Hermit Crab

Chapter 2: 002 The cuckoo takes over the magpie's nest


002. The cuckoo takes over the magpie's nest

The apartment is located in the building with the best view in the whole community, backed by a group of buildings and overlooking Fengjiang River. It is named "Quexi Pavilion".

In order not to block the view of the back row, this building has only eight floors.

Wei Yuhuan bought the third floor, which is known as the golden third and silver fourth, which just fits the meaning of "a beautiful girl in a golden house".

There are two households on one staircase. Go upstairs and turn left. 0301.

The rapid development of City S was accompanied by environmental problems that could not be solved in time. The air quality was very poor. When Wei Yuhuan was in New York, his car was still as bright as new after a month of driving. After returning to China, he had to send it for cleaning every two or three days. Presumably, the house had been uninhabited for half a year and was already covered with dust.

Fortunately, the community has its own housekeeping service, and just one phone call will have a part-time cleaner come to clean your house.

Wei Yuhuan took out the key - after Cong Yuan ran away, he still carried the key to the house with him, which showed that he still had subconscious fantasies about her.

He had prepared himself to see a desolate and bleak scene in the house, but unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he was greeted by a clean and refreshing smell, and every window and desk he saw was clean and spotless.

The living room is on the left when you enter the house, and the kitchen and dining table are on the right. On the dining table is a large plate of what looks like fresh stir-fried pork with green peppers.

A white T-shirt was drying on the balcony connected to the living room. The window was half open and the thin clothes were swaying gently in the river breeze.

Wei Yuhuan was stunned, thinking he had gone to the wrong place, so he stepped out and took a look at the house number.

But if he was wrong, the key in his hand would definitely not be able to open the door, and this move would be obviously stupid and unnecessary.

Wei Yuhuan stood at the door, not knowing what expression to use to face everything in front of him.

Because this place doesn't look like a cold house that has been vacant for half a year. Instead, it is full of life!

Yes, the breath of life.

Wei Yuhuan was puzzled for a moment, and suddenly his brows relaxed - could it be that Cong Yuan still lives here

What else could he think of besides this possibility

He didn't even realize that Cong Yuan didn't take the spare key of the house with him when he left.

Wei Yuhuan happily took out his cell phone and dialed Cong Yuan directly.

Having not been in contact for nearly half a year, Cong Yuan did not seem to expect Wei Yuhuan to call him again. He pressed the answer button without giving it much thought. Now that the call was connected, he was a little stunned and just stood there in a daze without saying a word.

This reaction undoubtedly gave Wei Yuhuan the wrong signal, causing him to say frivolously, "Baby~"

Cong Yuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly blurted out: "Who are you calling?"

Wei Yuhuan thought he was making fun of him: "Tsk, you still have such a bad temper."

Cong Yuan: “…”

Wei Yuhuan walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator casually - hey! There were two tomatoes frozen inside!

He bought the house thinking that Cong Yuan would live here at least until graduation, so he paid for the water, electricity and network facilities for two years at once.

"I didn't know you could cook!" Wei Yuhuan teased.

Cong Yuan calmly reminded: "Wei Yuhuan, did you dial the wrong number?"

"How could that be? Aren't you Xiaoyuan?" Wei Yuhuan was overjoyed. He thought this kid was so funny. He turned around and walked around the table. He directly reached out and picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. He nodded while chewing, "Your cooking is pretty delicious!"

Cong Yuan on the other end of the phone was getting more and more confused, thinking, Wei Yuhuan is rich and handsome, but why does he seem to be a little bit stupid

Wei Yuhuan went to the living room and sat down on the sofa. He was distractedly thinking about the young body he had tasted only once, and asked, "When will the get out of class end?"

Cong Yuan: “…Ah?”

Wei Yuhuan's tone became a little more serious, but still gentle: "I asked you when you will be home. I'm back and will wait for you at home."

Cong Yuan couldn't stand the other person talking to himself anymore: "Wei Yuhuan, are you okay?"

Wei Yuhuan: “…”

Cong Yuan: "What cooking? What going home? If you want to play, go find someone else. Stop pretending in front of me!"

Wei Yuhuan then realized something was wrong, "Isn't it you?" He paused and asked, "Chunjiang Huajingyuan, the house I bought for you, didn't you come to live in it?"

Cong Yuan yelled angrily: "I already said I don't want to play with you anymore, who wants to live in your shabby house!"

