Here Lies The Wicked

Chapter 84: Cannibal Lake


The corpse fisherman is a tall man with muscles all over his body.

under the age of 25,

Facing the words of the sickly and frail man, the smell of gunpowder was strong as soon as he opened his mouth: "I thought the link masters were already dead, and they all starved to death on the street."

The implication is that when people go to funerals nowadays, they only look for embalmers. The ancient linkers have long been unemployed and starved to death.

The sick and frail man didn't get angry, and said calmly: "You corpse hunters, not only the flesh of your body smells bad, but your mouth also smells bad like meat."

This sentence seems to have violated some taboo, and it immediately stimulated the corpse hunter. There was a cold light in the corpse hunter's eyes, and he seemed to have a faint killing intent.

It is not for nothing that the ancients called the corpse hunter one of the most evil professions... Seeing that the corpse hunter and the linker were about to clash, suddenly, a heartbroken woman cried from outside the village.

I saw a few villagers helping a middle-aged woman back to the village. The middle-aged woman was already hoarse from crying.

Other villagers hurriedly asked about the situation.

It turned out that the crying middle-aged woman was named Lin Cuifeng.

Lin Cuifeng and her husband have two sons. Today, the youngest son drove a few goats to herd sheep near Longtou Lake. For some reason, one of the lambs accidentally fell into Longtou Lake. Lin Cuifeng's youngest son accidentally fell into the water in order to save the lamb.

At this time, an adult from the village passed by and rushed down to the lake to save people, but neither of them went ashore.

Immediately, a third person went to the lake to save people, but instead of saving people, all three of them drowned in the lake.

Today's Longtou Lake is full of evil, and as many people die as it goes down, Lin Cuifeng, who heard that her youngest son fell into the water and drowned, rushed to Longtou Lake in grief. people.

Hearing that Longtou Lake swallowed three lives, the villagers immediately talked about the lake, and it was rumored that there was a water ghost in the lake who asked someone to replace the dead ghost and wanted to be reincarnated.

"The three families have been hit hard." Tuhao Dong sighed.

Fangzheng couldn't bear it either.

"Fang Fang, what are you talking about, this is a corpse hunter who suddenly started his business in Longtou Lake Village, and specifically stated that he can go to Longtou Lake to fish for corpses. Did he already know something in advance?" Tuhao Dong lowered his voice, and quietly turned to Fangzheng. Said.

What the local tyrant could think of, the other villagers naturally thought of it too, and some villagers immediately went to the corpse hunter. As a result, no matter how hard the villagers tried to tell each other, the corpse hunters offered 10,000 yuan per corpse, and they never cheated and never bargained.

The villagers were angry, and even the family that rented the house to the corpse hunter wanted to drive them away, and the house was not rented. When the corpse hunter was attacked by the villagers, the most unexpected person suddenly stood up and took the initiative to rescue the corpse hunter.

It turned out to be the linker, that sickly frail man.

"His asking price of 10,000 is indeed not expensive at all. The corpse hunters I met asked for prices outside, at least two to three hundred thousand. The corpse hunter took a dark path, and he did have this ability. Go down to the lake Salvage the body."

After making a fuss for quite a while, I finally asked the corpse hunter to offer a price of 10,000 yuan per corpse.

The corpse hunter promised to recover the corpse at night, because he can only recover the corpse at night....

Fangzheng was surprised.

Longtou Lake at night is even weirder and more terrifying than during the daytime...

"Could this person be a liar or just out of his mind? There's no one who salvages corpses at night. Of course, it's more suitable to salvage corpses during the day, right Fangfang." Tu Haodong couldn't help but mutter to Fangzheng.

"Maybe it's his asking price of 10,000 yuan. He has some ancestral skills. I'm afraid he will be learned." Fangzheng replied casually while thinking.

Tu Haodong said with some disapproval: "It's just that salvaging corpses doesn't have too much technical content. What kind of ancestral craftsmanship can there be? Is it like in feudal superstition that chanting a spell, drowning corpses, can walk out of the lake by themselves? "

Tu Haodong's words reminded Fangzheng that the linker had mentioned a sentence at the time... The corpse hunter took a shady path. Could it be that the shady path used by the human leather boatman last night was to rely on the shady path at night?

And this matter quickly spread in the village, and every family began to discuss this matter after tea and dinner, during busy farming and spring plowing, and the villagers unanimously decided to go with them at night to see if it was true or not.

If it's a liar, just blow him out of the village.

The local tyrant Dong has a strong sense of curiosity, so he suggested to Fangzheng that at night, he would also follow him to see the excitement.

At night, the morning star is always the first one to appear.

Today's Longtou Lake is extremely lively, and a large number of villagers flock here, wanting to see for themselves why the corpse hunters have to stay until night to salvage the corpses.

Even Fangzheng and Tuhao Dong are here.

The other members of the crew, with surprise and curiosity in their eyes, also appeared on the shore of the lake, curiously looking at the dark lake surface under the night.

In the evening, thick fog rises from Longtou Lake again, covering the whole lake with a strange and mysterious veil, as if it has become another world of mist and silence.

It's like... a dead graveyard.

As the last ray of sunset sun disappeared, the sky was completely dark. Some villagers had already prepared a wooden boat on the shore of the lake. The corpse hunters boarded the boat without saying a word. One person and one boat gradually blurred on the lake. Disappeared in the thick fog.

On the shore, everyone held their breath involuntarily, nervously waiting for the result.

Time passed gradually, twenty minutes, half an hour...the corpse-hunter never returned. Gradually, the villagers lost patience. Even Lin Cuifeng's family and the relatives of the other two families who drowned because of saving people had given up. Immediate hope.

"Sure enough, I met a liar..." Before the villagers finished their words, suddenly, a black blurred shadow gradually appeared in the thick fog on the lake.

It was the corpse hunter.

He returned safely.

At the same time, there were three corpses of one small and two large that were whitened and swollen by the water on board.

As soon as the boat docked, the family members of the deceased threw themselves on the body and began to cry loudly, and the surrounding people also showed sighs and sadness.

But at this moment, the corpse-hunter, who was all wet, sat directly on the small wooden boat and said, "In addition to salvaging corpses, you can also help people cross the lake at night."

Is this planning not to leave and wait for business to come

Fangzheng was a little surprised, and couldn't help but look at this corpse hunter differently.

Last night, the ghost-man skinned boatman needed the help of a soul-guiding lamp to pass Longtou Lake safely.

But the corpse hunter in front of him not only didn't need the soul lamp, but even went into the water himself, and dared to salvage three corpses from the bottom of the lake...

Thinking of this, and thinking that there is an equally mysterious linker in the village, Fang Zheng's brow muscles twitched.

But that's not the point.

The point is, is this a taxi meeting Didi

Meituan is hungry

The corpse hunter grabbed the business and grabbed the territory of the human leather boatman


(The 2 are together today, the time is earlier than yesterday, is it a surprise, is it a surprise QAQ..)

(end of this chapter)