Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 16: You are also qualified to negotiate


Early the next morning, there were preparations at the door of Ren's house, and the family's guards, who usually would not be dispatched easily, were also ready to go. Their armor was no less impressive than the Royal Forbidden Army.

As the sun gradually rose, Ren Junyang, Ren Wenxu, and Ren Hanlin all dressed in fine clothes came out of the Ren family. This is to attend a royal banquet, and we still have to discuss the Queen Mother's birthday celebration and other major events.

This has been a long-standing tradition of the Mingyu Dynasty. When making important decisions, the emperor usually communicates with the other four heads of the family first, and communicates regularly every year. In the past, it was not their elders' turn to intervene in such matters. Ever since Ren Tianxing passed the position of family head to Ren Jie and established the family elders' council, Ren Junyang and others began to truly enjoy the treatment of the Mingyu Dynasty's highest royal banquet.

There, they discuss matters with the emperor and other major families to seek benefits for the Ren family. They are now enjoying and looking forward to this kind of banquet.

The Guards, which consisted of hundreds of people, were so majestic. Ren Junyang and the others waited for a full hour, but still no sign of Ren Jie.

"It's already this hour, and he hasn't come yet. I originally thought that I was too strict with him. Only last time... Humph, it seems I still can't let it go..." The second elder, Ren Junyang, looked up at the sun and angrily raised his fists. Smashed on his luxurious car.

"It's outrageous, it's getting more outrageous. The royal banquet is about to start, and there's no news about him yet." Ren Wenxu said very unhappy.

Ren Hanlin also frowned: "Captain Tong, where are your people?"

Sitting on a BMW in the front, completely wrapped in golden armor, the majestic person was none other than Tong Qiang, the captain of the Ren family's personal guard.

"Here we come." Tong Qiang's voice was low, as if he had no emotion at all. Fortunately, everyone was already used to him.

"Report!" At this moment, a fast horse came galloping in the distance. When Tong Qiang approached, he was only less than ten meters away and controlled at full speed. When others looked like he was about to hit him, he suddenly stopped five meters away. He stopped inside, and then directly clasped his fists on his horse: "The master of the family has given an order. The master of the family rushed directly to the palace, and the guards rushed there immediately."

"Boom...boom..." What the Guards want at this moment is spectacle. The unified movements and the sound of horse hooves are specially vibrating to make people think there is an earthquake, but just from Tong Qiang raising his hand, one hundred and twenty-six people The members of the Guards, one hundred and twenty-six horses working at the same time can tell how terrifying this team is.

"Tong Qiang... stop, give me..." Ren Hanlin saw them leaving and wanted to stop, but found that the other party ignored him at all.

"You...this is..." Ren Wenxu was so angry that his hands were trembling. In the blink of an eye, only their three luxury carriages were left in the originally spectacular team. However, at this moment, there was no longer the same luxurious and spectacular atmosphere as before. It feels particularly ugly to be alone.

Because they were attending the royal banquet and there were guards, they didn't bring their own people with them at all, but they didn't expect...

"Let's go..." Ren Junyang knew that Tong Qiang's character. The head of the family ordered him not to ask whether he was right or wrong or why. Now he still had to meet that playboy Ren Jie and ask him to give an explanation. Now this guy is getting more and more excessive. It seems that we need to have a good talk with him and let him know that he is not in power yet, and even if he is in power and the Elders Council exists, he cannot act arbitrarily.

It is very formal for the emperor to entertain the heads of the four major families at a formal banquet. Each head of the family can bring some members of his family to participate. Most heads of the family will bring the younger ones who are mainly trained by the family, so that they can feel the atmosphere, listen and learn.

In the square in front of the main entrance of the majestic and huge palace in the center of Mingyu Dynasty's Jade City, some people have already arrived first, all of them are outstanding juniors from several major families. Wen Zihao and Gao Peng of the Wen family, as well as the second prince Li Wenwu who came out to greet him, and Fang Yan, the commander of the Imperial Guard, also followed him.

"I heard that something happened to Fang Qi. Is it true? I have been locked up by my old man to study recently. If His Majesty hadn't held a royal banquet this time, I wouldn't even have a chance to come out and breathe. It's dark, it's dark." Wen Zihao's figure He doesn't look like a scholar at all. His face is broad and his hair is a little disheveled. If he weren't dressed very gorgeously, his temperament would be extraordinary. There is no stubble on his face, and he looks like someone who has just been released from prison.