Now it was Wei Yuhuan's turn to be confused. Just as he was about to ask a few more questions, he heard a beep in his ear. Cong Yuan had hung up the phone!

He said "Hello" twice, looked at his phone, and was stunned for a moment.

Cong Yuan didn't lie, he wasn't the type of person who would lose his temper.

And judging from Cong Yuan’s reaction just now, the people living here must have nothing to do with him.

But if it’s not Cong Yuan, who could be living here

Only myself, Cong Yuan and Li Xiuya know about this house. Li Xiuya has been with me in the United States for the past six months and there is no way she would come here...

Wei Yuhuan stood up suddenly and finally realized what had happened.

—Someone broke into a private house and took over its nest!

He suddenly felt a chill on his forehead, as if a thorn was on his back. The piece of meat he had just eaten was like a mouthful of poison, stuck in his esophagus, unable to move up or down.

Wei Yuhuan walked around with a sullen face, and began to check carefully inside and out, trying to find some clues. He also called the community security guard to ask him to come up.

The quilt in the bedroom was neatly folded, and a worn nightgown hung by the bed.

It was Cong Yuan's birthday that day, and Wei Yuhuan only bought some necessary bathing products and bathrobes and pajamas, in addition to cake, red wine and roses, and they were all in pairs - I didn't expect that this little thief would dare to wear Cong Yuan's clothes!

He entered the bathroom and saw a rag-like towel and a piece of Safeguard soap next to the sink. He shook the shower gel and found that the bottle was almost full, not a bit less.

Wei Yuhuan went to the balcony again and pulled off the T-shirt that was as thin as a rag. It was clean after washing, but there was a label with "Iced Black Tea" printed on it, and there was a tear at the seam of the shoulder.

Wei Yuhuan twitched his lips, and the slightly romantic thoughts that he had originally had about Cong Yuan's clothes disappeared completely.

Although Cong Yuan came from an ordinary family, he always looked neat and handsome every time we met. How could he be so shabby as to wear such a tattered iced black tea T-shirt!

Wei Yuhuan returned to the living room holding the "physical evidence" and just in time the security guard knocked on the door. He immediately started yelling angrily.

"You pay thousands of yuan a year in property management fees to a high-end, civilized community full of intellectuals and university professors, and you actually allow people to break into private homes! Are you blind? How do you manage this?"

If this happened under normal circumstances, Wei Yuhuan wouldn't have gotten so angry.

The key point is that after experiencing a series of blows yesterday, Wei Yuhuan, who was already in a bad mood, made a fool of himself in front of Cong Yuan today, which was simply adding insult to injury!

"I bought this house with cash, and I haven't been here for half a year. Today, when I opened the door, I found out that I had no idea who the hell was living in my house! Do you know how I feel now?!" Wei Yuhuan threatened viciously, waving the torn T-shirt in his hand, "If you don't give me an explanation, you'll all be laid off!"

The head of the security guard was so scared that his face turned pale. He apologized timidly and made excuses in a humble voice: "Mr. Wei, we patrol no less than ten times a day, and we really didn't find anyone coming in illegally. Besides, you haven't reported to us for half a year, so how would we know if there is anyone living in this house? If you had reported it, we would definitely keep an eye on it... Of course, we are also responsible for such things. Um, you didn't lose anything important, right? If you did, it would be a burglary, and we must call the police."

Although "breaking into a private residence" is considered a crime, it is useless to call the police if the perpetrator cannot be caught. Ordinary citizens who encounter such unfortunate things can only change the door locks and install anti-theft doors and windows to strengthen their vigilance. There is no other way.

Nothing was lost. Wei Yuhuan had carefully prepared the house and he only lived there for one night, so he had no time to buy anything.

There are all the valuable furniture in the house, including TV, refrigerator, and washing machine.

Besides, even if something was lost, Wei Yuhuan didn't care about the small amount of money. What he cared about was the safety issue.

"It doesn't matter what was lost, but if a stranger can come and go freely in my house, how can I live here peacefully?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The security guard nodded repeatedly and quickly called the staff in the security room, asking them to retrieve all the surveillance videos that could show the entrances and exits of the house, and asked Wei Yuhuan to go over and watch them together.

Generally speaking, the security guards know all the residents in the community, and couriers, decorators and other personnel must register to enter, so the people coming and going are basically familiar faces, unless there is a sponsor like Wei Yuhuan who only comes once every six months, that is another matter.

