Hermit Crab

Chapter 10: 010. Running away is the best option


010. The best option is to run away

Unexpectedly, as soon as he asked this question, Xie Xiaojiang suddenly stopped answering. He turned to look at Wei Yuhuan and said, "Boss Wei, why do you have so many questions?"

After drinking, his beautiful eyes looked even brighter and more energetic: "You are the only one asking me, can I ask you too?"

Wei Yuhuan looked at his innocent and fearless smile, and seemed confused for a moment. He laughed and said, "Ask whatever you want to ask."

Xie Xiaojiang thought for a moment and asked, "How old are you?"

Wei Yuhuan almost spit out his wine: "I'm thirty."

…This little thing has no respect for elders!

Xie Xiaojiang stared at his face and acted surprised: "Oh my god, brother, you look young too."

Wei Yuhuan: “…” Damn it, wait and see how I’m going to deal with you!

Xie Xiaojiang tilted his head and asked again: "What do you do?"

Wei Yuhuan: "Opening a company."

"You really are the boss." Xie Xiaojiang curled his lips, perhaps a little unconvinced, but this expression made him look like he was pouting and acting coquettishly.

The more Wei Yuhuan looked at the child, the more he liked him. He felt that the child in front of him really hit his sweet spot in every way. The anger in his heart slowly dissipated as they communicated.

Xie Xiaojiang: "How much do you earn every month?"

This question is so bold that it breaks the limit. In this line of work, the most taboo thing is to ask the customer how much money he makes. First, everyone is afraid of being compared. When it comes to making money, there are always higher mountains. Unless you are Jack Ma, you will be compared to others. If you make more than others, it’s okay, but if you make less than others, how embarrassing? Secondly, smart sponsors know that wealth should not be exposed. Even if he makes a lot, who are you? Why should he tell you? There are also some poor people who pretend to be rich. When people come to prostitutes, they must feel guilty and unhappy when asked by the prostitutes, "Do you look down on me?"

Therefore, no matter whether people earn ten thousand or hundreds of millions, you just need to praise them and make your boss happy, and you will have opportunities to make money.

Xie Xiaojiang didn't know the rules. Wei Yuhuan had just asked him how much his salary was, so he felt there was nothing wrong with asking.

Fortunately, Wei Yuhuan didn't bother with him, and thought Xie Xiaojiang was joking on purpose. He was really brave enough to ask all the questions he had just asked again. But Wei Yuhuan was not a pushover. If he couldn't handle this kind of kid, he would have no business being around.

"I definitely earn more than you," Wei Yuhuan paused, his tone suddenly becoming frivolous, "enough to buy you out."

"Buy it?" Xie Xiaojiang was stunned. His brain couldn't figure it out for a moment, so he asked, "How do you know how much money I have?" After asking, he realized that he had been tricked. People are not commodities, how can they be bought and sold

But it was too late. Wei Yuhuan continued to dig holes in his words: "Then how much are you worth?"

Xie Xiaojiang suddenly felt a little unsure of Wei Yuhuan's intentions. The two conversations just now made him feel that he was being teased... But shouldn't this feeling only be felt by women? He was a man, so why did Mr. Wei tease him

Because of that slight incongruity, Xie Xiaojiang's cheeks felt slightly hot. He stole a glance at the man next to him and thought, am I overthinking it again

On the side, Wei Yuhuan was staring at Xie Xiaojiang. The dim light cast an ambiguous orange color on his handsome face, which set off his red cheeks due to the alcohol, making him very attractive.

Wei Yuhuan didn’t know whether Xie Xiaojiang was drunk or not, but he himself seemed a little drunk.

"Don't you know how much you are worth?" He said the teasing words skillfully.

"I haven't decided yet!" Xie Xiaojiang got goosebumps when Wei Yuhuan looked at him. His dark eyes turned again, and he imitated him by adding some vodka to the beer, pushed it over and said slowly, "If you drink this glass of wine, I will tell you~"

Wei Yuhuan almost laughed out loud. This little thing is really good at learning from others!

Even though he was on the verge of getting drunk, and even though he subconsciously felt that this boy might not be as simple as he looked, but looking at Xie Xiaojiang's innocent face, Wei Yuhuan could not refuse the glass of wine, whether because of her beauty or for the sake of face.

He prides himself on having a good alcohol tolerance. He usually drinks with his grandfather, his brother, and when he goes out for social events, but he rarely gets drunk.

I chatted with Xie Xiaojiang for such a long time tonight, and he drank quite a bit. If he got drunk, Xie Xiaojiang would not be able to stand.

Wei Yuhuan said "OK" arrogantly, grabbed the glass, stared straight in the direction of Xie Xiaojiang, and drank the glass of wine bit by bit.

He bet that he could still drink this cup, that Xie Xiaojiang was also about to die, and that the other party would not be able to leave this door tonight...