"Her residence at Jade Emperor College was on fire. I really don't know anything else." Gao Peng still looked indifferent and elegant. Even in front of Wen Zihao and the second prince, he seemed very aloof. After finishing speaking Then he looked at Wen Zihao with a faint smile: "The Wen family has been ranked number one in one discipline for thousands of years. The head of the Wen family naturally hopes that Brother Wen can achieve greater glory. I believe that in the near future, the number five number one scholar in the Wen family will be remembered in history."

"It doesn't matter whether they are the number one scholar or not. Over the past millennium, with all kinds of troubles, there have been at least hundreds of number one scholars, but it doesn't matter how many of them have stayed in history. Just like Brother Gao, with your literary talents and I am ashamed of my knowledge, and if you hadn't met that pervert Lan Tian, you wouldn't have been able to win the top pick any time in the past hundred years, so this thing doesn't mean anything at all..." Wen Zihao waved his hand.

"Indeed, if it weren't for the blue sky..." The second prince on the side also turned to look at Fang Yan meaningfully.

"I am convinced." Fang Yan said cautiously. After all, unlike Gao Peng and Wen Zihao, he has not yet joined the officialdom. As the direct lineage of the five major families, he is the focus of training children. He can be free even if he is with the second prince. He is accompanying the second prince. The person who greets you has already entered the official position, so you must be careful about what you say.

On the one hand, he was careful about what he said, but on the other hand, he was also a little arrogant in his heart, wondering what nonsense he was talking to these dudes. If you walk all the way with your own skills, you will definitely trample them all under your feet in the future.

At this moment, a spirit beast vehicle suddenly approached in the distance. When the surrounding guards saw the spirit beast vehicle, they immediately straightened their bodies and paid attention. The spirit beast vehicle is definitely iconic in Yujing City. It is not enough. Even if someone with a certain status could get an ordinary spiritual beast, they would not be willing to let it pull a cart, and they would not dare to be so showy.

At this moment, the only ones who dare to drive a spirit beast car in front of the palace square, apart from the emperor, are the heads of the five other four major families. But why is there only one spirit beast car on this occasion

"Oh, earth spirit beast car, what are the Ren family doing? Ren Jie won't have his pocket money deducted, and he won't even have to go out with a pomp." The second prince seemed to be talking to himself, but anyone could hear it. The gloating tone in his words came out. But if you think more deeply, you will find that this sentence has a profound meaning, because the lavishness of the banquet is also a sign of the emperor's attention, which obviously means that he does not pay attention to it.

"Haha..." Wen Zihao said with a hearty smile: "Interesting, he is really... interesting as the head of the family."

Gao Peng also smiled faintly, thinking about some of the issues he had considered yesterday. After returning, he also looked through some of Ren Jie's previous information. The changes seemed to have occurred since Gao Fei broke his head. Has he really become more coquettish due to overstimulation and pressure, or has he always been hiding it before

The Wen family is gradually declining, and now only Fang Qi and Fang Yan are outstanding in the Fang family. Although Fang Yan is a direct descendant, he is not Fang Tianen's son. Fang Tianen obviously intends to cultivate Fang Qi, and Fang Qi has a close relationship with Lan Tian. Therefore, Gao Peng has always known that his real opponents are only Lan Tian and Fang Qi, but after all, Ren Jie has taken over as the head of the Ren family. The Ren family was at its peak in the hands of Ren Tianxing and is still the strongest even now, so Ren Jie has Gao Peng is also very concerned about the changes.

"Ren Jie, although you have not officially taken over the Ren family, you are still the head of the family after all. Moreover, the five major families are in the same family. Gao Fei and you are in the same class. You actually almost killed him by using dirty tricks. You must give our Gao family an explanation for this matter." Just as Renjie's spirit beast stopped, Gao Peng, who already had a plan in mind, suddenly spoke.

When Gao Peng spoke, Fang Yan, Wen Zihao and even the second prince couldn't help but be stunned.

No one expected Gao Peng to be like this. They all knew that Gao Peng was powerful. Even the emperor and the heads of several major families praised him highly, but they had never heard of any conflict between him and the dude.

Even when he was very young, he seemed to be looking down at a dude and was very mature. What does this mean today

Could it be that the Gao family wants to take this opportunity to do something to the Ren family...

"Explain, there really needs to be an explanation. The Gao family owes me five hundred thousand taels of gold and I haven't paid it back yet. Hurry up and pay me back." Ren Jie walked out of the spirit beast's car, followed by Iron Tower and Fatty. Gao Ren, and as soon as he came out, he reached out to Gao Peng and asked for money.

