Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 59: Shame


"Hush! Be quiet, don't make any noise!"

It was Butcher Zhang's voice.

This time, it was no longer as far away as illusory, but right in front of Fangzheng.

Hearing Butcher Zhang's voice again, Fangzheng felt certain, temporarily put aside the impatient question he was about to ask, and quietly held his breath.

The boat under the feet is still moving slowly, and the hull shakes slightly from time to time.

In the world of thick and misty where you can't reach your fingers, everything is terribly quiet, like the dead silence and gloomy feeling of passing through the cemetery alone at night, making people feel oppressed and heavy like a big stone stuck in their hearts.

Fangzheng looked at the unbelievable scene in front of him, is this a case of deception

At this time, Fangzheng faintly heard some strange noises from the dense fog with extremely low visibility, which seemed to be the whispers of many people.

There is also a hiss, a strange soft hiss.

It sounds like flesh and blood being torn apart, and it sounds like bone scraping, which makes people feel slightly numb.


From the corner of Fangzheng's eyes in the water under the boat, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow flickering away. It seemed to be...a large mass of thick black woman's long hair

Fangzheng's breathing was stagnant.

Although there were strange things from time to time along the way, but fortunately, all was well. Until the surrounding fog began to gradually fade, Fangzheng saw in astonishment that a city appeared in front of him.

But it is a black and white world, and it is dead silent, so quiet and lifeless.

It wasn't until a bridge across the river appeared in front of Fangzheng's eyes that Fangzheng realized that it was the Tongjiang Bridge!

The black and white city in front of me is indeed Zhou City!

Then he found that he was standing on a small board boat at this moment, and the person pole-pulling was Mr. Fu at the bow.

At the same time, there was a green leather lantern on the bow, emitting a dim light, piercing the fog ahead.

When the boat docked, Mr. Fu raised the green leather lantern on the bow, and Butcher Zhang followed, and the two directly entered the strange black and white city.

Fangzheng didn't have time to ask out his doubts, so he hurriedly followed.

On the way, Fangzheng wanted to ask out the doubts in his heart several times, but he didn't know whether there were any taboos in going yin, so he could only hold back his questions and followed Mr. Fu and Butcher Zhang closely.

This strange city of Zhou was dead silent, and it was basically an empty city.

The group of three walked for an hour, but they didn't even see a single person, let alone a person. The streets were empty, not even a car.

It's like a... empty shell of a city.

Only the shell, no flesh and blood.

In such a strange black and white city, Fangzheng didn't know whether Mr. Fu, who was leading the way, had a purpose or was walking aimlessly. But looking up at the soul lamp in Mr. Fu's hand, Fang Zheng was thoughtful.

Rather than saying that Mr. Fu is leading the way...

How about a soul-guiding lamp guiding the way ahead

In the end, the soul lamp guided the three of them to the morgue of a hospital.

Fangzheng was taken aback.

In addition to corpses in the mortuary, even the corpse cabinet seems to be unable to store people, right? It's just that as soon as this thought came to mind, Fang Zheng subconsciously looked at the rows of corpse cabinets in the mortuary...

As if to verify Fang Zheng's conjecture, Mr. Fu and Butcher Zhang have already started to search for the mortuary cabinets one by one.

It's just that the mortuary cabinets are all empty, and there is no corpse.

Fangzheng also started to help find it.

For a moment, in the dark, gloomy black and white world morgue, there was only the sound of the mortuary cabinet being pulled, suddenly!


The strange noise of the mortuary cabinet being pulled out and being pushed back almost instantly attracted the attention of Mr. Fu and Butcher Zhang.

Qiqi turned to look at Fangzheng.

Fangzheng didn't speak, but pointed to the mortuary cabinet in front of him.

Afterwards, under Mr. Fu's signal, the three of them walked out of the mortuary with tacit understanding and careful movements.

Fangzheng was even more puzzled at this time.

Didn't they make this trip to find the fourth missing girl? Now that she's been found, she's lying in the mortuary mortuary, why don't they save her

When Fangzheng opened his eyes again and looked at the colorful world full of life around him again, he couldn't wait to ask his stomach full of questions, but at this moment, Fangzheng was suddenly taken aback...

The position he was standing at, the position before he followed Yin, hadn't moved a single step, and he was still standing there.

At this moment, Fangzheng glanced at the clock on the wall again from the corner of his eyes.

Time 22:57.

Fangzheng remembered very clearly that it was not past eleven o'clock at night before the overcast.

However, it has been several hours since Zuo Yin clearly...could it be less than a few minutes before and after

Fangzheng was full of questions and wanted to ask Butcher Zhang for clarification, but Butcher Zhang happened to be holding a mobile phone, and seemed to be contacting someone. Fangzheng heard Butcher Zhang mention the mortuary, the corpse cabinet and other words.

Fangzheng planned to find Mr. Fu, but Mr. Fu had already gone up to the second floor with a green leather lantern.

As soon as Butcher Zhang finished the call, Fang Zheng couldn't wait to ask: "Is the city of Zhou in the black and white world real?"

"What's the truth about going under the sun?"

"And why don't we rescue the missing fourth girl?"

Facing Fangzheng's continuous cannonball, Butcher Zhang said calmly: "Actually, what you really want to ask is, do you want to say, is that world like the parallel space in the movie? The plane space? The alien space?"

"Or to put it more directly, do you want to ask, is walking in the shadows the underworld of ancient folk rumors?"

Fangzheng did not refute.

That's the default.

Zhang Butcher: "I said earlier that the underworld and the underworld are just feudal superstitions of the ancients. The world of dense fog and the world of Zhoushi that you saw not long ago are not plane spaces at all. What you experience, what you see What I got was only the memories of the three murdered girls."

"The Soul Lamp, with the help of the deceased's resentment, allows you to briefly see part of their memories when they were alive. Did you see a black shadow with hair in the dense fog world? Did you hear some strange noises?"

Fangzheng frowned, but nodded anyway.

Butcher Zhang: "Think about it again, how did these three girls die?"

"One was scared to death, the other was suffocated to death by the hair in the body, and the other died after scratching his own face. Isn't that what happened in the world of dense fog?"

"Traveling the shadows is actually easy to understand. It mainly uses the grievances of the dead to track down the location of the evil mirror spirit for us like a hound. It's not as mysterious as the folk rumors. What is going to the underworld, asking about life and death, going to heaven and entering the earth, no matter what. impossible."

"You can think of walking in the shadows as entering a person's spiritual world, but a psychologist is entering the spiritual world of a living person, and walking in a shadow is entering the spiritual world of a dead person."

"If you still don't believe it, you can look at the time. It seems that hours have passed, but in fact, only a minute has passed in the outside world. Nanke Yimeng, Nanke Yimeng, this is a few years in the dream, and a few minutes in reality."

Fangzheng didn't need to look at the time, in fact, he already believed it seven or eight percent in his heart.

"Then what are the real identities of you and Mr. Fu?"

"Why do you know this so well?"

Fang Zheng looked directly at Butcher Zhang.

(end of this chapter)