The security guard recognized the figures one by one and said, "These are all common residents. There are no suspicious people!"

Wei Yuhuan angrily said, "That little thief has settled down in my house. Didn't you see he even hung out his clothes to dry? He even fried pork with green peppers! There's even a bottle of cheap peanut oil in the kitchen. He might even come back to fry some tomatoes tonight! How could this not be common?"

The security guards were speechless and watched the surveillance videos of non-entrances and exits. If someone climbed over the wall to get in and they didn't notice it before, they would really be in trouble for their jobs.

But after staring at the screen for a long time, they didn't find anything unusual. Not to mention people climbing the wall, there was not even a wild cat climbing a tree!

The security guard was also a little depressed at this moment, and muttered: "Mr. Wei, did you give the key to your house to some acquaintance or friend and forget it yourself?"

Wei Yuhuan: "Bullshit! Don't I know who I gave the house key to?"

security guard:"… "

The security guards were helpless. Looking at the attire of the homeowner surnamed Wei, he did not look like someone who was easy to mess with. Plus, the Mercedes-Benz he just drove in was also high-end. Evaluating the value of homeowners' cars was a common pastime for the security guards.

Besides, the average price of this river view community is so high, and it has been vacant for half a year without anyone living in it or renting it out. This shows that the Wei family is very rich, and they dare not offend them!

"How about we go to Quexi Pavilion and knock on every door and use the process of elimination to see who is the suspicious person in the video?" The security guard suggested cautiously, "Or we can just put up a notice downstairs saying that someone broke into a private residence at 03:01, so that other residents can be careful and alert. We will also increase patrols these days..."

"You guys are making such a big fuss, how could he be so foolish as to fall into your trap?" Wei Yuhuan's eyebrows jumped as he pointed at his brain and said, "He has been illegally living here for so long without you finding out, so he's much smarter than you!"

The poor little security guard was almost crying because of the scolding. He wanted to kneel down and call Wei Yuhuan "Uncle": "Mr. Wei, what do you say we should do? Otherwise, I will accompany you to your house and wait. You said that the thief cooked food and hung clothes to dry. I guess he will come back at night. When he shows up, we will arrest him!"

In fact, Wei Yuhuan had thought of this method, but he was in the open while the enemy was in the dark. The other party knew the way to invade his house very clearly, but he didn't even know what the other party looked like or when they entered and left. How could he play this game

Wei Yuhuan thought from the other party's perspective. If he were a thief, he would definitely observe whether the real owner of the house had returned before entering or leaving. If he saw any clues, he would probably run away. So if they were to wait at home, they couldn't turn on the lights at night...

… Damn, is this a spy movie

It's fine if they come and get caught, but what if they don't come back overnight? What if they don't come back for a day or two? Are they just wasting time here? Isn't that stupid!

There is no point in calling the police. These days, unless it is a major theft case, the police won't care about your little thing. They will just ask you to go through the procedures, but it won't solve the problem at all.

Wei Yuhuan had just vented his anger on the security guard and now he had calmed down a little.

He narrowed his eyes, rolled his eyeballs like an old fox, and said, "Check out the best security equipment company in City S!"

The young security guard didn't understand what was going on and said "Ah" stupidly. Wei Yuhuan smiled and said, "The surveillance cameras outside can't capture it, can't I take a picture from inside?"

He immediately contacted the security company and selected their most advanced 24-hour micro-surveillance equipment, each worth tens of thousands of dollars. Wei Yuhuan didn't even blink and bought five at once. He had them installed in every corner of the room, even the bathroom!

Then, he put everything back to its original state, including the torn T-shirt that he had almost rubbed with several holes in, which he smoothed out and hung up again. He even asked the security guard to wipe off the footprints on the ground with a tissue, and then told everyone not to alert the enemy.

There was only that plate of green pepper and pork slices with a piece of meat stolen from it, and Wei Yuhuan couldn't guarantee whether the other party would notice something was wrong.

Before closing the door, Wei Yuhuan glanced at the house which was exactly the same as when he first entered, and said with a sinister smile: "I don't believe that we can't take a picture of the true face of this little thief. When we have evidence, we will see where he can run!"

The security guard following behind him wiped the sweat off his forehead, thinking, this rich man who is always vindictive is the one you should never offend...

He didn't know that Wei Yuhuan was usually a very generous person and usually wouldn't take action himself when encountering such things.

It's just that the little thief was unlucky and ran into trouble!