"Ren Jie, if you weren't really so bad, like mud, I would want to beat you up with my own hands, but it's a pity that you don't even have the qualifications to let me do it. You don't even have the courage to duel with Gao Fei. , he only fought with you with one hand. You are also the head of the five major families. Although you cannot actually hold power without the manipulation of several elders in the family, you have not learned anything about how heroic your father was back then. Money, if you are willing to fight Gao Fei openly, let alone five hundred thousand taels of gold, five million taels of gold is fine, and I will give it to you regardless of winning or losing, hey!" Gao Peng sighed softly after saying this! , shaking his head in disdain.

That feeling was ten times worse than scolding someone directly.

It looked completely like he was angry and stood up for his younger brother because he was beaten, but Gao Peng's consciousness was always paying attention to every subtle expression and change of Ren Jie.

Because this is very critical. If Ren Jie is really hidden deep and has the foundation laid by his father Ren Tianxing, then the risk index will definitely be no less than that guy Lan Tian. The five major families, including the royal family, have been strong and weak from generation to generation. When Ren Tianxing was around, the Ren family reached a peak that had not been seen in a thousand years. Although Ren Tianxing disappeared in recent years, he suddenly appeared and passed on the family head. For Ren Jie, there were problems within the Ren family and it was gradually going downhill. However, all major families knew in their hearts that at this time, there must not be another Ren Tianxing in the Ren family.

"Meal ticket boss, this grandson doesn't use curse words when he curses people. I heard that this kind of people are the most terrifying. They are bad but pretend to be noble. You have to be careful!" Gao Ren tilted his head, as if talking to Ren Jie He spoke quietly, but everyone could hear his words.

"Chi..." After hearing this, Wen Zihao couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The second prince rolled his eyes for a long time before he held back, thinking that Ren Jie was a top-notch man, and the people around him were indeed top-notch ones.

"Swearing?" Tie Ta scratched his head. He was relatively straightforward, and he didn't understand these convoluted things at once.

"That's right, this kind is the most damn bad. It's nothing compared to that Gao Fei. I know it in my heart. Let's see how the head of the family deals with him." Ren Jie also turned his head and said to Gao Ren very seriously, and He is more cautious than Gao Ren and his voice is very quiet.

Ren Jie's voice was generally difficult to hear from a distance, but it left the second prince, Fang Yan, Wen Zihao and the principal Gao Peng speechless for a moment.

At this distance, their spiritual consciousness can already cover it. Without the interference of their spiritual consciousness, they can hear even the smallest sound.

Is it intentional or something? Isn’t this too outrageous

"Take care of me? Ha!" Gao Peng couldn't help but laugh out loud. It was too nonsense. If this guy wasn't pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, he would really be like Gao Fei and the others, like a child who hasn't grown up yet. A dandy with nothing on his mind.

"Laugh, it's funny, isn't it? You think you are awesome, don't you, and you want to come here to teach me a lesson? Who are you? Laugh, I will make you kneel down and cry in a while." Ren Jie seemed to be taken aback. Gao Peng's smile was irritating, and he pointed at Gao Peng.

"I really want to see how you can make me cry, but unfortunately you are not even qualified to let me take action. Again, you are not qualified..."

"Qualifications, you are worthy of discussing qualifications with the head of my family here. Didn't I teach you that you juniors were brought here by the elders to see you? The imperial banquet is where the emperor invites the four heads of the family to discuss national affairs. You little brats came here to learn. Didn’t I teach you not to talk nonsense? Didn’t you tell me that if you talk nonsense here, you will be spanked? You want to talk to me about your qualifications? I'm taking the initiative, but you don't know who you are. Do you have the qualifications?" Ren Jie burst out before he could finish talking about his qualifications.

"Boom...boom..." At this moment, a uniform roar came, and the Ren family head's guards led by Tong Qiang had arrived.

"Come here, let me take down this bastard for my master." This is what Ren Jie is waiting for. Gao Peng gives people the feeling of a trap and a trap when he speaks, and the way he looks at people makes people uncomfortable. Ren Jie also You can feel his consciousness paying attention to you. This guy did it on purpose. He wasn't really a playboy like Gao Fei and the others, and it wasn't even really because of Gao Fei's incident. No matter what this guy's intentions were, he made Ren Jie very uncomfortable.

Just then Tong Qiang and the others arrived, and Ren Jie yelled.

"Yes." Tong Qiang, who was leading the way, agreed without hesitation. The next moment, he jumped up from his horse, appeared in mid-air, and grabbed Gao Peng directly from the air.

(End of chapter)