Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 48: college town


Looking at Boss Yang,

Gathered a wisp of gray air,

There is only one sentence in Fangzheng's mind:

There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Boss Yang opened a pharmacy on this street, if Fangzheng remembers correctly, it seems to have been many years.

Unexpectedly, Boss Yang, you are such a person! !

In the Sijitang pharmacy, Yang Feizhang's scalp was obviously a little numb in the face of Fangzheng's staring eyes.

At this moment, Fangzheng had many thoughts in his mind.

He suddenly found that when a person he was familiar with suddenly became a complete stranger one day, he forgot how to say hello first.

Do you want him to say, Hey, Boss Yang... I didn't expect you to be a hidden civil servant

Or...Boss Yang, did you just come back from exorcising a ghost? Awesome dick!

If you want to be more direct... Boss Yang, where is the headquarters of your unit in Zhou City? Why are you also the second business of the medical ethics world

At this moment, Fangzheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Sometimes it's amazing to think about it. The human brain can actually flash more than a dozen ideas in one second, and even go into detail about how to complete each step.

But when it comes to the body, it is obvious that the body cannot keep up with the thinking speed of the brain.

Just like Fangzheng at this time, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a box of tea tin boxes next to the cash register behind Boss Yang, and the words "Sendai Tea Mountain" were printed on the outer packaging of the tea.

Immediately thinking quickly, God unfolds:

There is a must in Zhou City, which is the Xiantai Tea Mountain in the famous scenic spot.

The fragrance of tea is the quality of clouds and mists in high mountains, and the sweetness of water is the soul of secluded springs and frost.

At the foot of the Tea Mountain in Sendai is the adjacent university town.

Near the university town, most of the tea comes from the Sendai Tea Mountain. Now it is the best season for tea picking around Qingming, and it is the concentrated time for new tea to go on the market.

All thinking collisions are only in the blink of an eye. The moment Fangzheng saw the tea tin box, his thinking was faster than his body's reaction. What Fangzheng originally wanted to say turned into another brain circuit: "Boss Yang, did you go to the University City today?"

Yang Feizhang was surprised: "Fangzheng, how do you know that I have been to the University City today?"

Fangzheng had already walked into the pharmacy at this time, pointed to the tin tea box, and said, "It's the tea tin box that hasn't been opened yet, and told me."

"Holmes Founder." Boss Yang gave a thumbs up.

At this time, Fangzheng noticed that Boss Yang happened to block Xiaoxue who was doing homework behind her. This junior high school girl who was wearing conservative and rustic glasses with thick glasses frames, after hearing the sound, she looked up and saw Fangzheng entering the store. Ha ha, a ha ha sneered with murderous eyes, although he didn't speak, it was clear that people could feel the mockery in his eyes.

Fang Zheng's liver trembled immediately, and he couldn't help complaining about why the clues from the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau" appeared on Boss Yang.

He was most troubled when he met the daughter of the pharmacy owner.


He took a deep breath, his back teeth were really sore.

"Dad, Fangzheng is here to buy motherwort again." Xiaoxue turned her head and said to Boss Yang.

Yang Feizhang didn't believe it: "Nonsense, how can a man buy motherwort."

Xiaoxue took a look at Fangzheng, who was dodging his guilty eyes, and continued to turn to Boss Yang, "Dad, Fangzheng has a girlfriend, and I bought this for his girlfriend."

"Hey, is this true?" Yang Feizhang was refreshed, and there were obviously two fires of gossip burning in his eyes.

"Fangzheng congratulations, how long have you been talking, where does your girlfriend live, what industry does she work in, and when will she treat us old neighbors to a wedding?"

Fang Zheng's face darkened immediately.

Xiaoxue threw a bag of dog food at you, and when she left, she glanced at your dog's face and closed the dog door by the way. You in the dog cage felt the despair from being single.

At the same time, Boss Yang threw dog food + 1 pack at you, dog food + 2 packs, + 3 packs...+87 packs, +99 packs, +999 packs. hit damage.

So you refused the dog food and kicked over the dog bowl.

Fangzheng could already imagine that the whole neighborhood would know about his having a girlfriend by tomorrow.

"Don't interrupt the children when adults talk." Fangzheng glanced at Xiaoxue with a guilty conscience, but only got Xiaoxue's sneering eyes.


Next, Fangzheng deliberately dawdled in the pharmacy for thirty to forty minutes, but he didn't get any grayness.

Fangzheng was disappointed. It seems that this pharmacy is just Boss Yang's personal residence, and has nothing to do with the base or branch of the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau".

He just happened to catch up with the time today, maybe Boss Yang just returned to the store after exorcising the demon, which made him lucky to get a wisp of gray air.

Before leaving, the enthusiastic Boss Yang insisted on giving Fang Zheng a meeting gift, as a celebration of his neighbor Fang Zheng finally getting out of the order.

Boss Yang planned to give Fang Zheng the box of tea that he bought today. Naturally, Fang Zheng didn't want to take advantage of others, so he quickly said no.

"Dad, give Fangzheng a box of Liuwei Dihuang Pills." Pfft, Fangzheng seemed to hear the sound of a knife piercing the heart, and instantly dealt 100,000 points of damage critically.

Yang Feizhang suddenly said: "Young people really don't drink tea very much, Fangzheng, this box of Liuwei Dihuang Wan... Hey, where is Fangzheng?"

Fangzheng had already run away with his head in his arms, and escaped from the pharmacy.

As a result, he was at the gate of the community and ran into Officer Wei who happened to be driving back.

Fangzheng was stunned, a little surprised. This was the first time he saw Police Officer Wei in casual clothes. He was usually dressed in a serious and meticulous police uniform, which gave people a sense of distance and majesty. Unexpectedly, when he was dressed in casual clothes, Police Officer Wei possessed another kind of cultivated temperament of a scholarly family.

Wei Youran stopped the car, and looked at Fangzheng curiously: "I seem to have heard Uncle Yang mentioned Liuwei Dihuang Wan just now?"

the next day.

Sijitang Pharmacy opens early before 7 o'clock every day.

When Fangzheng went out to buy breakfast, he pretended to pass by the door of the pharmacy, and saw Boss Yang watching the store, so he never collected any grayness.

Not long after, Fang Zheng's figure got on the bus heading towards University City.

Tea leaves from Sendai Tea Mountain,

Been to University City,

It's rare that a clue finally surfaced, instead of being blind all the time, Fang Zheng naturally couldn't wait to go to the University City at dawn to see if he could find other clues from the "Spiritual Investigation Bureau". Rubbing his hands excitedly in the car, Fangzheng never forgot his great career of pulling wool.

At the same time, Fangzheng took out his home-made smart phone and logged in to the forum where the masters of overpassing the wall gathered together.

This is almost a habit that Fang Zheng must do every morning.

He has been thinking about it all the time, and wants to get more wool from the Zhou City People's Hospital. The experience he got from the previous two times is, morning! Taoist priest!

It's just been quiet for the past few days.

[Successful squatting again! This morning, another old Taoist priest was secretly photographed entering Zhou City People's Hospital! Post owner, I decided to sneak into Zhou City People's Hospital this time to find out!]

Fangzheng's brows were filled with joy.

Immediately change to another bus.

Shock! The joke is already cold, the prince's friends successfully counterattacked and ascended to the throne! From then on, there are only Douyou left, no Duanyou, beep, beep... QAQ. .

(end of this chapter)