Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 76: Power that can be borrowed


not necessarily

Hearing what Ren Jie said, Tong Qiang was also stunned. They had been studying this problem for more than a day or two. They had been studying it before other people had an accident and wanted to use this on other people. Even Ren Tianzong was involved. , but there has been no result. Now Ren Jie... maybe

"This... is impossible. We tried all possibilities back then, even people who had practiced other different techniques, and even the old family master also participated in the research, but in the end we could only give up. Because besides the other party, Apart from cultivating the Vajra Indestructible Body, once this power is injected into other people's bodies, conflicts will occur, just like injecting true energy or even supernatural powers into other people's bodies. The contradictions and conflicts are very terrifying. "Although I know. Today's Ren Jie is no longer the same as before, but Tong Qiang still can't believe this, because he has the most say in this regard.

Back then, seven people practiced together, fought together, practiced together, and studied together. In the end, he was the only one left. He had been stuck in this realm for so many years. No one knew the situation of this indestructible body better than him.

Taking a step back, even if there are smart people who have other methods, how can others find a way to do something that even the head of the old family didn't understand back then.

Ren Jie did not answer Tong Qiang's words, but looked at the iron tower quietly for a long time. Because he was constantly calculating in his mind, thinking about the changes in the power within the iron tower that he had just seen. Except for Ren Jie, if it were another person, even a super strong person in the Yin and Yang realm would not be able to see as clearly as Ren Jie.

Because whether they are strong or super strong, although they are very powerful, they also have limitations. They are powerful and can see the changes in the power of the iron tower, but they cannot see the subtle changes in his bloodline and body, and they cannot understand the mystery of the ancient skills that condense various formations within themselves, nor can they see the subtle changes in the ancient skills. The wonder of tempering oneself can be said to be a simple borrowing of power, but it involves changes in many fields.

If it weren't for someone like Ren Jie, who understands everything after a comprehensive improvement in the realm, it would be impossible to understand anything.

The most important thing is that the Jade Emperor Technique practiced by Ren Jie is also an ancient skill, and its secrets are far beyond the indestructible body of the Vajra. After Ren Jie discovered the changes in the Iron Tower's body, he began to try to use his own power, constantly simulating various situations of the Iron Tower's body. .

Although he couldn't really try to cultivate this Vajra Indestructible Body, the Vajra Indestructible Body was indeed somewhat special in terms of enhancing physical strength, and Ren Jie gradually gained some confidence.

"Is it possible? You'll know if you try it. Come on, lend me part of the power you just had." Ren Jie waved to Tong Qiang, asking him to lend him part of the power of the Indestructible Vajra Body.

When Tong Qiang heard this, his head immediately shook like a rattle.

"No, this is absolutely not possible. No matter how small the amount is, it is only for people above the True Qi realm. Master, you have not reached the True Qi realm, so it is impossible to withstand this kind of power, and you have not cultivated the Indestructible Body of the Vajra. , this power will only cause damage to you, and..."

"Do you think I will still act recklessly now?" Ren Jie looked at Tong Qiang seriously, waved his hand to stop him from continuing, and said firmly: "This is an order, come on."

Looking at Ren Jie's eyes and listening to his final unquestionable tone, Tong Qiang suddenly didn't know what to say and could only nod in the end. But he was thinking in his heart that he must be on guard with all his strength. Due to the unique characteristics of the Vajra Indestructible Body, at critical moments, he would rather be injured than to draw out the power that was introduced into the family's body. He must not let the family owner suffer too much harm.

With this goal in mind, Tong Qiang tried his best to control his power to the minimum, and then carefully began to transfer the unique defensive power of the Vajra Indestructible Body into Ren Jie's body.

The iron tower on the side has taken the initiative to dissipate the power that Tong Qiang lent him just now, because in this way, he does not have to support this power that is several times greater than his own, and can also reduce some of the burden. His eyes are worried and nervous looking at Ren. Jie and Tong Qiang.

There are countless cultivation techniques, and there are all kinds of situations in legends, but legends are legends after all, and many things are far from real life. For the practitioners of the Mingyu Dynasty, it is unbelievable to share their own power with others, even if they just lend a part of it to others, but the ancient technique of Vajra Indestructible Body can do this.

"Boom!" Ren Jie felt a strong force rushing into his body, like a dam bursting and a flood rushing in. This power is not that sharp, but it is very strong and amazing. It is basically equivalent to the entire power of a person at the third or fourth level of the True Qi Realm.