But Wei Yuhuan overestimated himself in the end. After drinking this glass of wine, everything in front of his eyes began to shake.

"Can you... speak now?" He didn't realize that his words were a little unclear.

His rationality was gradually fading away, but Wei Yuhuan was still holding on. He pretended to be calm and stared at Xie Xiaojiang, trying to see this man more clearly.

Xie Xiaojiang was also looking at him, his big eyes flickering, and suddenly he came closer.

Wei Yuhuan was distracted for a moment, thinking that he might really be moved this time...

Xie Xiaojiang asked with a smile: "Boss Wei, tell me the truth, do you want to get me drunk?"

Wei Yuhuan: “…”

"Although I don't know why you want to force me to drink, I tell you, I won't get drunk~" Xie Xiaojiang curved his eyes, his eyes moved, and he didn't know how smart and cunning he was, "You know 'Yanghe Daqu', right? I was born and raised in Yanghe Town, and I was raised in a small wine jar. Boss Wei, you are far from being as good as me, hehe!"

Wei Yuhuan felt dizzy and didn't hear what he was saying at first. He only saw a pair of tempting lips opening and closing in front of him, which made him want to grab the person and taste him.

And when his slow brain finally digested the meaning of these words, the lust that had just been burning in his heart was suddenly overwhelmed by the anger that was burning in his chest!

… Shit, I got tricked.

Wei Yuhuan certainly couldn't admit that he was drunk. He was anxious to get back at Xie Xiaojiang so he grabbed Xie Xiaojiang's wrist and pulled him into his arms. He suppressed the turmoil in his heart with the last bit of rationality he had left and asked with a fake smile, "Do you know who you look like?"

"Ah?" Xie Xiaojiang was flustered by Wei Yuhuan's sudden action. He looked up at him, but saw a pair of deep eyes with some intense emotions surging in them.

Wei Yuhuan stared at him with a sinister smile, and said word by word: "Like, half a year ago, the thief who lived in my house..."

Xie Xiaojiang's whole body trembled, and the blood color on his face disappeared in an instant!

He struggled with his wrists twice but failed to break free. The drunk Wei Yuhuan couldn't control his strength, and his palms held him tightly like iron clamps.

In a panic, Xie Xiaojiang raised his knee and pushed it between Wei Yuhuan's legs!

With a scream, Wei Yuhuan accidentally let go of him, and hunched over with a distorted face.

The scene was in chaos. Xie Xiaojiang knew he was in trouble. He was shocked and frightened. He didn't care how the situation would end, let alone whether he could keep his job. People had come to his door. The next step was to go to the police station. What were he waiting for? Run!

Wei Yuhuan realized that he was about to run away, and shouted breathlessly: "Catch... catch~ him..."

Shao Qi and the other man were both drunk and had no idea what was happening. By the time they realized what was happening, Xie Xiaojiang had already run out and disappeared.

Wei Yuhuan covered his lower body, feeling like his internal organs were about to explode...

Damn it, you're running again. I'm not going to hand you over to the police, why are you running? (sf□′)s┻━┻


The next day, Wei Yuhuan sat in front of his desk with a sullen face, and a thick gloomy atmosphere shrouded him.

"Uh, Mr. Wei..." Li Xiuya couldn't help but remind him to prevent the expensive pen in the other person's hand from being broken.

Wei Yuhuan signed with a flourish, pushed the document aside, and said in a cold voice, "Get out."

Li Xiuya: “…”

After Xie Xiaojiang ran away last night, Wei Yuhuan, who was already too drunk to get up, fainted from anger.

When he woke up in the early morning, he found himself being sent to the hotel by Qi Muying and others. He didn't even take off his clothes and just lay there all night. Because of the hangover, his whole body was sore, especially the place where he was kicked last night, which seemed to still hurt...

Thinking of that extremely embarrassing experience, veins on Wei Yuhuan's forehead throbbed!

—Xie Xiaojiang, our feud has become serious. No matter whether you are straight or gay, I will fuck you until you cry for your parents. Then the three words "Wei Yuhuan" will be written upside down!

Shao Yongyang sent him a message early in the morning, saying that they had talked to Manager Wang last night, but it was late, they had drunk a lot, and they didn't know where Xie Xiaojiang had gone, so they had no idea where to find him. Manager Wang apologized repeatedly and said he would give them an explanation as soon as possible.

But Wei Yuhuan waited for a whole day, from dawn to dusk, but still didn't get any response!

He called Shao Yongyang and asked him as soon as the call was connected: "Is there any news? What did Mr. Wang say? Where is Xie Xiaojiang? "

Shao Yongyang: "Hey, brother, please slow down, you are talking like a machine gun, I don't know which one to answer..."

"Then tell us one by one!" Wei Yuhuan angrily interrupted Shao Yongyang's rambling.

Shao Yongyang shuddered and said guiltily, "No news yet."

