Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 64: Woman carrying tombstone


If it wasn't for some of them,

So could it be... the woman in that weird story returned to Gujing Village

But why is this woman not old

This story is only known to the older generation of villagers, but this woman is still twenty-seven or eight years old

For a moment, people were panicked, and the atmosphere of panic quickly spread among the crowd.

Among the crowd, Fangzheng frowned in thought.

He had been practicing all night last night, and he didn't notice anything unusual. Whether that woman...was another supernatural incident, or someone's deliberate prank, he couldn't make a conclusion prematurely.

Unless... that woman finds him...

He can only know by confirming it face to face.

He is just a martial artist, not those land gods in mythology, who can hide from any movement of consciousness, any disturbance within a hundred miles...

Half a day later, the village head and the driver approached Fang Zheng and the others. The village head told them earnestly not to go out at night.

At the same time, they began to discover that there was a live rooster hanging on the gate of every household in the village, with a red string tied to its leg, hanging on the door frame.

Even the old couple where Fangzheng was staying had a rooster hanging in front of their house.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Zhou, what is this?" Fangzheng looked puzzled.

"Why do I see everyone has a rooster hanging outside the door?"

Aunt Zhou is a typical simple, ordinary rural woman, her face is full of weather-beaten years, and her skin is a little dark. Aunt Zhou said kindly: "It was the village head who just brought people and informed us from door to door, saying that the We hang a rooster at the door."

According to Aunt Zhou, the rooster is a god in the countryside to guard the gate and ward off evil spirits. The rooster can ward off evil spirits, so that the evil spirits can't do harm, and the ghosts and ghosts will naturally retreat. Chickens are the best at suppressing evil spirits.

Since ancient times, the folks have always believed that the rooster is an auspicious thing that chases away the yin and guides the yang. The rooster crows from the yang, and the rooster is called the essence of the sun by the ancients.

This is why in traditional funerals and ceremonies, it is often seen that people use chicken blood to drive away evil spirits. There are also funeral burials, before the coffin is put into the soil, the filial son must first prepare a rooster and throw it into the grave. If the rooster flaps its wings and flies out of the grave, it means that the evil spirits in the grave have been driven away, and the coffin can be buried with peace of mind.

But there is another saying that chickens are the nemesis of poisonous insects, snakes and ants. The purpose of throwing chickens into the grave in advance is to drive away the poisonous insects, snakes and ants in the grave, so that the coffin bearers can go down into the grave without being poisoned by poisonous insects, snakes and ants. Sting to.

All these are enough to show the status of chickens as gatekeepers to ward off evil spirits in rural areas.

After listening to Aunt Zhou's explanation, Fangzheng couldn't help frowning in thought.

The people in the village already knew something and prepared in advance

Or is it just a simple superstitious activity in the countryside, just for psychological comfort and to stabilize the emotions of the villagers

Fangzheng was thinking while helping Aunt Zhou with some farm work.

One day passed, and the mountain road was still not cleared. The group of people was trapped in Gujing Village, and another day passed.

Night fell.

Tonight, Gujing Village is extremely quiet, even the barking of the dogs seems to disappear, and the whole mountain village is quiet, like a deserted ancient village sunk in the night.

The sky and the earth have just been darkened, and the whole village is already dead silent. In the past, at this point when the sky was just dark, you could still vaguely see villagers rushing to the door to chat, and villagers who returned late from farming. But today, everyone stays out of the house before nightfall.

Li Peng is a villager in Gujing Village. He contracted a farm, and every day he came home with a strange smell of livestock. Today, as usual, he wanted to take a shower and wash his face immediately after returning home from the farm.

But today's tap water pipes have extremely low water pressure, and the water output is very small.

Li Peng looked at the completely dark night outside the window, thinking why not dig a well in the yard to take a bath

But just before leaving the door, a scene could not help appearing in his mind, he not only opened the door to see the woman last night, but also answered the woman's question...

But Li Peng never believed in evil, he always felt that yesterday was a prank, not to mention that he just went out to get some well water in the yard in front of his house, so he boldly opened the door and walked towards the well water in the yard.

Li Peng's movement of opening the door alarmed the rooster hanging on the door. The rooster immediately thumped and clucked from its throat, which was a bit creepy and gloomy in the dark night.

"If you keep making noise, believe it or not, I'll kill you tomorrow and drink it with stewed ginseng chicken soup." Li Peng stared fiercely.

Afterwards, Li Peng walked to the well and began to put down the tin bucket to fetch water.


The sound of a tin barrel falling into a well.

Then Li Peng grabbed the rope and started to ascend.

Splash, the dark well water poured into the plastic bucket at the side at night, and Li Peng continued to pump the well water for the second time.

Wow, the well water was poured into the plastic bucket at his feet again. Just as Li Peng was about to continue digging the well water, suddenly, there was a sound of water dripping on the ground. Li Peng was taken aback, the water in the metal bucket had already Light up

Suddenly, tick.

The second sound of drops of water dripping on the ground.

Tick tock... the third sound.

The surroundings were quiet, and it was a night of complete silence, and the sound of the water dripping to the ground was especially clear.

It was only then that Li Peng realized that the sound of water droplets was not coming from the tin bucket in his hand, but from the direction behind him. Li Peng was startled and turned his head to look behind him.

Under the dim moonlight, in front of the window of his house, there was a black figure standing there.


"Who is standing there!"

"Is it some blind little thief!"

Li Peng was about to rush over in a rage, but he hesitated and stopped in the middle of the rush.

"It's you."

"You are the woman from yesterday."

However, Li Peng quickly discovered something was wrong. The woman was obviously dry last night, but tonight this woman was completely soaked, as if she had just been soaked by a heavy rain, and the water droplets flowed down her long black hair and skirt. , is dripping to the ground non-stop.

The place under his feet was already wet.

This wet woman stood motionless outside the window of Li Peng's house, with her face facing the window, as if... this woman was peeping through the window.

"Who the hell are you..." Li Peng asked, but the woman was still standing outside the window of his house, looking into the window silently, not saying a word, and not moving at all.

"Tell me, you, who are you..."

"As I said, I haven't seen any of your children..."

No matter how courageous Li Peng was, at this moment, it was pitch black and there was no one around, and facing this strange scene, Li Peng felt his scalp tingling.

At this time, Li Peng seemed to have vaguely noticed that the woman's wet summer skirt was tightly attached to her skin, and on her back, there seemed to be a group of tattoos.

Vaguely, it seems to be tattooed with a tombstone

Coupled with the blurred vision, it is easy to mistake it for a woman carrying a tombstone...

For some reason, when he saw the tattoo on the woman's back, Li Peng couldn't help being curious, and wanted to get closer to see what it was...

at this time!

Oh, oh, oh, the rooster that Li Peng hung on the gate suddenly thrashed violently...

the next day…

As soon as the genius came to light, all the people in the village who were still asleep were awakened by panicked noises and loud footsteps.

Someone rushed out to inquire.

Last night, two villagers went missing! !

(end of this chapter)