It seems that Tong Qiang is already exerting all his strength to control and compress his power, but he doesn't know that Ren Jie has practiced the Jade Emperor's Body Refining Chapter. Although he has only just broken through to the sixth level of the Body Refining Realm, his body strength is still higher than the Jade Emperor's Body Refining Chapter. In the Body Refining Chapter, the unique tempering body is pressed, squeezed, and tempered, and it has become as powerful as the body of a person on the third level of the True Qi Realm.

This level of power, even with normal supply, Ren Jie's body can withstand. Not to mention that at this moment, Ren Jie has simulated the operation and changes of the Iron Tower Vajra Indestructible Body. Although the unique power of the Vajra Indestructible Body is very fierce, Ren Jie found that the various situations he simulated were like waterways, constantly flowing. Divert and control these forces.

Although there are still some discrepancies in some places, at least the power of the indestructible Vajra Body will not conflict with itself in the body. If there are a few things that are slightly wrong, Ren Jie immediately suppresses and adjusts them, and quickly makes them reset.

"Bang bang bang..." In the eyes of Tong Qiang and Tie Ta, they saw the power of the indestructible body entering Ren Jie. The golden light continued to conflict with certain forces in Ren Jie's body. Tong Qiang and Tie Ta saw that On tenterhooks, terrified.

Especially Tong Qiang, who was ready to take action at any time, but gradually they found that the conflict became less and less, and a layer of golden light gradually spread out on Ren Jie's chest, body, and arms. is this possible

No, it's impossible. How could the Patriarch do it? The old Patriarch was so powerful and smart in his decision-making. He tried it many times himself but couldn't control and utilize the power of the Indestructible Body. How could the Patriarch do it? Tong Qiang's mouth opened unconsciously, and he was dumbfounded.

It was done. The head of the family actually did it. He did something that they had been studying for many years but could not find any results. He did something that the old head of the family had not been able to do when he was in the Yin-Yang realm. It was so... so unbelievable.

If it weren't for the fear of disturbing Ren Jie, Tong Qiang almost wanted to shout loudly and ask Ren Jie how he did it.

No wonder, no wonder the head of the family said he had a way to help me. If that's the case, then...

Tieta was relatively new to it, so he didn't really think it was a big deal. He just felt a little strange because his father and Tong Qiang had both said for sure that only those who cultivated the indestructible body of the Vajra could achieve this. Could it be that The head of the family has also practiced cultivation, but this Vajra Indestructible Body has flaws!

Gradually, Ren Jie distributed the power of the Vajra Indestructible Body throughout his body, and he felt as if there was an extra layer of golden light inside his body. Although the power of this layer of cover was slowly draining away, it was extremely powerful, as if There is an armor in the body that contains all the strength of a fourth-level person in the True Qi Realm.

No wonder Tong Qiang said that he needs to reach the True Qi realm. It turns out that this puts a lot of pressure on the body. The Iron Tower body cultivates the Vajra Indestructible Body, which is much stronger than ordinary people. Although he has just reached the True Qi realm, it should be equivalent to the second level of the True Qi realm. Peak level. His limit is that he can withstand the power of the seventh level of the True Qi Realm, and he should be able to support even stronger powers.

In addition to these, Ren Jie also carefully analyzed the power of the Vajra Indestructible Body, including allowing part of the power to be guided into the energy in his body to feel its changes. Because this Vajra Indestructible Body is very perfect, he originally thought that it would take a while before he could help Tong Qiang and Tieta to modify and perfect this technique.

But at this time, he felt the power personally and coupled with Ren Jie's state, he already had some connections in his heart.

Ren Jie sat there, quietly feeling the power of the indestructible body inside his body, thinking about various problems, while Tong Qiang and Tie Ta stood guarding carefully.

As time passed, Tong Qiang became more and more horrified as he watched the power of the Vajra Indestructible Body inside Ren Jie's body gradually dissipate. Even if the iron tower withstood the borrowed power from the outside, it would be like bearing a heavy load, but the head of the family was not affected at all. How is this possible? The head of the house has not even reached the true energy realm. this too difficult to understand

Could it be that the master's body is stronger than those in the true qi realm? How is this possible? The master is only a person in the body refining realm and has not yet reached the perfection of the body refining realm. How can it be compared with a person in the true qi realm who possesses true qi? Still strong.

Although he was right next to Ren Jie, and he had seen many changes recently, saw the changes in the family head, and knew that the family head was no longer the same as before, he found that he still knew too little, too little.

While Ren Jie was sitting quietly thinking about the issue of the indestructible body of Vajra, Chang Laosi walked in from the outside. Because Ren Jie had given instructions, he would not be hindered from outside. Seeing Ren Jie sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard from a distance, Chang Laosi hurried over, but before he could get close to salute, he saw Tong Qiang's gesture, telling him to be quiet and not move. Only then did Chang Laosi realize The situation here was a bit special, so I nodded hurriedly and waited carefully at a distance without continuing.