"What? A whole fucking day has passed! Still no news? Is that Wang guy a vegetarian?" Wei Yuhuan went crazy, and his roar almost broke Shao Yongyang's eardrums.

Shao Yongyang held the phone far away, frowned and said, "I'll go and ask them again! I'll go and ask them!"

Shao Yongyang, who was very angry, answered the call from Manager Wang and immediately vented his anger: "Manager Wang! Is there any news? I have been waiting for a whole day, and you still have nothing to say to me? Where is Xie Xiaojiang?"

Manager Wang uttered an “Ouch” and immediately explained in a low voice: “Boss Shao, it’s not that I’m ignoring you. I’ve been looking for that guy for a whole day but couldn’t find him! I couldn’t get through to him on the phone, and when I went to his dormitory, I found that he had packed up and left. It is said that he didn’t tell anyone when he left, and Xiao Ding, who shared a dormitory with him, didn’t know... Boss Shao, please tell me clearly, what did he do to Boss Wei last night? Why are you so angry? Is Boss Wei sober now? Or I should apologize to him on behalf of Xiao Xie... "

Wei Yuhuan passed out drunk last night. Shao Yongyang only yelled at Manager Wang to find the man and give an explanation, but he did not tell him what Xie Xiaojiang had done wrong.

However, Shao Yongyang was a fool. He only wanted to make the matter more serious, so he made up a story with a mixture of truth and lies: "Apology is useless! That little guy kicked my brother's vitals! He lay in the hospital all night last night. If he becomes paralyzed, will you be responsible? Can you afford this fate?"

Manager Wang was sweating coldly after hearing this. Who would kick someone in the vitals for no reason? Besides, Xie Xiaojiang was so smart and well-behaved, he didn't look like a violent person. "This, this shouldn't be the case, right? Did Boss Wei touch Xiao Xie first..."

"Bullshit!" Shao Yongyang interrupted the other party before he could finish his words, "How can my brother be that kind of vulgar person? Let me tell you, it was Xie Xiaojiang who offended my brother before, and my brother came here last night to ask him for punishment. Xie Xiaojiang is absconding for fear of punishment!"

Manager Wang: “…”

But Manager Wang couldn't find Xie Xiaojiang right now. Even if Shao Yongyang scolded him, he still couldn't explain to Wei Yuhuan.

"Wait a minute, we will be there soon, and you can explain to my brother in person!" - It would be better to let Wei Yuhuan fire directly at Manager Wang!

Afterwards, Shao Yongyang drove to pick up Wei Yuhuan to go to "Hanbao". When Manager Wang saw Wei Yuhuan's gloomy face, he felt weak all over: "Hey, Mr. Wei, Boss Wei, I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry..."

After a full minute of apologizing, Manager Wang repeated to Wei Yuhuan what he had just said to Shao Yongyang on the phone: "I was thinking of giving him a good scolding tomorrow when he comes to work, and at least deducting half a month's salary from him, but Xiao Ding said that all his luggage in the dormitory is gone. Sigh, I think he doesn't even want to work anymore!"

A place like "Hanbao" has many people coming and going. There is no three funds and five social insurances, and no security. Who would regard the job here as a long-term meal ticket? Therefore, when signing a work contract, they are particularly careless. They just look at the ID card and generally hire directly as long as the person has a decent appearance, is not missing any arms or legs, and is not a wanted criminal on newspapers and TV.

So if someone doesn't want to work anymore, they can leave without going through the resignation procedures. Just to prevent employees from leaving suddenly and causing chaos, the salary of "Hanbao" is usually paid half a month late. If you leave without saying goodbye, you will not receive the salary for half a month.

Manager Wang calculated that last month's salary had just been paid two days ago, and the guy made another 1,000 yuan in extra money last night, so he wouldn't lose anything even if he ran away!

He sighed in his heart, and at the same time glanced at Wei Yuhuan's crotch with a worried look on his face, his eyes could not hide his sympathy: "Um, Mr. Wei, is your injury serious? Are you okay now?"

Wei Yuhuan was stunned for two seconds before he reacted, and glared at Shao Yongyang fiercely, almost burning two holes in the other person!

Shao Yongyang twitched his lips awkwardly and whispered: "I just want to put some pressure on him..."

No man could bear this kind of questioning. Wei Yuhuan's clenched fists were covered with blue veins. He forced himself to calm down, looked at Manager Wang, and asked through gritted teeth: "Doesn't Xie Xiaojiang have any friends who are familiar with him working here?"

Manager Wang's eyes lit up. How could he have forgotten such a crucial clue!

"Yes, yes, yes!" Manager Wang hurried to check who was close to Xie Xiaojiang. As a result, when he asked, a row of young girls stood out, all of them were beautiful, even Xiaotao, who accompanied him drinking last night, was among them.

Wei Yuhuan ground his teeth even more vigorously.