Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 46: Open to traffic


At this moment, Fangzheng was holding his mobile phone, his eyes fixed on the photo all the time.

He will not admit his mistake!

Among the staff members sent out by those countries to be responsible for evacuating overseas Chinese, some of them had a very special temperament, as bright as a bright moon in the dust, as conspicuous as a torch in the dark night.

This is the unique temperament that can only be cultivated by a practitioner. Practitioners are attracted to each other like magnets, and the difference in each other's temperament can be seen at a glance. Fang Zheng recognized at a glance that the temperament of these people is the same as those of the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau".

In an instant, the scalp exploded.


The Supernatural Investigation Bureau...

ancient greek templeā€¦

Stop all tourist projects in the local area...

Fangzheng frowned, thinking hard.

So, sometimes, as an ordinary civilian, this is a bit painful. I don't have any source of information in my hand, and I try to look up, but I can only see the mouth of the well.

Fangzheng continued to browse the forum posts, but there were no more valuable posts, and the valuable posts had already been 404ed.

After browsing for twenty or thirty minutes, Fangzheng put down his phone and rubbed his temples.

Looking down at your phone for a long time is really a bad habit.

However, the evacuation of overseas Chinese reminded Fangzheng once again that he must not be complacent just because he got rich overnight, and be content with the present.

The world is no longer calm like a mad lake.

Now the general situation of the world is still under the control of various countries, the more so, the more it should be developed as soon as possible in the early stage, in order to deal with the more weird changes in the world in the future.

Fangzheng picked up his home-made magical machine again, and then logged into a certain treasure.

Search for the store[Wulin Leader Library].

Fangzheng: Martial arts lord, did you find the spiritual martial arts that you said to help me find last time

It's been the fourth day, and I haven't waited for the leader's reply.

ding dong~

Automatic reply: Dear, our store defaults to four links and one delivery.


[Wulin Leader Library]: Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long. In the past few days, I have been entrusting several friends, and finally found this spiritual martial arts for you, brother. Brother, are you sure you really want the secret book of spiritual martial arts

After all, this is related to the most vulnerable part of the human brain, and most people are afraid to buy this thing...

Fangzheng: It's okay, I was very satisfied with the practice effect of the twelve cheat books I bought from the leader of the martial arts last time. So I'm here again as a repeat customer of the martial arts leader.

[Martial Arts Leader Library]:?

Brother, you must not be a fan of the Internet, right


[Martial Arts Leader's Library]: Let me tell you in advance, my book of spiritual martial arts is a bit special, if there are any consequences after practicing, the store will not be responsible.

We quickly finalized the delivery time with the boss. If we send it out today, the coastal provinces will basically arrive tomorrow.

Fangzheng repeatedly told him that he needed it urgently, so he must send it out today.

By the way, Fangzheng picked up a few more cheat books on physical body cultivation.

Of course, the above are all fake cheats! Fake! Fake!

Say important things three times.

Just when Fangzheng was about to log out of the phone, at this moment, a piece of local news from Zhou City was pushed on the headlines of the phone.

[Tongjiang Bridge has reopened to traffic! !]

Fangzheng was stunned for a moment, then quickly clicked on the first news item and glanced at it. It was mostly official endorsed news content. Fangzheng quickly found important information. The Tongjiang Bridge was reopened to traffic today...

"This means... the Tongjiang Bridge is completely safe? Has it been completely cleaned?" Fangzheng immediately thought of the key point.

He has been in seclusion for the past few days, and has received a lot of news from the outside world. He has been kept closed, so that he doesn't know that such a big change has taken place outside.

Since even the headlines are officially endorsed, it must be true in all likelihood. If it is not 100% sure, the Tongjiang Bridge will never be easily restored to normal traffic. After all, if there is another accident, more classes will be implicated.

Fangzheng pondered for a while, then went out directly.

I plan to take a closer look at the Tongjiang Bridge, maybe I can get lucky again and get a windfall of gray air

After all, the explosion that night and its astonishing momentum are still vivid in my memory.

go out.

take a taxi.

Thirty to forty minutes later, when the online car-hailing car finished driving at the end of the Tongjiang Bridge, Fang Zheng hadn't collected any more gray air.

Even the people from the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau" didn't see a single figure.

It seems that the explosion a few days ago, under the collective silence of the media, was quickly gossiped by various celebrities every day, and the latest news and news sank to the bottom of the sea, making the public quickly forget the news a few days ago .

The online car-hailing car got off the Tongjiang Bridge and gradually left the urban area of Zhou City. Therefore, Fangzheng asked the online car-hailing driver to turn around and return to Zhou City.

Just as the online car-hailing car turned around, Fangzheng was suddenly taken aback when he saw the wider world beyond Zhou City.

"Even in Zhou City, there are frequent occurrences of supernatural events, and even a corpse king, so what will happen to the villages outside Zhou City, small villages in deep mountains and old forests, beyond the reach of the whip?"

When thinking of this, Fangzheng felt a chill in his heart.

He thought of a netizen's post that he saw on the night of the blue blood moon...

In the deep mountains, there is a bride who died strangely, lying strangely in someone else's coffin...

Fangzheng's heart suddenly felt inexplicably oppressed and heavy, as if a stone was pressing on him, making him suffocate and unable to breathe.

While meditating all the way, the scenery outside the window quickly reversed.

When the online car-hailing car drove into the urban area again, he felt a little depressed, heavy and upright, and asked the online car-hailing driver to stop halfway, and then he walked home, intending to take this opportunity to relax.

At this time, the setting sun was getting dusk, the sky was gradually getting dark, and the sky was burning like blood, scarlet, scarlet.

There is no temperature in the sunset, only a sense of coldness.

But soon, several black lines hung down Fangzheng's forehead. This cheating online car-hailing service actually dropped him in front of a foot bath shop.

Fangzheng, who was originally in a depressed mood, couldn't help but think of a short story about 100 yuan love.

We met on the side of the road, when I passed by her house, I saw her at a glance, and she saw me at the same time, and I felt love at first sight. I just went to her house and spent half an hour with her, but then I found that we were not suitable, so we broke up, and then I gave her 100 yuan to break up...

At this moment, Fangzheng's cell phone rang suddenly.

According to the caller, it turned out to be the local tyrant Dong who hadn't contacted for several days.

"Fang Fang, the last time I mentioned about the ensemble cast in the movie, I have already..."

Dudu, Fangzheng hung up the phone with a dark face.

"Fuck me, don't push yourself..."

Beep, busy tone again.

"I'll give you the address directly on WeChat. It's a bit far away. It's in a deep mountain reservoir!" Tuhao Dong finally learned how to be smart.

(end of this chapter)