"I see. No wonder I've been feeling weird and don't know where to start. It turns out that there were slight deviations in some places from the beginning. Although it's not very big, if you don't correct it, the stronger you practice, the bigger the problem will be." Finally. , after the power of the indestructible body in Ren Jie's body completely dissipated, Ren Jie thought for a while and finally figured out some of the problems.

As he spoke, Ren Jie looked up at Tong Qiang and Tieta and said, "According to what you said, this set of exercises cannot be practiced after reaching a certain level, and the strongest one among you has also reached the ninth level of the supernatural realm?"

"Yes." Tong Qiang nodded and said: "Although this set of exercises is incomplete, it seemed at the time that there was still a chance to break into the Yin and Yang realm. Otherwise, the master would not have let us practice, but problems still appeared after the practice. Everyone I will get stuck at different stages. Once I get stuck, it will be difficult to make any progress. I am relatively stupid. Although I was pretty good at that time, I got stuck at the third level of the magical power realm. My father, Iron Tower, was at the third level of the magical power realm. The one who got stuck on the sixth level. One of the seven of us got stuck on the ninth level of the magical realm. Maybe it was because my strength was relatively low and I was not qualified to carry out many dangerous tasks, so... "

Tong Qiang's last words became softer and quieter. For him, it was a shame to bring such an elite group of Guard brothers back to the family as an honor guard, so they were depressed for a long time.

"Wrong!" Ren Jie listened to Tong Qiang's words and said with a smile: "This has nothing to do with stupidity or cleverness. It's pure luck. You should be the best one among you."


Luck, or the best luck, where to start? Tong Qiang looked at Ren Jie in confusion, wondering why Ren Jie related this to luck.

"This technique is actually slightly different from the beginning. If my guess is correct, this should not be the original version, so your practice has gradually deviated from it from the beginning. If you are lucky, you have encountered a certain problem. If If you go deeper, you will get deeper and deeper. If you have been practicing for so many years, your mistakes are too serious and there is nothing you can do to correct them. Fortunately, you are stuck at this point, and it is easier to do it when Iron Tower has just practiced. "

"Wrong... the front part is very complete, how could it be..." Tong Qiang knows best, the front part of this set of exercises is very complete.

Tie Ta also scratched his head: "Master, what's wrong? Why didn't I notice it?"

"This mistake may not be a big mistake. It can only be said to be a misunderstanding. I also asked you to tell me the detailed practice of this set of exercises before. Now with your strength, I have confirmed it and found out There are indeed subtle mistakes. These mistakes are not felt in the early stage, but as one's strength becomes stronger, the problem becomes bigger. "Ren Jie wanted to tell them that two parallel lines can be maintained forever, but if one line is deviated. , no matter how subtle the deviation is, you can't see it in the early stage, but in the end it will be a world of difference. Unfortunately, this seemed difficult to explain, so Ren Jie simply explained it.

Then Ren Jie asked Tie Ta to bring a pen and paper, and wrote down some of the points and questions he had just thought about, and gave them to Tie Ta and Tong Qiang respectively, so that they could correct their own cultivation power from the beginning. Ren Jie believed that this correction would help It will be of some benefit to them, and they will feel the change when the time comes. After all, Tieta has been practicing for more than ten years, while Tong Qiang has been practicing for decades.

He had always thought of helping Tongqiang and Tieta to develop a set of techniques for them just like helping other people, but after personally experiencing the indestructible body of the Vajra, he found that it was no longer necessary. This Vajra Indestructible Body is definitely powerful enough. We just need to help them find out some details first.

"First go and see if what I wrote is valid. If you have any questions, feel free to tell me. We will make adjustments based on the situation."

"Yes!" Tong Qiang's voice trembled slightly, he bowed and left, holding two pieces of paper written by Ren Jie tightly in his hands. He was the one who saw most clearly the changes in the Guards with the help of Ren Jie. Originally, he thought that no one could help him because of the skills he practiced, but the family leader said that to him before, which made his heart ignite again. What was even more unexpected was that the hope would become a reality so quickly. He could not wait to find out what went wrong with the technique he had practiced for more than twenty years.

After practicing for more than 20 years, he had problems that had troubled him for nearly ten years. Today he had hope. Even though he had experienced hundreds of battles, he could not control his excitement.

Chang Laosi, who was standing by, didn't hear everything and didn't know what was going on, but he was also shocked.

Is the master instructing Tong Qiang, a person in the supernatural realm? This is incredible. Chang Laosi found that every time he saw his master, he would always be stimulated, and many things would happen that he could not imagine or even dare to think about.

(End of chapter)