group of special people who were able to practice ten years before the blue blood moon came

It seems that more than ten years ago, there were already signs of a slight spiritual recovery.

It wasn't until the blue blood moon came a few days ago that it really broke out in an all-round way.

That's why he met so many masters and strong people at once... so much so that he had an illusion at the beginning, thinking that people who had awakened supernatural powers were all powerful from the very beginning.

Xue Xiucheng and the others were still talking softly, but this voice did not bother Fang Zheng, who had an exceptionally keen hearing since he practiced cultivation.

Fangzheng has been listening attentively, intending to learn more about this world.

Another minute passed, suddenly!


The wounded did not wait, but waited for a loud explosion.

The ground under his feet visibly felt a shock, and even the fog around his body was violently stirred.

"what happened?"

"What happened? Where did the explosion come from?"

Several people panicked.

Fangzheng was also shocked, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

However, there was a thick fog around them, and they couldn't see the outside world clearly.

At this time, there was no way to contact the outside world. Since they entered the bottom of the river, the fog seemed to carry special electromagnetic interference, and the walkie-talkies and mobile phones all failed here.

At this moment, Fangzheng felt a slight tremor coming from the ground under his feet, and the tremor was gradually increasing in frequency, and the tremor became more and more obvious, gradually turning from a slight tremor to a vibration.

In an instant, Fangzheng's face changed drastically!

He suddenly turned his head and looked upstream... Fuck! The explosion just now, could it be the cofferdam that blocked the river upstream, was it blown away

Fang Zheng was so frightened that the hairs all over his body exploded, and his feet continued to vibrate. It was clear that the river was pouring in like a torrent!

At this moment, suddenly, Xue Xiucheng left the three of them behind him, turned around and fled frantically towards the shore alone.

Zhao Boyuan stayed where he was, struggling in his eyes, looking at Liu Qing and Fang Zheng, he was making the most difficult decision.

At this time, Fang Zheng was not the only one who guessed that the cofferdam was likely to be blown up, and everyone else also thought of this, so Xue Xiucheng ran away alone.


Fangzheng's expression moved, and he looked solemnly into the depths of the dense fog in front of him. One second, two seconds...Suddenly, he saw a faintly distorted figure walking from the depths of the dense fog.

Several people's breathing suddenly froze.

The shadowy figure is approaching quickly, suddenly!

A wisp of gray air, from among those figures, flew towards Fang Zheng like a moth to a flame.

In the next moment, it was swallowed by the scriptures of human skin, and the ninth rune was lit up.

Fang smiled happily.

It's people!

Those who went down to the bottom of the river came out!

But then, an unexpected scene appeared, gray air +1, +2, +3...

Pale air +4, +5...


Fangzheng's scalp exploded immediately, and goosebumps stood up on his scalp. This sudden income alone far exceeded his previous record of four runes for the highest deposit.

At this time, Fangzheng finally saw the shadowy figure clearly, it was a total of ten or twenty people crazily running close.

Almost all of these people were wounded, and everyone retreated with two or three people on their backs, some of them were seriously injured and lost their mobility, and they fell into a coma, and there were also corpses of comrades in arms who had lost their vitality. .

Looking at the cold corpses, Fangzheng was silent, and sighed inwardly, these people are all heroes!

Then he discovered a problem, so many people, why did only five wisps of gray and white air appear

Is it true that as he guessed, these gray and white qi, which are similar to resentment, death, yin, etc., actually have a certain time limit

Rather than once entangled for a lifetime

Before Fangzheng could think about it, Fangzheng soon found out that the cold man in the leather jacket was among these people. The other party also saw Fangzheng and the others. A man who has always been indifferent and shows no color to anyone, a look of great surprise flashed in his eyes.

But he soon realized that Xue Xiucheng was gone, and there were only three of the four left, and a cold look appeared in his eyes.


"Run away!"

"The closure cofferdam was blown up by the mad corpse king, and the river is about to sweep here!"

The ruthless man in the leather jacket growled anxiously at Fang Zheng and the others.

But it wasn't until these people ran into the Qingshi Road corridor that Fang Zheng and the three began to retreat quickly with the large army.

During the retreat, Fangzheng finally understood the situation.

It turned out that two sections of corpses were caught in the siege, and they were about to be killed by the demons. The corpse king suddenly went crazy, and one section of the lower body rushed to the cofferdam desperately, abandoning the soldiers to protect the commander. The corpse took this opportunity to escape from the siege, allowing the most powerful upper body of the corpse king to escape.

The corpse king has grown up, and has gradually become a drought mansion. People from the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau" dug up the mausoleum and opened the coffin, trying to destroy the corpse, but instead gave the corpse king a chance to escape from this river, and now there are a group of The strong pursued and killed the corpse king.

Hear the dead king escape.

It was the most powerful upper body that escaped, Fangzheng gasped.

Even he felt a little pained for the people of the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau".

This is no ordinary corpse king.

This is a corpse that was chopped up in half with deep resentment before death, and became a sha after death.



The river is rushing, setting off a torrent, and manpower is so small in front of the power of nature. On the shore of the outside world, there is already a mess of porridge at this moment.

Seeing the river rushing closer and closer, everyone's faces were ugly.

The person at the bottom of the river is probably... But at this moment, a cry of surprise and joy, shouted: "Look! Someone is coming out of the bottom of the river!"

"It's them! They escaped!"

Everyone was ecstatic, and sure enough, dozens of people appeared in the field of vision.

In the end, it was very dangerous, and at the last moment, dozens of people under the river all went ashore safely. Boom, in an instant, there was a roar of wild cries.

It's just... just when everyone was immersed in screaming, in a dark corner where no one noticed, there was a lonely figure running away quietly...

(end of this chapter)